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I apologize for all these questions, but I need to ask:

How much time would it take for the Daemons to reach the fortified road to Kislev? Would it be meaningful enough for some attrition to begin happening?

I assume that Daemons going back to the warp is not uniform and the longer we make them wait, the weaker they will be.
Could we have a fraction of the steam wagons cover the entrance and the others cover a path of retreat for said steam wagons?

Kind of like staggering artillery in real time strategy games so that one going down doesn't mean they all go down - and that anything attacking one will always be within effective range of another.
[x] Fortify the Karak entrance with the steam-wagons.
[x] Fortify the road to Kislev to keep the Daemons isolated from population centers.
[X] Harass the Daemons with cavalry to slow them down enough that they cannot reach population centers in time.
Have a tally
Adhoc vote count started by Aranfan on Dec 13, 2020 at 7:54 AM, finished with 153 posts and 36 votes.
[X] Fortify the road to Kislev to keep the Daemons isolated from population centers.
I like this one. We can bring out our steamtanks, it's in the pass, if we see the Daemons heading for the leyline then we can harass them to there.
Edit: Approval
[X] Harass the Daemons with cavalry to slow them down enough that they cannot reach population centers in time.
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[x] Fortify the Karak entrance with the steam-wagons.
[x] Fortify the Karak entrance, but keep the steam-wagons disengaged.
[X] Fortify the road to Kislev to keep the Daemons isolated from population centers.

I think this gives us the best balance. We hold the road, have our monstrous cavalry to deal with stragglers and a dragon to help deal with anything big.

We'll probably want to send some runners with warnings as well while we're doing this for extra security. Our Amber Wizard's Master's Voice spell could probably do that without costing us resources by grabbing some birds and attaching messages. If we want to spend more resources we can send our monstrous cavalry, given the delay they might even be able to rejoin us later (if there's not enough time for that then that's also less people to feed).

I apologize for all these questions, but I need to ask:

How much time would it take for the Daemons to reach the fortified road to Kislev? Would it be meaningful enough for some attrition to begin happening?

I assume that Daemons going back to the warp is not uniform and the longer we make them wait, the weaker they will be.

There's only about one day, maybe less, of daemonic marching between Karak Vlag and the Dukhlys Forest at the eastern edge of Kislev. The exact point to fortify will be chosen with maximizing daemonic travel time as one factor, but it won't be enough to decide things on its own so exactly how fortifiable it is will also be considered.

Could we have a fraction of the steam wagons cover the entrance and the others cover a path of retreat for said steam wagons?

Kind of like staggering artillery in real time strategy games so that one going down doesn't mean they all go down - and that anything attacking one will always be within effective range of another.

Doing it halfway is the worst of both worlds - you're weakening the amount of strength at the entrance while also not keeping the steam-wagons separate enough to be able to reliably withdraw if necessary.

Our Amber Wizard's Master's Voice spell could probably do that without costing us resources by grabbing some birds and attaching messages.

The commands of Master's Voice are immediate and short-term - you can say 'sit' or 'attack' but you can't give it instructions to execute over the course of several hours. You'd have to negotiate using The Talking Beast, and there's no guarantee they'll stick to their side of the bargain.
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I have to ask again, what stops a daemon army making a detour off the road by a mile and just passing behind an adjacent mountain while ignoring us? They can do so at night where fighting them would be madness.
I must have missed something. What changed between this:

Send a warning west, clog the Waystone, and move on.
Joerg, Gotrek, and Borek are in favour of this idea.

And these?
If Mathilde does the clog and Karak Vlag is about to pop back into reality, the Expedition isn't going to be continuing on its way until that situation is resolved.
There's no scenario in the world where Mathilde presents a plan that reclaims a Karak and Dwarves are like 'okay, cool, this isn't something we're particularly interested in, so we'll continue on our journey while you do that'.

As Dwarfs don't... seem to have a word for hope, or at least not one that the lexicon provides (fortune seems like the closest, but not quite right), I figure I'd go with the word for fear and say, like, banisher of it.
We at least have a compound word that contains 'hope.'
"It was a time that some call the Skedanbryn, the Stolen Hope.
[x] Fortify the road to Kislev to keep the Daemons isolated from population centers.
[X] Harass the Daemons with cavalry to slow them down enough that they cannot reach population centers in time.
I think the answer greatly depends on exactly what daemons will pop off. Fiends of Slaneesh move a lot faster than Daemonettes, and IIRC most Daemon Princes can fly.

