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I would assume Daroir knows what a Dwarf is now, he's the ambassador to the Empire after all. Pretty sizable amount of them in Altdorf.

Entirely possible his parents didn't know, though.
The way I headcanoned it way back is that Daroir is a codename, not the ambassador's actual name. He chose Daroir for reasons unrelated to it meaning Dwarf, but it did come in handy once Nagarythe was pissed enough with the Phoenix King that they needed to be placated with the ambassadorship, a way to remind him that Nagarythe remembers it's angry and won't be distracted by a petty title, as well as an insult by having Ulthuan be represented by a "dwarf."
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Mister Dwarf, Mister Dwarf, do you see the tower, the tower?

Yes Dämmerlichtreiter, yes Dämmerlichtreiter

I want it gone, it gone

And so fell the tower, the tower

- extract from Thunder at Drakenhof, a nursery rhyme from "The Dämmerlichtreiter: A Collection of Stories for Children". The repeating lines is meant to be the echo of artillery, which, it is said, can still be heard at the ruins of Castle Drakenhof to this day.

(Random thing that refused to leave my head)
Rereading the update, and Paranoth seems to be very up-to-date on the goings on of Athel Loren. I wonder if that is personal knowledge, or institutional knowledge, and if it's the latter, could we get books on Athel Loren via the Jade Order?

Could be useful, especially if Drycha comes back for round two, or if Coeddil breaks free and the Asrai need to diplo their way out of it.
Who do y'all think Mathilde and Pan would add to their polycule if they decided to take things in that direction?

Because tbh I would ship them+Roswita in a heartbeat.
Mathilde+Pan+Cadaeth+Drycha, purely on the grounds of "I think it's funny".

More seriously, I think it'd depend on who Pan knows or likes, and I'm not sure what other characters she's close with.
Libraries, Academies, and Other Loreful Places of the Old World
Libraries, Academies, and Other Loreful Places of the Old World

The only information here is that which Mathilde could conceivably know. Though it draws from all editions of WFRP, it's intended to be completely compatible with Divided Loyalties.

Aquila Academy in Carcassonne
A military school dedicated to Myrmidia that teaches the art and science of war.
Sources: Divided Loyalties, WFRP 2e: Shades of Empire

In the city of Mousillon, there are shops selling forbidden books.
Source: WFRP 2e: Knights of the Grail
The Archivist
A dwarf shop in Altdorf with books stacked on tables and shelves stuffed with scrolls. Behind the counter is an enormous vault where the loremaster who owns the shop keeps his lifetime accumulation of lore. It houses an extensive library of books, scrolls of lore, maps, histories, mythologies, compilations, compendiums, treatises, theses, and dissertations. There are also rare tomes of esoteric and forbidden knowledge. There is a system to the loremaster's order of storage, but it is known to none other.
Source: WFRP 4e: Altdorf - Crown of the Empire

Book of Charts/The Book of Charts
Though Barak Varr's Book of Charts may've once been a single tome, now it's more of a library. The naval arm of the Dwarf Engineers' Guild compile and update the great lexicon of lore whose ironbound compendiums of maps and sealore are written in secret glyphs and passed among members of the Guild and the Dwarf navy. Many Dwarf pilots and navigators have made a study of this work, and benefit greatly from the accumulated knowledge therein. Many of the Book of Charts' charts were bought from Tilean merchants, but the earliest ones, which made seafaring possible, are elven, believed to be loot from the War of Vengeance.
Source: WFRP 4e: Sea of Claws, White Dwarf 307

Dwarven Engineers' Guild in Middenheim
The Guild has an extensive set of maps and information about those parts of the Undercity that they still use, but they're only imparted to new members of the Guild after they've been resident in Middenheim for a year or more.
Source: WFRP 4e: Middenheim - City of the White Wolf

Great Library of Karak Azgaraz/Royal Library
Karak Azgaraz has a Great Library containing thousands of stone shelves stuffed with scrolls and tomes of metal foil. These records are dedicated to the history of Karak Azgaraz: kingly edicts, reports of famous battles, and ledgers of people authorised to enter the kingdom. The most ancient and valuable books are locked and chained to the shelves. A small army of scholars looks after the library.
Sources: WFRP 3e: Book of Grudges, WFRP 4e: Archives of the Empire

Hall of Deeds in Karak Azgaraz
A long gallery inscribed with the great achievements performed by dwarves of Karaz Azgaraz. Of the hundred panels in this hall, only the first few are filled, though each contains over ten thousand names and deeds.
Source: WFRP 3e: Book of Grudges

Hall of Records in Karak Azgaraz
A great but disorganised repository of lore containing many books and charts brought by refugees. Many of these items have not been properly identified or indexed. It has a number of dusty old scrolls. It's held records of Ubersreik's population since before 828 IC.
Sources: WFRP 3e: Journey to Black Fire Pass, WFRP 4e: A Guide to Ubersreik

Hall of Remembering in Karak Azgaraz
Holds the karak's lengthy Book of Grudges.
Source: WFRP 4e: Archives of the Empire

Karaz-a-Karak Archives/Archives of the Karaz Ankor
The archives of Everpeak is a large room that contains innumerable rows of bookshelves filled with grudgelore, its knowledge preserved by runes and artifice and maintained by a dozen longbeards and swarms of disciples. It contains perfectly preserved books on the Siege and Fall of Karak Eight Peaks. Every single event to ever befall the Dwarves has been carefully recorded and remains in the Archives.
Source: Divided Loyalties
Adler Academy
A school in Salzenmund once built to educate the poor, now it educates noble children between the ages of 4 and 14. Among the things taught here are grammar, elocution, deportment, arithmetic, Imperial history, rhetoric, Classical, and law. Verenan and Sigmarite initiates teach the classes.
Source: WFRP 4e: Salzenmund - City of Salt and Silver

Altdorf Guild of Physicians
Keeps thorough records on all who work as healers in the city.
Source: WFRP 4e: Altdorf - Crown of the Empire

Altdorf Imperial Society of Pigeon Fanciers
A club of pigeon fanciers who keep and train homing pigeons as a hobby. The society has an office heaving with reports on homing pigeons that have displayed exceptional performance. The reports include information on the pigeons' metabolic processes. The society appreciates how many of the engineers from the Imperial School of Engineers have an interest in flight and navigation.
Source: WFRP 4e: Altdorf - Crown of the Empire

The wealthy Old City of Nuln, comprising the entirety of northeast neighbourhoods of the city. It has specialty shops that trade in premium goods such as books.
Source: WFRP 2e: Forges of Nuln

Amethyst College
Located deep within the building are libraries, laboratories, and studies. Entry into the college is forbidden to the uninvited. The college appears empty of life to those not invited.
Sources: WFRP 2e: Realms of Sorcery, WFRP 4e: Altdorf - Crown of the Empire, WFRP 4e: Winds of Magic

Ancient Library of Carroburg/Library and Repository of Wisdom and Magic/Ancient Library at Carroburg/Ancient Library of the Light Order
A very defensible library founded by a White Order Hierophant a few minutes north of Carroburg, near the village of Tubingen. Any magister, journeyman, or person with genuine desire to learn can visit. Visitors are asked for donations and are generally expected to give something. The library is a huge, airy room with four galleries. The room is filled with row upon row of shelves of well-ordered and maintained scrolls, books, and papers, including the works of what appears to be almost every philosopher, seer, and theologian who has ever written in the Old World, and perhaps even beyond. The library studies the world's philosophical traditions and religions, as well as pre-College history and development of magic. Philosophers, theologians, academics, priests of a number of different religions, and members of all the colleges frequently visit. Visitors can get meals and lodgings for a fee, though light wizards get lodgings for free. The Library is a branch college of the Light Order.
Sources: Divided Loyalties, WFRP 2e: Realms of Sorcery

Aquila Academy in Nuln
A military school dedicated to Myrmidia that teaches the art and science of war. Magnus the Pious gifted the academy its location for its contributions in the Great War Against Chaos.
Sources: Divided Loyalties, WFRP 2e: Shades of Empire

Arboretum of the Jade College
The College has a library in the form of a great circular hall formed as the trunk of an enormous oak, reached by walking up sturdy branches. Countless passages run from this central chamber and disappear into the depths of the earth. Scrolls of its Lore are cradled in the library, and the most ancient and sacred texts of the order are etched on preternaturally preserved bark scrolls. The majority of the College's Lore is carved in runic and symbolic form upon vast oak tree trunks and standing stones within the Colleges confines. Jade wizards may enter the grounds of the Jade College without question, even when they bring friends. Amber wizards are also welcome.
Sources: WFRP 2e: Realms of Sorcery, WFRP 4e: Altdorf - Crown of the Empire, WFRP 4e: Winds of Magic

Auld Odenhaus Pantera
The small, opulent, ill-maintained chapterhouse of the Knights Panther in Ubersreik. It has a library.
Source: WFRP 4e: A Guide to Ubersreik

Has remnants of the Great Library of Mordheim.
Source: Divided Loyalties

Bergo Academy
A military school built atop a spectacular cliff-top location overlooking the Reik along the road to Nuln. It's a tall, single tower reachable only by a narrow rope bridge; making it seem ideally defensible. It's run by Maestro Clemente di Bergo, one of the most respected proponents of what he calls the Martial Art of Warfare in the Empire. He runs his school based on fundamental Myrmidian principles, and the place is highly prized by the upper echelons of Imperial nobility as a prestigious place to send one's offspring for unsurpassed polish on a young noble's education. Half its graduates are given an offer to run Swamp Town, an offer that's also made to every Lord Magister. Clemente's history is shrouded in controversy and has been the target of several Tilean assassins since setting up his academy.
Sources: Divided Loyalties, WFRP 3e: Signs of Faith

The Black Chamber
The intelligence network of the Reikland and, by extension, the Emperor. It is also the best-equipped and most active espionage organisation in Altdorf. It has an archive.
Source: WFRP 4e: Altdorf - Crown of the Empire

Bleistift's Scriptorium
A large, impressive, and heavily ornate building and one of Middenheim's three scriptoria. The lower floor is a huge hall filled with writing desks, arranged in rows of five and columns of ten, at which the scribes sit to copy manuscripts.
Source: WFRP 4e: Middenheim - City of the White Wolf

Bögenhafen Town Hall
Houses the town's official records.
Source: WFRP 4e: Enemy in Shadows

Bright College
Has libraries, laboratories, and workshops forbidden to bright wizards of insufficient rank. The fires in the libraries and laboratories are kept behind glass screens and metal fireguards.
Source: WFRP 4e: Winds of Magic

Celestial College
The library of the College is impressive and inspiring. It has a cavernous cellar crammed full of detailed records and meticulous meteorological readings going back two hundred years. The records all contribute to the great repository of information, charts, and statistics which the Astromancers can call upon. Small, private libraries and observatories can be found all over the place in the College.
Sources: WFRP 2e: Realms of Sorcery, WFRP 3e: Tome of Mysteries, WFRP 4e: Altdorf - Crown of the Empire

College of Engineering
Much less famous than the Imperial Gunnery School, the College of Engineering in Nuln is nevertheless a respected institution that attracts students from all over the Empire. The College employs dwarf engineers and craftsmen, teaches novices, and devises new and innovative war machines.
Sources: Divided Loyalties, WFRP 2e: Forges of Nuln

College Foundry of the Gold Order
At the very centre of the college is a massive library called the Library of Chamon with thousands of books, scrolls, and documents dealing with everything there is to know about physical and metaphysical sciences, especially alchemy, mundane chemistry, metallurgy, the Lore of Metal, and herbalism, as well as copies of the latest research papers of alchemists from across the world. Most of the books in this library are hand-copied and many rare volumes in this library could sell for great sums of money to a specialist buyer. It's open only to members of the order and is always supervised by a Magister Librarian and their apprentices. Beneath all this and in other wings of the College are dozens of laboratories occupying the bulk of the building.
Sources: WFRP 2e: Realms of Sorcery, WFRP 4e: Altdorf - Crown of the Empire, WFRP 4e: Winds of Magic

