- Location
- France
Current tally is quite close and could still swing either way.
EDIT: @agumentic the big QM posts are mostly unrelated to the shift, actually.
It seems like things shifted due to some final discussion about the option, but most importantly due to people being reminded of how approval voting works. This led to people who were voting for the many non-ship plans to all start approval voting for the leading non-ship options.
Oh, and the increased discussion put the thread on the front page again, which reminded some extra people to come vote. So the total voter count increased, and seeing as this was already a rather close vote... It swung by about 20 votes.
Adhoc vote count started by T_of_A on Mar 27, 2025 at 1:54 AM, finished with 4596 posts and 340 votes.
[X] Plan Pickle Requests mk IV
-[X] Ambers: The secret behind Flock of Doom
-[X] Lights: KAU partnership with the Light Order's Ancient Library
-[X] Golds: A We-silk robe enchanted for combat defense
-[X] Jades: Pure CF
-[X] Celestials: Bankroll for upcoming magical curiosities shopping trip in Lothern
-[X] Greys: Operatives to expand the reach of the EIC intel network
-[X] Amethysts: Information on what Hexensohn was doing under Drakenhof and why
-[X] Brights: Gyrocarriage enchanted with Inextinguishable Flame- keykingdom
- ChronOblivion
- Artemis1992
- Chipsy_21
- FallenPears
- LurkerPrime
- henkalv
- Horium
- Rakuhn
- fictionfan
- Sib
- Nicholas
- Chlof
- AsuraAtlas
- organicAI
- qazcdewsx
- Malus501
- HeWhoAdds
- Astro Ambulance
- Lammen Gorthaur
- Elbrasch
- LawsOfRobotics
- neutronium95
- DragonParadox
- 90% Human
- Nerdasaurus Rex
- DeadmanwalkingXI
- JayTar
- Talon TigerDino
- Wiadi
- Agent X20
- Hydroplatypus
- Whynot09
- shepsquared
- Somic
- MiracleGrow
- BoundaryPhantasm
- Starman
- Retrueno
- SolBlazer13
[X] Armor of von Tarnus
- xpentakill
- Hydroplatypus
- NotCaligula
- VoiceOfTheRiders
- Nickan
- Varano
- Leolu
- MightbeaMimic
- FantasticMsFox
- newgman
- D.Rockstar
- Kiera
- xXxBlueViperxXx
- Myxlplykx
- Narasan
- Nyssar
- TheKingInYellow
- Blackwing
- LancyIain
- zarinthel
- Mr Apollo
- MrRageQuit
- Dutchman
- Deathbybunnies
- spiritualatheist
- WestOrEast
- SpaceSloth
- rocketroland999
- Rockeye
- Dark as Silver
- HavocKeeper
- Ivan the Not-so-Terrible
- Dust&Ash
- noliar
- Catpetter1981
- dpara
- Starman
- Yorick's Skull
- SolBlazer13
[X] Plan: The Prismatic Wanderer
-[X] A flying warship, suited for both exploration and warfare
-[X] Comfortable for small groups of people to live in for extended periods of time, and capable in an emergency of transporting a medium-sized groups of elite forces from one place to another (e.g. Empire Knights, Dwarf Ironbreakers, Eonir Ghost Striders, KAU scribes)
-[X] Wizardy aesthetic - dragon figurehead on the prow, living tree serving as central mast, bottom possibly wreathed in fog, etc.
-[X] Has magical weaponry and/or defenses (e.g. Dragon figurehead on the prow might fill enemy forces with the fear of death, ballistas on the sides might shoot out fireballs, a Flock of Doom might emerge from a literal crow's nest, etc)
-[X] Possibly needs to be crewed by Perpetuals
-[X] Possibly flat-bottomed to allow for landing on firm ground, if that makes sense vibes-wise- Valmond
- Zaratustra
- OfManyForms
- K von Carstein
- neutronium95
- DragonParadox
- banelord
- Codex
- einargs
- Blackout
- Questwolf
- BookwormAF
- Mystic Pentagram
- EternityWarrior
- Arbit
- Nurgle
- StormySky
- veekie
- Avoozl
- Koguyra
- HungryHamadryad
- mc2rpg
- Lokimotion
- Faux
- jkgbrz
- FortTell
- Night_stalker
- das_slash
- TheOneUnknown
- andrewopk
- Ness
- LeMat
- wildwill
- Oceanous
- Scorpianhead
- Pi In The Sky
- MrSmmufi
- Blackangel
- Mark Hyko
- Some_guy_161
[X] Elector-Countess
- 90% Human
- Nerdasaurus Rex
- Whynot09
- BladedBookworm
- ImperatorV
- Asherterix
- theretrodragon
- Magnive
- Wiggy
- Sir_Travelsalot
- dlwj2000
- minerva-n-memes
- Taut_Templar
- patrickxx
- Eldon
- Phalfpipe
- Masuk
- dacsan
- Nightlord256
- fearsome hill
- ichypa
- KingCrimson1081
- Natch
- Rafin
- beokirby
- Blackshard
- Fayhem
- Neathbow
- RwconHD
- storryeater
- Broccoliccoli
- Gavin Prince
- Prime 2.0
- Agent X20
- Ericwinter
- vsh
- Jyn Ryvia
- avatar11792
- MacroDaemon
- Glau
[X] Plan Tower of Doom! and Research!
