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Might be a while before we feel confident enough in our newbie scribes' scribing skill and knowledge of Eltharin to set them upon the largest elven repository of knowledge on the continent, but generally speaking I do want an agreement with them.

But in terms of priority, we still have to arrange teachers so our scribes learn the rest of the Old World's languages (which may or may not include Eltharin, given that Boney said "probably one action for all the major Old World languages and one language per exotic language"), the rest of Nuln to get through, almost certainly a Karak Vlag arrangement, and probably a Karaz-a-Karak arrangement to get through first.

...Given how generally unsafe roads throughout the Old World can be, I imagine they'll bring their pikes with them wherever they go. It's a long road from K8P to Nuln, but even longer to Laurelorn.
That's going to get a lot of pressure to be tweaked once it actually sinks in to the population of novelty-starved hedonists that tourism is a thing they can do now.

Thinking about this more deeply- we have three houses, roughly, that I want to loop in on this. Or a previously isolationist house, but that is unlikely.

There's going to need to be a number of services in place for this to happen. On the imperial side, you'd need to put together and advertise a collection of novel sights, natural wonders, and pampering, confirm or create suitable lodging and food at each, arrange a route and transportation or travel permits along it.

On the elven side you would need a currency exchange and/or auction house to get imperial money, a way to make reservations and communicate with the imperial side of the arrangements, and personal security.

Idk, put Eike on building out a route and it's attractions, she's got a better sense for what is where luxury-wise in the empire than anyone else who has an understanding of the elves.

Then the EIC intelligence network might be reversed to send a message out rather than collect info: the merchants and caravaners would be asked to extend a quiet offer to lodging and catering places that were in good locations. We take the one-off illithimar money, buy part ownership of a bunch and refurbish the places to a high standard, and spin it off as a side business of the EIC.

The elven houses would ideally be slotted into monopolies on the elf-side functions.

Personal security for the travellers is probably going to be the most intensive one- the house that picks this up would have a whole bunch of contact with imperial cities and nobles as they arrange for armed elves to be accepted visitors, plus they'd have to train up a bunch of elite bodyguard squads and keep them cycling outside Laurelorn.

On one hand, this is pivoting an entire house to interacting with humans a lot. On the other, this is an open invitation to become the most militarily powerful house in Laurelorn, and get a rep from the travelers who had their lives saved by bodyguards. It's the long term power play.

It would also have to work pretty closely with the house running communication and coordination. I'm imagining a mostly magical network of sending and receiving messages with human agents on site at the sights? Mostly the investment would be mages and book keeping in Laurelorn. This house would be the ones to provide travelers intelligence on the route(s), communication between Laurelorn and the travelers, reservation services for select* inns, coaches, attractions, and restaurants.

*EIC affiliated. Plus this way we use the EIC intelligence folk to keep an eye on the Eonir's intelligence network, and thus the empire has a measure of control. We'd basically be building the tools of a non-military foreign policy (intelligence, commerce, and a minor bit of power projection by arranging to have a few tourists be at the same places at the sames with their bodyguards) and shoving them into the Queen's hands like "here take these your religious thing is crumbling!"

So the last one would be the money-changers. Basically a way for the Eonir off the street to convert a few years of crafting into imperial money, with the promise of a route to power through banking.

They'd probably have to partner with or run a few auction houses and consortiums to batch up what the randos in the city were producing and sell it on to the rest of the world. Also, train up a bunch of assessors to be able to buy from the elves and sell to the humans and make a reliable margin, create a secure transit and vault system to bring large amounts of currency into Laurelorn and distribute it.

So, yeah. Big commitments, big potential rewards.

that's kind of what it already is. Both the east and west coasts are strings of small island archipeligoes where there used to be mountains and rolling plains.

I bet literally every piece of elven art ever made after would be on the theme of that immortal moment between when a thing starts to break and finishes breaking.

Heart react for use of this name
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But in terms of priority, we still have to arrange teachers so our scribes learn the rest of the Old World's languages (which may or may not include Eltharin, given that Boney said "probably one action for all the major Old World languages and one language per exotic language"), the rest of Nuln to get through, almost certainly a Karak Vlag arrangement, and probably a Karaz-a-Karak arrangement to get through first.
There's also some number of libraries in Kislev that our good buddy soon-to-be-Tzar could make deals for.

Given Boris's goals, foreign knowledge wouldn't be an unattractive option.
The Moonlit Gate Breaker)
Range: 1
Targets: 1
You know, our sword style would probably really, really fuck over the typical Fate melee fighter, at least from what I recall.

