I'm expecting the Paranoth social to go something like this:
Paranoth: "I asked you to investigate, not start a war!"
Mathilde: "technically, a random-ass dryad started the war, I just finished it. Also, can you identify this random dryad ass I have?"
Truthfully if we were to create a pair of enchanted buttons that send Alarm spell to eachother everytime it is pushed you can get magical telegram going.
Probably much easier than most of the wild stuff that was proposed really.
I mean really celestial magic? Dhar? Skaven Engineering? Thread has no sense of elegance I swear.
For fixed locations, possibly.
The main thing people want is ranged communication with the gyrocopter, and I believe Boney answered that the Alarm spell can't be anchored to mobile objects.
Truthfully if we were to create a pair of enchanted buttons that send Alarm spell to eachother everytime it is pushed you can get magical telegram going.
Probably much easier than most of the wild stuff that was proposed really.
I mean really celestial magic? Dhar? Skaven Engineering? Thread has no sense of elegance I swear.
You'd have to break apart the Alarm spell into its component parts, modify it's targeting parameters, make the resulting spell itself able to trigger repeatedly (meaning its not enough if the resulting enchanted item can just cast it repeatedly) or be okay with an item pair that can only be used once before having to be brought together again. And all that while massaging the spell enough to fit one of Mathilde's traits closely enough for a mundane trait so as to bridge the fact that her outright spell creation traits don't fit well.
All in all it might not be impossible.
-[] Enchant an Item: Attempt to create two paired items that can cast a modified Alarm on each other that gets triggered at will instead of when disturbed.
@Boney Is this a valid enchantment with success chances above 1% by Mathilde's estimation?
You'd have to break apart the Alarm spell into its component parts, modify it's targeting parameters, make the resulting spell itself able to trigger repeatedly (meaning its not enough if the resulting enchanted item can just cast it repeatedly) or be okay with an item pair that can only be used once before having to be brought together again. And all that while massaging the spell enough to fit one of Mathilde's traits closely enough for a mundane trait so as to bridge the fact that her outright spell creation traits don't fit well.
All in all it might not be impossible.
-[] Enchant an Item: Attempt to create two paired items that can cast a modified Alarm on each other that gets triggered at will instead of when disturbed.
@Boney Is this a valid enchantment with success chances above 1% by Mathilde's estimation?
You're talking about changing what the spell targets, what triggers it, and what it does when it's triggered. At that point you're basically creating an entirely new spell, which means you need a trait to base it on. And to save some time, Mathilde has no such trait.
Since my previous resource has proved useful, I have created another resource to summarize all the actions we've been taking over the course of our time on the Waystone Project. Included are our turn actions, the turnplanners, Coin choices, social rounds, and noting whether a given action was directly Waystone-related, recruitment for the Waystone Project, other research, or self-improvement, since these are often relevant things we discuss. I've also included turn-by-turn breakdowns according to those metrics, as well as summaries of Notable Events that cannot be deduced simply by reading our turn actions. Interludes that took place outside the normal turn structure are also summarized.
If you have any feedback -- a mistake you've found, something you feel is wrongly-categorized, something I should have included in Notable Events but didn't, something I did include in Notable Events but shouldn't have, or just something you think would improve this resource -- please let me know.
-COIN: The Gambler
-MAX: Go through every library of the Colleges you can access for any scrap of information about Waystones. [Waystone]
-JOHANN: Have Johann spend time getting to know Kadoh, who has expressed an interest in meeting the 'fist metal-Mage'.
-EGRIMM: Study an artefact: Golden Arm [Research]
-EIC: Have a blackpowder factory built in Wurtbad.
-SERENITY: Observations of Karag Dum and its unusual guardian
-Attempt to bring a Karak's Runesmiths into the Waystone Project (Karak Azul) [Recruitment]
-Furnish the living spaces of the Waystone Project HQ (600gc) [Recruitment]
-Immerse yourself in the culture of the 'Cityborn' Toriour inhabitants of Tor Lithanel [Self-improvement]
-Immerse yourself in the culture of the 'Forestborn' Faniour inhabitants of the woods surrounding Tor Lithanel [Self-improvement]
-[External] Queen Marrisith, to introduce Mathilde to the Grey Lords
-Thorek Ironbrow, to witness the arrival of the first Dwarf in Tor Lithanel for over four thousand years.
-Qrech, who is putting the finishing touches on his tome on the Chaos Dwarves.
-Egrimm, to try to sound out more information about the Alric situation.
-The Karak Azul Architects, to get involved in the design of your Library in detail.
-Vicarius Galenstra, to get to know him and his Ward.
Breakdown: Coin on Gambler, 1 waystone action (WEB-MAT), 2 recruitment actions, 1 research action (WEB-MAT), 2 self-improvement actions
Notable Events: Traveled to Laurelorn and met Vicarius Galenstra, Champion Kadoh, and the Queen. Thorgrim summons the dwarf monarchs to conclave, announcing a new strategy of reclamation for the Karaz Ankor and the restoration of power to the Eyes of Grimnir. Golden arm determined to be a Hysh-aligned prosthetic and Johann volunteers to have it attached to him. Thorek agrees to help the Waystone project for the price of either regaining the keys to Karaz Ghumzul or help with Runesmith politics, and Mathilde gives him both to have his enthusiasm and not just his cooperation. Trouble is breaking out in the Shirokij Forest. The Queen invites us to the Dreaming Wood and we meet the Grey Lord Hatalath. Alric is searching for a project he can leverage for glory to regain power. Kron-Azril-Ungol specialized in being well-ordered. Books on weaving acquired for K8P's spider silk business.
-COIN: The Gambler
-MAX: Use kitting out his workshop as a pretext to get to know House Miriel and the local Cult of Vaul
-JOHANN: Train with and study the freshly-attached golden arm [Research]
-EGRIMM: Attempt to bring the Light Order into the Waystone Project [Recruitment]
-EIC: Insert agents into Talabecland administration to start gathering their secrets
-KAU: Seek official recognition of Kron-Azril-Ungol as an affiliated library of the Colleges of Magic
-SERENITY: Observations on the Chaos Wastes in the western Great Steppes
-Furnish the research spaces of the Waystone Project HQ (2000gc for Laurelorn-grade) [Waystone]
-Attempt to bring an organisation into the Waystone Project (The Jade Order) [Recruitment]
-Investigate how the Vitae reacts with Divine Magic [Research]
-[External] Reiner Starke, to ask about the conversion of the Wurtbad Watch
-Egrimm, to celebrate his imminent promotion and gauge his reaction to it.