Diesdorf Military College
A renowned cadet school founded by Emperor Wilhelm III in 2440 IC. The Imperial treasury funds the school, so entry requires only a recommendation from a superior. Half its graduates are given an offer to run Swamp Town, an offer that's also made to every Lord Magister.
Sources: Divided Loyalties, WFRP 2e: Career Compendium

Dove and Rose
A medical society occupying a large townhouse near the University of Altdorf. It's a place for those wishing to study the latest techniques or converse with their peers. Visitors are presented with thick carpets, panelled walls, and a vast array of texts by various medical professionals. Most of the building is off-limits to those who cannot produce society membership and only doktors may apply for membership. Tests are stringent, requiring a large donation and a thorough examination with a senior member to ensure that members meet a minimum standard of knowledge and skill.
Source: WFRP 3e: Liber Ecstatica

A middle-class residential district in Middenheim, home to many of Middenheim's scholars, wizards, and priests. It has many small bookshops and antiques emporiums. Students visit the bookshops.
Source: WFRP 4e: Middenheim - City of the White Wolf

Grand University of Nuln/University of Nuln
One of the first schools in the Empire (the building itself is older than the University of Altdorf) and regarded as one of the finest universities in the world, though as of 2522 it's not as prominent as the University of Altdorf and isn't considered as avant-garde as that university. Students come from all over the Old World, including Tilea, Estalia, Bretonnia, Kislev, and Araby. The school specialises in mathematics, philosophy, theology, literature, and some sciences, disdaining the fringe sciences of newer programs. It's generally considered to have superior faculties of mathematics, science, philosophy, theology, and literature than Altdorf University. Its subjects include The History of War and Imperial Literature. The University of Nuln has a reciprocal agreement with the University of Altdorf. The university publicly protests the ban on human dissection. Tuition is so expensive that almost all the students are nobles.
Sources: Divided Loyalties, WFRP 2e: Forges of Nuln, WFRP 2e: The WFRP Companion, WFRP 2e: Tome of Salvation, WFRP 4e: Altdorf - Crown of the Empire

Great Precinct of the Light College
The Light College's library is bulging with works on philosophy and religion. It also has elven and dwarven texts such as the Diaries of Inthelion and Dwimmulsson's Personal Book of Grudges: May They All Be Boiled In Oil, which are believed to contain mention of naiads.
Sources: Divided Loyalties, WFRP 2e: The WFRP Companion, WFRP 4e: Altdorf - Crown of the Empire

Grey College
The Grey College has a great library containing many rare and curious volumes of lore, as well as secrets of the dark cults in the Empire and the members of many of them. The entirety of it is accessible only by those who will live the rest of their lives within the premises. Everyone else is restricted to the low-classification areas and whatever else they're judged to need to know, which is moved into reading rooms for them to peruse. At least some of the library's tomes are dusty. It has a great deal of data on the undead.
Sources: Divided Loyalties, WFRP 2e: Realms of Sorcery, WFRP 3e: Tome of Mysteries, WFRP 4e: Altdorf - Crown of the Empire

The Grove
A clubhouse in Altdorf owned by the Light Order. Several of the city's most powerful wizards are Grove members, however they usually attend the club dressed in ordinary attire. Philosophy students from the university plan the Grove's social events. Non-members are welcome, provided they leave their shoes at the door. Every room is comfortably furnished and contains books of esoteric academia for casual reading.
Source: WFRP 4e: Altdorf - Crown of the Empire

Guild of Imperial Cartographers
This tall and well-kept building boasts an underground vault stocked with a copy of almost every map the guild has created. This acts as an unofficial record of much of the Empire, and the knowledge herein can always be re-sold. The vault is too small for the job, however, and it is stuffed and disorganised. There are any number of useful maps available, for those inclined to search through the mess. The guild has many clients. The work it does for the Emperor is an obligation tied to the guild's charter, and is very low-paying. The guild actually loses money on much of this work. However, the charter affords it the prestige to earn good money on private commissions. There is a steady stream of work at the guild house, and the guild is always in need of skilled draughtsmen.
Source: WFRP 4e: Altdorf - Crown of the Empire

Halfling University
University in Nuln that specialises in the culinary arts. Experimental cuisine and culinary abominations are made here.
Source: WFRP 2e: Forges of Nuln

Here Be Monsters
A dingy shop on the edge of Salkalten's central square. As of 2512 IC, it's run by Erika Krämer, who once worked as a cartographer on expeditions organised by Imperial Zoological Garden of Altdorf but has now retired from adventuring. Before retiring, she found herself on an extensive sea voyage, hunting down the creatures which call the world's oceans home, and made extensive notes on their habits and habitations. Anyone looking for a map is sure to find what they need among Here Be Monster's dusty piles of parchment. However, while the maps are all of exquisite quality, it's the proprietor's singular specialty which puts them in high demand: locating monster lairs. Erika regularly updates her maps to reflect sailors' stories, marking out beastly migrations according to new sightings or incidents of missing vessels. It's difficult to be accurate with such news, but Erika pays well for anyone willing to go and confirm the location of a monster's lair.
Source: WFRP 4e: Sea of Claws

Hochland College of Sorcery
A school licensed by the Emperor for the academic study of magic and its theory. It's a branch college for all the Orders of the Colleges of Magic.
Sources: Divided Loyalties, WFRP 2e: Sigmar's Heirs

Imperial Counting House
Every penny raised through taxation in Altdorf finds its way through here to be counted, logged, re-counted, and re-logged, in triplicate. Guards surround the fortress-like building. It's said its walls can withstand an artillery barrage. A steady stream of heavily guarded wagons makes its way in and out at every hour of the day. One mistake could mean the job of the person in charge of the audit trail.
Source: WFRP 4e: Altdorf - Crown of the Empire

Imperial Courthouse
A tall building in Altdorf housing a hall of records where lawyers look for precedents for their current cases.
Source: WFRP 4e: Altdorf - Crown of the Empire

Imperial Engineers School/Imperial School of Engineers
Founded in Altdorf in 2012 IC by the genius engineer Leonardo of Miragliano, the school attracts inventors from all over the Old World and even as far as Grand Cathay, though the majority of the students are Imperials. It's responsible for most of the Empire's technological innovations over the past few centuries. It's provided the Empire a number of innovations in the form of experimental weapons, steam-powered technologies, and mechanical systems. It enjoys the respect of Altdorf's Dwarf Engineering Guild for its ingenuity, innovation, and industry. Atop the school is the northernmost terminal of a chain of semaphore machines that pass messages between Altdorf and Nuln, though it competes with dwarf engineers to be employed by the Imperial Signal Corps in the construction and maintenance of its signal towers. The school cooperates with military leaders, wizards, alchemists, artisans, and politicians. Many of its engineers have an interest in flight, navigation, and weaponising pigeons.
Sources: Warhammer 8th Edition: The Empire, WFRP 2e: Career Compendium, WFRP 4e, WFRP 4e: Altdorf - Crown of the Empire, WFRP 4e: Buildings of the Reikland

Imperial Gunnery School/Nuln Gunnery School
The biggest cannon foundry in the Empire was Nuln's most famous attraction and the lynchpin of its economy. It trained artillery crews, pistoliers, and renowned master gunners. It produced high quality artillery using casting secrets freely shared by the Dwarven Engineers' Guild. The school kept a department of alchemists tasked with creating and improving blackpowder, as well as finding alloys for better barrels for cannons and blunderbusses. Nowadays the Imperial Gunnery School no longer exists, destroyed by skaven.
Sources: Divided Loyalties, Total War: Warhammer, Warhammer 8th Edition: The Empire, WFRP 2e: Forges of Nuln, WFRP 2e: The WFRP Companion, WFRP 4e: Winds of Magic

Imperial Museum
Resides in the Collegium Historica at the University of Altdorf. Holds the Obernarn Stone - an old runestone that depicts the gods as adventurers - along with a translation of it.
Source: Divided Loyalties

Imperial Palace
The Emperor has a private library at the Imperial Palace that contains the war journal of Magnus the Pious.
Source: WFRP 2e: Realms of Sorcery

Imperial School of Engineers Office in Middenheim
A small office established by the Imperial School of Engineers in Altdorf in 2445 IC. It remains a modest, unobtrusive affair as it dedicates itself to quiet promotion of its members and assisting in the maintenance of Middenheim's arsenal.
Source: WFRP 4e: Middenheim - City of the White Wolf

The Imperial Zoo/Imperial Zoological Garden of Altdorf
The Imperial Zoo houses many strange and exotic plants and creatures, including a number of monsters, some of which are trained and harnessed for war. Its creatures come from across the Old World, the Great Ocean, Lustria, Araby, and the Northern Wastes. The zoo has the means to commission research expeditions to assemble bestiaries.
Sources: Warhammer 8th Edition: The Empire, WFRP 4e: Altdorf - Crown of the Empire, WFRP 4e: The Imperial Zoo

Komission of Public Works in Middenheim
The Records Department of the Komission contains plans for many public buildings, and even for larger private buildings such as guildhouses. It can be a useful source of information, but as with most branches of the civil service, it's difficult to obtain access without proper authorisation and a tyrannical amount of paperwork. It's common knowledge that the Komission has numerous maps of the city's streets and sewers, as well as plans of many of the public buildings. These are not available to the general public, but a letter of introduction from a noted authority might earn someone the right to look at less politically sensitive maps.
Source: WFRP 4e: Middenheim - City of the White Wolf

Komission of the Imperial Archives
The Imperial archive is a tall clock tower in Altdorf that has existed since 2431. Citizens are forbidden from searching the archives themselves, needing to interact with its clerks through iron bars, though persistent researchers might get a meeting with the Master Archivist.
Source: WFRP 4e: Altdorf - Crown of the Empire

Lair of the Elementalists
The headquarters of the elementalists in Nuln contains a vast library gleefully detailing the many times they've enriched themselves with their magic without any benefit to the Empire. Vivid pictures adorn their books of elementalists causing catastrophe with their magic just for the fun of it, with especial attention paid to the tears falling down from the faces of the innocent victims of the collateral damage they unleash. The only ones admitted to this library are the elementalists themselves and wizards from the Colleges of Magic. By giving patriotic magisters access, the elementalists taunt the seething wizards with their selfish pursuits of arcane frivolity.

