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@Boney are wandering journeymen a thing among Karak Dwarves?

In the sense that they go somewhere other than their home to Journey, yes. Actual wandering is much rarer, because you can't really do it within the Karaz Ankor. If you just pick a direction from a Dwarfhold and start walking the odds are very very low of you ever hitting another Karak.

Is this supposed to be "impractically"?

Impractical most often means 'not suited for hard work' and he didn't want to use that, so he instead used a word that just means 'not practical' in the sense he meant.

Speaking of, @Boney, I've found a lot of references to runesmiths designing/inventing runes dating from the 1990s all the way to the modern day, which contracts with Divided Loyalties, where all possible runes were discovered by the ancestor gods. If it's not a spoiler, what gave you the impetus to go in that direction?

DL lore is that rediscovery vs invention is an eternal philosophical debate within the Runesmiths Guild. Mathilde's perspective on the matter is skewed because the two Runesmiths she knows are very much on the traditionalist side of things, which says that even the Ancestor Gods only discovered the Runes that already existed and to claim invention is to say you've outdone them, and not really prone to giving equal time to the opposition.
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