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So to build on this lets describe what earlier experiments with multi-wind actually were because we have some WoG.

Now as context the way magic typically works is that the caster uses their soul as a nexus point drawing in the wind or winds of magic (If you're a swanky elf or slaan, alternatively if you're a crazy dhar using megolomaniac) they intend to use and shape spells via their willpower and their souls. Previous multi wind experiments in the college that we've been told about involved channelling one wind of magic, detoxing and then channelling the second wind of magic. All attempts to things this way ended up with corrupted casters that ended up on the dhar path.

from this we can learn/infer two things, channelling the winds of magic even if they don't create arcane marks will still have micro effects on the soul involved which makes small bits of dhar get created as the human soul is likely to mutable. Secondly that channelling more than one wind is never viable as a human even if you avoid arcane marks, at least with collegiate techniques that were created by Teclis (WOG here is that Teclis created a tradition of magic to make humans better able to mono focus winds.

We know that past human magisters didn't have the tools Mathilde does, we also know that the first 30 years of the colleges was mostly frontier journeying and combat with academic experimentation likely being at a minimum. We also know that for another thirty years the colleges of magic were banned again. So the amount of time the Colleges of magic have actually had to do pure experimentation is not nearly as long as you would think from the length of their existence. Wind-Wind interactions were soft-banned very early on because of the dangers of creating dhar and aren't allowed unless you've a good idea on how to circumvent dhar creation.

So to summarise, early multi-wind experiments were channelling (Not what we want) didn't have safety tools, and there wasn't nearly as much time that could have been dedicated to the potential research project.

So that covers the past but what about the future.

Mathilde has four things going for her that the average Magister (that is full blown wizard, not just journeyman) doesn't. She has magical senses as acute as Volans, She has a belt which destroys dhar before it can impact her even if she were to hug a daemon or juggle warpstone. She has a dwarven tower which blocks all the outside winds of magic allowing her to run magical tests with no outside interference so she can see more clearly what does and doesn't work and why and lastly she has the fundamental understanding of how necromancy uses Shyish tongs to manipulate dhar.

We know that the winds of magic interact in the wild naturally with out producing dhar, that's evidence of why it should be possible to influence one wind of magic with another with out creating dhar. High magic is an example of all eight winds being use concurrently and not making dhar (Softer evidence, i'll grant due to the possibility that it only matters if all eight are used)

I have to go for about an hour will edit post with more when I can.

Slightly (bloody work) late but lets get back to this.

We know there are other lores of magic which aren't high magic or mono wind magic and yet also doesn't make dhar specifically the Lore of Athel Loren now it's possible I'll grant that it's some kind of divine lore based around Ariel and Orion but given the Elven propensity towards divinity I don't think it's particularly likely even so we can set that aside because, In the wild for Dhar to be created requires specific circumstances, simply having lots of the winds of magic alone doesn't generate dhar, even storms of magic for instance don't do this even though the winds of magic would be interacting with wild abandon in crazy amounts. Quick warhammer history lesson, prior to the creation of the Great Vortex in Ulthuan during the time of the great catacylasm where in the warp gates broke down the world filled with magic to the point where daemons manifesting was utterly trivial and yet the world wasn't completely inundated with Dhar despite absurd storms of magic level concentrations literally the world over.

We know that the world wasn't filled with Dhar because if it was humanity simply wouldn't exist now.

This is why I think Ulgu tongs is plausible as a research project on how to get viable wind-wind interactions with out creating Dhar, the world already has naturally occuring interactions with out dhar forming. When Mathilde makes an error with her experimentation and accidentally creates dhar her belt will destroy it stopping damage to the environment and to her soul. Ulgu tongs at a distance stops her soul being damaged and creating micro marks of the wind she's trying to remote manipulate as opposed to what would happen from a person trying to channel two winds.

Lastly it's worth pointing to the miscast that Mathilde ripped from Gretel earlier in the quest. BoneyM confirmed that when Mathilde ripped the miscast from Gretel that was rapidly becoming a dhar melange that over 50% of the magic she pulled from Gretel was still Shyish (though becoming Dhar). That tells me that you can manipilate another wind with a wind with out all of it becoming Dhar. That's the starting point which we're working from, not that All of what you manipulate becomes dhar but 50% or less when manipulating another wind of magic in the literal worst possible circumstances.

