"Interesting. It's quite the roster you've gathered here. You think you stand a chance of unpicking the mysteries of the past?"
"I can only hope. Kislev knows more than most that the status quo cannot be sustained indefinitely."
She nods. "And I will not shy away from reminding everyone present of that fact. Even the Ice Witch, if need be. Ever since they arrived, the Ice Court has jealously guarded the nexuses on behalf of their mistress. Even the Sea Elves could not pry them loose from it, not with all the bribes and threats they could muster. Do you know who they have sent?"
"Ice Maiden Zlata, I understand."
"A maiden?" She gives a sinister chuckle. "Oh, a mere maiden can be twisted around any number of fingers. Though only if necessary, of course."
You refrain from commenting on that. "I had the impression that, erm, your kind of magic-user..."
"Koldunja," you repeat, thankful. 'Hag Witch' might be the literal translation of their Kislevarin name, but it does come across as rather disrespectful in Reikspiel. "That you didn't travel well, as the spirits you draw power from tend to be sessile."
She smiles. "They prefer to be, but over the years I have taught many that it is also preferable to stay on my good side. Fear not, should it prove necessary to our endeavour, I will still be able to call on a wide range of my abilities."
Once more you swallow your initial response, and instead add to a growing mental tally of concerns. "Glad to hear it. Allow me to guide you to the residence of the Project, where you may have your choice of quarters to claim for your own..."
Once Baba Niedzwenka gets moving her joints appear to stop protesting, and before long she's striding through the streets with the self-assurance of a queen, running a thoughtful eye over the buildings and people of Tor Lithanel. "You know, none of the Sea Elves of Erengrad liked to speak of this place."
"Why is that?"
"They do not recognize either claimant for the Phoenix Throne. From what I managed to winkle out of the Sea Elves, I can't say I particularly blame them. The first Caledor abandoned them, the second Caledor denied their autonomy, and Caradryel stripped them of citizenship. After all that, I could see an argument that the wrong fellow got the throne after Bel Shanaar to be quite convincing to those who've never had their shores visited by a Black Ark."
"There are those in the Empire who might agree," you say carefully, making the sounds of agreement without actually agreeing. "The Druchii are very much a blight on the coastlines, but at least they've never lent military support to secessionists."
"The Asur ultimately serve only themselves," she agrees. "And they have the sheer arrogance to claim otherwise with a straight face, not thinking the 'lesser races' are capable of seeing through their bold-faced lies."
"Happily, it seems the Eonir have not inherited that tendency. They are aware that while they could defeat a single province, the united Empire could crush them, which has forced them to address us as equals to be negotiated with, rather than inferiors to dictate terms to."
"Glad to hear it. While that's always an enjoyable lesson to teach, it would take a great deal of time and effort that would be better spent elsewhere."