Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
Voting is open
About the only component that would swing my vote is the transmission method. I want Both, because it means saving an AP when we inevitably want to deploy the things in an area where we need one or the other. And for areas where both are valid, it offers redundancy if one method runs into problems.

Other than that, I trust whatever mix of Cost/Difficulty/Cooperation/Dhar/Politics/Maintenance the plans end up with will probably fall within "acceptable compromise" margins.
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So, there are a few broad approaches I've seen so far:
  • Quick and easy prototype, here to score a win and prove that our plan is workable, but taking tradeoffs of maximum effectiveness in exchange.
  • Overengineered prototype, here to impress the hell out of people but not be cost-effectively scalable.
  • Potentially final leyline-based option, here to be a deployment model for places where leylines exist.
  • Potentially final river-based option, here to be a deployment model for places like northern Kislev and Sylvania.
  • Potentially final hybrid option, here to be a one-size-fits-all deployment model at the cost of increased risk of failure.
A complicating factor is that in at least one place where we want to deploy Waystones, we don't actually know how we would connect to the local network because we haven't studied it, which is a thing I really wish we'd thought of during the planning phase for this turn (no blame aimed at the planmakers, as far as I remember nobody thought of that). It might be possible to hook into the leylines underneath Kislev, and it might not be, and we don't know which. So we need to make our decision blind on that count.

I think it would be really useful for this vote if we built a "catalogue" of options to allow for easier comparisons, because otherwise I think this vote's combinatoric explosion is going to overwhelm everyone. So I propose that planmakers @ me and categorize what purpose their plan is for, so I can build out a library of plans that will facilitate discussion and make voters' lives easier.
[ ] [CAPSTONE] Stone Flower
Requires High Magic. Simple, negligible cost.

[ ] [RUNE] Dwarven
Requires a Dwarven Runesmith. Simple, low cost.
[ ] [STORAGE] [Cheap/Moderate/Expensive] Enchanted
Requires a Wind-based Wizard. Simple, low/moderate/high cost.
[ ] [FOUNDATION] Grey Lord
Requires a Wind-based Wizard. Moderately difficult, low cost.
[ ] [TRANSMISSION] Both (Jade)
Requirements as per Riverine component. Very difficult, moderate cost.
Requires a Jade Wizard or Druid. Moderately difficult, low cost. Reduces difficulty and cost of Foundation.

This would be my favorite.
[] Plan: All-Stars
-[ ] [CAPSTONE] Stone Flower
-[ ] [RUNE] Dwarven
-[ ] [STORAGE] [Expensive] Enchanted
-[ ] [FOUNDATION] Grey Lord
-[ ] [TRANSMISSION] Both (Jade)

@picklepikkl takes the best results from the partners and makes one very good waystone suitable for all purposes.

And one no polity can build alone.
Personally, I definitely want at least two versions of the Waystone, with one being the riverine/leyline hybrid. It is a direct improvement with very obvious special case uses, but there's no reason whatsoever to build it where there are no rivers. So the "standard" Waystone, which would probably be the one we make first, doesn't need to be a riverine one. And making one that is only riverine as the first prototype seems like an odd choice.

My preference is to go moderate costs for our first Waystone and to involve the Dwarves somehow, for political reasons. But having high and low storage versions seems useful, if the Thread can be bothered to develop them. That said, we could just let House Thindomiel develop those themselves down the road, depending on what type of storage we choose.

That said, it seems rather obvious to me that every single involved polity will look into alternative Waystone versions that can as much as possibly be made with just their own resources plus easily available personell from staunch allies or mercenaries if necessary. And I am not sure how much we should be involved in, say, Thorek's future studies of exclusively or mostly Dwarf-made Waystones. Creating a Collegiate Waystone at home for backup seems like a no-brainer though. Yet like one that Mathilde doesn't have to actually be personally involved in.