Thing is, if they arrive one at a time we are already winning by picking them apart.

We need to do this using all the advantages we have. And simple attrition is the best advantage we can dream of.

If they have lots of fliers, though, we are screwed, because Arsanil and Deathfang are a single elf and dragon team.

I'm leaning towards the cavalry harass, actually. But with mages on the wolves and demigryphs too. Between Mathilde's Rite of Way and the Wizards trowing everything at the daemons, we would be pretty much set to delay or pick the demons away.

Plus, Mathilde can always pop in and go "Surprise Dragonfire"

We have a lot of tools.

Fake edit: I'll gladly take my chances with a day of daemon march. They will arrive pretty much exhausted, if they choose to come. We could even try to block the road too, because why not? We have an Ice Witch.

[x] Fortify the road to Kislev to keep the Daemons isolated from population centers.
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Wow. All this talk of how to carry it out is going to make things a little awkward if it plain doesn't work and everyone is standing around tense for hours to days. Fortunately this is Warhammer so better safe than sorry isn't unheard of.
Hmm, Mathilde is going up to clog the waystone, That might be risky to do one one's lonesome - shit happens, something something planner ect.

Can Hubert flying and/or Johann running keep up with Mathilde on her Mastered-Shadowsteed?

(Also, if shit does go down, seeing Mathilde, Hubert and Johann fight as a team sounds like it might be cool to see)
I have to ask again, what stops a daemon army making a detour off the road by a mile and just passing behind an adjacent mountain while ignoring us? They can do so at night where fighting them would be madness.

Even daemons would have trouble crossing through mountainous terrain at night.

I must have missed something. What changed between this:

And these?

Daemons having a limited clock and word being sent to Kislev for them to guard against them is the situation being resolved. Borek's in favour of it because he's laser-focused on Karag Dum and Gotrek's in favour of it because it means not having to fight in what he sees as an unfavourable location, but most Dwarves would agree with Snorri that this should be seen through.

We at least have a compound word that contains 'hope.'

'Bryn' literally translates as 'gold that shines in sunlight', or more generally as 'bright' or 'shining' or 'brilliant'.

Hmm, Mathilde is going up to clog the waystone, That might be risky to do one one's lonesome - shit happens, something something planner ect.

Can Hubert flying and/or Johann running keep up with Mathilde on her Mastered-Shadowsteed?

(Also, if shit does go down, seeing Mathilde, Hubert and Johann fight as a team sounds like it might be cool to see)

Yes, Mathilde will take sensible precautions like this without it needing to be specified.
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I have to ask again, what stops a daemon army making a detour off the road by a mile and just passing behind an adjacent mountain while ignoring us? They can do so at night where fighting them would be madness.
Um. If they want to bypass us and not fight us entirely, what stops them from doing that at the Karak gates too? Isn't it just as easy for them to do it there, too?

They could just take one of the secret exits, possibly one which we'll never even have line of sight to, and bypass the place entirely.

... In fact, this is arguably even more easy for them to do with the Karak; because, it being a Dwarf Karak, the Dwarfs likely expected a besieging army to be able to set up around their front gates at some point, and so made some of the exits be way the hell away or just breaking line of sight, so a besieging army wouldn't be able to see secret Dwarf runners leaving.

In fact, what do we do if exactly that happens? What if they ignore us entirely, and just run out to ransack some Kislev towns? I mean, not as likely, but.

... At minimum...

What actually stops them from splitting their forces, and doing both? Sending some to attack the expedition at the Karak gates, while sending some runners out via secret exits, and sending them on the road to the nearest Kislev city?

Why can't they do both? Attack the army fortified up at their gates, while sending some runners or raiders to go sack some villages? ((I mean, the answer to that could be "They're Daemons. Slaaneshi Daemons, at that. They're not going to be patient and avoid diving on the meal right in front of them." But in that case, that works more or less as well as an explanation for why they wouldn't bypass us on the road too, no?))
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