-Elrisse, to get to know the most recent contributor to the Project.
-Cython, to talk obliquely of what it means for a God to have offspring.
-Panoramia, to talk about how well her project in the Eastern Valley seems to be going.
-Belegar, to discuss who has been made Loremaster after you.
Breakdown: Coin on Gambler, 1 waystone action, 2 recruitment actions (1 WEB-MAT), 2 research actions (1 WEB-MAT), 0 self-improvement actions
Notable Events: Johann learns to fire lasers out of his new arm. AV experimentation reveals a way to create "fingerprints" of the gods -- after the second-largest vote in the thread's history, Mathilde narrowly decides to show Ranald what she's done and her intent of not doing it again, and he gifts her with a new face of the Coin and a revelation that he has two daughters. Mathilde trades Matriarch Mira an introduction to the Order of Guardians and investigation of Alric for promoting Egrimm to Lord Magister and lending her the Porter of the Lights, Lady Magister Elrisse. Alric is up to something regarding the murders of the Unfähigers. Mathilde agrees to investigate the Forest of Shadows for Paranoth in exchange for Magister Tochter Grunfeld, a Jade ritualist. Reiner Starke wants to know why she screwed up so badly with the Wurtbad Watch, and she says it was due to grief over Abelhelm causing her to lash out at Sigmar.
-COIN: The Night Prowler
-MAX: Learning: Rituals from the colleges, paid by Mathilde in gold [Self-improvement]
-EGRIMM: Attempt a Windherder enchantment with Egrimm [Research]
--Shadowsteed & Clarity, allowing the user to ride all night without sleep
-WEB-MAT: Investigate Gryphon Wood with one or more members of WEB-MAT (Johann) [Recruitment]
-EIC: Try to uncover what's going on in Gryphon's Wood. [Recruitment]
-KAU: Seek an agreement with a Cult to have access to their libraries (Quinsberry)
-SERENITY: Observations of Johann's prosthetic arm
-Personally scrutinize a Waystone as thoroughly as you possibly can. [Waystone]
-Attempt to bring a Major House or Ward into the Waystone Project (Frost) [Recruitment]
-Investigate Alric [Recruitment]
Breakdown: Coin on Night Prowler, 1 waystone action, 3.5 recruitment actions (1 WEB-MAT), 1 research action (WEB-MAT), 1 self-improvement action (WEB-MAT)
Notable Events: Cadaeth joins the Waystone Project without issue. Mathilde takes her first stab at Windherding with Egrimm and rolls like shit -- the item still gets made, but Mathilde learns nothing from the experience, and so will need to try again to unlock the Windherding tech tree, plus her miscast gains her the Arcane Mark Shrouded. The Nightrider Saddle is donated to the Hochlander.
INTERLUDE: Trouble in Talabheim
Notable Events: The EIC reports from infiltrating Talabecland's administration come in handy -- Mathilde realizes that the deaths of the Unfähigers are imitations of the deaths of the Haupt-Anderssens. Mathilde brings in Regimand to consult. Regimand is pretty sure this is the final Haupt-Anderssen, demonically empowered and back for revenge. Mathilde tells him it's a favor to Mira and he sticks with Mathilde anyway because he wants to spend time with her. They have an investigation montage, during which they become certain that this is a Ritual of Dedication to either Slaanesh or Chaos Undivided, identify what mutations he's undergone, and start a manhunt with the aid of the Longshanks, Templars of Taal. Mathilde hunts Alberich down and attacks him with Branulhune, but he slips away. The Longshanks slow him down long enough for Mathilde to catch up and behead him, and Mathilde arranges for them to get the credit.
INTERLUDE: Unrest in Ostermark/Battle of the Shirokij
Notable Events: Weird shit is afoot in Gryphon Wood, and Mathilde checks in with her new friends the Longshanks, who escort her and Johann to various points of interest around Ostermark where everything seems to have gotten riled at once. Johann determines that no Waystone energy is coming from Kislev, which is interesting but not immediately relevant, and that the woods are not nearly as inherently spooky as they should be, which implies that whatever is causing the problems is probably Forest Spirits. Mathilde meets with the Ostermark Hedgewise, where they scry on a furious source of Ulgu to the north. Despite technically finishing her job from Paranoth, Mathilde elects to go help Kislev in the hopes of gaining favor from them, targeting Ice Witches specifically. After meeting with the local Boyar and the Ice Witch Milica, they determine that this Athel Loren warhost is clearly setting a trap for the local Boyar. Mathilde uses Rite of Way to make sure the Kreml Guard and a couple of extra Ice Witches can get to the battle in time, as well as investigating the missing leyline (which seems to have been diverted to Praag). The opposing forces completely botch their scouting rolls and make a bad attack: Mathilde spots the Ulgu presence and attempts to murder it. After some spy vs. spy hijinks, Mathilde cuts the Ulgu-using dryad in half and then blasts it with the Dragonflask, parlaying her contribution to Kislev's success here into partnership from Kislev's magical traditions for the Waystone Project, gaining the Ice Witch Zlata and the Hag Witch Baba Niedzwenka.
-[External] Heidi: Mandred has an affinity for magic, and she wants Mathilde's advice on how to handle it.
-Cadaeth: You've had unanswered questions about Dryads for some time, and your encounter with them in the Shirokij gives you a good pretext to ask them.
-Baba Niedzwenka: Get to know the Erengrad Hag Witch that Tsarevich Boris has sent to contribute to the Waystone Project.
-Panoramia - Laurelorn: Now that you're somewhat familiar with it, introduce Panoramia to the beings and biomes of the forest.
-Paranoth: Give an in-person report on the events in the Shirokij, and see if he knows anything about the being you defeated.