Edit: @Boney is there any reason for us/Mathilde to think that the Project members won't look into ways to make Waystones without international cooperation the moment the Project is over? Like something regarding Dwarven or Elven pride or Collegiate proceedings that I am missing?
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[ ] Plan Minimum Viable Product (expensive storage)
-[ ] [CAPSTONE] Stone Flower
-[ ] [RUNE] Dwarven
-[ ] [STORAGE] Expensive Material
-[ ] [FOUNDATION] Collegiate
--[ ] Cast by an elf (Boney approved)
-[ ] [TRANSMISSION] Leyline

[ ] Plan Minimum Viable Product (cheap storage)
-[ ] [CAPSTONE] Stone Flower
-[ ] [RUNE] Dwarven
-[ ] [STORAGE] Cheap Material
-[ ] [FOUNDATION] Collegiate
--[ ] Cast by an elf (Boney approved)
-[ ] [TRANSMISSION] Leyline

These are for the quick and easy (and not politically complicated by having the elves cast the dhar stuff) prototyping.
Seeing plans for expensive enchanted storages made me realize no one seen to be talking about one of the best points of the reverse engenireed, it gets easier as we make a lot of it.

Why ? Because Von Tarnus could make it, so it does not need high magic, so we could expect as we roll then out and improve the design the requirements should fall below super-savant at some point and we can have colege enchanters make them.
Edit: @Boney is there any reason for us/Mathilde to think that the Project members won't look into ways to make Waystones without international cooperation the moment the Project is over? Like something regarding Dwarven or Elven pride or Collegiate proceedings that I am missing?

These aren't lego, you can't just snap them together. There's going to be a lot of work needed to get everything to play nice together and that's work that has a lot better results when there's experts from a number of different traditions able to troubleshoot and workshop different solutions.
Personally, I definitely want at least two versions of the Waystone, with one being the riverine/leyline hybrid. It is a direct improvement with very obvious special case uses, but there's no reason whatsoever to build it where there are no rivers. So the "standard" Waystone, which would probably be the one we make first, doesn't need to be a riverine one. And making one that is only riverine as the first prototype seems like an odd choice.
That was my Thought as well. One heavy duty and expensive River-Layline-Hybrid for the problemregions (Sylvania & northern Kislev) and one medium expensive standard one, which can be build anywhere it is needed.
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[ ] Pure Empire build for the future Turns. V1 with clockwork
[ ] [CAPSTONE] Collegiate Fascis
[ ] [RUNE] Wizard
[ ] [STORAGE] [Cheap/Moderate/Expensive] Enchanted
[ ] [FOUNDATION] Clockwork
[ ] [TRANSMISSION] Leyline

[ ] Pure Empire build for the future Turns. V2 with Colligate
[ ] [CAPSTONE] Collegiate Fascis
[ ] [RUNE] Wizard
[ ] [STORAGE] [Cheap/Moderate/Expensive] Enchanted
[ ] [FOUNDATION] Collegiate
[ ] [TRANSMISSION] Leyline

[ ] Plan Dwarven Build for future Turns.
[ ] [CAPSTONE] Runic Inductor
[ ] [RUNE] Dwarven
[ ] [STORAGE] [Cheap/Moderate/Expensive] Runed
[ ] [FOUNDATION] Clockwork
[ ] [TRANSMISSION] Leyline
And this is the Dwarven version. Leyline might be a bit iffy but until we examine the Dwarven network I am leaving it like this.

[ ] Plan Eonir Build for the future Turns.
[ ] [CAPSTONE] Stone Flower
[ ] [RUNE] Wizard
[ ] [STORAGE] Reverse-engineered
[ ] [FOUNDATION] Grey Lord
[ ] [TRANSMISSION] Leyline
And finally Eonir here.

@picklepikkl These are future plans rather than for the current vote but I think should be added to list as well to show what is the idea after this vote. And who knows somebody might want to vote for them.
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Lol I put that to Dwarven only waystone. Dwarves are not going to forget it like ever. But that is a future plan for me yes.

