I'd like to refocus on the real purpose of this vote.
- In the long run, all three four approaches and all other approaches imaginable will be taken. This is about how the Waystone Project will be perceived, not about what it will accomplish.
This is a choice about symbolism, PR, and what aspects, benefits, and challenges of waystone deployment will be the first impression received everywhere else.
It is a question about
what makes the best advertisement for waystones.
At stake is how quickly orders for waystones will pick up, and what priority those who do buy them place on making sure their deployment goes well.
So first, let's check some rules of thumb:
Ask yourself: Which is the better advertisement? Something that you need explained to you, or something that explains itself?
Ask yourself: Which is the better advertisement? The one that shows the finished product,
the result, or the one that draws attention to the uglier parts of the process of getting to that finished product, the making of the sausage?
Ask yourself: Will future customers put their trust solely on the word of nobles from countries that benefit from waystone sales to determine how effective they are, or will they try to corroborate that information with informants at the ground level and rumors from traders and travelers?
Ask yourself: Which location is more accessible for someone going out of their way to see it? The one next to all the landmarks, or the one that requires a military escort to see
somewhat safely?
From an advertising perspective, new town is almost certainly the worst option because it is the only one that sends mixed messages, the only one that highlights the challenges and downsides. Never advertise a product by drawing attention to the ugly parts.
This isn't immaterial, it is not a nice to have: the Z'ra illustrates our uphill battle. He is an
easy mode customer:
- He has a massive problem our product is perfect for solving,
- He is part of a signatory nation,
- His sovereign the Tzar is one of the most enthusiastic about the project around
- He does not have the empire's suspicion of magic,
- He has a wizard on staff to explain both the waystones AND mathilde's reputation to him.
- He is getting some for free.
And yet, what is his response?
You have the same terms available to any that claim to bring miracles - you may attempt whatever you wish to attempt in the worst corners of Praag, and any talk of bankrolling that solution begins only with proven results.
"Prove it."
Remember when Roswita,
an elector count, fired us for being a wizard, refusing to have any magical advisor at all?
Remember how we chose praag because it was the worst off, the place that could benefit the most?
This sale is easy mode. Future sales will be harder, and a subpar first impression like Newtown will give will slow demand considerably compared to every other option available.
And while all approaches will be taken, you can only make a first impression
[x] Karlsbridge and Old Town