-Kazrik and Edda: They are to be wed. Attend their nuptials.
--Talk to a Priest that was present during the Emergency Conclave and ask what's up with being declared a "Dwarf".
--Carcassonne/Bretonnia to inquire about their willingness to join the waystone project
--House Fooger, for their view on the canal project and Marienburg situation
--Cult of Verena about the possibility of entering into an agreement with our library
--Middenland about how the Eonir-Ulric partnership is going
--Stirland about the state of the war and who has become Markgräfin
--Okri: The new Loremaster of Karak Eight Peaks is Okri Drakkisson of Clan Bronzebeard, formerly of Karak Norn. Meet your replacement and gauge what kind of person he is.
--Follow up on the newfound partnership between the Light Order and the Cult of Gazul
Notable Events: Mathilde learns that the Ulgu-using dryad she fought was Drycha and that she's probably still alive. Mathilde recommends to Heidi that she let Mandred become a wizard, which will probably sink his chances of becoming Emperor, but there are other good candidates and he can still be Grand Prince of Reikland. At the wedding party, Mathilde has the chance to chat with a bunch of partygoers. Bretonnia says they'd like to see some actual results and get help on the orcs before they'd be willing to join. The Cult of Verena gives insight into internal divisions that will need appeasement to partner with the library. Stirland has driven out the last two vampires and has control of Sylvania.
-COIN: The Father
-WEB-MAT: Hire someone as a full-time Gyrocopter pilot (Adela)
-KAU: Decide who your library staff will consist of, and go about recruiting them.
-EIC: Have the Hochlander set up a shadow headquarters for the EIC in the Sunken Palace.
-SERENITY: Write a book: Windsoak Mushrooms (1/2)
-Lay the foundations: work with the current members of WEB-MAT and the Waystone Project to build a single unified framework for understanding the Waystones. [Waystone]
-Attempt to bring a non-Order magical tradition into the Waystone Project (Nordlander Haléthan Hedgewise) [Recruitment]
-Attempt to bring a Major House or Ward into the Waystone Project (Tindomiel) [Recruitment]
-Branulhune's ability to disappear and reappear at a thought allows entirely new forms of combat. Continue to work on them. [Self-improvement]
-Investigate how the Vitae reacts to a power stone. [Research]
-[External] Grey Dean Tomaso Mugnaio: Eike is getting ready to graduate from Junior Apprentice.
-Lector Aksel: Learn more of the Hedgewise who venerate Halétha, Goddess of the Forest of Shadows.
-Zlata: Get to know the young woman who is the Ice Witch contribution to the Waystone Project.
-Lecturer Sarvoi: Learn more of the Hekartian understanding of and relationship with the Winds.
-The Weber Estate: Pay a visit to your fief, to see if anything has changed. It probably hasn't.
-Organ Vat: Follow up on your donation of the Skaven organ-vat, and see what has been made of it.
Breakdown: Coin on Father, 1 waystone action, 2 recruitment actions, 1 research action, 1 self-improvement action
Notable Events: Mathilde agrees that if the Waystone Project is able to create new Waystones, House Tindomiel will be allowed to manufacture ones for the Empire subtly dedicated to Hekarti, and in exchange they provide Lecturer Sarvoi, a top theorist. The Father face of the Coin wins the trust of the Hedgewise (confirming that they worship a daughter of Ranald), and Aksel of Hüven joins the project with the public identity of a priest of Halétha. Turns out Waystones probably make active use of Dhar (making some if they don't have any on hand), so Mathilde goes through channels and seeks dispensation from Dragomas. AV+Powerstone begins to yield an Orb of Sorcery and Mathilde designs a device to efficiently make eight at once. Mathilde agrees with the We that the colony they intend to split off will become the staff for her library. Mathilde learns from Zlata that Baba Niedzwenka is older than Kislev and from Aksel that Halétha has alternate guises like Haleth and Kalita. Mathilde agrees to take Eike as her apprentice. From the organ vat, the Empire has learned about the adrenal glands and adrenaline. The fief's steward is investing in breeding useful traits into the local sheep, and Mathilde okays his more ambitious ideas and puts the word out for a Jade journeyman to help him. Training blade with Rune of the Unknown purchased.
-COIN: The Gambler
-EIC: Investigate what trade goods the Eonir might be willing to import from the Empire.
-KAU: The many legends about the amount of books contained within and under Castle Drakenhof still haunt you. Organize an expedition to mine the ruins for books.
-SERENITY: Write a book: Windsoak Mushrooms (2/2)
-Waystone: Tributaries [Waystone]
--With Tochter, Cadaeth, Aksel, Niedzwenka, and Zlata
-Waystone: Mapping [Waystone]
--Empire & Border Princes
--With Egrimm, Johann, Max, and Aksel
-Waystone: Leylines [Waystone]
--With Sarvoi, Hatalath, Zlata, Elrisse, and Thorek
-Receive training: On the Education of Apprentices (paid in gold) [Self-improvement]
-Receive training: Powerstone creation methods (paid in gold) [Self-improvement, for the sake of a future research action]
-[External] Druchii of Ghrond, Hag Graef, and Clar Karond: The Eonir are hosting Druchii in a diplomatic soiree at the Silver Tower of Tor Lithanel.
-Magister Tochter Grunfeld: Get to know Tochter Grunfeld, ritualist, traditionalist, and veteran of the Sylvanian Campaign.
-Karak Vlag: There's rumours of an unknown Slayer carving a particularly bloody swathe through the beasts and marauders of northern Kislev. The only Dwarfhold anywhere near there is Karak Vlag. See what's happened to cause one of theirs to take the Slayer Oath.
-Karaz-a-Karak: To investigate their preparations for the Mount Silverspear campaign.
-Kasmir: See how his partnership with the Council of Manhorak has been going.
-Eike: Hold some sort of celebration for her upcoming graduation out of Junior Apprentice.