Luigi and Salvatore Middenheim Branch
The largest shop in Middenheim. Among the things it sells is printed books.
Source: WFRP 4e: Middenheim - City of the White Wolf

Neugierde's Books and Antiques
A small shop that has a virtual monopoly on antiques and curios coming into Middenheim. Sells all manner of antiques, curios, and rare books from across the world, including quasi-artistic pieces from Lustria. As of 2500 IC, the shop has been run for over a century across three generations, building extensive contacts during that time, and the third generation owner has a practised eye and a life of training. As of 2512 IC, the shop owner has contacts in Marienburg, Luccini, and elsewhere, letting him acquire all sorts of particular objects for regular customers at no extra cost, though delivery can take months or even years.
Sources: WFRP 1e: Middenheim - City of Chaos, WFRP 4e: Middenheim - City of the White Wolf

New College of Heraldry
The ancient institution of the New College of Heraldry is concerned with the research and allocation of coats of arms. Their clients include both newly ennobled folk of the Empire and those born to noble families. They try to make sure their designs best reflect the history and achievements of their clients, but often succumb to the fashion for increasingly elaborate motifs. Anyone can commission the New College to create a coat of arms for them. This is officially meaningless, however, until the Old College researches, approves, and registers the design and enters it on the rolls. The Colleges of Heraldry are often given the work of High Lord Constables who can't be bothered doing their own job of researching lines of lineage and designing crests.
Source: WFRP 4e: Altdorf - Crown of the Empire

Offices of the Komission for Elf, Dwarf, and Halfling Interests (KEDHI)/Komission for Elven, Dwarven, and Halfling Interests
A grey stone-clad building that houses the branch of the city's civil service that deals with non-Human interests. KEDHI was set up over a century ago (as of 2500 IC). Komission staff spend most of their time compiling lengthy censuses of the non-human population and producing abstruse, academic treatises on demography, history, and so on. Almost all the elves it represents are retired adventurers, some of whom are scholars.
Sources: WFRP 1e: Middenheim - City of Chaos, WFRP 4e: Middenheim - City of the White Wolf

Old College of Heralds/Old College of Heraldry
An even more ancient institution than the New College of Heraldry, the Old College is both damp and dusty. The corridors display hundreds upon hundreds of plaques and shields, each one bearing a different coat of arms. Many of them are centuries old, and barely legible for wormholes and peeled paint. Deeper within, there's a large chamber lined with heaving bookshelves of volumes and scrolls. More books lie on the ground, or stand in precarious stacks. At the centre of the chamber is a massive desk, laden with manuscripts and documents. The College's archivists are sharp-minded and can locate a particular volume in the chaos of the chamber with pinpoint accuracy. Anyone seeking to learn of a particular Imperial coat of arms finds the archivists an invaluable resource. Their knowledge of the heraldry of other human nations is second only to the great archivists of those countries. Their knowledge of Dwarf and Elf heraldry is shakier, and they can provide only educated guesses as to more exotic icons and sigils. The Colleges of Heraldry are often given the work of High Lord Constables who can't be bothered doing their own job of researching lines of lineage and designing crests.
Source: WFRP 4e: Altdorf - Crown of the Empire

Palace of Time
The underground office of the minister of calendars who logs all the various festivals of different cultural groups in the Empire, something which the increasing diversity of communities makes ever harder. The minister of calendars also acts as an early warning to the Sigmarite Cult of festivals that involve forbidden rites or heretical messages. The minister reads through their ledgers, makes updates, and sends agents throughout the Empire to acquire details of local festivals and traditions.
Source: WFRP 4e: Altdorf - Crown of the Empire

The largest and busiest market square in Averheim. Old books are sold here. The Plenzerplatz's wares are 25% off on Marktag and 25% more expensive on Festag.
Source: WFRP 3e: The Enemy Within

Preceptory of the Knights of the North Star
Has a small library filled with the annals of the Order and an honour roll of celebrated knights. It has thousands of scrolls and tomes.
Source: WFRP 4e: Salzenmund - City of Salt and Silver

Reiksguard Chapter House in Altdorf
The fortified citadel of the Reikland Emperors' personal army has its own library and a room where the order's records are stored. The order's history is stored here.
Source: WFRP 4e: Altdorf - Crown of the Empire

Royal Academy of Talabecland/University of Talabheim
A second-rate university in Talabheim that covers the basic sciences and philosophies taught at larger universities. Its teachings are considered staid and backwards. The only area it excels in is plant lore. Recent History is one of its subjects. Jade and amber wizards commonly teach here, with the Academy having a branch college of those wizards' Orders attached to it. The academy is home to the famous Talastein Carvings - thirteen stone slabs of worn pictographs made by the Belthani that contain information on history, religion, and druid society, and which bear glyphs that depict druidic animals. It has a reciprocal agreement with the University of Altdorf.
Sources: Divided Loyalties, WFRP 2e: Realms of Sorcery, WFRP 2e: Terror in Talabheim, WFRP 2e: Tome of Salvation, WFRP 4e: Archives of the Empire 3

Royal College of Music
The College is home to the Middenheim Orchestra and is a centre of the city's cultural life. Concerts and other events take place here throughout the year, especially during festivals. It contains the only copy of the 18th century Tilean comic opera by Giuseppe di Burrataverde, The Moon, The Cheese, And The Rat, about a rat that tries to eat Morrslieb.
Sources: WFRP 4e: Middenheim - City of the White Wolf, WFRP 4e: The Horned Rat

Saint Bastian's Hospital
An orphanage and school maintained by the Ubersreik's Merchants' Guild as a philanthropic gesture. As of 2512 IC, the Hospital is a tall, narrow building in the Merchant's Quarter, and supports more than eight children. The ground floor contains a reception area, office space, a refectory and kitchens. The first floor contains classrooms and bathrooms, and the top floor contains the children's dormitory. The Hospital's staff teaches a broad and varied curriculum, including learning about flaura and fauna. The Hospital arranges field trips, including all the way into the Hagercrybs. The Merchants' Guild are willing to pay for guards to ensure the children's safety during such trips if there are rumours of bandits in the area.
Source: WFRP 4e: A Guide to Ubersreik

West of the University of Altdorf is the Schlafstadt quarter, a shabby neighbourhood whose many shops sell books, antiques, used furniture, tools, and weapons. The book vendors cater mainly to university faculty and students, but they also attract customers from across Altdorf and beyond.
Source: WFRP 4e: Altdorf - Crown of the Empire

School of Navigators
The School of Navigators in Altdorf is the Empire's foremost academy for navigators. Before Marienburg declared independence, it was widely considered second-rate. To improve its profile, the school now employs three elf navigators which it pays double what it pays human navigators. The pay difference has caused friction, and the elves' attempt to lessen the friction by explaining that they're at least twice as good as human navigators has only worsened things.
Source: WFRP 4e: Altdorf - Crown of the Empire.

Southern Palace
The southern, public area of the Palast District in Altdorf has meeting chambers, offices, and scriptoria populated by the administrative and military masters of the Reikland and the Empire.
Source: WFRP 4e: Altdorf - Crown of the Empire

Stirland Archives
The archives are as secure as a dwarven vault and made up of a massive amount of ledgers and documents. They contain recruitment records of the Army of Stirland going back at least 20 years, a roster of previous retirees, and the formative documents of the Wurtbadian Watch from the early 2130s. They also have tax records and documents with the details of the feudal contract between Stirland and its Elector Count.
Source: Divided Loyalties

Streissen College/University of Streissen
A small but influential university that also incorporates a prestigious medical school. It's a bastion of new philosophies, and conservatives shun it as a den of decadence. The university became famous for its revolutionary schools of thought after Streissen became a freistadt in 2456 IC. The bookcases in the university's library are huge; each one holds books totalling several hundred pounds in weight. The college has a reciprocal agreement with the University of Altdorf.
Sources: Divided Loyalties, WFRP 4e: Empire in Ruins, WFRP 4e: Empire in Ruins Companion

Taalbaston Pass Log Office
An enormous office that retains the names of everyone passing into and out of Talabheim for five hundred years before discarding them.
Source: WFRP 2e: Terror in Talabheim

Temple of Drama
A theatre in Altdorf known for staging brave experimental productions. It has a small, old store room containing a bookcase piled high with plays, including a number of very old folios.
Sources: WFRP 3e: The Enemy Within, WFRP 4e: Altdorf - Crown of the Empire

Tower of Sagas
One of Castle Salzenmund's towers. Every inch of the interior walls of the top seven of its eleven storeys is lined with all of the surviving documents in the province's official records. Countless deeds, charters, tithes, and pacts are stored here, while the upper storeys are the entirety of the castle library. Narrow wooden walkways provide access to the shelves. The keeper of records is master of the Count's Chancery, overseeing a small army of scribes, legalists, and clerks who attend to the collection and produce new documents. Maps and genealogical information can be found here.
Source: WFRP 4e: Salzenmund - City of Salt and Silver

The Universität is a district made up of a cluster of impressive buildings situated near Nuln's centre. It attracts would-be students from all over the Empire and beyond, including Kislev and Estalia. The neighbourhood is dedicated to learning and is home to the Imperial Gunnery School and the Grand University of Nuln, as well as a number of smaller schools, most of which have a narrow focus, covering the arts or trades. These smaller schools include the College of Barristers and Halfling University.
Source: Divided Loyalties, WFRP 2e: Forges of Nuln

University of Altdorf/Altdorf University
The University of Altdorf is the first centre of learning in the Empire (its building is younger than Nuln's though) and the Old World's foremost learning institution, attracting young scholars from across the Old World. Elves have visited the university as guest lecturers since before the Colleges of Magic were founded. During the time Teclis was teaching wizardry in the Empire, Finubar sent greater number of scholars to the Empire to broaden understanding of astrology, mathematics, and philosophy, which are prerequisites for advanced magical theory.
..Its most prestigious colleges are law, medicine, military history, alchemy, and bestiara. Its other subjects include Arcane History, Near Eastern Studies, and Natural History. Its Faculty of Medicine has dozens of professors and hundreds of students. The university has a Department of Theology, a Division of Arts, and a Collegium Historica. It has tutors for Sylvanian, Classical, Tilean, Estalian, Arabyan, Breton, Mootish, Kislevarin, Indie, Cathayan, Nipponese, Norse, and Wastelander. The university has a philosophy wing, with a temple to Borchbach attached to it. Many old Oghams have been translated here. Several things are debated in the university, such as the nature of the aethyr, and which would win in a fight between a wyvern and a crab of equal size.
..The university has reciprocal agreements with the Collegium Theologica, the Royal Academy of Talabecland, the University of Nuln, Streissen College, and the University of Salzenmund.
..The Altdorf University complex occupies about a third of the Schulergegend district of Altdrof. Students come from the lower class, middle class, and upper class. Attached to the university is a significant temple to Clio and the Verenan-run Great Library of Altdorf, which acts as the university's library. The Order of Mysteries is a Verenan order based there that's dedicated to finding lost tomes and artefacts and is used by cultists and outsiders to locate legendary objects. Members of the Guild of Explorers - open to anyone who travels the Empire and beyond in search of new places and new knowledge - regularly meet at the University.
..As of 2512 IC, it has employed Professor Frederich 'Old' Weirde, primarily a historian and warfare scholar who for 30 years (so starting 2482 IC) has been writing books and producing pamphlets. Old Weirde's Incunabula is a collection that has/will have information on Norscans, greenskins, lizardmen, tomb kings, and other fantastical species.
Sources: Divided Loyalties, WFRP 2e: Career Compendium, WFRP 2e: Tome of Salvation, WFRP 3e: Winds of Magic, WFRP 4e, WFRP 4e: Altdorf - Crown of the Empire, WFRP 4e: Empire in Ruins Companion, WFRP 4e: Winds of Magic

University of Salzenmund
Compared to the Universities of Nuln and Altdorf, the University of Salzenmund is little more than a provincial college of limited repute. It was established in 2309 IC. The faculty is small and undistinguished, characterised by academics who lack either the prestige, ability, or social skills to work somewhere better. Students are accepted based on donations by their family, so most come from moderately well-to-do Nordland families who lack the means to send their children somewhere more prestigious. Among its subjects are history, military history, the sciences, and theology. Lectures are open to anyone who can prove scholarly status, regardless of whether they are affiliated with the University. One of the university's scholars was Eber Keiler, who wrote the notorious but not proscribed tome called the Lexikon - a philosophical study of supernatural entities and their true names, which has a missing chapter rumoured to relate to daemons. The university has a reciprocal agreement with the University of Altdorf.
Source: Divided Loyalties, WFRP 4e: Salzenmund - City of Salt and Silver

Witch Hunters' Great Temple
The headquarters of the Witch Hunters in Altdorf and the Empire. It has an impressive library, though the order doesn't allow its contents to leave. Its shelves are lined with texts, manuscripts, and scrolls detailing faith, history, and heresy – such as Hieronymous Black's Rules and Statutes, considered the authoritative work on the founding tenets and strictures of the Order.
Sources: WFRP 3e: Signs of Faith, WFRP 4e: Altdorf - Crown of the Empire

Wizards and Alchemists Guild/Guild of Wizards and Alchemists/Guild of Magisters/Wizards' and Alchemists' Guild
A branch college of the Colleges of Magic in Middenheim for the Golden and Celestial Orders. The Guild is a focal point for young alchemists, mundane and otherwise. It's second only in size, respectability, and power to the Golden Order in Altdorf. The Guild has the best facilities and libraries of arcane lore outside of Altdorf, with a large, well-stocked magical library, tuition facilities, and several laboratories. Here apprentices may be taken on, spell ingredients sold, artefacts identified, spells taught, and so on.
Sources: Divided Loyalties, WFRP 1e: Middenheim - City of Chaos, WFRP 2e: Ashes of Middenheim, WFRP 2e: Realms of Sorcery