IT is why I want to create the best we can right now. There needs to be something to draw all 3 polities together even once they get their own way of making Waystone and My plan delivers that by making if better more reliable by using best and most realiable parts for each job.
What's your plan? I mean the one for the current vote.
What's your plan? I mean the one for the current vote.
This one.
[ ] Plan Tripartite Waystone
-[ ] [CAPSTONE] Stone Flower
-[ ] [RUNE] Dwarven
-[ ] [STORAGE] [Expensive] Enchanted
-[ ] [FOUNDATION] Grey Lord
-[ ] [TRANSMISSION] Both (Jade Riverine)

The idea to make best Waystone we can create without leaving any one polity out of the work. Ensure they co-operate. We can crate 3 more variation where every polity can create their own later. I do think gettin Transmission both would be useful but I think Thread is not interested so I left this at the Leyline.

@picklepikkl to add to the list.

Edited: Plan update for being same with another plan.

I've already come up with some options here, and described my reasoning for them, but I want to highlight the two plans that I'm most keen on—Plan Something In-Between (which I'm going to rename to Plan Middle of the Road) and Plan Political Victory.

Plan Something in-between?
Plan Middle of the Road

[ ] [CAPSTONE] Collegiate Fascis
[ ] [RUNE] Wizard
[ ] [STORAGE] [Moderate] Enchanted
[ ] [FOUNDATION] Grey Lord
[ ] [TRANSMISSION] Both (Jade)

Plan Political Victory
[ ] [CAPSTONE] Stone Flower
[ ] [RUNE] Dwarven
[ ] [STORAGE] Reverse-engineered
[ ] [FOUNDATION] Grey Lord
[ ] [TRANSMISSION] Both (Hedgewise)

Plan Middle of the Road makes use of mid-tier components to quickly put out an affordable waystone without significantly compromising on quality or making trade-offs in regards to upkeep. If any of the components prove unworkable, then it can both be upgraded or downgraded as needed, and in theory it is flexible enough to be deployed in a wide variety of places. Future iterations can also build of the base of it, again upgrading or downgrading as needed. It's not the objectively best waystone, but it's a "good enough" compromise candidate that isn't too hard or expensive to build and deploy. I think it has a solid chance of standing the test of time, which is important if it's going to be the primary design for centuries to come.

One last thing—I don't know if this is an advantage or a disadvantage, but every component can be provided by the Colleges, making the Empire fairly self-sufficient on its construction. This also pushes both Kislev and the Karaz Ankor to be dependent on either the Empire, the Elves, or possibly even Bretonnia in the future, for the construction of new waystones.

Plan Political Victory goes in the opposite direction—it sacrifices many practical considerations to create a waystone that needs multiple polities to build. It requires specialist knowledge to create, and has the problem of requiring upkeep, but it also celebrates the achievements of the Eonir, the Dwarves, and the Hedgewise, and forces them into a partnership of equals in order to build waystones. This is perhaps more of an ideological waystone than a practical one, that trades off effectiveness in favour of politically empowering our allies. There was a recent comment by Boney about how the Ice Witches had been pretty humiliated by the project so far, having been unable to contribute anything of substance, and this avoids similar sentiments for the Elves and the Dwarves, whilst also giving a solid thumbs up to the Hedgewise that may help to legitimise them.
it is time to make a Waystone
Today is the day.

We need at least one dwarf and one elf thing for diplomatic reasons. We want it to be as effective and reliable as possible, this is a show-piece as much as it is a production model.

CAPSTONE: None of them are good. Collegiate Fascis means the river method doesn't work. Runic Inductor makes it more dangerous. Stone Flower results in a potentially crippling bottleneck.

RUNE: …Dwarven I suppose?

STORAGE: Not none. Somewhat against material on the assumption that some idiot will eventually want to steal it. Otherwise no specific preference.