-[X] Construct a flying Wizard's tower large enough to house one to two dozen people for an extended period of time
-[X] Ensure it is capable of essentially indefinite flight, to the point of being capable of crossing oceans
-[X] Equip it with the finest research amenities the colleges can provide
-[X] Equip it with powerful enchantments suitable for offensive and defensive purposes.
-[X] Equip it with a bunch of cannons as well.- neutronium95
- DragonParadox
- redpotato4
- LittenLeKitten
- Tasoli
- Bucolic
- Inferno67
- TimEd
- World Illusion
- HighPriest
- 90% Human
- Nerdasaurus Rex
- reignonyrparade
- Techmarine
- EVA-Saiyajin
- Luftwaffles27
- Serous
- Fanhunter696
- Sinsystems
- WorldSlayer
- xpentakill
- LawsOfRobotics
- chocolote12
- Whynot09
- The Phoenixian
- tygerbright
- Copperscale
- Zceryll
- Blackgutter
- BladedBookworm
- Somic
- MiracleGrow
- BoundaryPhantasm
- Yorick's Skull
- BeepSmile
- Drofgnal
- nat_401
- A Slipspace Tree
- Humbaba
[X] Break College Favor/ Tenure
- ArcanaVitae
- Firnagzen
- Verdom
- Avemap
- Ultrackius
- Etranger
- Chopak
- Aranfan
- KingCrimson1081
- That-Random-Guy
- dinomannitro6
- thisisinsane
- notbirdofprey
- MrHobbit
- Godwinson
- Gadjo
- aeqnai
- Celti
- pucflek
- RefugeInAbsrdity
- picklepikkl
- mathymancer
- GrimTheMad
- Shard
- Agent X20
- Ericwinter
- QTesseract
- BurnNote
- Ekzentric Lohner
- LotusPocus
- Jreengus
- Natch
- Doctor Elsewhere
- Thomasfoolery
- Orbmorb
- consequences
- Blackshard
- SaltyWaffles
- Derpmind
- Parabola
[X] Dispensation to study methods of destroying or beneficially transforming Dhar
- The Phoenixian
- BladedBookworm
- Esryok
- agumentic
- uiopion
- storybookknight
- Ptolemy03
- Dr. Fororak
- Copperscale
- Blackgutter
- shepsquared
- Ekzentric Lohner
- Starman
- flaviusb
- Waci
- Candesce
- Briefvoice
- Carcer
- ReImagined
- MyAuraIsPurple
- storryeater
- fanficfan
- Cryophage
- Angelform
- Retrueno
- MkZ
- AGFarb
- lord_Bren
- Natch
- Huda
- Rafin
- A_Somebody
- Altom
- T_of_A
- glyph
[X] Support in dispatching Battle Wizards to one major conflict of Mathilde's choice
- Agent X20
- The Phoenixian
- BladedBookworm
- tygerbright
- ReImagined
- shepsquared
- Shaper47
- Ergosum
- Nimbus
- Chopak
- Huda
- dinomannitro6
- hugo239111
- Argent Citadel
- lentil
- RwconHD
- Aura
- French Cowboy
- Waela
- Mobitztype3
- Aliya
- picklepikkl
- mathymancer
- Jreengus
- Rafin
- A_Somebody
- Orbmorb
- Altom
- eternalpasserby
- T_of_A
- Belkar
- Abby Normal
[X] Save the boon until we choose our next project
- LawsOfRobotics
- MyAuraIsPurple
- shepsquared
- Ekzentric Lohner
- picklepikkl
- mathymancer
- Rafin
- beokirby
- Lightwhispers
- silentorphan
- seonor
- MrHobbit
- Abby Normal
- A_Somebody
- dinomannitro6
- Blackshard
- SaltyWaffles
- Derpmind
- Parabola
- Alliterate
- Belkar
- Godwinson
- Gadjo
- aeqnai
- Celti
- Shard
- adaer
- pucflek
- RefugeInAbsrdity
- Romv
[X] Plan Not Pickle Requests Variant with Apparitions
-[X] Ambers: The secret behind Flock of Doom
-[X] Lights: KAU partnership with the Light Order's Ancient Library
-[X] Golds: A We-silk robe enchanted for combat defense
-[x] Jades:Pure CFA set number of chosen apparitions for spell creation
-[X] Celestials: Bankroll for upcoming magical curiosities shopping trip in Lothern
-[X] Greys: Operatives to expand the reach of the EIC intel network
-[X] Amethysts: Information on what Hexensohn was doing under Drakenhof and why
