Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
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I'm not sure if I approve of this. You only killed it indirectly, seems unsporting.
We've already got one half-credit prize in our trophy collection.

Strigoi: Singing King's skull
von Carsten: Drakenhof gargoyle (half-credit, not a vampire skull; 0 credit if it turns out it wasn't a von Carsten)
Necrarch: Alkharad's skull
Blood Dragon: Rando skull (half-credit, didn't kill ourself)
Lahmian: Empty

We've almost got the basic set, then we can upgrade to full-credit versions of each.
So, now that we have a bit more context for Belegar's stress what do you guys think is the best solution to reduce it? He seems to be considering 'why bother with the reclamation if I'm not after Grudges, if I can't uphold the ancestors, and my primary concern is keeping my people alive'.
Give him symbols, I think. Show him that it's not just material concerns that help his people, but hope, and belief that the future isn't a monotonic decline into nonbeing.
If want places to spend our dwarf favor on, we can always ask some Runepriest in Zhufbar to rune our marksdwarf pistol. I believe 15 was the maximum amount, and that it can use more damage.
We want to save favour for next turn's Penthouse action so we can slap security on it.
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drops off

Not sure if an issue or just my own poor reading comprehension, but... "ancient wood closest" what?

What happened to the table? Did this small sapling start growing from it? Is that what's happened?
Some Jade battle wizard has caused the table to remember it was once a tree and spontaneously sprout a sapling at the section closest to the window as it seeks to drink in sunlight and photosynthesize
I can't wait for all the Battlewizards to go home and recomend working under Roswita to literally the entirety of the colleges of magic.
Hmm, once we've learnt queekish in the written form i'm kind of excited by the idea of just going on a trip into Skyre or Mors territory with a big sack and stealing books. All the books.
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[+10 College Favour from Mathilde's MAPP being developed and added to the curricula of the Colleges]

"They're like cats!" Roswita shouts, waving her arms out the window of the briefing room in the general direction of the battlefields of Sylvania. "Every day, someone with fire instead of hair or surrounded by birds or a skull instead of a face wanders in and drops of a Vampire skull or the head of some forest mutant or a cartload of bones and I say thank you and they act like I've thrown a party and named my firstborn after them, and they go off to find something even worse to drag back!
Wizards love headpats. Confirmed

The child stirs slightly as his tiny shirt is unbuttoned, and you prick a forefinger with a shadowchisel and draw a cross in blood above his heart. "Ranald greets you, Mandred. May this world bring you joy, and may you bring joy to this world."
One of us. One of us. One of us.

You don't witness the birth itself, though you're right there with Heidi's hand trying in vain to crush yours through Aethyric Armour;
Do people think we are friends? Are no questions being asked? Is this more Ranald fuckery? What's our cover story? *GASP* Are we an auntie now?!
You open the neck of the sack dubiously and peer in, and are presented with the sight of a great many simultaneous grins. "Ah."

"They're like cats!" Roswita shouts, waving her arms out the window of the briefing room in the general direction of the battlefields of Sylvania. "Every day, someone with fire instead of hair or surrounded by birds or a skull instead of a face wanders in and drops of a Vampire skull or the head of some forest mutant or a cartload of bones and I say thank you and they act like I've thrown a party and named my firstborn after them, and they go off to find something even worse to drag back! Look what they did to my table!"
"I was expected, I don't know
She subsides and scowls before admitting it. "Yes, and their Primar all the way here and said if we keep away the Vampires and the wizards, they'll pay taxes and accept whatever authority I put over them.
Huh, never heard of Primar as a title or form of address before. Is that an actual thing, or was it supposed to be "Primarch" or "Patriarch" or the like? If it was the latter, it would be confusing because the paragraph is also talking about Wizards and their College leaders are called Patriarchs or Matriarchs -- though it would still be a valid choice for the name of a village leader title, because titles can be reused and stuff.
"They're like cats!"

@BoneyM so uh, do the Battle Wizards think that Roswita is some sort of magicless wizard that can't hunt vampires for herself or something and that they are trying to teach her how as best they can?

Ooh. Good point. I do hope Ranald is taking extra care with him, saving some of that loot we got him for Manfreds rainy day.
Also, who needs romance now when we have a godson. I do hope everyone here is planning to be the best godmother ever to him.

To everyone, she is the Dammerlichtreiter, Wielder of the Secret Flame, She Who Is the Fear of the Dark, Supreme Matriarch of the Colleges of Magic dame Mathilde Weber.

To him, she is Aunty Tilda.
Huh, never heard of Primar as a title or form of address before. Is that an actual thing, or was it supposed to be "Primarch" or "Patriarch" or the like? If it was the latter, it would be confusing because the paragraph is also talking about Wizards and their College leaders are called Patriarchs or Matriarchs -- though it would still be a valid choice for the name of a village leader title, because titles can be reused and stuff.

Romanian for Mayor, if Google Translate is to be believed.

As hilarious as the Suddenly Cats bits was, I'm looking in there and going.

"Holy shit, Mathilde invented a spell that could be relatively easily simplified into Lesser Magic, only functionally needing one editing pass to reach that point"

People invent new bits of Color Magic all the time, Lesser Magic tends to usually be the product of decades of work, and then decades more simplifying it until the concepts can be expressed by any Wind of Magic. No fucking wonder it was worth 10 College Reputation to be the original designer, she functionally added a solid new tool to the arsenal of the Colleges of Magic.