Breakdown: Coin on Gambler, 3 waystone actions, 0 recruitment actions, 0 research actions, 2 self-improvement actions (1 for the purpose of enabling future research)
Notable Events: Mapping the Imperial and Border Prince waystones identifies that the Empire and Border Princes portions of the Waystone network lack direct connection to one another. Studying Belthani tributaries leads to several possible ways of making new ones. The leyline team attempts to determine how the current leylines work, and it seems that there exists an active intelligence within the leyline network, presumed to be Caledor Dragontamer. With a Throng from Zhufbar, representatives from the Order of Guardians and Council of Manhorak, Johann, and a Celestial Lady Magister, Mathilde assaults Castle Drakenhof, fighting some ghouls and then seizing possession of the castle while its Strigoi master is elsewhere. The ambush upon its return successfully kills it at no loss of allied life. There is a fair amount of loot; the money goes to the Council of Manhorak and Mathilde takes a bunch of books (stuff about Morr/vampires/undead, Nehekharan prophecies, a forbidden book of anatomy, and notes from Vlad von Carstein about the enchantment on a very powerful ring). Studying the trade opportunities of Laurelorn identifies Ithilmar, dyes, spices, and charcoal as viable goods. Mathilde's attempt at finishing the mushroom book is shit and she decides to take another stab at it. Borek found the Axe of Grimnir and is now a Slayer, and reveals that Cor-Dum was once a dwarf god, before the Ancestor Gods, and that Karag Dum called it to guide and protect them from Chaos. Mathilde inducts Eike as her Apprentice by introducing her to Qrech, who is confused why he isn't dead, and Mathilde theorizes that Skaven lifespan has to do more with aging slowing Skaven down enough to get ganked by their subordinates rather than hitting senescence. The dark elf representatives want Mathilde to support normalizing relations between Naggarond and the Empire. Borek transfers Mathilde's debt to Gotrek's widow Helga, and Mathilde repays it in hard cash.
-COIN: The Gambler
-EIC: Attempt to establish a trade route with the Eonir (spice)
-KAU: Go about recruiting an army of scribes so you can start copying entire libraries of material.
-SERENITY: Write a paper: Comprehensive notes on possible terrain obstacles
-JOHANN: Explore the wonders of the ancient and beautiful city of Tor Lithanel [Self-improvement]
-MAX: Receive dictation: Windsoak Mushrooms (3/3), Waaagh energy and magic witnessed during the Expedition
-WEB-MAT: Waystone: Nexuses [Waystone]
--With Max, Egrimm, and Johann
-Waystone: Runes [Waystone]
--With Hatalath, Sarvoi, Elrisse, Egrimm, Thorek, and Tochter
-Waystone: Tributary Prototype [Waystone]
--Wood, Haléthan, and Bereginya models
--With Max, Tochter, Zlata, Cadaeth, Aksel, and Niedzwenka
-Investigate how the Vitae reacts to being subjected to power stone creation methods [Research]
--Actions: Explore the wonders of the ancient and beautiful city of Tor Lithanel, Receive dictation, Attempt to establish a trade route with the Eonir
--Study: Petty Magics
-[External] Arkat Fooger: Telling Mathilde that one of Marienburg's Directorate had been corrupted by a pleasure cult.
-Panoramia: In the wake of an apparently quite controversial paper, Panoramia is finally taking her Magisterial exams. Be there to observe the fallout and offer moral support.
-Brief the Emperor: Though the Waystone Project is in early days, you've had a few early wins and have uncovered some important information about the Waystone Network as it relates to the Empire's security.
-Sylvania: Meet this would-be Markgraf Nyklaus for yourself.
-Thorek: See what inroads Thorek has made with the Major Houses of Tor Lithanel.
-Max: The entire time you've known Maximilian, he has been pursuing his own goal of true transmutation via magically-enhanced blacksmithing. Check in to see how he's going with that.
Breakdown: Coin on Gambler, 3 waystone actions (1 WEB-MAT), 0 recruitment actions, 1 research action, 1 self-improvement action (WEB-MAT)
Notable Events: Spice trade established with House Yavanna. Eike learns Glowing Light and Marsh Lights, as well as advancing skill in Eonir Diplomacy, politicking, Eltharin, and Waaaghbane. Hatalath figures out how the Waystone runes work; they are essentially lightning rods for ambient magic. All three forms of tributary prototypes attempted successfully developed. Mathilde discovers that compressing Vitae creates a liminal realm, but poor rolls cause doing so to attract the attention of a Lord of Change, and now Tzeentch's magic likes her a lot more. She tells both Belegar and Algard what happened (mostly) and is told not to use the Room of Calamity for a year or so. Reikland Nexus is siphoning Ghyran from the former Dreaming Wood and emitting it to fertilize the area. Mathilde chooses to recruit the library's scribes from Karak Eight Peaks locals. Panoramia is promoted to Magister and given a magic-addicted Apprentice.
-COIN: The Gambler
-EIC: Attempt to establish a trade route with the Eonir (charcoal)
-KAU: Seek an exchange arrangement with another Library or a Karak's archives to be able to make copies of their corpus (Nuln; use KaK Metalsmithing Guild Boon)
-SERENITY: Write a paper: The Black Orc Warboss' worship of Only Gork, and what you saw of the Rogue Idol ritual
-Attempt to codify Rite of Way so that others can learn it [Research]
-Branulhune's ability to disappear and reappear at a thought allows entirely new forms of combat. Continue to work on them. [Self-improvement]
-Waystone: Capstone [Waystone]
--With Hatalath, Thorek, Elrisse, Egrimm, Max, and Johann
-Waystone: Leyline Prototype [Waystone]
--With Sarvoi, Cadaeth, Niedzwenka, Elrisse, Aksel, and Tochter
-Tributary: Water Spirit [Waystone]
--With Niedzwenka, Zlata, and Max
--Actions: Branulhune training, EIC action
--Study: Petty Magics
-[External] Sidestory: Warhammer Fantasy Old One Quest
-Elementalism: Now that you're sitting on a massive stockpile of magical texts, explore what 'Elementalism' actually is from an inside perspective.
-Sofia: Meet and learn a bit about Panoramia's new Apprentice, Sofia de Siernos.
-Gretel: She's apparently getting involved in the Karaz Ankor's ambitions in the Border Princes.
-House Filuan: House Filuan seems to be pursuing the import of large amounts of marble, much more than might be needed for small goods or maintenance. See if you can find out what sort of construction project might be in the works.
