Every time someone in the Grey College starts trying to make
Ulgu do time manipulation, their future self comes back to warn them not to.
It's actually a fairly simple illusion that the College itself is enchanted with, but it works better than just banning it. The College is full of rooms that can be replaced if someone blows them up, but there's only one space-time continuum and the Grey College doesn't want to be responsible for replacing it.
I hereby request more Belegar quest. Including the reaction to our backstory.
"I'm getting really nervous about all these ??? rolls, guys. What sort of pirates are there out here? Is this a Dark Elf outpost?"
@BoneyM can I ask a theoretical?
Some of the Dwarfs know about Mathy's thing with Ranald (Belegar, Krigg, Gunner.) and after a while some of the more observant dwarfs notice these weird, half secret half 'nudge nudge wink wink' shrines she is funding and ask some drunk humans about it.
what might happen if they realised, rightly or wrongly, that there might be a connection between the weird wizard who worships a god of luck and the absurd good fortune of the dwarfs of K8P.
that maybe they did get divine patronage, just not from the ancestor god they expected. (or wanted)
how would they take that? if they did come to that conclusion. (Rightly or wrongly)
the regular dwarfs?
Clan Angrund?
how would Belegar take it, with him already having a crisis with the teaching of the ancestors?
I'm not expecting this to happen, but you know,
Humans being helped by human gods is human business. Similar to how Dwarves would take it really badly if an Elector Count started getting nosy about local Imperial Dwarves and their worship of the Ancestor-Gods.
For Ranald specifically, when Mathilde told Belegar about him there was a roll for how he'd interpret it, Ranger God vs God of Thieves, Liars, and Anarchists. Ranald certainly has aspects that Dwarves would disapprove of. But Mathilde's reputation lets her put His best foot forward.
All of them forever. The Phoenix Crown was declared as the duly exacted payment for the few thousand grudges leading up to and including the War of Vengeance/Beard. The only real ways to make them give it up would be to convince them that the War was in error (so make it so Ulthuan is no longer responsible for all those grudges), give them something of equal value to show the Elves have learned and are choosing to give payment to settle the Grudge, or by military force. None are very likely.
This is absolutely the case for getting the Crown to return to the Elves, but if Mathilde wanted to get her hands on it for non-Elf uses, there might be room for negotiation.
@BoneyM How does there being a tunnel from Und-Unzgar jive with only needing to hold the Gates and the path to Karak Drazth?
The tunnel to Und-Uzgar is to project force onto Death Pass and act as a possible sally point. It's narrow, surrounded almost entirely by solid stone, and offers zero cover. It could trivially be blocked if necessary, but it probably won't be because anyone foolish enough to enter via it will very quickly clog it with their corpses.
@BoneyM Would it be possible to dispatch rangers to locations other than Yar, Rhyn, and Zilfin?
It's possible, but considering there's three parts of the Karak with remaining uncordoned enemies, I'm not seeing why.
Isn't the Dragon's horde way high up in the mountain? Is he actually in a Dwarven Hall or a natural cave formation.
An exhausted mine.
Though, on that note,
@BoneyM When Belegar wanted stuff to handle Trolls, he asked Dreng to get handguns, of which we got 1,400+ from Karak Hirn thanks to Ulthar. Were they issued to the Izor Immigrants or Clan Huzkul? Since they were acquired for the task, they seem like what we'd want to send to clear out the rest of Karag Rhyn if they're available.
Huzkul. About one in ten are armed with handguns, but they're not skilled enough with them to be considered proper Thunderers.
@BoneyM From what I understand is that if mathilde scouts that the others would fortify the entrances behind her?
If the vote is to fortify, they'll fortify. If it's not, they won't.
(page 3821 and onwards will have to be caught up with in a bit)