It's been a long time but I vaguely recall WoQM answering why it would be a terrible idea to use our belt to become a necromancer-for-good given that it has a rune of one of the ancestor gods. Now just to be clear i'm not interested in doing that at all but if we wanted to secretly *practice* (as opposed to theoretical study) Articles breaching uses of magic to get our anti-dhar skills honed in one of our towers would that be something we can do reasonably safely, without risk of baclash from the Rune of Valaya (iirc)? Basically as we've seen there are many times when the right thing and what the articles permit are not the same. But I'm less clear on how far is too far like metaphysically in improving our magical knowledge and skill (for the best of reasons). Obviously doing harm to innocents, or harming anyone gratuitously, using chaos rituals etc are beyond the pale but what about experimenting with dhar to better understand it's interaction with the winds?
obviously risks of botching it will exist but just wondering if it's a almost certainly disastrous idea or just one with risks.
If the vitae can become powerstones can it be converted into warpstone? Could that be used to study warpstone with the aim of safely containing and destroying it? (although really it sounds like we have safer sources of warpstone for testing in the We)
All of this was prompted by a re-read of the quest from K8P and the list of items forbidden in Uzkulak of course made me wonder about the strategic possibilities of smuggling those items into Uzkulak to cause strife there lol.
(There being a compelling in character motivation to do so what with the slave market and having in some way contributed to its existence by taking part in transactions there)
Can college favor or our personal relationships be used to send a grey magister to Uzkulak to try and identify as much as one can of those from the empire and allied polities trading there?
Other random questions include:
Can we make it clear to the We that if it wanted to expand like 20 times over there would be full support in the form of food? I'm not clear whether the limiting factor is the bandwidth of information transmission when splitting off subgroups of the We or the time for the spiders to grow to maturity or what. Like are the We potentially extremely useful and expandable mercenaries since the death of individual spiders isn't a loss to them (by their own values). Only if they're excited about these possibilities ofc and understand all the potential downsides but just wondering!
Also what were people's thoughts about the downsides of Cython being the librarian? i see it got about half the votes as the winning option.
Sorry for all the questions and totally understand if the answer to some or all is read the thread to find out. Long time follower of the story but only occasional participant so there's a lot I've missed.
Edit: I second
@DragonParadox on consulting Cython more regarding our forbidden lore. Even the parts it's uninterested in, Cython could be an excellent (i.e. safe to talk to, relatively knowledgeable about magic as a whole) person to consult about the advisability of a certain course of study. Would generally love to see more Cython involved research tbh if Boney is interested in writing that sort of thing.
Correct me if I'm wrong but of all the people we know, it's the one with the best combination of knowledge and exclusive access we have.