Huh. You'd think it would be more along the line of the mad flailing around and screaming in terror that preceded the War of Spanish Succession.

I mean, why? As far as our neighbors know we're not going to be going to war directly with them (and unless something crazy happens with this vote, we won't be) and this didn't really increase our ability to fuck with them indirectly like we've been doing this whole time anyway.
[X] [War] Offered support to the Hespranxer Republicans (no major allies, UPM currently making supportive noises but has no capacity to interfere) (0.1x)
[X] [Rounds] Begin Industrial Age play
Inserted tally
Adhoc vote count started by Random Member on Feb 25, 2018 at 5:39 PM, finished with 145474 posts and 88 votes.
Okay, so...
@Academia Nut , is claiming Kyberia about claiming all of it or only closer part of it?

If the latter, then our overall gameplan seems to be:
1. Spam Trust.
2. Spam Siberian frontier so that Nohon cannot colonize Far East.
3. Beeline Railroad so that we can utilize said frontier.
4. Pump Education.
5. Keep up Monsoon Trade.
6. Build Suez Channel sometime later.
7. Periodically start another war between European powers.
8. Finish the Liberalism thingie and deal with consequences without rebellion or reactionary win.

That's....about the gameplan for the next 60 years I think?

With this in mind....sigh.

[X] [War] Stayed neutral (2x)
[X] [Rounds] Begin Industrial Age play
[X] [War] Joined in on the Alliance to Restore the Monarchy (major participants: Vortuga, Sketch, Tortun, Etal, Halvyni) (1x)
[X] [Rounds] Begin Industrial Age play
[X] [War] Stayed neutral (2x)
[X] [Rounds] Begin Industrial Age play

Best to heave to; jumping straight to space would be a bit jarring I think and deny us a chance to shape the culture in this critical moment. (we'll probably fuck it up though)
The population of Russia for 1800 was 33 million people. Poland 12,000,000. 36,000,000 Ottoman Empire.

Superior Ymaryn medicine.
Having cholera cure and sanitary theory is a hell of population booster.

If we still preserved vaccination, 100 millions is more of underestimation if anything.

The closest parts of it. It will be around for a while, so at the moment just claiming more and more of it will be the most efficient method of having more Development available.

got it
so Underdeveloped Hinterland is not going away for, uh. Until mid-20th century? Will see.

But we need to manually boost Education then.

Okay folks, what techs do we need to get Railroad soon? How do we get steam engine and mass produced steam?
I'd say we need to invent copyright law and patent law and let people go ahead with inventions for days, but I don't see the "get IP laws" in the options list so far.
That looks workable, was trying to decide where to best put it.
Your latest iteration says that "Every 2 points SoL above Consciousness, increase Happiness by 1 Point" and "When Standard of Living is less than Consciousness, reduce Happiness by the difference until balance corrected"; the bolded part could be removed without loss of clarity.
Somewhat, but Happiness maxes at 10, so it can't go any further. I am looking at what I am writing down already and going "Need to simplify, but how?"
You won't consider just dropping that penalty? Does there really need to be a special mechanical effect to of high happiness?

Build Political Support - 1 PW: +2 PW
...we can just manufacture Political Support out of thin air? Wouldn't we just start churning Political Support, same way we did with Divine Power back in Amber Age?
...we can just manufacture Political Support out of thin air? Wouldn't we just start churning Political Support, same way we did with Divine Power back in Amber Age?

There is a PW cap, so we can't have more than 10 at a time.

Granted, that still means we should take 2 Build Support actions every turn, as it's effectively free PW after the first turn of investment.
[X] [War] Offered support to the Hespranxer Republicans (no major allies, UPM currently making supportive noises but has no capacity to interfere) (0.1x)
[X] [Rounds] Begin Industrial Age play

Do You Hear the People Sing?

Do you hear the people sing?
Singing the songs of angry men?
It is the music of the people
Who will not be slaves again!
When the beating of your heart
Echoes the beating of the drums
There is a life about to start
When tomorrow comes!

Will you join in our crusade?
Who will be strong and stand with me?
Somewhere beyond the barricade
Is there a world you long to see?