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I wonder if you could take a strand of the winds and convince it to solidify as a ring. And then using windherder make another ring through it of a different wind, forging a chain of powerstones.
Well, the reason we can't wear armor is because it has chamon or ghur in it. Sooooo... powerstone chainmail when? Or mold a Morb into plate armor lol.
The current Van Hal picture seemed like the least bad option at first but it's really grown on me since then, and your Master's picture is locked in because it's an obscure reference that amuses me.
Did Boney ever say what Regimand's pic was a reference to?
(also, van hal's pic isn't in the dramatis personae anymore, did the link to it break or something?)
Well, the reason we can't wear armor is because it has chamon or ghur in it. Sooooo... powerstone chainmail when? Or mold a Morb into plate armor lol.
Another reason is that armor is typically heavy and Mathilde has gotten used to fighting only with robes, in a way that's more maneuverable than the usual greatsword user. Ithilmar would be useful for these purposes, but it's expensive.
I very much doubt that we're good enough friends with any elves capable of providing us with ithilmar for them to provide us with ithilmar.
Because if just its the specific magnetic properties
Ah, well, the 'specific magnetic properties' you are talking about are 'exhibits partial Meissner effect well into 320K', which... is not a trivial thing to find. Like, A15 phase Titanium Gold with whatever other magical shenanigans are needed in the forging is 100% the easiest option here that we have any reason to believe exists in the Warhammer World.
Was rereading the latest chapter and this double phrasing… seems like an error, though the fact that no one else has mentioned it is making me doubt my own understanding of grammar.

It's a garden-path sentence - technically correct, but the way it's phrased makes the reader mistaken about what the individual elements mean at first. I've tweaked it a bit to be more comprehendible at first reading (and to eliminate the awkward repetition).

for me, the big question that @Boney has yet to answer: is it safe to put the stones in mould blocks while we are doing it.

Orbs of Sorcery is one thing, Orbs of Sorcery that each Orb is shaped (taking the limitations of moulding as a medium) as the runes of each wind is a flex on top of a flex.

Orbs of Sorcery that spell out Mathilde (8 letter, 8 stones) is god mode flexing.

and for the life of me, I cant see why not. It might not be able to be tight: but it should take shape around the free space in the block (area of least resistance.)

So rough shaping should be fine.

this, but stone/wax/whatever.

Experiments with power stone creation have yet to be able to make them any shape but spherical-ish without the process failing at some point, so it seems very likely that whatever is causing that would cause it to be even more significant a problem with orbs, where the price of failure would also be significantly greater. So, try it and find out.

@Boney Is it possible to study the W'Soran prophecies and Carstein Ring notes without knowing high Nehekaran first solely through translating with reference materials?
@Boney Do we need to write in an action to learn High Nehekharan before we can take the Action to study the Notes on the Von Carestein ring or the Prophecies, or is a sufficient learning of the language part and parcel of the [] Study action(s) for those artefacts?

It's possible to attempt to study them without knowing Nehekharan using various translation dictionaries.

If so, does that inflict a significant malus on our studying roll due to missing the nuances lost in translation?

That would seem extremely likely to be a problem, since one is a transcription of random musing of an extremely stressed genius and the other is personal study notes that only needed to be understandable to the writer.

Was it ever mentioned what happened to apperations after the wizard died? Would you have a bunch of powered up Red riders if Mathilde died?

Trained to target dark mages, something else? And so forth

They disappear unless they're already deployed and doing their thing. They're attached to the soul, rather than the body, so it's presumed they end up wherever the person is going. The theological implications of that mean that some Gold Wizards get rid of theirs if they're badly sick or retiring, while others like the idea of being able to take their murderpuppies with them.

Has there ever been any WoG on exactly how long it would take to study a language, or Nehekaran specifically? We would also be learning specifically written Nehekaran (right? does anyone want to chat with Tomb Kings?), maybe that'll make it faster?

Written only with sufficient access to skilled tutors and diverse reading materials (which are available for Nehekharan) is doable in one action.

On an entirely different note, how would the average dwarf who hasn't known Mathilde for years or is incredibly famous in their own right react to meeting Mathilde?

Would they treat her a bit like how the dwarves on the initial Eight Peaks expedition treated Kragg? This seems the closest comparison I can think of given the whole "She's a dawi in a different body" idea the announcement stirred up.

If we're talking about the average Old Hold inhabitant, Mathilde generally gets treated less warmly than she used to be, because she's transitioned from 'look, the manling's doing the bare minimum, give it a pat on the head' to 'a person that can be expected to act properly by default'. It's sort of like getting good enough in a language that native speakers of it stop telling you 'wow, you're really good!' and just talk to you in it instead. So she gets greeted gruffly by whichever the proper title is in the context of the meeting and that's it.

Edit: My other curiosity is what if anything the higher levels of the Sigmarite church think about her given it's one of the religious commandments to aid dwarves and the whole announcement. I'm certain that the official position is that there is no official position, but I would be very curious what if any thoughts might be going around the ranks.

The issue is confusing enough that it just gets written off as Dwarf business. Sigmarites generally respect Mathilde more than they do most Wizards because of her work for Abelhelm and Belegar. The Cult of Sigmar doesn't currently have an official position on the Laurelorn business, though they're watching it extremely closely because it is adjacent to a lot of extremely important topics to them. The Cult of Ulric is an old rival that directly competes with them for influence in the northern provinces, but Mathilde isn't directly serving it and the issue seems to be splitting the Cult right now so it could be seen as broadly positive for the Cult of Sigmar. That the Eonir can be seen as a counterbalance to the Asur backing Marienburg is something of interest to the Cult of Sigmar, since they lost a lot of influence when Marienburg split off - the position of Arch Lector of the North, which was once second in power and influence only to the Grand Theogonist and equal only to the other two Arch Lector and the Arch Adjutant, has been vacant ever since Westerland was lost to the Empire.

Did Boney ever say what Regimand's pic was a reference to?

It's a minor character from The Wizards of Aus, an Australian comedy miniseries. It's on youtube but I don't know how much of it translates since after the first five minutes it's largely metajokes about Australian news media and dunking on western Melbourne.
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I knew Alric was trying to become important again, but this is a bit too far.
Though I suppose we could've seen this coming:
The Undumgi have tried to label it Karag Ulric, and though it might read as such in their patois, a Dwarven reader of the Klinkarhun runes they're using - ᛉ ᛞ ᚱ ᛉ ᛕ - would be more likely to pronounce it 'Alric'. You smile and pen a short note to your Magister Patriarch so he can let his Light College counterpart know of his inadvertent immortalization before moving on.
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Experiments with power stone creation have yet to be able to make them any size but spherical without the process failing at some point, so it seems very likely that whatever is causing that would cause it to be even more significant a problem with orbs, where the price of failure would also be significantly greater. So, try it and find out.
Does this override previous WoG about powerstones?
About that size, though they're usually round or prolate, rather than oblate.

Yes. Research has confirmed that the difference is entirely cosmetic. OOC, GW has them sometimes spherical and some prolate or teardrop in their art and on their models.
Assuming by "any size but spherical" you mean "any shape but spherical". Previous WoG seems to indicate that while powerstone size is constant the shape can be varied though not enough to be useful beyond cosmetic purposes.
Does this override previous WoG about powerstones?

Assuming by "any size but spherical" you mean "any shape but spherical". Previous WoG seems to indicate that while powerstone size is constant the shape can be varied though not enough to be useful beyond cosmetic purposes.

I was going to say 'any shape but round' but then my inner pedant said 'round is only for two-dimensional shapes only' so I said 'spherical' instead even though that has a different meaning. You can have any flavour of round.

Who is that? Google fails me.

The most detailed description of the Cult of Sigmar's power structure comes from (IIRC) The Witch Hunter's Handbook, which described the Arch Adjutant as the appointed deputy of the Grand Theogonist. The GT is almost always also an Arch Lector, and the Arch Adjutant handles those duties so the GT can focus on high-level policy and politics.
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IRL pyramidions from the Egyptian pyramids (what few have survived) are pretty small actually. They're heavy but not very large.
A pyramidion is a thing at the very tip of the pyramid. Looking at some pictures of real life pyramidions they do look about the size I would expect a Waystone capstone to be (not that we have accurate measures for the size of Waystone capstone) so it wouldn't be too shocking to find that they are the same size, but who knows.

It should be noted that there's a bit of a perspective thing going on in that picture that's making it look smaller than it actually is

Case in point

It's not as big as some might imagine
But I wouldn't say it's exactly small either

I could imagine a pyramidion capping a Waystone, but it'd have to be one of the really big ones
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It should be noted that there's a bit of a perspective thing going on in that picture that's making it look smaller than it actually is

Case in point

It's not as big as some might imagine
But I wouldn't say it's exactly small either

I could imagine a pyramidion capping a Waystone, but it'd have to be one of the really big ones
That specific pyramidion is relatively big. It has a base width of 1.85 meters, other pyramidions I saw pictures and measures of had bases under 50 cm in width (27.2, 48.5, 35.5 etc). Though, again, it's not like we have accurate measure of Waystones pyramidions or of Nehekharan pyrmaidions. I suppose this is something we will find out if we research the Nehekharan network, the Light Order may not know the exact metallic composition of their pyramidions but I would assume they at least know their sizes.
That specific pyramidion is relatively big. It has a base width of 1.85 meters, other pyramidions I saw pictures and measures of had bases under 50 cm in width (27.2, 48.5, 35.5 etc). Though, again, it's not like we have accurate measure of Waystones pyramidions or of Nehekharan pyrmaidions. I suppose this is something we will find out if we research the Nehekharan network, the Light Order may not know the exact metallic composition of their pyramidions but I would assume they at least know their sizes.

A Pyramidions size scales with the size of the structure it came from
And for the larger pyramids that picture is pretty indicative

Knowing fantasy
Nehekharan pyramids are unlikely to be on the small side
Because the pop cultural idea of "Egyptian Pyramid" is the giant super structure
If anything Nehekhara's pyramids are probably significantly bigger

And I mean looking at some pictures
They're basically small mountains
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They disappear unless they're already deployed and doing their thing. They're attached to the soul, rather than the body, so it's presumed they end up wherever the person is going. The theological implications of that mean that some Gold Wizards get rid of theirs if they're badly sick or retiring, while others like the idea of being able to take their murderpuppies with them.

That's actually really sweet and cute. Adorable puppies!
Cue Mathilde does a tea party with her Handmaiden and ask her how her day was. Or maybe promising she will take the Rider in Red outside for a bit of running in the fresh air and some windsnacks if she behave herself.

Edit: do you think Gehenna ever commissioned the Brights for some Aqshy infused snacks for the hounds?
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Wait, it's ool-rick, not ull-rick? Man, that feels weird lol.
No? Put is not pronounced poot, is it? More like putt. Or at least that's how I have heard it pronounced.

Edit: Wait, no. How would you say Ultra is pronounced? Double-o always seems like a drawn out u to me while two consonants after the u make me think it's shorter.
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