-Gold College: See what's become of their research into Skaven technology.
Breakdown: Coin on Gambler, 3 Waystone actions, 0 recruitment actions, 1 research action, 2 self-improvement actions
Notable Events: Mathilde finishes Branarhune, investing extra effort into going back and polishing the guard bypass technique. Eike develops basic Greatswords and Fitness skills. Possible techniques for replacement Capstones and river-based Leylines developed. Jade Journeymen begin making Tributaries in Stirland. Eike sets up a charcoal route between Nordland and Laurelorn, then learns Magic Dart, Sleep, Drop, and Mathilde's unique Aethyric Armour. In Nuln, the Elementalists are unusually cooperative (and give us their books straight-up) and the Verenans unusually difficult. Rite of Way successfully codified and then used in a distant battle. House Filuan is expanding the walls of Tor Lithanel. Gretel has remained a Journeywoman and carved out a principality. The Golds have used skaventech to create a terrifying Battle Altar, develop countermeasures to Warp Lightning Cannons, and engineer better designs for firearms.
-COIN: The Gambler
-EIC: Negotiate and plan a magical route through the Schadensumpf to allow for easier trade with the Eonir without compromising their defenses
-KAU: Begin copying the full corpus of a Partner Library (Grand University of Nuln)
-SERENITY: Write a paper: Observations on the Windfall north of the Dark Lands (Egrimm as primary author)
-JOHANN: Hunt an apparition (Rider in Red) [Self-improvement]
-EGRIMM: Attempt a Windherder enchantment with Egrimm (Seviroscope) [Research]
-MAX: Study an artefact (Books and rubbings from an Asur explorer of Lustria and the Southlands) [Research]
-Attempt to create a liminal realm [Research]
-Waystone: Foundation [Waystone]
--With Thorek, Hatalath, Sarvoi, Egrimm, Elrisse, Niedzwenka, and Zlata
-Tributary: International [Waystone]
--With Zlata, Niedzwenka, Aksel, Tochter, and Cadaeth
--Actions: Lustrian books and rubbings study, Windfall paper, Windherder enchanting, EIC negotiation
--Study: Enchanting class at the Grey College (paid in CF)
-[External] Eltharion of Yvresse: Opening negotiations with the Waystone Project for access to its techniques
-The Black Water Canal: Attend the grand opening of the Black Water Canal as it finally bridges the waterways of the northern and southern halves of the continent.
-Tzar Boris Bokha: Attend the coronation of the new Tzar of Kislev.
-Eike: Have a discussion about faith, the Gods, and the role they play in one's life.
-Eonir Tourism: Despite language and cultural barriers, some of the Eonir have begun venturing out into the wider Empire. Check how this is going, and get a glimpse of the Empire you were born in from the point of view of those to whom it is alien.
-Nordland: See what's going on with the Ulrican schismatics that Nordland is backing.
Breakdown: Coin on Gambler, 2 Waystone actions, 0 recruitment actions, 3 research actions (2 WEB-MAT), 1 self-improvement action (WEB-MAT)
Notable Events: An Interlude post reveals that Teclis has noticed increased magic collection on the Waystone Network from the Stirland tributaries and informed others. Mathilde successfully catches a Rider in Red, binds it, and develops a spell (named Knightbringer) for deploying it as a bodyguard (named a Nightbringer) in the shape of the Dammerlichtreiter. Building a visual Seviroscope succeeds and Kragg learns a lot about Bok, earning Mathilde a Boon, and Eike's crit gets her a trait for magical interactions with physical objects. Attempting to roll out tributaries in Kislev hits a political roadblock: Tsarevich Boris explains that the Tzar disfavors it, and other preparations against Chaos, and asks Mathilde to assassinate his father, which she does. Waystone Foundations are complicated as fuck but a few prototypes get made. Magical route through the Schadensumpf started, estimated complete in three years. Eike has started learning Enchanting, Windherding, and the principles of how magic interacts with materials. New Tzar Boris begins a canal linking Kislev's two major rivers at Mathilde's request. Eltharion, Warden of Tor Yvresse, comes to negotiate with the Waystone Project for its work and provides leyline passwords, other techniques, and knowledge of Albion in exchange.
-COIN: The Gambler
-EIC: Gather as much Ithilmar from throughout the Old World as possible to resell to the Eonir for a one-time profit
-KAU: Hire educators to teach a language or group of languages to your scribes (Old World Languages)
-SERENITY: Write a book: Aethyric Vitae (1/2)
-Create Orbs of Sorcery solo [Research]
-Waystone: Build a Waystone [Waystone]
--With everyone
-Waystone: Other Networks [Waystone]
--Karaz Ankor
--With Runelord Thorek
-Study an artefact: Ghyran Nut [Research]
--With Panoramia
-Attempt to gain control of one of your Arcane Marks (Unnatural Shadow) [Self-improvement]
--Actions: Karaz Ankor Network, Ghyran Nut study, KAU language learning
--Study: Infiltration and Tradecraft with the Hochlander
-[External] Roswita van Hal: Informing Mathilde that she is pregnant but that she does not seek to retain the Runefang for her heirs.
-Entrance Examination: Dragomas is forming a panel of eight Wizards from the eight Orders to determine the most suitable fit for a certain child of nobility. Be the Grey Order's representative on that panel.
-Dooming and Quickening: There will be rites and celebrations for Prince Mandred entering adulthood. Be present for them, and perform others that are pleasing to his true patron.
-Initiate: For the first time, a child born in Karag Nar has shown a capability of using magic. It is the duty of a Wizard to ascertain their suitability to join one of the Orders of Magic.
-Witch Hunter: There's apparently some sort of Witch Hunter snooping around Gretel's lands. She'd absolutely be capable of dealing with it, but you'd be able to do so faster and would have more fun doing it.
-The Festival Lord: The Eonir are holding a festival of games dedicated to Asuryan, the winner of which will ascend to (or remain on) the ruling Triumvirate of Laurelorn. Mathilde isn't at all allowed to participate, but she could watch.