Worshipful Guild of Legalists
This Komission has the dual function of registering all Middenheim's litigants (who make up many of the city's magistrates), and of drafting all new legislation. In carrying out the latter task, the Guild ensures that the wording of all enactments remains incomprehensible to anyone not educated in law. The Guild is a repository for the city's legal archives, which include records of cases going almost as far back as the city's foundation. Since much of Middenheim's law is based on legal precedent, the archives are a vital source of legal knowledge. Scribes methodically pore through dusty old documents looking for specific cases and legal arguments that may affect the outcome of present-day cases. Law students and historians from the Collegium Historica also make extensive use of the archive. The Guild has a scriptorium where about twenty cobweb-covered scribes copy books, scrolls, and other documents either for the Graf's personal use, or for the city records which are kept in a huge vault beneath the building. These scribes were employed in 2462 IC to introduce a new, efficient filing system. At least some of the tomes from the vault are dusty or mildewed.
Sources: WFRP 2e: Ashes of Middenheim, WFRP 4e: Middenheim - City of the White Wolf
Library of Mournings
Located in Tor Lithanel and twice as old as the White Tower of Hoeth, it contains manuscripts dating back to the Sundering. It has scrolls that predate the elves and scrolls written by Caledor Dragontamer, Everqueen Astarielle, Queen Maruviel, and Everqueen Yvraine. The library houses the largest known collection of scrolls describing experiments of the legendary Old Ones. Information on magic and the Old Ones is restricted, but books on forest spirits are considered mundane. Books on elven gods are available as well, even as such books are restricted by the Asur.
Sources: Divided Loyalties, WFRP 4e: Archives of the Empire
Bokha Palace
As of 2522 IC, the Bokha Palace is one of the greatest collections of wisdom and learning in Kislev, even more than the Temple of Verena in the city. In the present day, it's anyone's guess what sort of books might have accumulated within the Palace Gospodarin after almost a thousand years of Kislev's often-tumultuous succession, and what might have survived its near-destruction in the Great War.
Sources: Divided Loyalties, WFRP 2e: Realm of the Ice Queen

Ice Court
The Ice Witches of Kislev have centuries of accumulated observations on the other magical phenomena of the Old World. Knowledge that would give insight into their magic is restricted. In addition to magic, the Ice Court schools young women in intrigue and diplomacy.
Sources: Divided Loyalties, Total War: Warhammer 3

Magnus Gardens of Praag
The College of Art, Academy of Music, and Celestial Observatory within this grand park produce some of the finest artists, musicians, and astrologers in the Old World.
Sources: Divided Loyalties, Total War: Warhammer 3, WFRP 2e: Realm of the Ice Queen

University of Kislev
Significantly more modest than many equivalent institutions of the Empire but renowned in certain circles for the study of beasts and spirits, as the lines between the two are often blurred in Kislev. It has a small library.
Source: Divided Loyalties, WFRP 1e: The Enemy Within Campaign Volume 4 - Something Rotten in Kislev

The Writer's Rooms
The headquarters of the government-funded scribes for a mostly-illiterate country, the Writer's Rooms boast over eight hundred years of the customs, history, superstitions, and legends of Kislev. Over the years it's grown in size and stature, acquiring neighbouring properties and knocking down walls. It's found in the city of Kislev.
Sources: Divided Loyalties, WFRP 2e: Realm of the Ice Queen
Baron Henryk's College/Baron Henryk's College of Navigation and Sea Magicks/Marienburg University/University of Marienburg
Established in 1947 IC, Baron Henryk's is a world-renowned university located in a former palace and one of the Old World's premiere centres of learning. Its musty halls are always bustling with academics, students, and their servants. Wealthy young students debate esoteric topics (sometimes drunkenly) in the surrounding streets and plazas. Study at Baron Henryk's is open to anyone who can afford the fees.
The college teaches rhetoric, logic, grammar, music, history, Classical, and astronomy. Baron Henryk's leads the world in the realm of advanced studies of medicine, law, and economicks by cooperating with Marienburg's guilds and temples. Doctors use the Great Hospital of Shallya to teach medicine and surgery, the Inns of Court train lawyers, and priests of Haendryk lecture on Economicks. Anatomy and legal ethics are also subjects taught at Baron Henryk's. The study of navigation and cartography are foremost and where the college truly excels. Navigators licensed by the Marienburg Brotherhood of Seamen and Pilots take exams at Baron Henryk's. Because of the the Brotherhood and University's high standards, Marienburg-registered navigators are in demand across the Old World. Even Sea Elves from Sith Rionnasc have lectured in Baron Henryk's.
..Baron Henryk's has a Department of the Maritime Arts Magical and supports research into applied sorcery, with an emphasis on magic useful to mariners and the merchant trade. This includes Elemental and Illusion magic, as well as magic meant for battle. The Directorate and Houses of Ten ensure there's plenty of funds to train wizards loyal to Marienburg.
..Baron Henryk's often sends journeys of exploration. Through the Wasteland Geographical Society - a University-sponsored fellowship of explorers, sea captains, scholars and anyone who has an interest in foreign places and the money for a membership fee - the College's knowledge of the wider world grows each year. The college's Cartography Department has one of the greatest map collections in the Old World.
..Verenan priests and devoted laymen are members of the faculty of each department.
..Baron Henryk's has a library called the University Library, which has a centuries-old tome called the Dreamer's Journal. The university also has Observations on the Dissection of a Dwarf by Professor Markus von Zerleger, 1928 IC.
Source: WFRP 1e: Dwarfs - Stone and Steel; WFRP 1e: Marienburg: Sold Down the River, WFRP 4e: Sea of Claws

Temple Court/Star Chamber
The court in Marienburg that deals with religious matters. It's the main library for canon law in Marienburg, though each cult keeps a copy of those laws that deal with their particular sect.
Source: WFRP 1e: Marienburg: Sold Down the River, WFRP 4e: Sea of Claws

Wasteland Import-Export Exchange/ Wasteland Import/Export Exchange /The 'Change
The Wasteland Import/Export Exchange in Marienburg is the place where all Marienburg's bulk trade takes place. The 'Change keeps full records on every set of shares issued. Anyone can access its library, although they will have to sign a register of visitors, and there is usually a delay of several minutes while the overworked clerks locate the correct ledger, get it from the shelf and chain it to a table before they'll let anyone read it.
Source: WFRP 1e: Marienburg: Sold Down the River
Chenhild's Monoliths
An arc of standing stones emerging from the Bjornling coast, each marked with powerful runes blessed by the Great Schemer. The Bjornlings believe they ward off Dark Elf raiders who plague the coast looking for captives.
Source: WFRP 4e: Sea of Claws

King's Hall
Atop an elevated rise in the town of Skjold and surrounded by a wooden stockade is the King's Hall and several other low buildings. One of those buildings contains a collection of maps from centuries of seafarers' journeys. These are inscribed on skins and parchments — some stolen and others of Norse origin.
Source: WFRP 4e: Sea of Claws

Skaeling Coast
Strangely carved monoliths along the Skaeling Coast record forgotten histories and promise gifts from dark powers.
Source: WFRP 4e: Sea of Claws

The largest coastal Bjornling town, around whose walls are standing stones inscribed with intricate runes and Dark Tongue script imploring the gods for protection. Foreigners are tolerated and even welcomed if they have something to offer.
Source: WFRP 4e: Sea of Claws
Aquila Academy in Luccini
A military school dedicated to Myrmidia that teaches the art and science of war.
Sources: Divided Loyalties, WFRP 2e: Shades of Empire

Has some books that aren't looted from other countries.
Source: Divided Loyalties

Tobaran Engineering Guild
One of the most powerful organisations in the city, responsible for the construction, expansion and maintenance of its network of tunnels and caverns, as well as its mining equipment and lift mechanisms. The city's sizeable Dwarf population dominates the guild, utilising their people's expertise to guide the growing number of Human engineers.
Source: WFRP 2e: The WFRP Companion
The Black Library
This huge, dome-shaped chamber was hollowed out of the earth under Castle Drakenhof by the necromancer Immoliah Fey when Konrad was head of the Von Carsteins. It was one of the Old World's largest collections of forbidden lore, legendary for the amount of books contained within, its shelves containing mouldering grimoires filled with dangerous knowledge dating back as far as Nehekharan times. However, now it's empty after centuries of looting.
Sources: Divided Loyalties, WFRP 2e: Night's Dark Masters

Castle Drakenhof/Drakenhof Castle
The castle had a library of dark lore brought in by Mannfred von Carstein from the Lands of the Dead shortly after the reign of Konrad von Carstein. It was legendary for the amount of books contained within and it rivals Count von Sangster's great library in Nuln. However, now it's empty after centuries of looting.
Sources: Divided Loyalties, Warhammer 8th Edition: Vampire Counts, WFRP 2e: Night's Dark Masters

Count von Sangster's Library
A great library in Nuln owned by Count von Sangster, who openly lives as a vampire in the city and is renowned for scholarship among both mortals and vampires. His library was once rivalled only by Mannfred's, and Sangster's recent (as of 2522 IC) History of the Empire is considered to be the greatest and most complete ever compiled. Human scholars gladly risk association with the author to read a copy, which isn't difficult to arrange. Von Sangster has had hostile relations with the Black Guard.
Source: Divided Loyalties, WFRP 2e: Night's Dark Masters

Temple of Clio the Scrivener in Carroburg
A large and ornate temple supported by the large fees ("donations") for the cultists' services as scribes, illuminators, and documenters for the powerful and wealthy. It also receives regular and sizeable contributions from patron temples of Verena. The temple's impressive library is filled with original works on philosophy, history, and theology, along with copies of other famous tomes penned by its scribes. The temple's several dozen scribes offer their services to all. They have a sliding scale to accommodate the less wealthy, such as commoners needing legal documents filled out, while especially ostentatious works for the wealthy can go for extraordinary sums. Other cults sometimes have their precious works sent to Carroburg to have the Temple of Clio copy these scrolls and tomes for safekeeping and archiving. The walls adorning the temple depict Verena as well as Clio.
Source: WFRP 2e: Tome of Salvation
High Temple of Haendryk in Marienburg/Temple of Haendryk
The temple has often led the way in advancing business: its priests lecture on the new science of Economicks at Baron Henryk's, and it has recently pioneered the use of letters of credit by private citizens in their daily lives.
Sources: WFRP 1e: Marienburg: Sold Down the River, WFRP 2e: Tome of Salvation
Cathedral of Manann Resplendant in Salzenmund
Constructed in 1650 IC, the cathedral has a small library adjacent to it that holds nautical charts, a collection of ship's logs, and a handful of scholarly tomes. More scholarly tomes are found in the monastery of Manannsheim.
Source: WFRP 4e: Salzenmund - City of Salt and Silver

A Manannite monastery on an island north of the Drosselspule Bay in Nordland. It belongs to the monastic Order of the Triton, who are mostly retired seamen drawn from educated followers of Manann — former navigators, naval cartographers, and scholars of naval strategy. Each year, erosion gnaws at the cliffs and claims more of the monastery's buildings. The monastery's library has an extensive collection of sea charts, histories of ocean travel, and copies of all Manann's holy books.
Source: WFRP 4e: Salzenmund - City of Salt and Silver, WFRP 4e: Sea of Claws
Abbey of Blessed Aethelbert the Vigilant/Abbey of Blessed Aethelbert/Abbey of St. Aethelbert
A former fortress near the town of Siegfriedhof run by the Black Guard. Spanning both floors of the abbey, its library is an open gallery with a balcony on the second floor. The stacks on the ground floor contain history, theology, and philosophy texts. The second floor contains scientific works on anatomy and embalming, as well as stacks of string-bound dream analysis journals and a smattering of literature. There are five reading and copying rooms extending from the second floor balcony, each equipped with parchment and writing kits. A ladder accessible from the library leads to an observatory with a simple telescope useful only for astronomy.
Source: WFRP 2e: The Thousand Thrones
The Archecclesiastium in Magritta has a sacred, cavernous library that contains sacred texts. Some nobles of the Empire send their youngest offspring to the Archecclesiastium in part to gain access to the precious battlefield lore within. The library of the Archecclesiastium keeps the original copy of the Bellum Strategia. It almost certainly has a copy of Elven War Studies by the high elf Allurian and The Dwarf Art of War by the dwarf Brendt Lavaspear.
Source: WFRP 4e: Up in Arms