Also, will admit, it's hilarious that we went from -1 to +15 College Favor just like that.
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Library Plan
[] [LIBRARY] Plan: Finding the Mines
-[] Skaven: Dwarven Esoteric
-[] Karaz Ankor: Imperial Esoteric, Bretonnian Extensive

Dwarven Esoteric: 150 gold, 4 dwarf favour
Imperial Esoteric: 150 gold
Bretonnian Extensive: 100 gold
Total expense: 400 gold, 4 dwarf favour
Out of pocket expense: 100 gold, 2 dwarf favour

This is a library plan that goes for maximizing our bonus to Skaven-related topics (from +9 to +12) and increases our Karaz Ankor bonus to nearly the maximum (from +4 to +9). Since we are dealing heavily with the skaven and with navigating difficult cultural issues for our dwarf allies, these both seem like really important pickups to me.

(See, the plan name is clever, because "Mine" as a noun means both "the thing that dwarves dig and skaven invade" and "a small buried explosive charge that will blow you to bits if you step on it because you didn't know where it was.")

Huh. What about human psychology? And halfling? And human-dwarf relations?
And dw-halfling and halfling-human?

I dunno what the level of abstraction is here, just throwing out ideas. :)
Any one think we should drop another bit of college favour on picking up the higher tier rarity books on the winds of magic as a whole or on the warp? if we're intending to work on AV soon we're going to want those.

Presuming the DF budget refills, it's much better to buy up to Obscure for now, and then next turn Esoteric, thus spending zero of our own favor.

It does refill but having that bonus ahead of time could be rather valuable.
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Romanian for Mayor, if Google Translate is to be believed.
Oh that is really neat then! I only quickly googled for English, and it said something like 'most important person', but it was for "prima." And I went "Huh, if you add an 'r' to that, that'd sound like a title! Could be deliberate then. Not sure though, so I'll ask."

I didn't think to think about it in another language, but that makes a lot of sense. Especially if it'd be Romanian.
"They're like cats!"

@BoneyM so uh, do the Battle Wizards think that Roswita is some sort of magicless wizard that can't hunt vampires for herself or something and that they are trying to teach her how as best they can?

nono see, it's better than that

cat's don't think we're incompetent kittens - they know full well that we're not cats. it's just that domestic cats are social animals, and their natural behaviour is to bring food back to the colony's larder. they think we're the clumsy colony members responsible for looking after kittens and doing strange human things that result in kibble.

the battle wizards don't think roswita is a magicless wizard who needs to be taught how to hunt for herself

they're adopting her as part of their colony
I definitely want to go deeper into spell creation. There's no reason the radar spells can't be translated into the other schools of magic.
Aww, but who will SUMMON THE ELECTOR COUNTS!! if Karl is now Mandred? Please tell me he will still have a good taste in names and have Deathclaw at the very least? Or should we task some of our Amber Wizard friends to go get him a baby Carnosaur?

As hilarious as the Suddenly Cats bits was, I'm looking in there and going.

"Holy shit, Mathilde invented a spell that could be relatively easily simplified into Lesser Magic, only functionally needing one editing pass to reach that point"

People invent new bits of Color Magic all the time, Lesser Magic tends to usually be the product of decades of work, and then decades more simplifying it until the concepts can be expressed by any Wind of Magic. No fucking wonder it was worth 10 College Reputation to be the original designer, she functionally added a solid new tool to the arsenal of the Colleges of Magic.

Also, will admit, it's hilarious that we went from -1 to +15 College Favor just like that.
I think everyone geeked over it back when the MAP was designed. The significant possibility of it being convertible to a lesser magic was told to us by WOG back then.
"Not at all, Lord Patriarch. I bring the best kind of good news."

A small smile twitches in the corner of his mouth. "The kind that would have been very bad news, except it ends with 'and you took care of it'?"

"Don't know where you'd get that idea." You take a seat across from him. "I speak, of course, of a full-blown Skaven civil war."

After a moment of thought, he sets the parchment down, and reality wrinkles for a heartbeat as it slides in the opposite direction of reality and out of sight. "You have my attention."
Oh this is exactly what I was hoping it would be!
"Pestilens, the rest of the Brotherhood, and Mors..." he leans back and stares into space, muttering to himself. "Shame we're only hearing about it in the aftermath, but still... Mousillon, Bastonne. The current Ambassador's a good egg, I'll have a word in his ear. As for here... Ubersreik, of course. And Nuln..." He refocuses on you. "This might be worth having a poke at the Conspiracy of Silence. I'll have a little word with people who'll have a little word with people. If it all ends in disaster pray you never hear a word of it again, but if everything goes as it should this might be a nice little feather in your cap. Needless to say, if your guest spills anything else of interest I want to hear about it."
Oh please don't be a disaster! I would feel really shit if this went wrong and I really want to see some Skaven get crushed!
He returns it. "You've become quite a credit to the College. Keep it up, young Magister."
SQUEE! We got complimented by Algard! best moment Patriarch!
She shrugs. "Magister Patriarch Feldmann says that Sylvania puts everyone on edge, so they're double-checking everything. He's at least sensible, and we've been working together to sort out proper deployments to keep everyone useful and intact.
Huh, do we know what college Magister Patriarch Feldmann is from? I don't remember if we have heard of him before. We have meet the Grey and Amber patriarchs and it was mentioned that Elspeth was the probable new head of Amethyst Order so their are 5 potential colleges... Maybe bright? They tend to manage battle wizard a lot.
Huh. What about human psychology? And halfling? And human-dwarf relations?
And dw-halfling and halfling-human?

I dunno what the level of abstraction is here, just throwing out ideas. :)
Psychology for a given race has been stated to fall under the general topic section for that race; we have +7 to humans and nothing for halflings.
Presuming the DF budget refills, it's much better to buy up to Obscure for now, and then next turn Esoteric, thus spending zero of our own favor.
It's more efficient. I don't think that makes it better. I want every bonus we can get for our prisoner.
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