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Oh god no. I don't where it would be canonically at this point, but almost certainly in someplace inconvenient like Skavenblight or someplace similar.

But yeah, at a rough glance Mathilde looks almost tailor made to wield a Ghal Moraz tier artifact weapon made of pure badness. Like I'm pretty sure the only weapon the Fellblade loses out to is Widowmaker. If we're ever remotely in a position to use the Fellblade we're passing the Godzilla Threshold at a terrifying rate.
Looking up its latest stats, it's S10, Multiple Wounds (D6), reroll succesful Ward saves against it, but roll a D3 every round, and on a 1 you take 1 Wound that bypasses armor (but notably, not Ward?).

Mathild really is custom made for it, she is liable to not even take the wound, as that's probably all the warpstone giving you mega-cancer.

It's a hell of a weapon, I won't deny. But Kragg can cook us up something not too distant from it, without the weapon killing the user or the Thirteeen scrying and casting through it.

Kragg's hammer is at least S10 Flaming, and we could probably swap Flaming for something else as we don't want to forge things with it.

If some End Times lookalike happens, I can see Mathilde picking it up and constantly being on fire as the rune burns off the radiating corruption. Maybe it'd get flaming attacks, too :V
That would require our voting base to have an interest in human affairs, and judging by the direction the thread has been heading I don't really see it.

It took us how long to actually interact with the knight orders? I think the two human reps were actually dead last on the list of notable persons we can spend a social action on, and we still haven't met the demigryphs.
As someone who does fully intend to return to the empire after the expedition gets its foothold, I just wasn't thinking that far ahead.
The issue is that she already lost half of her Council within her first two turns, as well as ten thousand soldiers, without a shot being fired. These are not good signs.

Oh she's definitely in a rough position, but Al started off roughly as well.

The tax records were missing, the Vampires were actively plotting and had infiltrated hearth and home, the previous spymaster had disappeared and seemed to be actively working against the interests of Stirland and had his own illicit trade network choking taxes from the treasury, the new Martial Advisor was making corruption an innate component of the army, and two of the new council members (Intrigue and Learning) were actually agents for other players.

Matty left her intelligence operation intact for the new administration to take over (minus the gunpowder manufactury), Anton isn't the type to intentionally poison the well (especially when there are still threats to Stirland), and Wilhelmina is- probably going to take the new administration for every penny they're worth, but she'll still recognize the benefits of a stable Stirland, so she's unlikely to gouge them too badly.

The Stirlanders leaving due to the stated reason of new fangled boomsticks is unfortunate, but Van Hal needed to rebuild the army from the ground up as well so it's demonstratively not an insurmountable problem.

The Vampires will likely make moves, but the increased obvious Witch Hunter presence will hopefully keep them to more subtle attempts. The Nobility will test her, but they should leave off a small bit out of respect to her father.

Until she grows a spine and an opinion seperate from the Witch Hunter standard, those are the only two problems not of her own making, with the only other two problems I see her starting are expensive military reforms and messing with the Moot.

The former isn't strictly a bad idea if handled properly, and the latter isn't exactly unique for an Elector Count of Stirland. If she's smart, she'll use the former to solve the latter by stomping on Sylvania until it coughs up safe farmland.
The issue is that she already lost half of her Council within her first two turns, as well as ten thousand soldiers, without a shot being fired. These are not good signs.
Abelhelm started with a grand total of one councilor from the previous reign, and it was Anton. She's got good Piety and Learning councilors, Gustav is... not the worst, even pretty good at a few certain things, and the Witch Hunter is probably pretty good at Intrigue. Wilhelma might have gotten another Steward to replace her, given she didn't quit immediately I don't think.

She's starting in an objectively better position than Abelhelm did.
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I admit, my strongest opinion on what to do next is that it NOT be a quest to steal/dig up an artifact, especially not one we intend to use ourselves. For me, the rapid personal power advancement of quests is a way to be rewarded for doing cool stuff. Doing the research to cash in on our snekjuicer and That Which Shall Not Be Discussed is just receiving delayed rewards, but going through a whole arc for the primary purpose of the end of arc reward isn't my idea of fun.
A bit of all of that, or none of it.