Great Temple of Myrmidia
The Great Temple of Myrmidia in Remas has a sacred, cavernous library that contains sacred texts. Some nobles of the Empire send their youngest offspring to the Great Temple in part to gain access to the precious battlefield lore within. It almost certainly has a copy of Elven War Studies by the high elf Allurian and The Dwarf Art of War by the dwarf Brendt Lavaspear.
Source: WFRP 4e: Up in Arms

Monastery of the Dark Maiden
The first and largest Myrmidian monastery in the Empire. Located in the Wissenlander Grey Mountains 15 miles from Hendorf, the monastery is run by the Hermetic Order of Nahmud's Peace. The Order was once dedicated to the translation of a collection of scrolls, though now it primarily offers its services as tutors and lecturers, especially for the subjects of history and strategy. The monastery has a scriptorium where sacred scrolls and holy texts are copied. It also has a library where the collected tomes of the Order are guarded, maintained, and restored. The monastery sells copies of the Order's texts, which are very popular with visiting soldiers and mercenaries.
Source: WFRP 2e: Tome of Salvation

Temple of Myrmidia di Mari
The temple of Myrmidia in Marienburg maintains extensive records of the military history of the Old World. They play Warhammer here.
Source: WFRP 1e: Marienburg: Sold Down the River

Temple of Myrmidia Incazzata/Temple of Myrmidia Incandescente
The Temple of Myrmidia in Altdorf has a small library that acts as a repository of writings on warfare, siege craft, and the fostering of peace after conflict. The library includes elven texts as well as treatises on Teutogen battle tactics, which Ulricans find pleasing.
Source: WFRP 4e: Altdorf - Crown of the Empire
Mootland Genealogical Library
The Genealogical Library in Eicheschatten contains millennia of accumulated history and culture, detailing the complete history and bloodline of every Halfling. It even contains complete family trees of Halfling Clans that have been wiped out. Beyond genealogy, it also has books on agriculture, livestock, cooking, halfling gods, distilling, archery, geography, and possibly more.
Sources: Divided Loyalties, WFRP 4e
Heiligdom, the Shallyan Asylum of Blessed Rest
Heiligdom in Marienburg is run by nuns who specialise in caring for the mentally ill. It has a small library.
Source: WFRP 1e: Marienburg: Sold Down the River

Great Altdorf Asylum/Altdorf Asylum
Not to be confused with the hell-hole that is the Sigmarite-run Altdorf City Asylum, the Great Altdorf Asylum was founded to treat traumatised veterans of the Great War Against Chaos and is run by Shallyan nuns. The Altdorf Asylum attracts elven physicians for research opportunities. One such physician, Professor Freydion Starwise, advises the nuns and specialises in Chaotic mental afflictions. The professor uses hypnosis and dream analysis to discern daemonic possession from true madness. Elven scholars have learned a great deal about the Realms of Chaos from interviews with possessed inmates. Witch hunters who can't extract daemons by exorcism or torture sometimes entrust corrupted victims to the Shallyans as a last resort.
Source: WFRP 4e: Altdorf - Crown of the Empire

The Great Hospice
A hospice by Frederheim founded in 2243 IC and run by nuns of the Healing Order of the Sisters of Shallya. The sisters here refuse aggressive experimentation, the patients' well-being being their highest priority. Its library is stocked mainly with books on theology and medicine. There are also a few volumes on Imperial and world history, histories of various noble houses, and a handful of memoirs — mostly donated by their authors, whose families had some kind of tie to the Great Hospice. The hospice has a wing for wizards who have done certain things like using Tale of Metal or Breach the Unknown on warpstone. The hospice has admitted patients who've tried to translate Queekish.
Sources: Divided Loyalties, WFRP 4e: Archives of the Empire 2

Shallyan Hospice in Helmgart/Temple to Shallya
Immediately after the entrance hall is a room with a desk that has a very large book on it. There are small piles of books all around the temple, such as in the corners of corridors and behind a large dove statue. It has a two-storey book repository with full bookcases and there are full bookcases in other parts of the temple as well. The temple has an asylum ward.
Source: Warhammer: Vermintide 2

Temple of Shallya in Middenheim
A small but beautiful temple, behind which is the Fifth Finger, a Ranaldan shrine club. It's closely linked to the Physicians' Guild and receives some funding from the Komission for Health, Education, and Welfare. It runs a small orphanage and school founded in 2480 IC by High Matriarch Isolde Begegnen. It gives orphans a basic education and religious instruction.
Sources: WFRP 1e: Middenheim - City of Chaos, WFRP 4e: Middenheim - City of the White Wolf

Temple of Shallya in Ubersreik
A high-ceilinged building with a wide dome that tends to Ubersreik's sick. It has a library.
Sources: WFRP 4e: A Guide to Ubersreik, WFRP 4e: Rough Nights and Hard Days
Chapter House of the Knights of the Jade Griffon in Altdorf
It has a library.
Source: WFRP 4e: Altdorf - Crown of the Empire

Cloister of the Sacred Anvil in Altdorf
The most insular of all the branches of the Cult of Sigmar, the Order of the Anvil is concerned with the rules and doctrines of the cult. This usually involves painstaking research on, and learned interpretation of, the canonical writings on the Life of Sigmar and the examples of historical Grand Theogonists and Venerated Souls. The Order also keeps records of the cult's internal matters, official meetings, and disciplinary procedures. Monks and priests from the cult run the cloister, and many of its most learned voices are drawn from among them. However, they also meet regularly with a variety of lay readers and celebrated academics from many fields. The Sacred Anvil hosts lectures and presentations on the life and works of Sigmar, followed by rigorous discussion.
Source: WFRP 4e: Altdorf - Crown of the Empire

Gragh Mar School
A large annexe of the High Temple of Sigmar in Middenheim established in 2340 IC by Magnus the Pious. The children of the few followers of Sigmar in Middenheim are educated here between the ages of 8 and 13; monks of the Order of Gragh Mar run the school. They are dedicated to teaching Imperial history and law as handed down in the writings of the cult.
Source: WFRP 4e: Middenheim - City of the White Wolf

Great Library of Sigmar
One annex of the Grand Cathedral of Sigmar in Altdorf is the Great Library of Sigmar. It's one of the foremost collections of religious works in the Empire and is legendary amongst scholars and learned priests for its wealth of priceless, ancient codices. Its texts mainly concern matters of faith and heresy, but also has other, more esoteric works. It contains all the great works that celebrate Sigmar and also many other religious works from across the Old World and beyond.
..A brief list of some of its most important texts include: Adelman & Swydiger's Brazir & Furnace maintenance, a detailed guide to methods of heat generation and combustion; Bernhardt's Treatise on the Temptations of Power by Johann Bernhardt, a great, influential work discussing the many ways in which men, especially politically powerful ones, may fall to Chaos, forbidden without written approval of the Emperor and all Elector Counts; The Doom of King Morgrim Blackbeard, a dusty, crumbling dwarf text printed over a millennium before Sigmar's birth, considered a useful insight into the mindset of the dwarves; Elixirs, Potions and Poultices, which covers various church-sanctioned palliatives and remedies, lists many potent lotions, oils, and powders, and includes a section on poisons, intoxicants, venoms, and acids; The Liber Chaotica by Richter Kleis, an influential, heretical, well-intentioned tome covering Chaos in five volumes that requires special dispensation to view; The Liber Malefic, a shortened, slightly less perilous version of the full, terrifying guide to the Chaos Realms, which may be glanced at in dire need; The Life of Sigmar, legends and tales concerning Sigmar's early life and the founding of the Empire; and Rules & Statutes by Hieronymus Black, which lists the founding tenets of the Witch Hunters' order.
..Access to the library is restricted to members of the cult only. Any outsider wishing to access the records must gain special permission from a lector. Members of friendly cults, especially Shallyans and Verenans, traditionally receive admission. For others, it can be extremely difficult.
Source: WFRP 4e: Altdorf - Crown of the Empire, The Witch Hunter's Handbook

Hammersworn Rock
A Sigmarite monastery on the banks of the River Grissen above Grissenwald, near the town of Dunkelberg. It's renowned for its scholarship into the history and legends of the First Emperor. Less well-known than the Monastery of the Holy Word, but still a major centre of Sigmarite learning, and its great library holds a copy of the Testaments of Sigmar as well as countless other books of scholarship. Its library has a restricted section.
Sources: WFRP 4e: Death on the Reik Companion, WFRP 4e: The Horned Rat Companion

Librarium Secularum/Librarium Secularum Imperium
Originally conceived as a small annex to the Grand Cathedral of Sigmar in Altdorf, the library has grown over the years to encompass a number of rooms linked by a maze of corridors. Magnus the Pious wanted it in order to house every known work in the world within the cathedral. Its halls are several storeys high that are all lined with books, its corridors have floor-to-ceiling bookshelves, and far-flung corners of the labyrinth hide little-used crannies and dank storerooms stacked with neglected, rotting tomes. Twenty-six huge tomes serve as the library's catalogue. The library is quiet, dusty, and thickly carpeted. The complex is served by a great number of librarians. In order to gain access to the library, one must be a senior member of the cult or have a reference from another respected institution. Despite this, it has thousands of members and hundreds of regular users. The reading room is always busy during daylight hours, with wizards and priests of all stripes, and academics and professionals from other walks of life. The Librarium's vaults have accounts of events involving waystones.
Sources: Divided Loyalties, WFRP 2e: The Thousand Thrones, WFRP 4e: Altdorf - Crown of the Empire

Monastery of the Holy Word
A Sigmarite monastery deep in the Reikwald west of Altdorf tended by the Order of the Anvil. It houses the original copy of the Testaments of Sigmar, a gathering of the written memories of warriors and citizens who knew Sigmar before godhood. It's considered the most accurate collection of the things Sigmar actually said and the practices he maintained in life. Penitents visit the monastery for obscure details about the foundations of Sigmar's Law.
Source: WFRP 4e
Compass Monoliths
Four great monoliths stand at the cardinal points on the internal crater wall of Talabheim. They are hewn from the rock and inscribed with unknown script by some forgotten hand. The Cult says the monoliths mark Taal's dominion over all land to the north, south, east, and west of Talabheim.
Source: WFRP 4e: Deft Steps Light Fingers

La Maisontaal Abbey
The monastery is high in the Grey Mountains and occupied by monks of the Order of the White Stag, who quietly contemplate Taal's domain. The monastery's master, Bagrian de Muscadet, claims that insights into the natural world can be garnered through magical practices. The monks have a cordial relationship with Duke Tancred.
Source: WFRP 4e: Deft Steps Light Fingers

