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Original intent or not, actually making serious sieges impossible is in our grasp. Why the heck wouldn't we?

If you want an actual answer...

Because if we stop now then everything is functional and it works great. On the other hand, further improvements might succeed, might fail, and on a crit-fail might actually end up damaging the structure already in place.

I'm risk-averse.
I know guys you can stop reminding me T_T

Anyway, would "It's feature complete but I want to see if I can sand some of the edges off and get a bit more applicability in the edge cases" qualify as "Ongoing" or "Completed?"
Not really the place for it, but 'primar' comes from the Latin 'primarius' and is an old word, even if it wasn't used in its modern meaning until the 19th century

There was a lot of rediscovering of 'old Latin roots' by young nobles and intellectuals new-come from France. Strange how French a lot of them sounded. :V

Being as Latin as posibile was a rather politically charged thing in those day, but that particular part of Romanian history does not really apply to Silvania so probably best to end the conversation here.
You remain silent. If you were honest, you'd have to admit to having had similar thoughts. Only one in four Dwarven children were women, and it was a rare woman that would have more than four children, and she would usually be approaching her hundredth year by the time she does so. That was an awkward fit into a world where greenskins and Skaven and the forces of Chaos and other, more esoteric threats applied a constant attrition.
This seems like a Jade Wizard shaped problem.

Guess we will need to spend an action or two on inter-racial-relations after all.

I say thank you and they act like I've thrown a party and named my firstborn after them
This says some very horrible things about the Empire as a whole and its treatment of Battle Wizards.
Nice to see her worst fears have proven unfounded and that the Wizards are getting the job done.
Original intent or not, actually making serious sieges impossible is in our grasp. Why the heck wouldn't we?
I think you missread, making serious sieges impossible (at least above groud-level) was the goal and we made it.

I'm against sinking time, money and favor into trying for the flexibility to strike any attacker immediatly, we don't need the tower to be able to do that.
Huh. Just realized that Mandred the Second, named after Mandred Skavenslayer, is going to grow up being surrounded by cats. Something I find thoroughly amusing as it's likely going to be seen as an omen.
"I was expecting, I don't know, fire, floods, plague, having to repopulate Sylvania from scratch. Not this... weirdness! Part of Tempelhof got destroyed, and some of them rebuilt it, but refused to rebuild the roofs because 'why would they want the stars obstructed?' and they had to be led away to go bother the Strigoi."

this is hilarious. Also probably going to help deal with her magic phobia a bit. She was expecting death and fire and horror, she got weird. It's hard to hate and fear someone who comes off as dorks. Oh sure the sights of entire armies of undead being consumed in apocalypses of various flavors is going to act as a counterbalance that, but I suspect it's still going to nuder her feelings towards magic towards being more rationale about the risks and rewards.
We've already got one half-credit prize in our trophy collection.

Strigoi: Singing King's skull
von Carsten: Drakenhof gargoyle (half-credit, not a vampire skull; 0 credit if it turns out it wasn't a von Carsten)
Necrarch: Alkharad's skull
Blood Dragon: Rando skull (half-credit, didn't kill ourself)
Lahmian: Empty

We've almost got the basic set, then we can upgrade to full-credit versions of each.

While I disapprove of our previous partial-credit, my disapproval is slightly lessened since we were actually there to direct the cannons and counterspell. I'm not entirely opposed to creating a secondary shared-credit collection, but I feel that the ones she killed herself deserve pride of place over the ones she pilfered.
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If you want an actual answer...

Because if we stop now then everything is functional and it works great. On the other hand, further improvements might succeed, might fail, and on a crit-fail might actually end up damaging the structure already in place.

I'm risk-averse.
You make a valid point, and I'm sorry my only rebuttal is a joke.

But what about the dwarven cultural assimilation memes?!?!


Kidding aside while you have a point, I want to aim as high as we can, since it could drastically reduce future deaths. Which means a lowered chance of Belegar getting even more depressed.
So, now that we have a bit more context for Belegar's stress what do you guys think is the best solution to reduce it? He seems to be considering 'why bother with the reclamation if I'm not after Grudges, if I can't uphold the ancestors, and my primary concern is keeping my people alive'.
I think @DragonParadox hit the nail in the head: yes, what he is doing right now isn't going to make things better within his lifetime.

But he shouldn't be looking at it from that perspective alone, he should be looking at what K8P signifies for the Karaz Ankor: Hope.

The blood spilled here isn't erasing grudges, it's buying a ticket to a brighter future.
"What did he do?" you murmur back, watching the youth. You think you might have seen him a time or two, but even in the smallest and most important Clan in Karak Eight Peaks, you just don't have the time to put a name to every face.

"Nothing." He sighs. "Nothing, when he thinks he ought have done something. Battle of Karagril, thinks he didn't step forward fast enough and fix the shieldwall when the Dwarf in front of him fell. Battle of Karag Lhune, he kept his shield raised when he thinks he should have lowered it and swung. Battle of the Eastern Gate, he busied himself dragging to safety a Dwarf he thinks he should have known was dead."

The Slayer tradition is quite fucked up, and few things are more damaging to the Dwarven race. Doubting it is correct.

