@BoneyM if only we could reply to his open question.So, now that we have a bit more context for Belegar's stress what do you guys think is the best solution to reduce it? He seems to be considering 'why bother with the reclamation if I'm not after Grudges, if I can't uphold the ancestors, and my primary concern is keeping my people alive'.
"Your question is one we short-lived manlings have asked ourselves since our first days."
"Why did the old farmer plant tree's he will never see become a full orchard?"
"Why did that knight start a village that will not become a town, let alone a city, before he becomes dust in a grave?"
"Why would a King start building a fortress that will only be completed by the time he is half-forgotten by all but the academics."
"Its called faith Belegar, not necessary in the gods or ancestors, but in those that they watch over, that will come after us, our people, our children. that by passing on the tools they will need one day we will help them succeed in a way we could not.
"The farmer planted the tree so his children will be able to pick the apples."
"The Knight created the village so that his grandchildren will be safe and warm."
"And the King started the fortress so that the day his people needed it, they had it."
"My King... your right that you will probably never see a Karak Eight Peaks full to the brim with your people. but your actions today means that your grandson can hope too."
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