Rock at Split Waters/Rock of the Split Waters
A sacred temple of Taal and Rhya in Talabecland, named for how two tributaries of the River Stir come together at a waterfall, with a jutting monolith of black granite at the junction of these streams. Over untold generations, worshippers of Taal and Rhya have come here to carve words and pictures of praise to Taal and Rhya. Some of the carvings are ancient beyond compare, harkening back to the time when Ishernos ruled the land.
Source: WFRP 2e: Tome of Salvation
Collegium Theologica
An Ulrican academy in Middenheim founded in 1762 IC. It was originally built to train students for the priesthood and promote the publication and study of the cult's religious writings, but its scope now covers every subject from the history of art to the development of safer methods for manufacturing gunpowder. Bestiaria is one of the Collegium's subjects, as are history, law, astronomy, heraldry, and theology, and it's possible to learn non-Reikspiel languages here as well. It's considered one of the best learning centres in the Old World. It lacks an Imperial charter saying it's officially a university, but considers itself equal to the Universities of Altdorf and Nuln.
..The Collegium's library is one of the finest in the Old World. The library has musty bookstacks. Among the books in its possession are: Dead is Better, a treatise on the cursed nature of the undead and the methods and means of their disposal by Malthus Morto (1984 IC); Middenheim's Rise, Fall, and Stumble by Sigismund Strechel; the Tilean book on the mathematics of ballistics Taking the Shot: Everything You always Wanted to Know About Ballistics But Were Afraid to Ask by Benevento Cannonero (2401 IC); Tell No Tales, a translation of a Tilean volume consisting of seven transcripts, purported to be conversations between a Tilean sailor and an undead Khemrian noblewoman (2115 IC); a Tilean book called Walk Home Syndrome: Escaping on Foot, Alfano Lo Sfortunato Tucci's memoir (1356 IC); The Wars of the Poses by Ernst Gibbonstein; and White Wolf's Range: A Geography of the Middle Mountains by Hieronymous Wundefuesse (2114 IC).
..The Collegium has a reciprocal agreement with the University of Altdorf. The Collegium's largest faculty is the Department of Holy and Scriptural Studies, which has the largest library in Middenheim and focuses on history, law, and Ulrican religious writings, employing two full-time librarians. The library is available for research. The DHSS receives disbursements from the Graf and the Temple of Ulric and tax-deductible donations from wealthy citizens.
..The Collegium has one of Middenheim's three scriptoria and a Theatre of Anatomy where crowds can watch dissections take place.
Sources: Divided Loyalties, WFRP 1e: Middenheim - City of Chaos, WFRP 2e: Ashes of Middenheim, WFRP 3e: The Enemy Within, WFRP 4e: Middenheim - City of the White Wolf, WFRP 4e: The Horned Rat, WFRP 4e: The Horned Rat Companion

Drakwald College of the Holy Wolf
A renowned Ulrican seminary famous for the piety of the priests it produces and infamous for its brutal training regime.
Source: WFRP 2e: Tome of Salvation

The Lore Haus/Lore House/Lehrehaus
One of the outbuildings of the High Temple of Ulric in Middenheim is the Lore Haus, the temple's private library. It's a great library of religious manuscripts where you can find old tomes on Ulrican history and religious law. One of the books it contains in a locked cabinet is The Middle Mountains Campaign: a History of the Glorious Assaults on Brass Keep in the War Against Chaos, with Some Assistance by Magnus of Nuln.
Sources: WFRP 3e: The Enemy Within, WFRP 4e: Middenheim - City of the White Wolf, WFRP 4e: The Horned Rat
The remote, fortified monastery of Eyrie is located through the mountains of the Vaults from Winter's Teeth Pass. Its library is one of the major collections of knowledge in the Old World, and fees and donations from those who use the library provide the monastery with the bulk of its income. Some of the wealthy and noble families of the southern part of the Empire send their sons to Eyrie. Novices are given an education and some basic military training before being sent out into the world. Some take to adventuring, and those who retain some attachment to the monastery spend their time travelling in search of new items for the library. The library is open only to the monastery's monks and lay brethren, and books may not be taken from it. Eyrie has special links to the University of Nuln.
..The library has ledgers that date from 752 IC. Within their pages is an entry where a forgotten Nulner clerk complains of the 'petty thievery of the Magpie cultists.'
Sources: WFRP 1e: Doomstones 3 - Death Rock; WFRP 4e: Deft Steps Light Fingers

Grand Temple at Nuln/Temple of Verena
The imposing temple of Verena in Nuln is a holy site of learning within the Altstadt, which contains Nuln's elite neighbourhoods. One of the gates into Altstadt is the most travelled because the temple of Verena is just on the other side of it. The temple compound is large, with four storeys of solid brick. The cult influences nearly every aspect of the Universität, the Imperial Gunnery School, the various colleges, and even what little magic finds support in the city. The place also serves as the High Court of Nuln, trying almost as many cases as the secular courts. Almost unique among temples of Verena, it has no library.
Sources: Divided Loyalties, WFRP 2e: Forges of Nuln, WFRP 2e: Tome of Salvation

Great Library of Altdorf/Temple-Library of Verena/Temple Library of Verena
Physically connected by the Temple of Verena (essentially a chapel) to the University of Altdorf and acting as the university's library, the Great Library is one of the largest Verenan libraries in the Old World and the first library in the Empire, though there's institutions of similar grandeur in Remas, Marienburg, Miragliano, and Magritta. The massive library's books are organised according to the subjects of the university. It's got its stacks, but it does continuously add new wings when it reaches capacity. At least some of its tomes are dusty. It contains copies of writings by Gaelen as well as of laws and treaties recorded by Sigmar's heralds. It has countless books of allegory and analogy, old wives' tales, and folklore. It also contains a complete list of all the Venerated Souls recognised by the Empire. The Verenans keep books that the other Cults might object to, usually the Cult of Sigmar but also including the Cult of Morr, such as certain anatomical books.
..Three full rooms of the Temple-Library are occupied by the collected writings of the historian Master Reichardt Schwetz, who in 2356 IC wrote the definitive, authoritative, exhaustively-researched six-volume tome on the history of Altdorf, An Illuminating and Comprehensive Historical Account of the City of Altdorf. He never left Altdorf and was extremely prejudiced against foreigners but still wrote histories of other parts of the Empire that became increasingly disparaging the further away the subject was. He also wrote treatises and letters on any subject that took his fancy.
..Among the books in the Great Library are: 101 Useful Khazalid Phrases in Phonetic Reikspiel; Catalogues of Confusion and Shoddiness: An Investigation of Manling Efforts in Scholarship by Loremaster Yodri of Kadar-Khalizad (written only in Khazalid); A Compendium of the Rustic Notions and Hedge Theology of the Southern Realms of the Old World, The Empress Agnetha University of Nuln Press 2474 IC; The Dream Sights of Bertoldt the Malleun; From Altdorf to Averheim, Benni Bottomdown's Guide to Navigating the Upper Reik and Lower Aver; From the Adequate to the Benighted: Ancestor Gods of the Manlings by Loremaster Yodri (translated into Reikspiel); and Virtuous Visions Volume V: Auntie Augusta's Awesome Auguries.
..You can't take books out of the library, but everyone can enter for a small fee and wizards can enter for free. Wizards and apprentices visit it regularly. The high priest of the temple is also the high priest and founder of the Order of Mysteries, an order that's closely allied to the Lorekeepers.
Sources: Divided Loyalties, Total War: Warhammer 3, WFRP 2e: Tome of Salvation, WFRP 3e: Signs of Faith, WFRP 3e: Tome of Mysteries, WFRP 3e: Winds of Magic, WFRP 4e: Altdorf - Crown of the Empire, WFRP 4e: Deft Steps Light Fingers, WFRP 4e: Empire in Ruins

Great Library of Marienburg/Great Library of Verena
The library's heavily involved in the city's government so its books focus a lot on jurisprudence and the city's records. Only a small part of it - public records and legal texts - is open to the public. The rest is open only to the priests and to outsiders who go through a long application explaining their research. Ostensibly this restriction is because the library has little staff. No Imperials allowed since Marienburg's independence. The library has an ancient diary recording a reaction to Norse raids.
Sources: Divided Loyalties, WFRP 1e: Marienburg: Sold Down the River

Temple of Verena in Averheim
It has an impressive library and museum area. It displays exhibits and demonstrations themed around the Battle of Black Fire Pass.
Source: WFRP 3e: The Enemy Within

Temple of Verena in Bögenhafen
Constructed a few decades ago as of 2512 IC, the temple has an extensive library - the largest in the Duchy of Saponatheim and the most complete in Bögenhafen. The library isn't an annexe or separate building - it is the temple, with sermons conducted surrounded by rows of books. Lawyers, clerks, and students visit it regularly, and it's frequented by nearly all the more prominent members of the mercantile and administrative classes.
Sources: WFRP 1e: The Enemy Within Campaign Volume 1 - Shadows Over Bögenhafen, WFRP 4e: Enemy in Shadows

Temple of Verena in Kemperbad
Has a library called the Library of Verena that contains geographical records.
Source: WFRP 4e: Death on the Reik

Temple of Verena in Kislev
The massive temple stands directly opposite the Bokha Palace, serves as Kislev's official courts, and is the mother temple of Bolgasgrad. It has a library and records office. The library has maps of Kislev and is one of the greatest collections of wisdom and learning in Kislev.
Sources: WFRP 1e: The Enemy Within Campaign Volume 4 - Something Rotten in Kislev, WFRP 2e: Realm of the Ice Queen

Temple of Verena in Middenheim
Frequently used by the city's scholars and wizards, the Temple of Verena has an extensive library taking the form of a rectangular annexe built onto one side of the main temple. The library contains the rarest manuscripts from all over the Old World. Its books may not be removed under any circumstance, but supervised access to the library is free to anyone with a letter of introduction from the Worshipful Guild of Legalists, the Wizards and Alchemists Guild, or the Collegium Theologica. The Temple is in competition with the Collegium Theologica over whose library is superior, which is impressive when considering that the Collegium's library is considered one of the finest in the Old World. The eastern annexe contains several administrative offices and a sizeable chamber that is frequently used as a courtroom for trials of law.
..Among the books in the temple's possession are: copies of Middenheim's Rise, Fall, and Stumble by Sigismund Strechel and The Wars of the Poses by Ernst Gibbonstein, both of which are works on Middenheim events; the journal of the Imperial explorer Tomas Ostermann, detailing his investigation into the runehammer Gnoldron and the preparation for his expedition to retrieve it.
Sources: WFRP 1e: Middenheim - City of Chaos, WFRP 2e: Ashes of Middenheim, WFRP 3e: The Enemy Within, WFRP 4e: Dwarf Player's Guide, WFRP 4e: Middenheim - City of the White Wolf, WFRP 4e: Power Behind the Throne Companion

Temple of Verena in Salzenmund
A modest building in poor condition. The temple library is mediocre but well-maintained — anyone who treats the books with respect is welcome to consult them.
Source: WFRP 4e: Salzenmund - City of Salt and Silver

Temple of Verena in Ubersreik
A modest building regularly attended by scholars, including members of Ubersreik's judiciary. Behind the temple lies the 'Annexe', a large library open to all. The Annexe contains a broad, well-lit reading room and many cases of books and scrolls, including the town's charter and bylaws, and minutes of the Jungfreuds' historical rulings. The more valuable, or dangerous, books are located in a locked room, only accessible with the high priest's blessing.
Source: WFRP 4e: A Guide to Ubersreik

Temple of Verena in Wolfenburg
Holds land-holding records and genealogical tomes.
Source: WFRP 2e: Sigmar's Heirs

Turris Vigilans
A temple of Verena in the north of Bordeleaux. It's one of the most reliable lighthouses in the world and its primary purpose is to keep watch on the city of Mousillon. The temple has many books for sale, and if you buy one, the priests give you very good advice. Prophetesses of the Lady and the Fay Enchantress have visited the temple.
Source: WFRP 2e: Knights of the Grail
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The Black Library
This huge, dome-shaped chamber was hollowed out of the earth under Castle Drakenhof by the necromancer Immoliah Fey when Konrad was head of the Von Carsteins. It's one of the Old World's largest collections of forbidden lore, its shelves containing mouldering grimoires filled with dangerous knowledge dating back as far as Nehekharan times.
Well fuck. We buried a bunch of perfectly good books.
Libraries, Academies, and Other Loreful Places of the Old World

The only information here is that which Mathilde could conceivably know. Though it draws from all editions of WFRP, it's intended to be completely compatible with Divided Loyalties.