Tell me that isn't reason to be optimistic about our chances and that it isn't reason to think the project is absolutely plausible if not potentially likely.
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[X] YAR: Make no move until you've scouted the Karag Yar battle.
-[X] Personally.
[X] RHYN: Assault the Trolls now.
[X] ZILFIN: Assault the mountain to slay any surviving Skaven.
[X] RHYN: Assault the Trolls now.
[X] ZILFIN: Assault the mountain to slay any surviving Skaven.
[X] YAR: Fortify and garrison all entrances to the mountain.
- [X] Clan Angrund, Throng of Karak Azul, Karak Izor Immigrants
- [X] Mathilde


I do hope we can get along with the dragon, at least on a detente level... both because I don't want to have to fight it, and because "fuck skaven" does seem to be a fairly good way to bond.

And I want to make sure none of the rats in Karag Yar get away.

How does there being a tunnel from Und-Unzgar jive with only needing to hold the Gates and the path to Karak Drazth?
As I understand it, it's because Und-Unzgar is held by the Undumgi, so it doesn't really count - the whole thing is counted as friendly territory.
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Going to note that in the event of a diplomacy interrupt with the Dragon, the existence of a million strong Ork Waagh less than a day away is a very strong argument for making nice with the group of stunties who can keep them away from its hoard.

Call it leveraged negotiations.
As I understand it, it's because Und-Unzgar is held by the Undumgi, so it doesn't really count - the whole thing is counted as friendly territory.
... What? That's like saying we don't need to hold K8P, because it's friendly territory.

If we need to hold Und-Unzgar to keep people out of the Karak, then we clearly don't need to hold only the Gates and the Underway to Drazth.
Something like-

[X] YAR: Fortify and garrison all entrances to the mountain.
- [X] Clan Angrund, Throng of Karak Azul, Karak Izor Immigrants
- [X] Mathilde
-[X] Grey Hellfire Tower on standby primed for Skaven, covering what we can of the Yar exits.

[X] YAR: Make no move until you've scouted the Karag Yar battle.
-[X] Personally
-[X] Grey Hellfire Tower on standby primed for Skaven, covering what we can of the Yar exits.
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[X] YAR: Fortify and garrison all entrances to the mountain.
-[X] Clan Angrund, Throng of Karak Azul, Karak Izor Immigrants
-[X] Mathilde

[X] RHYN: Assault the Trolls now.

[X] ZILFIN: Assault the mountain to slay any surviving Skaven.
Belegar Quest: "So if having the Liber Mortis gives her 1/3 bookkeeping... what are the other two she's looking for?"

"What do you mean, 'their hoard?' I am currently sitting on it, which makes it my hoard."
The thread may have forgotten but i still remember Mathilde chose to sleep on a warboss former treasure pile after infiltrating and assassinating him. I think she and the dragon will get along fine, even if the dragon might think it deplorable she converts that eternal gold to perishable paper if he learns of it.
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Lmao. Helping Belegar and retaking K8P is just another step on Mathildes plan to become god through the one historically confirmed way to do so. All to kick Sigmar in the balls.
The thread may have forgotten but i still remember Mathilde chose to sleep on a former warboss treasure pile after infiltrating and assassinating him. I think she and the dragon will get along fine, even if the dragon might think it deplorable she converts that eternal gold to perishable paper if he learns of it.
But it's a wizard dragon, and all wizards love books, whether they have scales or not.

Mind, a book made from gold would be the best as far as reptilian wizards are concerned. Just look at the Slann.
The thread may have forgotten but i still remember Mathilde chose to sleep on a former warboss treasure pile after infiltrating and assassinating him. I think she and the dragon will get along fine, even if the dragon might think it deplorable she converts that eternal gold to perishable paper if he learns of it.
Nah, Mathilde can explain that it's her own kind of hoard:
(From Uncommon Dragon Hoards)
[X] YAR: Fortify and garrison all entrances to the mountain.
-[X] Clan Angrund, Throng of Karak Azul, Karak Izor Immigrants
-[X] Mathilde

[X] RHYN: Assault the Trolls now.

[X] ZILFIN: Assault the mountain to slay any surviving Skaven.
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