They are all supernaturally skilled, and rightfully confident in their crazy skills. They won't hesitate to throw themselves into the fray because each of them built a legend on doing just that.

Just no-selling is something else entirely.
(which may or may not include Eltharin, given that Boney said "probably one action for all the major Old World languages and one language per exotic language")
Do all the human cultures in the Old World use the same Classical derived alphabet? That might be the dividing point, So it'd be one AP for human, Khazalid, Eltharin, Arabyan and Nehekharan, and one for any eastern languages.
Do all the human cultures in the Old World use the same Classical derived alphabet? That might be the dividing point, So it'd be one AP for human, Khazalid, Eltharin, Arabyan and Nehekharan, and one for any eastern languages.
Kislev might have its own faux-Cyrillic?

Though I suppose their main source for a written alphabet would have been the Empire. Suppose it's a question of how the transfer went.

Edit: Wikipedia says Cyrillic was developed based on the Greek alphabet, so I suppose the closest equivalent would be if they somehow based their script off of Eltharin? Seems unlikely in the context of Warhammer.
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Kislev might have its own faux-Cyrillic?

Though I suppose their main source for a written alphabet would have been the Empire. Suppose it's a question of how the transfer went.

Edit: Wikipedia says Cyrillic was developed based on the Greek alphabet, so I suppose the closest equivalent would be if they somehow based their script off of Eltharin? Seems unlikely in the context of Warhammer.
Myrmidian something or other maybe? Or the roppsmen, if anything's weird in Kislev blame it on the roppsmen, that's my plan.
Kislev may have letters derived from Dark Tongue, it's a descendant of Scythian and Scythian is a descendant of Dark Tongue.
Do all the human cultures in the Old World use the same Classical derived alphabet?

All the major ones, yeah. Belthani, Norscan, Roppsmen, and Ungol don't.

Kislev might have its own faux-Cyrillic?

Though I suppose their main source for a written alphabet would have been the Empire. Suppose it's a question of how the transfer went.

Edit: Wikipedia says Cyrillic was developed based on the Greek alphabet, so I suppose the closest equivalent would be if they somehow based their script off of Eltharin? Seems unlikely in the context of Warhammer.

No, it uses the same alphabet as the Empire, just with a bunch of accent marks for the sounds that aren't in Reikspiel. Kislev isn't just Russia, it's everything east of Prague.
So, yeah. Big commitments, big potential rewards.
Damn, there's a whole largely untapped profit mine right there, and the EIC is in the best position out of anyone to dig into it... 100% support that, especially if we get Eike to do most of the work.

Oh no, of course we aren't throwing out hooks, we're enabling stronger ties between Laurelorn and the Empire! The monies are secondary.
So, it looks like it's finally time for us to live up to our title of Dawizhufokri aka Dwarf-Torrent-Crafter and open a Water Park.

I'm actually super into this.
I thought Ulthuan was always a floating island, it's just that before the Sundering whatever mechanisms the Old Ones left behind kept it afloat but after the Sundering Ulthuan was damaged enough that it needed to divert energy from the Waystone network to keep afloat when previously its floating didn't require active intervention to maintain.
Ulthuan floating (or if it was always floating or only after the sundering) is not a univercily agreed upon thing from the sources but its the accepted status quo from 8th edition wargame and the fandom at large.
Before arriving on SV, i never thought once that Ulthuan was literally floating on the waves. It sounds too ludicrous. In my understanding, the Sundering had caused massive earthquakes that destabilised the '´foundations'' of the continent. The magic from the Network was simply keeping the entire island from collapsing into the sea, not literally sinking.
relatively green scribe that took their best stab at copying all the pictures
The better our scribes are at drawing, the better they can copy the pictures in books. Art books would help with that, but we don't have any. Because of that, I think we should make Minor Colleges of Nuln our next copy target because of this:
The Universität is a district made up of a cluster of impressive buildings situated near Nuln's centre. It attracts would-be students from all over the Empire and beyond, including Kislev and Estalia. The neighbourhood is dedicated to learning and is home to the Imperial Gunnery School and the Grand University of Nuln, as well as a number of smaller schools, most of which have a narrow focus, covering the arts or trades.
I'm guessing the minor colleges' coverage of the arts includes drawing.
You know, our sword style would probably really, really fuck over the typical Fate melee fighter, at least from what I recall.