In the city of Mousillon, there are shops selling forbidden books.
Source: WFRP 2e: Knights of the Grail
The Archivist
A dwarf shop in Altdorf with books stacked on tables and shelves stuffed with scrolls. Behind the counter is an enormous vault where the loremaster who owns the shop keeps his lifetime accumulation of lore. It houses an extensive library of books, scrolls of lore, maps, histories, mythologies, compilations, compendiums, treatises, theses, and dissertations. There are also rare tomes of esoteric and forbidden knowledge. There is a system to the loremaster's order of storage, but it is known to none other.
Source: WFRP 4e: Altdorf - Crown of the Empire

Great Library of Karak Azgaraz
Karak Azgaraz has a Great Library containing thousands of stone shelves stuffed with scrolls and tomes of metal foil. These records are dedicated to the history of Karak Azgaraz: kingly edicts, reports of famous battles, and ledgers of people authorised to enter the kingdom. The most ancient and valuable books are locked and chained to the shelves.
Source: WFRP 4e: Archives of the Empire
Ancient Library of Carroburg/Library and Repository of Wisdom and Magic/Ancient Library of the Light Order
A very defensible library founded by a White Order Hierophant a few minutes north of Carroburg, near the village of Tubingen. Any magister or journeyman can visit, though unless you're a light wizard you have to pay a small fee. The library studies the world's philosophical traditions and religions, as well as pre-College history and development of magic. Philosophers, theologians, academics, priests of a number of different religions, and members of all the colleges frequently visit.
Source: WFRP 2e: Realms of Sorcery

Auld Odenhaus Pantera
The small, opulent, ill-maintained chapterhouse of the Knights Panther in Ubersreik. It has a library.
Source: WFRP 4e: A Guide to Ubersreik

Halfling University
University in Nuln that specialises in the culinary arts. Culinary abominations are made here.
Source: WFRP 2e: Forges of Nuln

Komission of the Imperial Archives
The Imperial archive is a tall clock tower in Altdorf that has existed since 2431. Citizens are forbidden from searching the archives themselves, needing to interact with its clerks through iron bars, though persistent researchers might get a meeting with the Master Archivist.
Source: WFRP 4e: Altdorf - Crown of the Empire

Lair of the Elementalists
The headquarters of the elementalists in Nuln contains a vast library gleefully detailing the many times they've enriched themselves with their magic without any benefit to the Empire. Vivid pictures adorn their books of elementalists causing catastrophe with their magic just for the fun of it, with especial attention paid to the tears falling down from the faces of the innocent victims of the collateral damage they unleash. The only ones admitted to this library are the elementalists themselves and wizards from the Colleges of Magic. By giving patriotic magisters access, the elementalists taunt the seething wizards with their selfish pursuits of arcane frivolity.

Librarium Secularum
Originally conceived as a small annex to the Grand Cathedral of Sigmar in Altdorf, the library has grown over the years to encompass a number of rooms linked by a maze of corridors. Magnus the Pious wanted it to house every known work in the world within the cathedral. Its halls are several storeys high, all lined with books, its corridors have floor-to-ceiling bookshelves, and far-flung corners of the labyrinth hide little-used crannies and dank storerooms stacked with neglected, rotting tomes. In order to gain access to the library, one must be a senior member of the cult or have a reference from another respected institution. Despite this, it has thousands of members and hundreds of regular users. The reading room is always busy during the hours of daylight, with wizards and priests of all stripes, and academics and professionals from other walks of life.
Source: WFRP 4e: Altdorf - Crown of the Empire

Neugierde's Books and Antiques
Shop that has a virtual monopoly on antiques and curios coming into Middenheim. Sells all manner of antiques, curios, and rare books from across the world, including possibly lizardman plaques from Lustria. Shop owner has contacts in Marienburg, Luccini, and elsewhere, letting him acquire all sorts of particular objects for regular customers at no extra cost. The information for this is 2512 IC, but the shop's been run for three generations.
Source: WFRP 4e: Middenheim - City of the White Wolf

School of Navigators
The School of Navigators in Altdorf is the Empire's foremost academy for navigators. Before Marienburg declared independence, it was widely considered second-rate. To improve its profile, the school now employs three elf navigators which it pays double what it pays human navigators. This has caused friction, and the elves' attempt to lessen the friction by explaining that they're at least twice as good as human navigators hasn't helped.
Source: WFRP 4e: Altdorf - Crown of the Empire.

Royal Academy of Talabecland
A second-rate university that covers the basic sciences and philosophies taught at larger universities. Its teachings are staid and backwards. The only place it excels in is plant lore, and jade and amber wizards commonly teach there.
Source: WFRP 2e: Terror in Talabheim

University of Altdorf/Altdorf University
The University of Altdorf is the first centre of learning in the Empire (its building is younger than Nuln's though) and the Old World's foremost learning institution, attracting young scholars from across the Old World. Elves have visited the university as guest lecturers since before the Colleges of Magic were founded. During the time Teclis was teaching wizardry in the Empire, Finubar sent greater number of scholars to the Empire to broaden understanding of astrology, mathematics, and philosophy, which are prerequisites for advanced magical theory.
Its most prestigious colleges are law, medicine, military history, alchemy, and bestiara. Members of the Guild of Explorers meet here. One of the other subjects its professors teach is Arcane History. The university has a philosophy wing, with a temple to Borchbach attached to it. The university has a library called the Altdorf University LIbrary. Several things are debated in the university, such as the nature of the aethyr, and which would win in a fight between a wyvern and an equally-big crab.
The Altdorf University complex occupies about a third of the Schulergegend district of Altdrof. Students come from the lower class, middle class, and upper class. The Order of Mysteries is a Verenan order based here that's dedicated to finding lost tomes and artefacts and is used by cultists and outsiders to locate legendary objects. A significant temple to Clio is attached to the university.
As of 2512 IC, it has employed Professor Frederich 'Old' Weirde, primarily a historian and warfare scholar who for 30 years (so starting 2482 IC) has been writing books and producing pamphlets. Old Weirde's Incunabula is a collection that has/will have information on Norscans, greenskins, lizardmen, tomb kings, and other fantastical species.
Sources: WFRP 2e: WFRP Companion, WFRP 3e: Winds of Magic - Advanced Magic and Wizardry, WFRP 4e, WFRP 4e: Altdorf - Crown of the Empire

University of Nuln/Grand University of Nuln
One of the first schools in the Empire and regarded as one of the finest universities in the world (the building itself is older than the University of Altdorf), though as of 2522 it's not as prominent as the University of Altdorf and isn't considered as avant-garde as that university. Students come from all over the Old World, including places such as Tilea, Estalia, Bretonnia, Kislev, and Araby. The school specialises mathematics, philosophy, theology, literature, and some sciences, disdaining the fringe sciences of newer programs. It's generally considered to have superior faculties of mathematics, science, philosophy, theology, and literature than Altdorf University. Tuition is so expensive almost all the students are nobles.
Sources: WFRP 2e: Forges of Nuln, WFRP 2e: Tome of Salvation, WFRP 4e: Altdorf - Crown of the Empire

Wizards and Alchemists Guild/Guild of Wizards and Alchemists/Guild of Magisters
Branch college of the Colleges of Magic in Middenheim for the Golden and Celestial orders. The Guild is a focal point for young alchemists, mundane and otherwise. It's second only in size, respectability, and power to the Golden Order in Altdorf. The Guild has the best facilities and libraries of arcane lore outside of Altdorf, with a large, well-stocked magical library.
Sources: Divided Loyalties, WFRP 2e: Ashes of Middenheim, WFRP 2e: Realms of Sorcery
Library of Mournings
Located in Tor Lithanel, the library contains manuscripts dating back to The Sundering. The library houses the largest known collection of scrolls describing experiments of the legendary Old Ones. Information on magic and the Old Ones is restricted, however books on forest spirits are considered mundane. Books on elven gods are available as well, even as such books are restricted by the Asur.
Sources: Divided Loyalties, WFRP 4e: Archives of the Empire
Bokha Palace
As of 2522 IC, the Bokha Palace is one of the greatest collections of wisdom and learning in Kislev, even more than the Temple of Verena in the city. In the present day, it's anyone's guess what sort of books might have accumulated within the Palace Gospodarin after almost a thousand years of Kislev's often-tumultuous succession, and what might have survived its near-destruction in the Great War.
Sources: Divided Loyalties, WFRP 2e: Realm of the Ice Queen

Ice Court
Even leaving anything aside that might give insight into their magic, the Ice Witches of Kislev still have centuries of accumulated observations on the other magical phenomena of the Old World.
Sources: Divided Loyalties

Magnus Gardens of Praag
The College of Art, Academy of Music, and Celestial Observatory within the Magnus Gardens produce some of the finest artists, musicians, and astrologers in the Old World.
Sources: Divided Loyalties, WFRP 2e: Realm of the Ice Queen

University of Kislev
Significantly more modest than many equivalent institutions of the Empire but renowned in certain circles for the study of beasts and spirits, as the lines between the two are often blurred in Kislev.
Source: Divided Loyalties

The Writer's Rooms
The headquarters of the government-funded scribes for a mostly-illiterate country, the Writer's Rooms boast over eight hundred years of the customs, history, superstitions, and legends of Kislev. Over the years it's grown in size and stature, acquiring neighbouring properties and knocking down walls.
Sources: Divided Loyalties, WFRP 2e: Realm of the Ice Queen
Baron Henryk's College of Navigation and Sea Magicks/Marienburg University
Established in 1947 IC, Baron Henryk's is a world-renowned university and one of the Old World's premiere centres of learning. It teaches rhetoric, logic, grammar, music, history, Classical, and astronomy. Baron Henryk's leads the world in the realm of advanced studies by cooperating with Marienburg's guilds and temples. Doctors use the Great Hospital of Shallya to teach medicine and surgery, the Inns of Court train lawyers, and priests of Haendryk lecture on Economicks. Anatomy and legal ethics are also subjects taught at Baron Henryk's. The study of navigation and cartography are foremost. Navigators licensed by the Marienburg Brotherhood of Seamen and Pilots take exams at Baron Henryk's. Because of the the Brotherhood and University's high standards, Marienburg-registered navigators are in demand across the Old World. Even Sea Elves from Sith Rionnasc have lectured in Baron Henryk's.
Baron Henryk's also supports research into applied sorcery, with an emphasis on magic useful to mariners and the merchant trade. This includes Elemental and Illusion magic, as well as magic meant for battle.
Baron Henryk's often sends journeys of exploration. Through the Wasteland Geographical Society - a University-sponsored fellowship of explorers, sea captains, scholars and anyone who has an interest in foreign places and the money for a membership fee - the College's knowledge of the wider world grows each year.
Verenan priests and devoted laymen are members of the faculty of each department.
Baron Henryk's has a library called the University Library.
Source: WFRP 1e: Marienburg: Sold Down the River

Temple Court/Star Chamber
The court in Marienburg that deals with religious matters. It is the main library for canon law in Marienburg, though each cult keeps a copy of those laws that deal with their particular sect.
Source: WFRP 1e: Marienburg: Sold Down the River

Wasteland Import/Export Exchange/The 'Change
The Wasteland Import/Export Exchange in Marienburg is the place where all Marienburg's bulk trade takes place. The 'Change keeps full records on every set of shares issued. Anyone can access its library, although they will have to sign a register of visitors, and there is usually a delay of several minutes while the overworked clerks locate the correct ledger, get it from the shelf and chain it to a table before they'll let anyone read it.
Source: WFRP 1e: Marienburg: Sold Down the River
The Black Library
This huge, dome-shaped chamber was hollowed out of the earth under Castle Drakenhof by the necromancer Immoliah Fey when Konrad was head of the Von Carsteins. It's one of the Old World's largest collections of forbidden lore, its shelves containing mouldering grimoires filled with dangerous knowledge dating back as far as Nehekharan times.
Source: WFRP 2e: Night's Dark Masters

Temple of Haendryk in Marienburg
The temple has often led the way in advancing business: its priests lecture on the new science of Economicks at Baron Henryk's, and it has recently pioneered the use of letters of credit by private citizens in their daily lives. Within the last year it has introduced the "Marienburg Carte d'Or", a small gold tablet which certifies that the bearer has a line of credit up to a certain pre-arranged amount.
Source: WFRP 1e: Marienburg: Sold Down the River
The Archecclesiastium in Magritta has a sacred, cavernous library that contains sacred texts. Some nobles of the Empire send their youngest offspring to the Archecclesiastium in part to gain access to the precious battlefield lore within. The library of the Archecclesiastium keeps the original copy of the Bellum Strategia. It almost certainly has a copy of Elven War Studies by the high elf Allurian and The Dwarf Art of War by the dwarf Brendt Lavaspear.
Source: WFRP 4e: Up in Arms

