s this possible with shorter Industrial Age turns? Sitting on the fence and reconsidering our neutrality if/when someone makes themselves Monarch of Not!France? Or even using our network of salon intelligentsia to help push any noteworthy prospects of seizing power so we can get to negotiating?

Yes, industrial turns will be 4 years between main turns, with a mid-turn reaction and the possibility of higher granularity in decision making during crisis points like wars.
[X] [War] Stayed neutral (2x)
[X] [War] Joined in on the Alliance to Restore the Monarchy (major participants: Vortuga, Sketch, Tortun, Etal, Halvyni) (1x)
Would we not be more likely to get a royal marriage with Not!Napoleon if we support Not!France from the beginning instead of staying on the sidelines?
Not really. And it would take a hell of a scenario for Not!Napoleon to turn down a potential bride from us. Like the Emperor of the Tortuns making the same offer, and even then he might still see the Gylruv-Ymar candidate as the better offer.
[X] [Rounds] Begin Industrial Age play

the lighting rounds where fun, but let's see if we can get back to normal turns. don't have a strong opinion on what to about the French revolution. Though I suspect if we stay neutral learning from their attempt at democracy will be one of the first things we can do.
[X] [War] Offered support to the Hespranxer Republicans (no major allies, UPM currently making supportive noises but has no capacity to interfere) (0.1x)
[X] [Rounds] Begin Industrial Age play
[x] [War] Stayed neutral (2x)
[X] [Rounds] Begin Industrial Age play

The way I see it there are two ways this goes, without a military genuis like Napoleon seizing power Revolutionary Not!France collapses before the shit show that is the Napoleonic aware truly unfold.

If Not!Napoleon does crown himself... we'll then what better way to give a newly crowned Emperor legitimacy than happily marrying him into another Emperor's family. Do what the Austrians did but go even further with full intent of creating an alliance and cooperating with him.

@Academia Nut is this possible with shorter Industrial Age turns? Sitting on the fence and reconsidering our neutrality if/when someone makes themselves Monarch of Not!France? Or even using our network of salon intelligentsia to help push any noteworthy prospects of seizing power so we can get to negotiating?

Thing is, they are still Romans to everyone else's Greeks: absolutely batshit insanely ready to fight to the last man and woman.
Their will to throw bodies into grinder is likely unparalleled in this age, and with time experience grows; if they don't die initially, they can grow out the officer corps and discipline, combine it with their ridiculous national will to fight to the very end and get pretty scary resultant land army.
Thing is, they are still Romans to everyone else's Greeks: absolutely batshit insanely ready to fight to the last man and woman.
Their will to throw bodies into grinder is likely unparalleled in this age, and with time experience grows; if they don't die initially, they can grow out the officer corps and discipline, combine it with their ridiculous national will to fight to the very end and get pretty scary resultant land army.
Eh, the Revolutionaries were getting pretty ground down before Napoleon's coronation provided some intermittent peace.

Like the average soldier might have been relatively fanatic but guess who's still the rump officer corps? The nobility who much prefer their fellow aristocrats to the mob, can't provide any specific cites off the top of my head but IIRC the early republicans had to deal with a ton of sabotage from the general staff. One of the things that radicalized them.

In short, while the Republicans can probably wage a pretty hefty war that fucks up the rest of Not!Europe, I don't think they can threaten us without the likes of Napoleon seizing power. And we wouldn't quite be reactionary enough to further invite our own rebellions yet either.

So waiting until we can see a horse worth betting on and throwing our weight behind it seems pretty ideal in how to get involved in this.
[X] [War] Offered support to the Hespranxer Republicans (no major allies, UPM currently making supportive noises but has no capacity to interfere) (0.1x)
[X] [Rounds] Begin Industrial Age play
I am probably going to bust out Vicky 2 for a bit when I get home. Looking at Stellaris, I may wait for the 2.01 patch to drop before actually picking up Apocalypse.
You know, if Vicky 3 isn't going to come out this decade, this seems like a reasonable substitute for now.
[X] [War] Offered support to the Hespranxer Republicans (no major allies, UPM currently making supportive noises but has no capacity to interfere) (0.1x)
[X] [Rounds] Begin Industrial Age play

I know this won't win, I just want our people to consider it strongly.
salt my wounds some more will ya

I mean, one hopes they'll stop endless expansion packs to Ck2 and EU4 and start on Vicky3 some day...
Can't really blame them tbh. Vicky 3 means having to try accurately simulating capitalism again, which is an exercise in utter madness. And that doesn't even get into adding in inflation and fiat currency which was one of the biggest player demands for Vicky 2.
Can't really blame them tbh. Vicky 3 means having to try accurately simulating capitalism again, which is an exercise in utter madness. And that doesn't even get into adding in inflation and fiat currency which was one of the biggest player demands for Vicky 2.

Wait, you mean building endless wooden ship and luxury clothes factories when automobile is just discovered and the automotive sector has profit margin over the roof is not how capitalists are supposed to behave?
What's next, will you say that liquor factories are not endless well of money regardless of age?

Vicky2 is hilarious in that planned economy or state capitalism is more efficient than laissez faire since player actually knows which industries are more profitable while capitalists....don't.