I think the Liber Mortis being a book of Nagash in canon is up in the air, if I remember correctly, though my memory is very, very sketchy on that, but the general consensus for this story is that it's not, it was written by Van Hal the first, who cribbed his notes from the Books of Nagash but cut out the ancient not-Egyptian parts to create a more scientific treatise. The end result was a book worth mentioning in the same sentence as those other texts, but which was... clinical might be a good way to put it. So tightly controlled that even though it's one of the OG books of dark magic it won't do anything to you except teach you what's inside it. (The issue is that everybody else who got to read from it was a weak willed idiot in comparison to its creator, so they all went mad from power and ambient Dhar exposure and cause oodles of trouble.)

Could you provide a quote on where he could do that? Because I'm pretty sure that actually reading people's minds is one of the very, very few things that Ulgu can't help people do.

We know about that Grand Theoganist who annihilated that army of the undead with a page from it, presumably.
There simply seem to be 2 different books named the Liber Mortis. The one Nagash made and the one Frederick van Hal made.

Frederick simply seems to have been poor at giving things novel names. Like A Person of Interest by Susan Choi and Person of Interest by Theresa Schwegel. Both books with the same title but done by different people.

Dark elves don't use regular Dhar techniques. They apparently crush the Winds back together through sheer willpower and arrogance so they recombine to form one substance again. It's the inverse of high magic. They're not doing the same thing as hedge wizards. Dark elves also hate chaos and all its works (they're descended from the dark elves who hated chaos so much they fully embraced their darker nature). They worship order gods, albeit very unpleasant ones (with the occasional exception of Morathi, depending on edition). There are chaos elves living up in the chaos wastes, but they're not affiliated with the dark elves any more.

Elsbeth apparently used the god's ashes to make herself immortal. I think she made the artifact from a piece of a god

Warpstone is solidified undifferentiated magic as far as I know. One of the reasons that Necromancers are so keen on the stuff is apparently because Black Magic doesn't occur naturally so they can't cast their magic unless they're in location modified to produce it, or they need warpstone. That's one of the advanatges vampires apparently have, that they can manufacture True Dhar from the Winds of Magic, as dark elves can, but in a different way.
As a magister lord she was probably immortal anyway. I expect she used the fancy ashes to give herself a makeover.
I've heard good things about the use of volcanic ash in skin care so presumably dead god ash would be even better?

Bretonnia, Kislev and the Border Princes would be fine, Estalia and Tilea wouldn't hold up well to a prolonged visit, Araby is... fairly well fleshed out but is a little too close to some geopolitical hot topics for me to be entire comfortable with it. Ind, Cathay and Nippon are right out.
Adventures in Nehekhara! (probably not a good idea)

Really? A human wizard lord is basically and advanced high elf apprentice.
Don't underestimate human wizards. For a start the strongest human wizard (Nagash) is better than the best elf wizard (Teclis) even if he is more specialized.

A human wizard lord is nothing to turn your nose up at, sure an elven Archmage can match him in his wind and then go on to show equal prowess in the other 7 winds and then blow him away with High Magic. However, Archmages are rare and the most impressive of elven mages.

A human wizard lord is still going to be much more powerful than the vast majority of elves or even elf wizards. Which makes sense since wizard lords are the rare few humans who have truly adapted themselves to their wind of choice and have become better conduits for their magic than even the elves. Elven Loremasters may look down on those who only focus on a single wind and see them as mere apprentices to the ways of magic but the benefits are undeniable.
I intend to return to Stirland after we are done with the Expedition. One of Stirland's problems is that all the competent people have a habit of leaving for greener pastures when the opportunity rises. I for one want to stick around for a bit to try and be part of the solution to the Sylvania problem. Yes, showing up Roswita van Hal would be a bit of petty revenge, but helping to clear out dhar hot spots or murder-death-kill some vampire cults helps do more than just keep a lid on things, it makes Stirland a better place to live. I want to spend time working on researching the undead like we talked about with Van Hal during the Purge, I want to keep our fingers on the pulse of matters in Stirland, I want to build up a working relationship with the Order of the Silver Hammer in spite of their...organizational biases.

