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Since there was some argument the other day about whether current waystones explode under certain circumstances. This from Regimand, may be helpful, though I suppose he could be being metaphorical.

This is in the section where he's discussing the some of the hypnotically triggered information:
One's just a how-to-stop-a-Waystone-from-exploding that we keep tucked away so those Journeying don't get it into their heads to seek them out, but can still deal with one gone bad if they trip over it.
Written only with sufficient access to skilled tutors and diverse reading materials (which are available for Nehekharan) is doable in one action.
Going by this, we could in a future turn spend 1 AP learning written Nehekharan and then 1 AP on examining the Prophecies/Ring notes on the same turn we learn to read the language. Or 3 AP to get them all done in one turn, I suppose. Point is, we're a lot closer to studying those than we thought we were.
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I suspect Vlad's notes may have some really interesting insights into enchanting, so I'm happy to delay windherding slightly in favour of it, just in case it makes future windherding efforts easier/better.

Of course, that's similar to the argument I've been making for studying the Kurgan weapons, but that's getting into the territory of eternal "we'll do it next turn".
At the risk of being a killjoy I have to say there isn't much point of making plans for next turn when this one is not even halfway done. For all we know the Nuln library wll contain tomes on how the Kurgan altar helps drive Chaos from the world, Zlata will be turned turned into a vampire in Stirland though a hilarious comedy of errors and Rite of Way will go so well as to unveil a whole new category of shadow magic. :V

Extreme examples aside I di not think we have enough of a foundation to be planning future plans with only about half the actions done, but it might be worth considering our social actions. The Druchi stand out, we did spend 100 gold of our own money to get books on them, but also it might be cool to meet Panorania's new student and/or talk to her about teaching in general and how she plans to handle her
Extreme examples aside I di not think we have enough of a foundation to be planning future plans with only about half the actions done, but it might be worth considering our social actions. The Druchi stand out, we did spend 100 gold of our own money to get books on them, but also it might be cool to meet Panorania's new student and/or talk to her about teaching in general and how she plans to handle her
As ever, I'll be banging the drum to spend a single action going to the Gold College to gain an entire more modern technology base.

People were talking about the possible use of electricity in the production of Waystone Gold. I'm not sure if that actually turned out to be the case assuming it's the particular alloy we've identified it as OOC, but guess who the only race to make serious use of electricity as a society are? Their industrial processes must make Imperial ones look like bad jokes.
As ever, I'll be banging the drum to spend a single action going to the Gold College to gain an entire more modern technology base.

People were talking about the possible use of electricity in the production of Waystone Gold. I'm not sure if that actually turned out to be the case assuming it's the particular alloy we've identified it as OOC, but guess who the only race to make serious use of electricity as a society are? Their industrial processes must make Imperial ones look like bad jokes.

That is assuming they succeeded at something, they could have been failing spectacularly all this time and gotten nothing more than more patients for that mental hospice, or more realistically have gotten limited successes which lead to some specific advancements not a whole tech base.
At the risk of being a killjoy I have to say there isn't much point of making plans for next turn when this one is not even halfway done. For all we know the Nuln library wll contain tomes on how the Kurgan altar helps drive Chaos from the world, Zlata will be turned turned into a vampire in Stirland though a hilarious comedy of errors and Rite of Way will go so well as to unveil a whole new category of shadow magic. :V
I think the 'worst' case scenario is rolling just well enough on codifying Rite of Way that it's doable but just bad enough that it requires a second AP of rewriting some bits and then confirming the changes work by casting the final version. That'd actually mess with basically everyone's preliminary plans.
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That is assuming they succeeded at something, they could have been failing spectacularly all this time and gotten nothing more than more patients for that mental hospice, or more realistically have gotten limited successes which lead to some specific advancements not a whole tech base.
I mean we didn't just give them a pile of technology, we gave them blueprints for all of them. I'd be very surprised if they were struggling to get much out of it after, what, 8 years?
I think the 'worst' case scenario is rolling just well enough on codifying Rite of Way that it's doable but just bad enough that it requires a second AP of rewriting some bits and then confirming the changes work by casting the final version. That'd actually mess with basically everyone's preliminary plans.
Does Mathilde need to be the one to rewrite it? IIRC, her MMAP was useable in theory but difficult for non-Ulgu wizards, but someone else fixed it for her and turned it into the user-friendly MMAPP. If Rite of Way is successfully--if messily--codified, maybe someone else can take a crack at cleaning it up.
Does Mathilde need to be the one to rewrite it? IIRC, her MMAP was useable in theory but difficult for non-Ulgu wizards, but someone else fixed it for her and turned it into the user-friendly MMAPP. If Rite of Way is successfully--if messily--codified, maybe someone else can take a crack at cleaning it up.

Battle magic at what is already the conceptual edge of Ulgu does not really compared to a Relatively Simple spell like the original MAP,
No, there were some that did, and some that didn't. And for the ones that did they'll presumably be looking at whether the devices can use something else instead.
The one we looked at was so insane that recreating it without warpstone would be a whole new paradigm to work with. They probably got some things out of it but i doubt we get a industrial revolution or anything like that.
The one we looked at was so insane that recreating it without warpstone would be a whole new paradigm to work with. They probably got some things out of it but i doubt we get a industrial revolution or anything like that.
We looked at one example that explicitly was using warpstone. Extrapolating out that single example to an entire techbase, much of which doesn't, would be very silly.
No, there were some that did, and some that didn't. And for the ones that did they'll presumably be looking at whether the devices can use something else instead.
Do we have a statement from Boney about how much wasn't Warpstone-based?