FOUNDATION: Has to be the Grey Lord. Collegiate is politically dangerous and Clockwork required maintenance that we cannot rely on.

TRANSMISSION: We must include Leyline. It is the standard for very good reasons. I'm tempted by both incorporating with Jade or Spirit. I don't consider the Hedgewise method viable because it requires upkeep.

First option:
[ ] [CAPSTONE] Collegiate Fascis
[ ] [RUNE] Dwarven
[ ] [STORAGE] ????
[ ] [FOUNDATION] Grey Lord
[ ] [TRANSMISSION] Leyline
Simple and effective. Almost guaranteed to work but not special.

Stretch-goal option:
[ ] [CAPSTONE] Stone Flower
[ ] [RUNE] Dwarven
[ ] [STORAGE] [Cheap/Moderate/Expensive] Enchanted
[ ] [FOUNDATION] Grey Lord
[ ] [TRANSMISSION] Both (Riverine Spirit)
Outright better than any existing Waystone… if it works. Hard to make and needs experts from many diverse factions, but is thus a very strong unifying factor for those factions.

Also while I do not think we should make it now I am very interested in later making a secondary model. One designed specifically for mass production. It would look something like this:
[ ] [CAPSTONE] Runic Inductor
[ ] [RUNE] Carved
[ ] [STORAGE] [Cheap/Moderate/Expensive] Material
[ ] [FOUNDATION] Clockwork
[ ] [TRANSMISSION] Riverine (Hedgewise)
The crippling disadvantage is that it requires constant upkeep. This thing cannot operate without people looking after it. The incredible advantage is that it is extremely easy to make. The Runes are barely apprentice level and the Hedgewise only need be on-site for a day at most. Otherwise no magical expertise is needed at all. We can have these things built by the dozen and still consider the cost insignificant. We can carpet places like Sylvania and Mousillon in these.
If we're designing a waystone for maximum deployment, we might as well take the reverse-engineered storage, given the promise of it becoming cheaper and easier with further use.

For the rune, I'd prefer a dwarven run for political reasons.

For transmission, I see the point of hybrid being overengineered for our first waystone, but also given that we'll probably need to spend AP on further designs, might be better to get maximum flexibility with our one AP that we'll probably spend on this for the forseeable future. Hedgewise honestly sounds like too much upkeep.

So I think my ideal draft is something like:

[] [CAPSTONE] Stone Flower
[] [RUNE] Dwarven
[] [STORAGE] Reverse-Engineered
[] [FOUNDATION] Grey Lords
[] [TRANSMISSION] Hybrid (Jade)
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Finally there is the Runic Inductor, Thorek's design incorporating two simple Runes, one of which he rediscovered. While very simple and cheap to make, it is also a very basic instrument, simply absorbing and transmitting energy without regard for the consequences of them intermingling. Most of the time the Winds' tendency to naturally repel each other would be sufficient to prevent the creation of Dhar, but when multiple Winds are present in large amounts and being absorbed by a Waystone incorporating this component, more of it would be transmitted downstream as Dhar than would be the case for the other two components.
They also had an issue with exploding if their outflow got cut, right? Or am I misremembering that?

[ ] [STORAGE] [Cheap/Moderate/Expensive] Material
No requirements. Trivial, low/moderate/high cost.
[ ] [STORAGE] [Cheap/Moderate/Expensive] Enchanted
Requires a Wind-based Wizard. Simple, low/moderate/high cost.
[ ] [STORAGE] [Cheap/Moderate/Expensive] Runed
Requires a Runesmith. Simple, low/moderate/high cost.
[ ] [STORAGE] Reverse-engineered
Requires Von Tarnus or an Elven Archmage. Very difficult, low cost. Difficulty and requirements will reduce over time if built in large numbers.
[ ] [STORAGE] None
No requirements, no cost. Not compatible with leyline transmission.
Feel free to disregard me if I'm poking the abstraction in the wrong way here, but a Cheap from one method is a roughly equivalent amount of storage as a Cheap from another and a Low is a roughly equivalent cost, right?