They are all supernaturally skilled, and rightfully confident in their crazy skills. They won't hesitate to throw themselves into the fray because each of them built a legend on doing just that.

Just no-selling is something else entirely.
Eh, at least a few have the instincts to not get turbo-fucked, with skills like Eye of the Mind False and so on, and a a good chunk more would be able to adapt if they survive the first couple of rounds, which they have a decent chance of doing since they're also supernaturally good at surviving supposed kill shots. Servants are bullshit like that.

But yeah, a lot of them would still go down pretty hard if Mathilde sprung Branarhune on them without warning. Not all of them, maybe not even most, but it is a style practically designed for killing Heroes.
I mean, are we not? We just absorbed the second-biggest human university on the continent, and its contents are a minority of the books now within KAU. Our library has beefitude.

EDIT: If we exclude the Eonir and forbidden books (not counting Metallurgy as forbidden), we have 539 points of books.
Actually, while we're on the subject, who runs the Library of Mournings anyways? Is it it's own institution? Under the Queen or the Grey Lords? One of the two houses dedicated to Hoerth?

If we're making library agreements and the Library of Mournings is run by one house in particular It might be an opportunity to shore up an internationalist ally for when the walls are expanded or, if it's staffed by one of the Hoerth-dedicated magic houses, flip an isolationist house.
The better our scribes are at drawing, the better they can copy the pictures in books. Art books would help with that, but we don't have any. Because of that, I think we should make Minor Colleges of Nuln our next copy target because of this:

I'm guessing the minor colleges' coverage of the arts includes drawing.
If we want to tutor our scribes in copying figures, diagrams, and illustrations, another possibility is looking for a con artist who specializes in art forgery. Our contacts in the Ranaldite community certainly seem like they would help with that.
Worst cast for Mathilde spesifically, is probably a skaven everchosen and united skavenblight as a result crashing down upon the empire and dwarves.
For from the worst scenario, outside of Necromancers Skaven are the foe Mathilde is best at fighting.

Doubly so if she decides to go all out and call upon endless hordes of skeletons. Skaven leave a lot of corpses behind you see.
For from the worst scenario, outside of Necromancers Skaven are the foe Mathilde is best at fighting.

Doubly so if she decides to go all out and call upon endless hordes of skeletons. Skaven leave a lot of corpses behind you see.
But she doesn't have a province worth of warpstone to burn for rituals :V

*remembers the dwarves lock up all the warpstone they find somewhere*

*starts considering the logistics of a heist*
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Wizard x Family
Arriving back from her trip to Ulthuan (with Eike in tow), Mathilde returns to find Teclis had beaten her to it. The Waystone Project has been all but completed in her absence.

Time, then, to find a new task. Looking around at the Laurelorn-based facilities of the former Project and of WEB-MAT, and then down proudly at her apprentice, Mathilde cashes in her Great Deed to expand the remit of WEB-MAT to a full educational branch of the Colleges, focusing on interdisciplinary studies for elder Apprentices and fresh Journeyman. Principal Weber has a nice ring to it.

Before her request can be approved, however, she must first demonstrate her credentials as an educator. An interview with a cross-College panel of sitting Lord Magisters. The summons also names Eike Hochschild, as Mathilde's only current student. An assessment of her apprenticeship to date will form a large part of the judgment.

Johann volunteers to help them prepare for the interview.


Art (and most of the text) originally from Spy x Family vol. 1. I recognise that the character models are insufficently muscular for their respective Martial scores. I don't have access to a copy of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure to pull a more accurate representation from, though.
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For from the worst scenario, outside of Necromancers Skaven are the foe Mathilde is best at fighting.

Doubly so if she decides to go all out and call upon endless hordes of skeletons. Skaven leave a lot of corpses behind you see.

Ah, but you see! United Skaven do infact have faction bonus buff against necromatic units unlike disunited skaven faction
Ah, but you see! United Skaven do infact have faction bonus buff against necromatic units unlike disunited skaven faction
I find the premise that a skaven everchosen would result in a united skaven faction rather suspect. Even if they did manage to murder the council of 13 and take over skavenblight, the horned rat would probably be pushing a massive civil war against the chaos rats.
Ah, but you see! United Skaven do infact have faction bonus buff against necromatic units unlike disunited skaven faction
...That would unironically check out.

Best Case Scenario: Settrachosen, He Who Makes the Gods Kneel. Because he never shall.
If Settra was in the tournament, I could see him going off to kill every single other candidate before laughing the face of the Four and going back home.
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