Breakdown: Coin on Gambler, 2 Waystone actions, 0 recruitment actions, 2 research actions, 1 self-improvement action
Notable Events: New Waystone built, hybridizing leylines and rivers. Karaz Ankor network investigated, Belegar and Mathilde conclude that KaK is using the energy for magical megaprojects, including one vital to the survival of the dwarf people, but are incorrect about the details. Thorek and Mathilde discover other nexuses that could be used to feed the Border Princes into the Karaz Ankor. Shadow taming works to the extent of being able to make it act normally when necessary. The nut is planted in the Caldera and turns into a really big tree. Mathilde buys basically the entire Library of Mournings with her ithilmar and throws support behind Mandred becoming a Bright Wizard. Kadoh retains his title. A magical child is identified in Karag Nar and sent to the Gold College.
-COIN: The Gambler
-EIC: Assist in the creation of the magical route through the Schadensumpf, both personally and with the EIC's influence and resources
-KAU: Seek an exchange arrangement with another Library or a Karak's archives to be able to make copies of their corpus (Karak Vlag)
-SERENITY: Write a book: Aethyric Vitae (2/2)
-Waystone: Deploy in Kislev (Praag Region) [Waystone]
--With Zlata and Baba Niedzwenka
-Waystone: Deploy in the Empire (Sylvania) [Waystone]
--With Elrisse and Tochter
-Waystone: Deploy in the Karaz Ankor (Black Water) [Waystone]
--With Thorek
-Tributary: Dreaming Wood (Nordland/Laurelorn) [Waystone]
--With Hatalath, Sarvoi, Cadaeth, Tochter, Elrisse, and Aksel
-JOHANN: Waystone: Seek the lost Black Fire Pass Nexus [Waystone]
-MAX: Receive dictation: Linguistic Drift in Lizardmen Glyphs; The Polyphenic Theory of Lizardmen Society
-EGRIMM: Attempt a Windherder enchantment with Egrimm (Auditory Seviroscope) [Research]
--Spend 2 CF for assistance of a Journeyman with auditory Windsight
--Actions: Auditory seviroscope, EIC magical route
--Study: Learn spells, enchanting lessons from the Grey College (1 CF)
-Orb Reveal: The Orbs are made, the books are written, the time is right. You'll show them. You'll show them all.
-Silk: At long, long, long last, Francesco has finally figured out how to weave the We-silk into something that can be worn. Be there for its debuts into the various markets it is destined to disrupt, and make sure that one of the first pieces off the loom - or whatever it is they use - will be your silk sheets.
-Pan's Treehouse: Panoramia has previously been quite happy with her cottage, but when you're a Jade Wizard and you create a mind-bogglingly enormous tree, you can't not build a house in it. Witness how a Druid flexes.
-Lord Seilph, the Mystic: The Grey Lord, Lord Seilph, is currently erecting Waystones in Sylvania, and the suspected reason for one of the usually-reclusive Grey Lords to be so far from home is an interest in questionable magics. An interest that one could describe you as sharing. See if there's anything of interest to be found in a very cautious talk on the matter.
-Karak Vlag books: You have recently come into possession of a significant amount of books once owned by the magic users of the Fire Spire and heavily annotated by the Runesmiths Guild of Karak Vlag, two organizations that are now completely destroyed. The amount of lost lore they might contain makes your fingers itch. Set some time aside to read through these tragic remnants from an excised chapter in history.
Breakdown: Coin on Gambler, 5 Waystone actions (1 WEB-MAT), 0 recruitment actions, 1 research action (WEB-MAT), 0 self-improvement actions
Notable Events: First Waystone goes up in the teeth of the Chaos presence of Praag, under the Bridge of Death into New Town. Rollout underway in the other locations, with Kislev and the KA using Ulthuani mages and Sylvania using the Eonir. Karak Vlag hands over their Rune-lore for the refounding of theirs and K8P's Runesmith Guilds as Brother-Clans, and in exchange for guarding that securely, Mathilde gets Karak Vlag's old Fire Spire books. Johann and Mathilde identify that the Nexus they seek is held by the Beastmen in the Forest of Gloom. Auditory Seviroscope built in the form factor of a portative organ (Portentiv). With Mathilde's aid, the Schadenweg finishes two years ahead of schedule. Eike finishes Petty spells (with a Mastery on Silence) and picks up a bunch of Lesser spells as well as continuing her study of magical material properties.
Wonderful. I've been using your supplements consistently @picklepikkl so I appreciate them greatly. I'm forgetful enough that I check my own supplements when I forget stuff. This might help me out in my efforts to go back over Laurelorn update to make that eventual Laurelorn post. Thank you for that.
@Boney if it is not too much trouble and if you have thought of it, how does naming new babies work among the dawi? I mean when does it happen and do they have any specific rituals around it? I ask because I am curious if Kazirk and Edna are going to have one of those for their new child and if that might be a option for next turn.
If you do not have any interest in such a thing so soon after the wedding I understand, I am just curious about how the very heritage minded dwarfs hand out names. I imagine it would be a pretty important moment since many are named in honor of their ancestors.
@Boney if it is not too much trouble and if you have thought of it, how does naming new babies work among the dawi? I mean when does it happen and do they have any specific rituals around it? I ask because I am curious if Kazirk and Edna are going to have one of those for their new child and if that might be a option for next turn.
If you do not have any interest in such a thing so soon after the wedding I understand, I am just curious about how the very heritage minded dwarfs hand out names. I imagine it would be a pretty important moment since many are named in honor of their ancestors.
It's generally believed that the best names are those that repay a debt of inspiration, whether that be from someone living who taught one of the parents or from an ancestor whose recorded words or deeds had particular meaning to them. It's also used as a way to repay a more substantial debt that is otherwise impossible to repay. Individual families often have naming conventions too, like Donarkhun and Kaz- names or Angrund and -gar names. The day a Dwarf is named is considered the first day of their life and the day on which their future birthdays are celebrated, which is usually within a few days being born but can stretch quite some time for Dwarves born far from the Holds or if the parents want to wait for all of the baby's living ancestors to be present. The baby is taken to a Temple of Grungni for its name to be recorded in the Hold's annals, then to a Temple of Valaya to be passed through the smoke of Her hearth and to be given its first spoonful of stone soup.