Great Temple of Myrmidia
The Great Temple of Myrmidia in Remas has a sacred, cavernous library that contains sacred texts. Some nobles of the Empire send their youngest offspring to the Great Temple in part to gain access to the precious battlefield lore within. It almost certainly has a copy of Elven War Studies by the high elf Allurian and The Dwarf Art of War by the dwarf Brendt Lavaspear.
Source: WFRP 4e: Up in Arms

Temple of Myrmidia di Mari
The temple of Myrmidia in Marienburg maintains extensive records of the military history of the Old World. They play Warhammer here.
Source: WFRP 1e: Marienburg: Sold Down the River

Temple of Myrmidia Incazzata/Temple of Myrmidia Incandescente
The Temple of Myrmidia in Altdorf has a small library that acts as a repository of writings on warfare, siege craft, and the fostering of peace after conflict. The library includes elven texts as well as treatises on Teutogen battle tactics, which Ulricans find pleasing.
Source: WFRP 4e: Altdorf - Crown of the Empire
Mootland Genealogical Library
Run by the Cult of Quinsberry in Eicheschatten, the Genealogical Library isn't the most famous library in the Old World, but it contains millennia of accumulated history and culture. It even contains complete family trees of Halfling Clans that have been wiped out.
Source: Divided Loyalties
Heiligdom, the Shallyn Asylum of Blessed Rest
Heiligdom in Marienburg is run by nuns who specialise in caring for the mentally ill. It has a small library.
Source: WFRP 1e: Marienburg: Sold Down the River

Great Altdorf Asylum/Altdorf Asylum
Not to be confused with the hell-hole that is the Sigmarite-run Altdorf City Asylum, the Great Altdorf Asylum was founded to treat traumatised veterans of the Great War Against Chaos and is run by Shallyan nuns. The Altdorf Asylum attracts elven physicians for research opportunities. One such physician, Professor Freydion Starwise, advises the nuns and specialises in Chaotic mental afflictions. The professor uses hypnosis and dream analysis to discern daemonic possession from true madness. Elven scholars have learned a great deal about the Realms of Chaos from interviews with possessed inmates. Witch hunters who can't extract Daemons by exorcism or torture sometimes entrust corrupted victims to the Shallyans as a last resort.
Source: WFRP 4e: Altdorf - Crown of the Empire

The Great Hospice
A hospice by Frederheim run by nuns of the Healing Order of the Sisters of Shallya founded in 2243 IC. The sisters there refuse aggressive experimentation, the patients' well-being being their highest priority. Its library is stocked mainly with books on theology and medicine. There are also a few volumes on Imperial and world history, histories of various noble houses, and a handful of memoirs — mostly donated by their authors, whose families had some kind of tie to the Great Hospice.
Source: WFRP 4e: Archives of the Empire 2
Great Library of Sigmar
One annex of the Grand Cathedral of Sigmar in Altdorf is the Great Library of Sigmar. It's one of the foremost collections of religious works in the Empire, containing all the great works that celebrate Sigmar and also many other religious works from across the Old World and beyond. Access is restricted to members of the cult only. Any outsider wishing to access the records must gain special permission from a lector. Members of friendly cults, especially Shallyans and Verenans, traditionally receive admission. For others, it can be extremely difficult.
Source: WFRP 4e: Altdorf - Crown of the Empire

Witch Hunters' Great Temple
The headquarters of the Witch Hunters in Altdorf and the Empire. It has a library, though the order doesn't allow its contents to leave.
Source: WFRP 4e: Altdorf - Crown of the Empire
Collegium Theologica
Ulrican academy in Middenheim originarlly built to train students for the priesthood, but its scope now covers every subject and is considered one of the best learning centres in the Old World. It lacks an Imperial charter saying it's officially a university, but considers itself equal to the Universities of Altdorf and Nuln. The Collegium's library is one of the finest in the Old World. The Collegium's largest faculty is the Department of Holy and Scriptural Studies, which has the largest library in Middenheim and focuses on history, law, and Ulrican religious writings.
Sources: WFRP 2e: Ashes of Middenheim, WFRP 4e: Middenheim - City of the White Wolf

The Lore Haus
One of the outbuildings of the High Temple of Ulric in Middenheim is the Lore Haus, a great library of religious manuscripts where you can find old tomes on Ulrican history and religious law.
Source: WFRP 4e: Middenheim - City of the White Wolf
Great Library of Altdorf/Temple-Library of Verena
Physically connected by the Temple of Verena (essentially a chapel) to the University of Altdorf, the Great Library is one of the largest Verenan libraries in the Old World and the first library in the Empire, though there's institutions of similar grandeur in Remas, Marienburg, Miragliano, and Magritta. The library's books are organised according to the subjects of the university. It's got its stacks, but it does continuously add new wings when it reaches capacity. It contains copies of writings by Gaelen as well as of laws and treaties recorded by Sigmar's heralds. It has countless books of allegory and analogy, old wives' tales, and folklore. You can't take books out of the library, but everyone can enter for a small fee and wizards can enter for free. Wizards and apprentices visit it regularly.
Sources: Divided Loyalties, WFRP 3e: Signs of Faith - Advanced Religions and Blessings, WFRP 3e: Winds of Magic - Advanced Magic and Wizardry, WFRP 4e: Altdorf - Crown of the Empire

Great Library of Marienburg/Great Library of Verena
The library's heavily involved in the city's government so its books focus a lot on jurisprudence and the city's records. Only a small part of it - public records and legal texts - is open to the public. The rest is open only to the priests and to outsiders who go through a long application explaining their research. Ostensibly this restriction is because the library has little staff. No Imperials allowed since Marienburg's independence.
Sources: Divided Loyalties, WFRP 1e: Marienburg: Sold Down the River

Temple of Verena in Kislev
As of 2522 IC, the library of the Temple of Verena in Kislev is one of the greatest collections of wisdom and learning in Kislev.
Source: WFRP 2e: Realm of the Ice Queen

Temple of Verena in Middenheim
Frequently used by the city's scholars and wizards, the Temple of Verena contains the rarest manuscripts from all over the Old World. Its books may not be removed under any circumstance. The Temple is in competition with the Collegium Theologica over whose library is superior, which is impressive when considering that the Collegium's library is considered one of the finest in the Old World.
Sources: WFRP 2e: Ashes of Middenheim, WFRP 4e: Middenheim - City of the White Wolf

Turris Vigilans
A temple of Verena in the north of Bordeleaux. It's one of the most reliable lighthouses in the world and its primary purpose is to keep watch on the city of Mousillon. The temple has many books for sale, and if you buy one, the priests give you very good advice.
Source: WFRP 2e: Knights of the Grail
Thank you for putting this together, it is very interesting and has given me quite a bit to chew over when deciding what libraries/cults we should contact.
Lair of the Elementalists
The headquarters of the elementalists in Nuln contains a vast library gleefully detailing the many times they've enriched themselves with their magic without any benefit to the Empire. Vivid pictures adorn their books of elementalists causing catastrophe with their magic just for the fun of it, with especial attention paid to the tears falling down from the faces of the innocent victims of the collateral damage they unleash. The only ones admitted to this library are the elementalists themselves and wizards from the Colleges of Magic. By giving patriotic magisters access, the elementalists taunt the seething wizards with their selfish pursuits of arcane frivolity.

Bookkeeping note: I've transferred Mathilde's library from the Character Sheet threadmark to the Organizations threadmark and rearranged it to fit the library's organizational system.
We need to write more books to increase our holograph collection. I'm actually slightly tempted to write the coins book purely so it can be added to the library.
Bookkeeping note: I've transferred Mathilde's library from the Character Sheet threadmark to the Organizations threadmark and rearranged it to fit the library's organizational system.
Currently Mathilde's library appears in both threadmarks. Which I think is fine, it's both Mathilde's personal resource and an organization, but from your wording I'm not sure if that was your intention or if you just forgot to delete it from the character sheet.
We need to write more books to increase our holograph collection. I'm actually slightly tempted to write the coins book purely so it can be added to the library.

I headcanon that there's a secret society of grey order librarians/book club who regularly meet up to discuss the latest publications, and that they are continually baffled by the breadth of Mathilde's bibliography. Like, she's jumped from runecraft to monsters to orcs to skaven to lightbulbs and so forth.

And that's why I want to write the mushroom book and the coins book back to back.
I headcanon that there's a secret society of grey order librarians/book club who regularly meet up to discuss the latest publications, and that they are continually baffled by the breadth of Mathilde's bibliography. Like, she's jumped from runecraft to monsters to orcs to skaven to lightbulbs and so forth.

And that's why I want to write the mushroom book and the coins book back to back.

There's probably at least fifty Collegiate and College-adjacent journal clubs in Altdorf alone, it could nudge three digits total across the continent. That's part of why publishing is one of the best ways to build up a reputation in the Colleges.
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There's probably at least fifty Collegiate and College-adjacent journal clubs in Altdorf alone, it could nudge three digits total across the continent. That's part of why publishing is one of the best ways to build up a reputation in the Colleges.

So this weird idea for an omake I've had rattling around my head for months where a group of scholars place bets on the subject of Mathilde's next paper isn't completely outlandish, then?
So this weird idea for an omake I've had rattling around my head for months where a group of scholars place bets on the subject of Mathilde's next paper isn't completely outlandish, then?

It's very plausible. In the past decade, the only time a year has gone past without something relatively unclassified and completely unpredictable coming out with Mathilde's name on it was during the Karag Dum Expedition. People without the clearance to get at the juicy stuff and who don't pay attention to foreign affairs probably have a very strange impression of her - some kind of wandering academic with a very short attention span? Runes to Dragon Ogres to spiders to undead to Vampires to greenskins to mushrooms to salamanders to Azyr to Karag Dum to magical prosthetics.
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Like, almost all of our main projects were classified in some way leaving side projects to take the center stage for general consumption.

Yeah, it looks mighty strange from the outside.
It's very plausible. In the past decade, the only time a year has gone past without something relatively unclassified and completely unpredictable coming out with Mathilde's name on it was during the Karag Dum Expedition. People without the clearance to get at the juicy stuff and who don't pay attention to foreign affairs probably have a very strange impression of her - some kind of wandering academic with a very short attention span? Runes to Dragon Ogres to spiders to undead to Vampires to greenskins to mushrooms to salamanders to Azyr to Karag Dum to magical prosthetics.
I now want to publish 'The Halfling' even more: this year, an adventure story with a halfling farmer shanghaied Into retaking a minor Dearfhold with only a dozen Dwarfs and their leader Princes Oakshield.
It's very plausible. In the past decade, the only time a year has gone past without something relatively unclassified and completely unpredictable coming out with Mathilde's name on it was during the Karag Dum Expedition. People without the clearance to get at the juicy stuff and who don't pay attention to foreign affairs probably have a very strange impression of her - some kind of wandering academic with a very short attention span? Runes to Dragon Ogres to spiders to undead to Vampires to greenskins to mushrooms to salamanders to Azyr to Karag Dum to magical prosthetics.
High time to reference an oldie :p
Observations on Runecraft During The Expedition To Karak Eight Peaks
Deployment of an 'Anvil Of Doom' During The Battle Of Karag Nar

"Ah, I see young Weber has found her niche. A tricky subject to research, but a worthy one."

Dragon Ogres and Volcanic Lightning
Preliminary Observations on the Eusocial Cave Spider

"Wait, what?"

A Full and Accurate Census of All Varieties of Undead within the Hunter's Hills, 2476
The Properties Of and Countermeasures To an Observed Suite of Necrarch Control and Enhancement Spells

"Okay, Necromancy, a dangerous foe that requires careful study-"

Waaagh and Peace: Efficient Solutions to Greenskin Magic

And it only got worse :D
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