If we make a [ ] [TRANSMISSION] Both stone, then we could line the Reik with it, and if Marienburg ever gets the bright idea to break their nexus in some political brinksmanship then we just flush the continents dhar downriver to Marienburg.
I am very, very, strongly against the idea of convincing any politicians anywhere that waystones are valid military targets. That seems vastly counter to the overall goals of this project.
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If we're designing a waystone for maximum deployment, we might as well take the reverse-engineered storage, given the promise of it becoming cheaper and easier with further use.

I agree, but I do worry that the trade off there might result in the first few waystones being too difficult to build, stalling the project before it has even begun, especially if we combine it with other high complexity components.
They also had an issue with exploding if their outflow got cut, right? Or am I misremembering that?

No, that's a danger if that component is damaged in a very particular way.

Feel free to disregard me if I'm poking the abstraction in the wrong way here, but a Cheap from one method is a roughly equivalent amount of storage as a Cheap from another and a Low is a roughly equivalent cost, right?

Very roughly.
[ ] Plan : Cooperation is magic
-[ ] [CAPSTONE] Collegiate Fascis
-[ ] [RUNE] Dwarven
-[ ] [STORAGE] Reverse-engineered
-[ ] [FOUNDATION] Collegiate
-[ ] [TRANSMISSION] Leyline


This plan's purpose is to create a high-quality, low-maintenance waystone based on collaboration between most parties of the Accords.

All parts outside of the storage can be done relatively easily, with only the Collegiate Fascis being moderately difficult, but doable by any Wind-based Wizard.

While the storage might be a challenge to get going, it's the only part of the Waystone dependant on elves. It will be a way to make sure Eonir Great Houses involved in it's fabrication stay relevant for a long time to come AND make use of Asur collaboration we bargained for. It might take a lot of ressources for both elven polities to keep up with other collaborators in the beginning, but it's also their only responsability AND will get easier with time.

Reliance on the Waystone Network does mean that the network will have to be expanded if we are to cover the Old World, but I think it's a decent price to pay in order to have a standard waystone that doesn't require a river to function. Plus, there is plenty of territory to cover while we figure out how to build/repair the nexuses neccessary to expand the network.

As for the Dhar implications of the Collegiate Foundation... I think getting a dispensation is worth it to avoid bringing more work to elven enchanters who already have their plate full with the reverse-enineered storage or increased maintenance due to clockwork.
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I'd be tempted by this.

[] Plan Near-Original+
-[ ] [CAPSTONE] Stone Flower
-[ ] [RUNE] Dwarven
-[ ] [STORAGE] Reverse-engineered
-[ ] [FOUNDATION] Grey Lord
-[ ] [TRANSMISSION] Both (specify which Riverine)
--[ ] [TRANSMISSION] Leyline
--[ ] [TRANSMISSION] Riverine (Spirit)

It requires both elven and dwarven involvement in construction, and is the closest recreation of the original Waystone plus an upgrade for the riverine leyline function.

I'd make a particular note on the Storage option. I think the refinement over construction is a virtue in itself, as we may be able to have the Colleges observe the iterations to reverse engineer elven enchanting techniques.

The reason I go with the riverine spirit option is that we're dealing with states here. They probably want to keep on good terms with the spirits/gods of their rivers anyway, and have the leavers required to do so. The advent of major canals may give some previously unavailable negotiating options with them. It may even be logistically easier for states to do so once centrally with each river. Given that two transmission mechanisms compounds the difficulty, then choosing the simpler Riverine option makes sense here, and it doesn't require maintenance on the ground which may be difficult where the riverine transmission is most useful.
I looked over the options and put this one together before reading the comments, yeah; it does seem like the closest recreation of the original, but with an extra fallback option to make it a slight improvement on the original. This will be the plan I vote for.
For those worried about the lack of human components here, note that the Empire was not involved in making the original, but there's still a lot of drudgework here that can probably be more profitably done by Human Wizards instead of by Elven Archmages. We can still contribute, it's just a less glorious contribution.