Making its leisurely way up the river is a sailing pinnace, crewed solely by a plump old woman in a black frock with short white hair, one hand on the tiller and the other holding the mainsheet. Without context, this is an entirely mundane scene that could be found in any number of places within the Empire. That the pinnace has sailed through the Sea of Claws and is now making its way up the Schaukel towards Tor Lithanel is one set of key details that recontextualizes the scene; another is that it is making its way determinedly south in defiance of both wind and current. Even if you had not warned Laurelorn's defenders to be on the lookout for this invited guest, there's enough red flags that they'd still react with extreme caution to this foreign visitor.
"Ahoy, it's a hoy," she calls in a deep, rich voice as she approaches the dock of Tor Lithanel you've been watching from, just a trace of accent breaking through the Reikspiel. "Nice to finally lay eyes on a watcher with enough politeness to show themself."
"Baba Niedzwenka, I presume?" you ask, glancing up at the blue-on-black Erengrad pennant flying from the mast.
"And likewise I presume you to be Lady Magister Mathilde Weber, the ambition behind this endeavour." She waves and a tendril of ephemeral motion grips a rope and snakes out to a bollard on the dock, weaving the rope around it in an unsettlingly serpentine motion. As the boat approaches the foaming water around its hull forms into the shape of a old man's face, who gives a bubbling, agonized moan. "Pay no attention to him," she says with an airy gesture that dunks the spirit back into the water. "He has taken too many innocent lives to fairly claim to be a victim."
"How was your journey?"
"As peaceful as one could hope for. The Sea of Claws is an old friend, and this river is much too tame to attack without order." She grips a rope and pulls herself to her feet with some effort, a series of clicks and pops coming from her joints. Somewhat stiffly she steps up from her boat to the wharf, and you take the opportunity to study her with your Windsight. To your surprise she seems to have no inherent magical ability of her own, or at least nothing she has used recently. What she does have is a spiderweb of ephemeral attachments sprouting off her, some connecting to the boat and others to what seems to be items concealed on her person. "So this is the Eleventh Kingdom," she says musingly, staring up at the walls of Tor Lithanel. "Where'd they get all the marble?"
"Most of it was traded from the Dwarves back when they were allies. Apparently Master Runelord Thorek is discussing the possibility of resuming those shipments."
"Interesting. It's quite the roster you've gathered here. You think you stand a chance of unpicking the mysteries of the past?"
"I can only hope. Kislev knows more than most that the status quo cannot be sustained indefinitely."
She nods. "And I will not shy away from reminding everyone present of that fact. Even the Ice Witch, if need be. Ever since they arrived, the Ice Court has jealously guarded the nexuses on behalf of their mistress. Even the Sea Elves could not pry them loose from it, not with all the bribes and threats they could muster. Do you know who they have sent?"
"Ice Maiden Zlata, I understand."
"A maiden?" She gives a sinister chuckle. "Oh, a mere maiden can be twisted around any number of fingers. Though only if necessary, of course."
You refrain from commenting on that. "I had the impression that, erm, your kind of magic-user..."
"Koldunja," you repeat, thankful. 'Hag Witch' might be the literal translation of their Kislevarin name, but it does come across as rather disrespectful in Reikspiel. "That you didn't travel well, as the spirits you draw power from tend to be sessile."
She smiles. "They prefer to be, but over the years I have taught many that it is also preferable to stay on my good side. Fear not, should it prove necessary to our endeavour, I will still be able to call on a wide range of my abilities."
Once more you swallow your initial response, and instead add to a growing mental tally of concerns. "Glad to hear it. Allow me to guide you to the residence of the Project, where you may have your choice of quarters to claim for your own..."
Once Baba Niedzwenka gets moving her joints appear to stop protesting, and before long she's striding through the streets with the self-assurance of a queen, running a thoughtful eye over the buildings and people of Tor Lithanel. "You know, none of the Sea Elves of Erengrad liked to speak of this place."
"Why is that?"
"Laurelorn does not recognize either claimant for the Phoenix Throne. From what I managed to winkle out of the Sea Elves, I can't say I particularly blame them. The first Caledor abandoned them, the second Caledor denied their autonomy, and Caradryel stripped them of citizenship. After all that, I could see an argument that the wrong fellow got the throne after Bel Shanaar to be quite convincing to those who've never had their shores visited by a Black Ark."
"There are those in the Empire who might agree," you say carefully, making the sounds of agreement without actually agreeing. "The Druchii are very much a blight on the coastlines, but at least they've never lent military support to secessionists."
"The Asur ultimately serve only themselves," she agrees. "And they have the sheer arrogance to claim otherwise with a straight face, not thinking the 'lesser races' are capable of seeing through their bold-faced lies."
"Happily, it seems the Eonir have not inherited that tendency. They are aware that while they could defeat a single province, the united Empire could crush them, which has forced them to address us as equals to be negotiated with, rather than inferiors to dictate terms to."
"Glad to hear it. While that's always an enjoyable lesson to teach, it would take a great deal of time and effort that would be better spent elsewhere."
On your latest visit to Oldenlitz there was more than a single Mischief standing watch for visitors. When you arrive Cadaeth was quite prepared for your arrival, and is once more dressed in bark and leathers. As you accompany her on her rounds of the glimmering trees that are the citizens of her village, you ask her of the beings you recently fought against.
"Hmm," she hums, thinking. "Do you know what a Dreaming Wood is?"
"The liminal realm of a magical forest."
"Mm. It has been called the soul of a forest, and the poetry of that has resisted countless attempts to correct it on technical grounds. An individual tree's soul is typically simpler and more ponderous than that of most beings of flesh and blood, but they live a very long time and can absorb a great deal of ambient magical energy over the years. Put enough trees and enough magic together for long enough and a Dreaming Wood arises, and then nature spirits begin to emerge from it. Spites first, then the Naiads and Oreads and Limniads, and finally the Dryads."
"Are you speaking generally?" you ask, frowning.