...also I have this idea of Mathilde travelling around the Shire Stirland doing fireworks shows like Gandalf, ostensibly to help peasants become more familiar with gunpowder, rocketry and generally reducing the backlash from modernizing the military, but also (and at least as importantly) fishing around for any youngsters that rather need a collage education they can only get in Altdorf. Not really to get an apprentice of our very own, but dropping off a feisty young thing to the Bright College to learn how to really indulge that pyromania for the good of the Empire is probably worth something to the colleges as an institution.

@BoneyM About how expensive in time and money would it be to get ourselves trained up as a Nuln-trained artillerist? I'm mostly looking at 'knows the basics of rockets' and 'black powder sabotage' but whatever else is on the table is good too.
...also I'm wondering how good an idea it would be to try to buy a drakefire gun from Zhufbar, but whenever I imagine Mathilde wandering around a battlefield with a flamethrower TF2 music starts playing in the background somewhere.

But the real take away from this is that at least one Dwarf unit should adopt flying Skaven alive as a tactic and using their pelts as terror weapons.

Oh wait nevermind dwarves are traditional and that's morally bad too.

*takes notes for future use*

How does one do that blurring thing?
I admit, my strongest opinion on what to do next is that it NOT be a quest to steal/dig up an artifact, especially not one we intend to use ourselves. For me, the rapid personal power advancement of quests is a way to be rewarded for doing cool stuff. Doing the research to cash in on our snekjuicer and That Which Shall Not Be Discussed is just receiving delayed rewards, but going through a whole arc for the primary purpose of the end of arc reward isn't my idea of fun.

So what the are our options post securing a foothold on Karak Eight Peaks, if we don't want to go down the Heist route?

1. Investigate Stirland and Sylvania and tackle Magical threats that Roswita and her Witch Hunters may not be able to address.
2. The reconquest of Karak Eight Peaks may take many years. Help Belegar establish a long run and sustainable stream of resources and support for the continued reconquest of Eight Peaks. Given the cruciality of Artillery, we might look to expanding our Nitrate production holdings to ensure the continual supply of artillery ammunition.
3. Return to the College, and study human Runecraft, Anti-Skaven tactics, expand our Black Ops arsenal further and publish and try to monetize our MAP Spell.
3a. Karak Eight Peaks will benefit from a stream of Journeymen who seek to accumulate combat experience joining the long term campaign to retake Karak Eight Peaks. Try to gauge further interest from the Colleges, in light of initial successes.
3b. Publish an account of the campaign in Karak Eight Peaks as propaganda among both the Dwarf Holds and the Empire.
4. Investigate the Northern Conflict and the Ulrican Schism. A strong cult of Ulric helps counter-balance the domination of the Sigmarites, and we have little love for the Sigmarites.
5. Explore the various cults of Ranald, and see what can be done to aid them and our god.
6. Look for a new court position in another Electoral Court.
7. Take on an Apprentice for the Grey Order, or mentor a Grey Order Journeyman.
8. Spend a few months with Anton and either try to match him with a Mage, or date him.
9. Join up with Asinarii's mercenary band.
10. Turn on Protector and wander the Empire, trusting Ranald to point you to things that need protecting.

I think there is little worry that the quest would vote for Artifact hunting post-Karak Eight Peaks. I've listed at least ten possibilities we could engage in post Karak Eight Peaks, and I am sure this list is hardly exhaustive.

Personally, I'd actually would vote for a Middenhiem option if it comes up. We have an inside with the Ulricans after all, and helping the Ulricans out to stick it to the Sigmarites sounds like something appealing to Mathilde.