"Way the Karaz Ankor is, and has been for millennia, every Dwarf must a warrior, even those least suited to it. He had the deftest hand with a scrimshaw knife I've ever seen, could take a Skaven's fang and engrave into it the name and lineage of the one who slew it. But because he can't face battle, or perhaps because he thinks he's not good enough at facing battle, now he's going to dye his hair orange and get the proper tattoos and when he freezes up in front of a troll, he's going to be eaten. And for all the power of the crown, the most I can do is make sure he'll have easy passage at least as far as Zhufbar."

Skill and talent, thrown into the dumpster because it wasn't quite in the right shape.

"If I truly cared for the safety and future of my people, I'd have never sought the forces to accomplish this," he says quietly. "Clan Angrund, sure, Clan Angrund never allowed itself to settle down, and would have marched towards extinction if someone didn't find a way to succeed. But the others? The Norgrimlings were comfortable in Zhufbar. Helhein were celebrated in Karak Norn. The Bronzefists had their own mountain in the Vaults - not the biggest mountain, nor the richest, but it was theirs. And a dozen other clans either considering or in the process of uprooting for the home none of their ancestors for three dozen generations has seen. The Karaz Ankor is not hurting for space - the entire lot of us could fit within Karaz-a-Karak these days. So if we don't need the space, and I'm not seeking to expunge Grudges with Dwarven blood, and I'm unable to retake the home of my ancestors without abandoning their ways, what am I accomplishing?

Holy shit, Belegar.

These are problems. Dwarven society reproduces very slowly, and they aren't nearly filling out available space. Something to consider.

Onto much happier matters.

You don't witness the birth itself, though you're right there with Heidi's hand trying in vain to crush yours through Aethyric Armour;

Oooooh my god, did not think we would be at her side holding her hand for this, wow.

"I'd say so." You smile as a thought occurs to you. "How about Mandred?"

She bites her lip. "The Skavenslayer? Saved and united the Empire... I like it."

The child stirs slightly as his tiny shirt is unbuttoned, and you prick a forefinger with a shadowchisel and draw a cross in blood above his heart. "Ranald greets you, Mandred. May this world bring you joy, and may you bring joy to this world."

Aaaaaaaand we just named the probable future Emperor. Incredible.

You open the neck of the sack dubiously and peer in, and are presented with the sight of a great many simultaneous grins. "Ah."

"They're like cats!" Roswita shouts, waving her arms out the window of the briefing room in the general direction of the battlefields of Sylvania. "Every day, someone with fire instead of hair or surrounded by birds or a skull instead of a face wanders in and drops of a Vampire skull or the head of some forest mutant or a cartload of bones and I say thank you and they act like I've thrown a party and named my firstborn after them, and they go off to find something even worse to drag back! Look what they did to my table!"

Roswita was prepared for terrifying, she was not prepared for Weird. Pretty hilarious. Not getting eased into this.
I think you missread, making serious sieges impossible (at least above groud-level) was the goal and we made it.

I'm against sinking time, money and favor into trying for the flexibility to strike any attacker immediatly, we don't need the tower to be able to do that.
Right now, we can't stop seiges during a rainstorm, which could last arbitrarily long with help from magic. All we need is a way to banish clouds for an hour and we'd be good. Honestly, a second tower for a weather controlling mage (forget what colour that is) would do it.
I think you missread, making serious sieges impossible (at least above groud-level) was the goal and we made it.

I'm against sinking time, money and favor into trying for the flexibility to strike any attacker immediatly, we don't need the tower to be able to do that.
Yeah I just noticed I got it backwards. Gonna edit it real quick.

Edit: done
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This says some very horrible things about the Empire as a whole and its treatment of Battle Wizards.
We know that the treatment of Battle Wizards used to be quite bad. It has gotten better under Dragomas, who successfully pushed a transition from "they are terrifying weapons of mass destruction" to "they are people who have sacrificed their right to ever have lives of their own for the sake of the Empire"; they are viewed as noble martyrs by the political leadership, as far as I can tell, modulo the political leadership's individual opinions on magic and wizards. But that means that most of them remember being treated as nothing more than a weapon, and one that might well harm its wielder. So Roswita's position as "the leader on the spot," treating them like people who get thanked for doing a dangerous and difficult task, is deeply meaningful to the ones that predate Dragomas's tenure as Supreme Patriarch.
There was a lot of rediscovering of 'old Latin roots' by young nobles and intellectuals new-come from France. Strange how French a lot of them sounded. :V

Being as Latin as posibile was a rather politically charged thing in those day, but that particular part of Romanian history does not really apply to Silvania so probably best to end the conversation here.
I'd like to point out that this argument would hold more weight if the word for 'mayor' in French wasn't 'maire', so yeah.
Also, yep, conversation should end here.
Hmm, it's definitely got more to do with his state of mind, but couldn't Belegar's lifespan theoretically extend past the rebirth, re-fall and re-"getting swallowed by the sun in several million years" of K8P.

It's interesting, I wonder what dwarfs in general think of those who seem to have Stubborned their way to immortality, in the period where it's obvious they are one, but aren't at the 'living ancestor' point of automatic reverence.

There must be a protocol for what happens if a sitting king does The Thing, surely? You'd have a bunch of stagnation issues otherwise.
It's pretty tempting to pick up some Clear Sky items, but given the relatively small area they clear up it'd probably be more efficient to try and get a permanent enchantment attached to/ near the death beam, I just worry that the celestial juice wouldn't play nice with the tower as a whole.

I suppose if we get the item version we really only have to pop a hole in the cloud coverage to locate the sun and then another to get the tower angle correct for a sky swap. :V
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