-[X] Brights: Gyrocarriage enchanted with Inextinguishable Flame- Agent X20
- DeadmanwalkingXI
- JayTar
- Talon TigerDino
- Wiadi
- Hydroplatypus
- NotCaligula
- Esryok
- shepsquared
- Starman
- Ergosum
- Huda
- ReImagined
- beokirby
- A_Somebody
- MyAuraIsPurple
- dinomannitro6
- Blackshard
- NuclearConsensus
- Gavin Prince
- T_of_A
- Aliya
- picklepikkl
- mathymancer
- GrimTheMad
- Abby Normal
- Parabola
- Thomasfoolery
- Prime 2.0
- Execute/Dumbo
[X] Plan: The Prismatic Wanderer (Researcher ver)
-[X] A flying warship, suited for exploration, warfare and research
-[X] Comfortable for small groups of people to live in for extended periods of time, and capable in an emergency of transporting a medium-sized groups of elite forces from one place to another (e.g. Empire Knights, Dwarf Ironbreakers, Eonir Ghost Striders, KAU scribes)
-[X] Wizardy aesthetic - dragon figurehead on the prow, living tree serving as central mast, bottom possibly wreathed in fog, etc.
-[X] Has magical weaponry and/or defenses (e.g. Dragon figurehead on the prow might fill enemy forces with the fear of death, ballistas on the sides might shoot out fireballs, a Flock of Doom might emerge from a literal crow's nest, etc)
-[X] Has a very decent research lab
-[X] Possibly needs to be crewed by Perpetuals
-[X] Possibly flat-bottomed to allow for landing on firm ground, if that makes sense vibes-wise
[x] Plan: The Next Generation
-[x] Use the whole boon to have the gold college teach Eike everything she can learn about material-enchantment, alchemy(-adjacent if alchemy itself is too much), and all-around enhancing and supplementing her Natural Alchemist trait until she's a walking talking reverse-engineering machine that can pick up magical crafting skills lightning quick.
[X] Cooperate with the dwarves on creating the plans for a flying ship type that can, in theory, be regularly produced - plus dibs on a prototype of a larger ship when such is built
[X] Outsourcing Apparition hunting and storage to provide us with captured Apparitions for spell creation on request
[X] permission to read the book of Volans
[X] Plan: Mammoth Battle Altar Cavalry/Mammothry
-[X] Getting a mammoth trained for war, along with support for creating a kick ass battle altar on top of it. In the future, if this goes well, support for making Mammoths the standard (not only) mount for Battle Altars.
[X] Dispensation to study methods of destroying or beneficially transforming Dhar. 'I have seen Dwarven Rune magic that can burn Dhar into nothing or smash it into aspectless rune power, Qhaysh that can unravel Dhar, and the slow transformation under specific circumstances of Dhar into aspectless Earthbound magic, but have been unable to study them lest I fall afoul of the Articles. I would wish to study these and similar things I encounter (though taking care to not impinge upon Dwarven Runepriest secrets) in order to develop a form of destruction or beneficial transformation of Dhar that the Colleges of Magic can use.'
[X] Flying Tower
[X]Enchant We-Silk Robes as best as Collegiate is able
[X] Rainbow Throng: Full Collegiate Aid to be called upon during one of the campaigns of Nexus reclamation
[X] Plan: Next arc boon.
-[X] We have no current need for any of this. Bank it until the Waystone Project is over and we've decided on our next project.