...also I have this idea of Mathilde travelling around the Shire Stirland doing fireworks shows like Gandalf, ostensibly to help peasants become more familiar with gunpowder, rocketry and generally reducing the backlash from modernizing the military, but also (and at least as importantly) fishing around for any youngsters that rather need a collage education they can only get in Altdorf. Not really to get an apprentice of our very own, but dropping off a feisty young thing to the Bright College to learn how to really indulge that pyromania for the good of the Empire is probably worth something to the colleges as an institution.

If we go down the recruit Peasant potential wizards route, I think we would soon have to learn to interact with the Hedgefolk, since they are on the lookout for the Blessed Few, who are ironically prime College recruitment material. Odds are very, very high that in rural areas, the potential apprentices that we want to bring in to the college who aren't picked up by the Witch Hunters or other College recruiters, are likely in rural areas where Hedgefolks have a strong underground presence. The good news is that much of the Hedgefolk are made up of Ranald worshipers, so putting on our hat as a sort-of Priestess of Ranald could work.


The Hedgefolk, known by many names such as "Cunning Folk" in Middenland or the "Wise Ones" in Wissenland, are Human practitioners in the Old World of the ancient and secret magical art of Hedgecraft, such as the making of potions, amulets and other petty magical items. This disparate group of...

Honestly, I can see Regimald advising us to join in ongoing multi-generational Grey Order operations to "collegize" the Hedge Folk, if we tell him that we intend to go down to the Stirland countryside and look for children and teenagers who have Magesight.
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@BoneyM About how expensive in time and money would it be to get ourselves trained up as a Nuln-trained artillerist? I'm mostly looking at 'knows the basics of rockets' and 'black powder sabotage' but whatever else is on the table is good too.
That's an interesting idea. Getting some engineering training might be interesting and let us build up some more contacts in the empire. Wasn't Nuln fairly close to the dwarves or am I mis-remembering? We might be able to get a recommendation from them.
So what the are our options post securing a foothold on Karak Eight Peaks, if we don't want to go down the Heist route?

1. Investigate Stirland and Sylvania and tackle Magical threats that Roswita and her Witch Hunters may not be able to address.
2. The reconquest of Karak Eight Peaks may take many years. Help Belegar establish a long run and sustainable stream of resources and support for the continued reconquest of Eight Peaks. Given the cruciality of Artillery, we might look to expanding our Nitrate production holdings to ensure the continual supply of artillery ammunition.
3. Return to the College, and study human Runecraft, Anti-Skaven tactics, expand our Black Ops arsenal further and publish and try to monetize our MAP Spell.
3a. Karak Eight Peaks will benefit from a stream of Journeymen who seek to accumulate combat experience, heading over to the Eight Peaks. Try to gauge further interest from the College, in light of initial successes.
3b. Publish an account of the campaign in Karak Eight Peaks as propaganda among both the Dwarf Holds and the Empire.
4. Investigate the Northern Conflict and the Ulrican Schism.
5. Explore the various cults of Ranald, and see what can be done to aid them and our god.
6. Look for a new court position in another Electoral Court.
7. Take on an Apprentice for the Grey Order, or mentor a Grey Order Journeyman.
8. Spend a few months with Anton and either try to match him with a Mage, or date him.
9. Join up with Asinarii's mercenary band.
10. Turn on Protector and wander the Empire, trusting Ranald to point you to things that need protecting.

I think there is little worry that the quest would vote for Artifact hunting post-Karak Eight Peaks. I've listed at least ten possibilities we could engage in post Karak Eight Peaks, and I am sure this list is hardly exhaustive.

Personally, I'd actually would vote for a Middenhiem option if it comes up. We have an inside with the Ulricans after all, and helping the Ulricans out to stick it to the Sigmarites sounds like something appealing to Mathilde.
All interesting ideas. I think the first thing we'd want to do is to consolidate. Head to Stirland, meet up with the gang and reassure them that we're still alive. Use some actions to internalize the lessons learned from this campaign and catch up with some of our other projects like the Magic Snake Oil or undead research. Head to the college and meet up with our Master, submit a report and publish our new spell. Maybe get a few lessons or just socialise with the college.