"Not a lot of Dryads left around the place, are there? What I described is the primordial form of the forest, undisturbed by the encroachment of fleshy beings. There are no forests I know of that still retain that status. Here in Laurelorn, the Grey Lords colonized and tamed the Dreaming Wood, binding some spirits and forming accords with others, and in modern times the distinction between Faniour Elf and Laurelorn Dryad has practically disappeared. As for other forests - well, I can only guess based on what I have heard from the outside world, but none have remained unchanged by the passage of years. The Drakwald has fallen entirely to the Beastmen, the Bogathingaz and Dukhlys to Goblins. The Schattenwald has been twisted by an eternal war against the beings that live in its depths, and many say it is as fallen as the Drakwald. The Reikwald lies dormant, the magic that once sustained it disappeared. The Grossewald has adapted to the humans that live within it, and many spirits seem to have found niches within your pantheon. The Forêt de Châlons belongs to a local Goddess, and the Forêt de Arden is a war between man and beast and Orc in the absence of the Beastman Daemon that once ruled it.
"But Athel Loren? Athel Loren was the most magical forest of all, and there the Dryads gave rise to a new form of being. The most ambitious of them permanently intertwined their spirits with one carefully-chosen tree, literally rooting themselves in the forest that they emerged from, and in doing so claimed rulership over it and the Dryads who lacked the courage or strength to do the same. When our kin first came to Athel Loren three of the very first Treemen remained: Adanhu the Wise, Coeddil the Protector, and Durthu the Benevolent. During the War of Vengeance it is they that those that would become the Asrai entered into an accord with. And by the colouration of the Dryads you described, I believe they were servants of Coeddil, so I can only guess that there was some threat to Athel Loren within the Shirokij that the Dryads sought to combat."
"They did seem to be hunting the local Boyar, who may be affiliated with Vampires."
"Well, much of the problems of the Schattenwald can be blamed on Vampires. Perhaps they foresee some threat from them that they seek to avert."
"But the Schattenwald seemed to be actively rejecting the Dryad leader. If they were there to oppose Vampires, wouldn't it have cooperated with them?"
She shrugs. "I can only speak for Laurelorn, for everywhere else I can only speculate. Perhaps the Schattenwald is maddened beyond rational thought, perhaps it is opposed to Athel Loren for its own reasons, perhaps the Vampires the Dryads were opposing were in turn opposed to the Vampires within the Schattenwald. Perhaps some other combination of factors I cannot even guess."
You nod, mentally adding this new information to the conversation you're going to have with Paranoth later. "Would destroying a Dryad's physical form permanently kill them?"
"No, that's what makes the Treeman incarnation such a gamble, because it binds a Dryad to a single body that can perish. When a Dryad moves from a Dreaming Wood to the physical realm it borrows substance from the tree it uses as a bridge, and if they shed it or it is destroyed within the bounds of a forest the spirit can return to the Dreaming Wood. But being wrenched from a body by its destruction can grievously wound the Dryad, and it will need to return to the forest it originated from to heal."
"Wouldn't that be a dangerous journey for a wounded spirit?"
"Not if they can reach the Worldroots, though I don't know how far the living sections of them still extend in that part of the world."
"Presumably they reach at least to Ostermark, the Warhost stirred up the locals while physically travelling through the province."
"So it, and all the other Dryads that fell in battle there, would have needed to travel through a significant stretch of the hostile Schattenwald Dreaming Wood while wounded. I don't know those woods so I can only guess, but it does seem like it would be a deeply unpleasant journey."
You nod. "Hopefully any survivors have learned a lesson on sticking their noses where they aren't welcome. By the way, I took the lower half of the leader Dryad, thinking that it would make a good material for enchanting - she was an Ulgu wielder, after all. Would that be correct?"
"It would have only existed since the Dryad manifested so it wouldn't have the centuries or millennia of being steeped in a Wind that makes things like dragon bones so useful, but it would have been created with the conscious intent of creating wood that would be extremely amenable to the flow of their Wind. It would be better suited to fine control than raw power."
There are, you reflect, two distinct facets to Cadaeth - that of the diplomat, and that of the expert. Her diplomatic guise is a bludgeon of fey coyness that undoubtedly serves her very well in Middenheim, but as superficially charming as that can be, you find you enjoy her company a lot more as she is now, dressed sensibly and expounding on a topic she knows well. You find it reminds you a fair bit of Panoramia, and you make a mental note to introduce the two when you get a chance.
Also if that wood is especially good for control that might mean lowering miscast chances generally while not giving a combat bonus. But that's just my guess.
To be fair, "Ulgu-focused Servant of Coeddil Dryad" may obviously be Drycha to us, there's a good chance that knowledge of who Drycha is might not be common outside Athel Loren.
Or it might mean that there are more Ulgu-Dryads than just Drycha.
If the colour is not unique to her, but common to all minions of Coeddil, then it is possible that this was just some old, hateful and Ulgu-wielding Branchwraith, and not Drycha at all.
There are, you reflect, two distinct facets to Cadaeth - that of the diplomat, and that of the expert. Her diplomatic guise is a bludgeon of fey coyness that undoubtedly serves her very well in Middenheim, but as superficially charming as that can be, you find you enjoy her company a lot more as she is now, dressed sensibly and expounding on a topic she knows well. You find it reminds you a fair bit of Panoramia, and you make a mental note to introduce the two when you get a chance.
This is a mistake. Mathilde. Think for a second. Do you want Panoramia to pick up Caeth's bad habits? If they meet, soon both of them will be dressed indecently and acting fey-like. Can you imagine the absolute disaster that would be?
Or it might mean that there are more Ulgu-Dryads than just Drycha.
If the colour is not unique to her, but common to all minions of Coeddil, then it is possible that this was just some old, hateful and Ulgu-wielding Branchwraith, and not Drycha at all.
Baba Niedzwenka seems more...cheerful? Carefree? Then I would have guessed. In addition to being powerful enough to drag spirits far from their native habitats she seems to be pretty enthusiastic about the Waystone project, so that's good.
Cadaeth is nice. I'm not as taken by her as Mathilde but I suppose I'm not the one she's trying to seduceentice charm. She had more lore on Athel Loren then I would have thought, and I wonder if this information will be enough for Panaroth to give us something more concrete.