arguably all she has to do is hire a human or imperial dwarf as a subordinate in charge of this part of the job that gives her the cliff notes of what's needed and she can just give him monthly agendas.
she is the Stewardship advisor. getting minions to do the parts that you cant is part of the job.
That is... adjacent to, or a smaller version of what I am hoping for. First off, the very shape of the problem makes it harder for her to solve by herself. It is not hubris to say this, but despite her low Diplo score, Mathilde is probably one of the best experts in human-dwarf relations, at least in the context of what is happening in K8P. Her help to set something up is actually extremely useful.
Second, I'm want something with a broader remit than a few helper people, I want to set up something that is like a sub-council or joint body between Stewardship and Diplomacy advisors that can help keep the place running well (and of course can assist with, uh, keeping a close read on the pulse of things

). [Read: Intrigue aspect also].
K8P, socially speaking is something
new. The same basic structure of the council as is, I feel, not enough to let stuff flow smoothly, not with the traits our stewardship advisor has - a well structured and staffed group with local community advocates can do more good and be much more proactive (and therefore needing less Mathilde time, or thread concern),
While you might feel that leaving it as is would be fine, or hoping Ella would sort it, I to use our unique position to set up something better and also useful in an intrigue sense which Ella would not think to do due to her cultural background.
I am hopeful that frontloading an AP now will be worth the investment and help avoid the chance of AP costs later and also just make K8P, as a
community that much more awesome, too.
I'll not nag about this too much, but I do intend to use whatever we learn in the upcoming social turn to promote this, and help expand on and better define my idea, and will officially ask
@BoneyM to add the idea to the options available, depending on how the social turn is expressed, for the next turn, unless the turn plan is now in which case I am asking now