[X] Priority requisition access to Armor of von Tarnus
[X] Flying Vehicle
[X] Tenure
[X] Plan : Sky Citadel
- [X] A flying fortress, built for warfare. (Colleges boon)
-- [X] Emphacise size over speed if needed
-- [X] Large barrarks and storage areas
-- [X] Lots of gun ports
-- [X] Docks for dwarven copters and stables for biological flyers
-- [X] Observation post with telescopes
-- [X] A huge, long range cannon if possible
- [X] Expertise and dwarf-power to build defensible, armed and gribbly-proof fortress as can be (Karak Vlag Boon)
-- [X] Cannons, siege weapons and handheld weaponry.
- [X] Funding for a garrison (Imperial Great Deed)
[x] Plan: Wrong Turn at Albuquerque
-[X] Turn the county of Drakenhof into a lush sub-tropical paradise
--[X] Including a large artificial lake, preferably situated where Mount Drakenhof used to be
--[X] Introduce plants and animals natural to tropics and sub-tropics
--[X] Make the outlying farmland very fertile
--[X] Re-build, re-model, or straight up destroy any existing buildings and adopt either a foreign style of architecture, or make a new one.
-[X] In general, make it so that if someone who knew Drakenhof during the Vampire Wars, or even before the rise of Von Carstein, would be completely and utterly baffled upon entering the new, re-modeled version.
--[X] From the get-go, prepare fail-safes to deter any wannabe Nagashes or Vlad Von Carsteins.
[x] the secrets of what the Colleges know about what the Gods are
[X] Airship
[X] Mathilde's Flying
CircusKnightship MK 2
[X] Flying Wolfship, with (dwarven?) cannon... optimized as able for the strategic deployment of Burning Shadows from the air, with an eye towards burning large areas/armies and serving as a flying base for conquests/war. Like the dwarven reconquest in progress, the Elector Countess idea, or the hellwars for the Nexus recoveries. Unique Artifact version of Airship. Death from Above.
[X] Support for becoming Elector Count of the Schattenwald
[X] Plan Pickle Requests mk IV - Armour Study Variant
-[X] Ambers: The secret behind Flock of Doom
-[X] Lights: KAU partnership with the Light Order's Ancient Library
-[X] Golds: A We-silk robe enchanted for combat defense
-[X] Jades: Pure CF
-[X] Celestials: Bankroll for upcoming magical curiosities shopping trip in Lothern
-[X] Greys: Operatives to expand the reach of the EIC intel network
-[X] Amethysts: Information on what Hexensohn was doing under Drakenhof and why
-[X] Brights: Access to the Armour of Von Tarnus for study
[x] Posthumous Pardon
[X] Mathilde's Flying
CircusKnightship MK 2
-[X] ORB: Giant Flying Warship with rooms for Cannon, Knights, Cargo, Research, Research Team, Personal Quarters, a good kitchen, infirmary, sensitive/dangerous material containment, magical anti-air, takeoff points for smaller on-board fliers (Amber wizards wrangle up a number of flying beasts?), and other space for future expansion.
-[X] QUEEKISH BOON: Found a Knightly Order for the ship, equipped with the finest dwarven steel w/ runes, skilled with on-foot operations as well as able to ride atop smaller flying units. (flying beasts/gyrocopter?)
-[X] DWARF BOONS: Assist with the above vis a vis providing the mundane components of the boat + design expertise, knightly orders equipment/armaments, and runework.
[X] Plan The Looming Phantasmic Tower
-[X] Spend College Reward toward the construction and enchantment of a Flying Tower, whose primary purpose is for prolonged warfare and indefinite traversal, housing a complement of Apparitions to manifest upon the battlefield, doubling as security against intruders both upon land and in the air, only secondarily a place of living and research.
[X] Flying blimp type ship, made in cooperation with Dwarves, with an eye on designing a new class of ship(or rediscovering old airships) with Mat claiming the prototype for herself. Something that maybe we could actually make in some numbers, in a couple of decades. Still would be nice if it had cannon, and could be used for Burning Shadows shenanigans. (Might need to convince a Dwarven King to help supply lifting gas/maybe only sample of lifting gas for college/runelord reproduction). The Prototype version of Airship. Leader of a new(old) class.
[X] Plan the Book of Volans
-[X] Get access to the Book of Volans
[X] Release Mathilde and Eike from the Vow of Poverty
[x] Everyone* will have to refer to any Orb of Sorcery created using this process as a 'Morb'
[x] Having done it and done it well was its own reward.
-[x] Or, as Algard once said, the reward was we got to quite literally slit open reality's underside and meddle with the steaming guts that spill forth.
