@Boney Regardless of how it'll be perceived, which option does Mathilde believe will help the most people in Praag?
I'll know what Mathilde believes when the vote closes.
Hm, it's odd that nobody seems to have given Mathilde a straight answer to this question yet. We're here, in Praag, with a waystone, and two witches, and everyone is still keeping quiet about the nexus' location. I get that it's a national security issue, but surely someone should have told us by now?
Most of the people who knew Praag's secrets died in its defence, including practically all of the magic-users of the Fire Spire. The Ice Witches, who should be on top of that sort of thing, have been suppressed in Kislev for seven generations.
I do not buy that, not even a little bit, these things are too expensive to deploy in troll country and they are too expensive to deploy for marginal increases to the land fertility of northern Kislev. There is no way for Boris to grasp just how bloody expensive they are since he is not a magician so he is just wrong in wanting that as far as I'm concerned.
Marginal grazeland is barely better than nothing, but is hugely better than Chaos wastes.
I feel like our conceptions of the time scales involved are too different to make reasonable conversation about the pros and cons, then. I'm operating on the assumption that results will be visible next turn, and you've implied that you think it'll occur after a few decades.
@Boney, do we have any idea what the timescale is imagined to look like? I feel like we should at least have an idea of what it would look like operating inside some spherical tainted areas, with our +15 to Waystones.
It depends entirely on factors outside Mathilde's control and knowledge, most important being how fast the Waystones are produced, which is entirely a product on how much effort, money, and influence Boris initially and the Z'ra once it's proven put into lining up the required expertise.