But if "humans not required" feels like a dealbreaker, we could keep the rest but go with the Jade Riverine model instead of the Spirit one, which would nicely tie all three major players in.

Khazukan Kazakit-ha!
[ ] [CAPSTONE] Runic Inductor
[ ] [RUNE] Dwarven
[ ] [STORAGE] [Expensive] Runed
[ ] [FOUNDATION] Clockwork
[ ] [TRANSMISSION] Leyline

Do I need to explain this one? the only part the dwarves can't replicate is the leyline—and we have the option to research a physical leyline in the future, so that can be substituted out eventually.
That was the other stand-out option on my list. I'm sure the Karaz Ankor can scrounge up a few Runescribes who already speak or can learn one or more of the appropriate languages to an acceptable standard. Honestly, we ought to do this one as a backup to the original design anyways, partly to give the Dwarves an indigenous technology way to rebuild the conduits empowering the works of their Ancestors, and partly to help ensure that the Elves don't drag their feet too hard on that 'availability of Elven Archmages' component.

Empire alone can build a waystone in the future. So I want to create a Waystone that is best of all 3 polities on it now to as a proof of concept and if in the future there is a problem we can build something like this;

Pure Empire build for the future Turns.
[ ] [CAPSTONE] Collegiate Fascis
[ ] [RUNE] Wizard
[ ] [STORAGE] [Cheap/Moderate/Expensive] Enchanted
[ ] [FOUNDATION] Clockwork OR [ ] [FOUNDATION] Collegiate
[ ] [TRANSMISSION] Leyline

Plan Dwarven Build for future Turns.
[ ] [CAPSTONE] Runic Inductor
[ ] [RUNE] Dwarven
[ ] [STORAGE] [Cheap/Moderate/Expensive] Runed
[ ] [FOUNDATION] Clockwork
[ ] [TRANSMISSION] Leyline
And this is the Dwarven version. Leyline might be a bit iffy but until we examine the Dwarven network I am leaving it like this.

Plan Eonir Build for the future Turns.
[ ] [CAPSTONE] Stone Flower
[ ] [RUNE] Wizard
[ ] [STORAGE] Reverse-engineered
[ ] [FOUNDATION] Grey Lord
[ ] [TRANSMISSION] Leyline
And finally Eonir here.

But these are future plans for me. I want to mix these up for the best effect, for our first build.
Yeah, it'd generally be a good idea to get other pure (faction) build models out in the future, since each local project can help stabilize and strengthen the network separately from the best-quality cooperative project, but I agree that this is best suited to future builds; the first model should be a cooperative design, and ideally it should be the best design we have, instead of a kludgy compromise.
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As for the Dhar implications of the Collegiate Foundation... I think getting a dispensation is worth it to avoid bringing more work to elven enchanters who already have their plate full with the reverse-enineered storage or increased maintenance due to clockwork.

FOUNDATION Grey Lord can still be done by most Collegiate enchanters.

Yours limits it to 1/8 of them.
[ ] [FOUNDATION] Collegiate
Requires a Light Wizard. Simple, low cost.

I think the need for a light wizard might be misleading here? @Boney
Does the fact that this is simple mean that a lower level Light wizard can be used to make the components? like the moderatly difficult components need a journeymen or magister equivalent but the collegiate can get away with apprentices? That would change the calculus considerably
I don't think requiring upkeep is entirely a bad thing.

A lot of the current issue is that people forgot or just never knew how important the waystones are. Needing to maintain them to keep them functioning could serve to keep them in people's minds.

Human memories are short, but they can be refreshed.
Voting is open