After that, I definitely want a empire adventure whether that is higher education or checking out Middenheim. I suspect that will let us make the contacts needed for another elector count council position.
I think we should aspire to starting a Skaven civil war. With the coin, a few lessons on grey magic, Skaven culture and language we'll be uniquely specced up for this.
Ok, while being able to wield a blade only surpassed by maybe god-weapons in a pinch would be cool, I imagine that while our belt may make us safe from the Warpstone aspect, the inscriptions and spells of death are something else.

Spells of death aren't the worst part. The worst part is that Council of Thirteen can cast spells through the sword no matter where it is. The feature was first designed to allow them to empower their champion against Nagash from a safe position, but I expect that they can cast any spell through it, not only buffs (somewhat confirmed by the fact that Nagash managed to hack the connection and kill two members of the Council through it). Belt or no belt, we don't want them casting anything at us.

That may be true, but I think Mathilde sees him as more of a younger brother. What we should try to do is set up him and Panoramia. I think there is potential in that pairing.
The key word's hilariously; as long as it's actually funny and we're not hurting anybody I don't see why we couldn't. Getting Panoramia involved with our friend meets both of those criteria.

Well, Anton's aunt was a Jade Wizard like Panoramia...
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Might be but historically it takes Horned rat hundreds of years to get Skaven shit together (check out Skaven civil wars fluff).
It seems like the second civil war ended the moment he said so, and he warned the skaven that actually disobeying the council directly was forbidden after that, plus added the Black Pillar to ensure the number of claimants is limited.
It seems like the second civil war ended the moment he said so, and he warned the skaven that actually disobeying the council directly was forbidden after that, plus added the Black Pillar to ensure the number of claimants is limited.
Yes, but it took him hundreds of years to say so.
That's a nice black pillar they've got, imagine if something happened to it?
For anti-Skaven stuff I'd say targeted assassinations to destroy institutional knowledge would be the best bet for causing long term harm. However, I don't see general anti-Skaven stuff as being a good avenue for us—due to their nature they're a general pain to damage via the assassination toolkit and unless they're actually losing territory as well as well as bodies their recovery rate in insane.

Sure, if there are indicators that they're in the process of getting their shit together stirring up some lower case c chaos is a good use of our time/specialization, but otherwise we even risk causing them to start getting shit together.

My ideal plan after we finish up this campaign is to cash in a few Dwarf favors for math tutoring and Greatsword tutoring (which we lack leads on good human tutors for) followed by a stint in the college focused on enchantment, intrigue, and magical theory. Following that, spend some time in Stirland brushing up on our undead hunting credentials (while also improving our rep), see about writing up the report on the intelligence compilation from the campaign way back when (which would benefit from both increased undead-hunting experience and better mathematical skills) while doing some research on the side. Finally, a certain blight on the world called Sylvania could use a good campaign of targeted assassinations to defang it enough to let a real reclamation effort get started.

Of course, I'm well aware that the odds of us deciding on that specific course of action are pretty low—not because there's anything wrong with either the course of action or the questers, but because there are a LOT of potential actions out there, and that doesn't even account for any Grey Order/political/crisis interrupts.
It'd be physically impossible to get a Dwarf greatsword tutor. They don't use swords. The only Dwarf in all of Warhammer depicted with a sword is their god of the dead.
Point, I got fooled by the
Other Preparations:
[ ] You've heard that greatswords and greataxes are near identical in the way they're used, and you happen to be surrounded by experts in the art of the axe. Learn how to use one.
action from way back when.

I do think we ought to find some sort of tutor for greatswords in the not-so-distant future. Being better at them would help in quite a number of ways and we really don't have any current ways to advance it.
I'm definitely warming up to the idea of higher education. The University of Altdorf sounds interesting. It apparently already has a great relationship with the college so we might be able to get in via favors and apparently some wizard apprentices (or journeymen? Idk) have already studied there for a more rounded education. It's something we could do in our downtime while we go through the backlog of stuff we need to do.

That said, I'm really coming up blank on what we would study. It would probably be better to just do some of the mage college's research projects for the same sort of academic interaction especially given that'll give us more rep and probably give us some insights into our magic.
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