Okay folks, what techs do we need to get Railroad soon? How do we get steam engine and mass produced steam?
I'd say we need to invent copyright law and patent law and let people go ahead with inventions for days, but I don't see the "get IP laws" in the options list so far.

IP laws can be rather counterproductive to innovations since inventors can potentially spend more time suing each other as opposed to inventing shit and investing in businesses, especially since inventions are built on previous innovations.

And since IP are monopolies, it's a rather fertile area for rent-seeking, lobbying, and all sort of other shenanigans.
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[X] [War] Stayed neutral (2x)
[X] [Rounds] Begin Industrial Age play
Adhoc vote count started by Finite on Feb 25, 2018 at 6:13 PM, finished with 145496 posts and 92 votes.
Your latest iteration says that "Every 2 points SoL above Consciousness, increase Happiness by 1 Point" and "When Standard of Living is less than Consciousness, reduce Happiness by the difference until balance corrected"; the bolded part could be removed without loss of clarity.

You won't consider just dropping that penalty? Does there really need to be a special mechanical effect to of high happiness?

...we can just manufacture Political Support out of thin air? Wouldn't we just start churning Political Support, same way we did with Divine Power back in Amber Age?

You'll note that there is a cap of 10 PW currently. This is basically if you can't quite figure out what to do, you can stash support away for a turn to when you will hopefully have more of whatever resources you need available. For some more sophisticated governments, actively building it up can be more useful, so the action is kind of included for the sake of completeness at this point.
There is a PW cap, so we can't have more than 10 at a time.

Granted, that still means we should take 2 Build Support actions every turn, as it's effectively free PW after the first turn of investment.
We may well have better things to do with actions than produce resources and may find it tolerable to limit PW spending to 5 per turn.
[X] [War] Offered support to the Hespranxer Republicans (no major allies, UPM currently making supportive noises but has no capacity to interfere) (0.1x)
[X] [Rounds] Begin Industrial Age play
Why is the vote so weighted so badly considering it was us who sent the revolutionaries?

I know the reason is the war, but 0.1 is brutal
This is basically if you can't quite figure out what to do, you can stash support away for a turn to when you will hopefully have more of whatever resources you need available.
Whatever the intention, right now Build Political Support is an action mill; the player incentive is to keep it primed to generate as much actions as we can make available given the total PW cap. Frankly, I think it would make an unfun mechanic, and urge its removal or modification in the strongest terms.
[X] [War] Offered support to the Hespranxer Republicans (no major allies, UPM currently making supportive noises but has no capacity to interfere) (0.1x)
[X] [Rounds] Begin Industrial Age play
Why is the vote so weighted so badly considering it was us who sent the revolutionaries?

I know the reason is the war, but 0.1 is brutal
The reason is that the political fallout with our allies for supporting the revolutionaries would be so bad that our leaders are massively against it. Generally, supporting a bunch of people cutting off the heads of nobility will not engender good will with Monarchies.
Pretty sure we can take as many actions as we Political Will to spend, so we're literally buying more actions with Build Support

Spend 5 PW to generate 10.
Max 10 PW, recover 0 PW at end of turn.
Do 10 PW worth of actions in second turn.
Do 10 PW worth of actions over 2 turns.

Spend 5 PW on actions.
0 PW, recover 5 at end of turn.
Spend 5 PW worth of actions.
Do 10 PW worth of actions over 2 turns.

Now, where this is useful is having PW available when you go into the mid-turn you have extra in case you need it and don't generate what you need through events, and if you increase your PW cap through tech or government change. Also, while I will say that standard government PW recovery does not overflow, if you gain extra PW through events or decisions and you are already at max, it instead converts into Temp Consciousness.
Spend 5 PW to generate 10.
Max 10 PW, recover 0 PW at end of turn.
Do 10 PW worth of actions in second turn.
Do 10 PW worth of actions over 2 turns.

Spend 5 PW on actions.
0 PW, recover 5 at end of turn.
Spend 5 PW worth of actions.
Do 10 PW worth of actions over 2 turns.

Spend 2 PW to generate 4. Spend 3 PW on actions
4 PW, recover 5 PW at end of turn.
Do 9 PW worth of actions on the second turn
Do 12 PW worth of actions over 2 turns.


Spend 2 PW to generate 4. Spend 3 PW on actions
4 PW, recover 5 PW at end of turn.
Spend 2 PW to generate 4, Spend 7 on actions
Do 10 PW worth of actions over 2 turns, and repeat for 7 PW worth of actions in every subsequent turn.
[X] [War] Offered support to the Hespranxer Republicans (no major allies, UPM currently making supportive noises but has no capacity to interfere) (0.1x)
Y'know what would get aristocrats from the Scottish to the Inca sending their kids to be educated? Complimentary smallpox vaccination with every enrollment.
Spend 5 PW to generate 10.
Max 10 PW, recover 0 PW at end of turn.
Do 10 PW worth of actions in second turn.
Do 10 PW worth of actions over 2 turns.

Spend 5 PW on actions.
0 PW, recover 5 at end of turn.
Spend 5 PW worth of actions.
Do 10 PW worth of actions over 2 turns.

Now, where this is useful is having PW available when you go into the mid-turn you have extra in case you need it and don't generate what you need through events, and if you increase your PW cap through tech or government change. Also, while I will say that standard government PW recovery does not overflow, if you gain extra PW through events or decisions and you are already at max, it instead converts into Temp Consciousness.
But you can also:
Spend 2 PW to generate 4 and do 3 PW worth of actions
4 PW, recover 5 PW at end of turn
Spend 2 PW to generate 4 and do 7 PW worth of actions
Add in spending in the midturn and you potentially increase your PW spent on generation to 3 or 4 per turn.
I'm curious, what happened to the Dragon Generals bloodline and to savants like her?

Her bloodline disappeared into the general "noble" class at the time. While less tolerant than in ages past due to reduced resources to throw at such extravagences as keeping around neurodivergent individuals with problems taking care of themselves, savantism remains a cultural fascination and there are generally attempts to see what purpose the Divine has put such individuals in this world for before letting them starve or die of exposure.