There's stuff like the gas mask, but overall, the Skaven are extremely fond of sticking Warpstone in everything.
This is what I found trying to look up what Skaven loot we had at the time.
For reference, here is the list of our Skaven artifacts.
Preserved bodies of the Rat Mothers of Clan Mors.

Throwing star, still dripping venom.
Eshin Sorcerer crystal sword.
Eshin Sorcerer amulet, shattered.

Electric whip, stolen from Clan Moulder.
Vials, stolen from Clan Moulder.

Firearms; jezzails, pistols, bullets, gunpowder.
Warp Lightning Cannon (misfired, possibly broken)
Lighting mechanism, stolen from Clan Skryre. (shared project with Adela)
Breathing apparatus, stolen from Clan Skryre. (shared project with Johann)
Brass orb, stolen from Clan Skryre.
Do we have a statement from Boney about how much wasn't Warpstone-based?

There's stuff like the gas mask, but overall, the Skaven are extremely fond of sticking Warpstone in everything.
From the update:
You put that enigma aside and turn to the Warlock-Engineer's personal library, and find complete uniformity. Every single book is on mechanical devices, and the only variable is whether or not the devices utilize warpstone. While that doesn't help your translation project much, as you flip from ratling gun to warpfire thrower to doomwheel, you start to realize the enormity of what you've acquired.

That doesn't indicate to me that it's overwhelmingly one way or the other. It's been so long I can't remember if anything more specific came up in conversation later - it got rather overshadowed by the Battle of the Caldera at the time.
We're pretty sure. We know that Apparitions and Daemons are metaphysically distinct:

So it's not just a political reclassification for convenience's sake, there's a real important difference between them. Given that we have the full corpus of College writings on Apparitions (Extensive and Esoteric) I am pretty confident that we have strong reason to believe that all the things we-the-players think are Apparitions are in fact Apparitions and not Daemons, since there's a very easy way for the Colleges to check.

(Also, it wasn't 10,000 pages late. We learned about Apparition-binding on page 6116. That's only 7611 pages ago. Completely different :V)
Interestingly enough, according to the rules from the supplement Elspeth is from, Light Magic works on her the same way it does on Undead and Daemons. This is mentioned in the same breath as the rules that make her Ethereal for the purposes of resistances, because of how in tune to the Wind of Death she is.

I don't know if this would apply in DL, but it would sure create a lot of metaphysical questions if Von Draken can be affected but not Apparitions.
Interestingly enough, according to the rules from the supplement Elspeth is from, Light Magic works on her the same way it does on Undead and Daemons. This is mentioned in the same breath as the rules that make her Ethereal for the purposes of resistances, because of how in tune to the Wind of Death she is.

I don't know if this would apply in DL, but it would sure create a lot of metaphysical questions if Von Draken can be affected but not Apparitions.
Well correct me if I'm wrong but isn't her big insane stuff the result of her doing magic with the heart of a dead god or something? I seem to recall that being the case in canon.

So possibly it is the divine connection that creates the distinction, which makes sense since all proper daemons are connected to the Chaos gods.
Well correct me if I'm wrong but isn't her big insane stuff the result of her doing magic with the heart of a dead god or something? I seem to recall that being the case in canon.

So possibly it is the divine connection that creates the distinction, which makes sense since all proper daemons are connected to the Chaos gods.
That is only her staff, which lets her do this:
The third interesting thing are her magic items. A scythe with Killing Blow and +1 boost to her dispel attempts, and the infamous god dust in her hour glass. Apparently the hourglass gives her limited control over death and time, letting her reroll one die roll every player turn (which is two rerolls per game turn). If she doesn't reroll during a turn, she regains one wound she lost earlier in the game. I assume narratively this is worked out as winding time back.
Darkwalker is the trait that makes her vulnerable to Light Magic. The fluff says that she is walking on the edge between life and death, which gives her the ethereal trait.
Interestingly enough, according to the rules from the supplement Elspeth is from, Light Magic works on her the same way it does on Undead and Daemons. This is mentioned in the same breath as the rules that make her Ethereal for the purposes of resistances, because of how in tune to the Wind of Death she is.

I don't know if this would apply in DL, but it would sure create a lot of metaphysical questions if Von Draken can be affected but not Apparitions.
Boney already said daemon banishing spells don't work on apparitions, so I doubt they'd banish Von Draken to the warp either. But maybe nobody has tried!
Well correct me if I'm wrong but isn't her big insane stuff the result of her doing magic with the heart of a dead god or something? I seem to recall that being the case in canon.

So possibly it is the divine connection that creates the distinction, which makes sense since all proper daemons are connected to the Chaos gods.
She had a weird hourglass that may or may not contain the ashes of a dead god.

Death's Timekeeper
This hour glass is an ancient and storied artefact, it is said to contain as its measuring sand the dusty remnants of a dead god of old, and Van Draken has spent much of her unnaturally long life studying its mysteries. With it she has perfected some limited measure of control over time and death itself.
Source: Throne of Chaos pg153
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