[X] Nothing
[X] Plan: The Prismatic Wanderer with Griffon
-[X] A flying warship, suited for both exploration and warfare
-[X] Comfortable for small groups of people to live in for extended periods of time, and capable in an emergency of transporting a medium-sized groups of elite forces from one place to another (e.g. Empire Knights, Dwarf Ironbreakers, Eonir Ghost Striders, KAU scribes)
-[X] Wizardy aesthetic - dragon figurehead on the prow, living tree serving as central mast, bottom possibly wreathed in fog, etc.
-[X] Has magical weaponry and/or defenses (e.g. Dragon figurehead on the prow might fill enemy forces with the fear of death, ballistas on the sides might shoot out fireballs, a Flock of Doom might emerge from a literal crow's nest, etc)
-[X] Possibly needs to be crewed by Perpetuals
-[X] Possibly flat-bottomed to allow for landing on firm ground, if that makes sense vibes-wise
-[X] Queekish Great Deed: Mostly Trained Griffon
[X] Plan: The Prismatic Wanderer with Blinged out Griffon
-[X] A flying warship, suited for both exploration and warfare
-[X] Comfortable for small groups of people to live in for extended periods of time, and capable in an emergency of transporting a medium-sized groups of elite forces from one place to another (e.g. Empire Knights, Dwarf Ironbreakers, Eonir Ghost Striders, KAU scribes)
-[X] Wizardy aesthetic - dragon figurehead on the prow, living tree serving as central mast, bottom possibly wreathed in fog, etc.
-[X] Has magical weaponry and/or defenses (e.g. Dragon figurehead on the prow might fill enemy forces with the fear of death, ballistas on the sides might shoot out fireballs, a Flock of Doom might emerge from a literal crow's nest, etc)
-[X] Possibly needs to be crewed by Perpetuals
-[X] Possibly flat-bottomed to allow for landing on firm ground, if that makes sense vibes-wise
-[X] Queekish Great Deed: Mostly Trained Griffon
-[X] Runesmith Boon: Enhance Griffon killiness and survivability
--[X] Use AV as needed to smooth ruffled feathers
[X] Plan Tower of Doom! and Research! And Griffon!
-[X] Construct a flying Wizard's tower large enough to house one to two dozen people for an extended period of time
-[X] Ensure it is capable of essentially indefinite flight, to the point of being capable of crossing oceans
-[X] Equip it with the finest research amenities the colleges can provide
-[X] Equip it with powerful enchantments suitable for offensive and defensive purposes.
-[X] Equip it with a bunch of cannons as well.
-[X] Queekish Great Deed: Mostly Trained Griffon
[X] Plan Tower of Doom! and Research! And Bling Griffon!
-[X] Construct a flying Wizard's tower large enough to house one to two dozen people for an extended period of time
-[X] Ensure it is capable of essentially indefinite flight, to the point of being capable of crossing oceans
-[X] Equip it with the finest research amenities the colleges can provide
-[X] Equip it with powerful enchantments suitable for offensive and defensive purposes.
-[X] Equip it with a bunch of cannons as well.
-[X] Queekish Great Deed: Mostly Trained Griffon
-[X] Runesmith Boon: Enhance Griffon killiness and survivability
--[X] Use AV as needed to smooth ruffled feathers
[X] Elector-Countess and Griffon
-[X] Queekish Great Deed: Mostly Trained Griffon
[X]Elector Countess and Bling Griffon
-[X] Queekish Great Deed: Mostly Trained Griffon
-[X] Runesmith Boon: Enhance Griffon killiness and survivability
--[X] Use AV as needed to smooth ruffled feathers
[X] Break College Favor/ Tenure with Griffon
-[X] Queekish Great Deed: Mostly Trained Griffon
[X] Break College Favor/ Tenure with Bling Griffon
-[X] Queekish Great Deed: Mostly Trained Griffon
-[X] Runesmith Boon: Enhance Griffon killiness and survivability
--[X] Use AV as needed to smooth ruffled feathers
[X] Plan: Mammoth Battle Altar Cavalry/Mammothry with Griffon
-[X] Getting a mammoth trained for war, along with support for creating a kick ass battle altar on top of it. In the future, if this goes well, support for making Mammoths the standard (not only) mount for Battle Altars.
-[X] Queekish Great Deed: Mostly Trained Griffon
EDIT: @agumentic the big QM posts are mostly unrelated to the shift, actually.
It seems like things shifted due to some final discussion about the option, but most importantly due to people being reminded of how approval voting works. This led to people who were voting for the many non-ship plans to all start approval voting for the leading non-ship options.
Oh, and the increased discussion put the thread on the front page again, which reminded some extra people to come vote. So the total voter count increased, and seeing as this was already a rather close vote... It swung by about 20 votes.
Last edited: