To the best of your knowledge, assess Journeywoman Mathilde Weber's level of dedication to a) the Grey College; b) the Empire; and c) humanity, factoring in her beliefs and motivations as well as any ties that bind her to the well-being of the above.
[*] Plan Collegiate Loyalties
-[*] Grey College - High
--[*] Debt of gratitude for retaining sanity and health through being born with magic.
--[*] Familial loyalty to Master
--[*] Academic interest in the preservation and perpetuation of discoveries
--[*] Self preservation in maintaining Wizard status within Empire for safety reasons.
--[*] Ambition in maintaining access to College resources and knowledge for the purpose of self improvement in the field of magic. It is very unlikely to obtain knowledge of similar depth in any one area, and impossible to do so for broader areas.
-[*] Empire - High
--[*] Belief in the ideal of Mankind United under the Empire for the betterment of all.
--[*] Obedience to the Laws of the Empire as the premier force for Order in the world.
--[*] Oath to the Articles of Magic, to act in the interests of the Empire.
--[*] Duty as a Wizard of the Grey College to obey the Grey College, transferred from duty of the Grey College to follow the lead of the collective Colleges, transfered from the collective Colleges loyalty to the Empire.
--[*] Duty as a Knight of Stirland to the Elector Count of Stirland, transferred from the duty of the duty of the Elector Count to the Empire
--[*] Self preservation from the Enemies of Man, Undead, Orc and Chaos would be free to wreak havoc without the intact Empire to protect its people from those.
--[*] Practical utility in acquiring assets, equipment and common services requires the continuance of civilization.
-[*] Humanity - Modest
--[*] Religious beliefs mandate the protection and furtherance of humanity.
--[*] Personal ethics seeks to minimize unnecessary harm to humanity in general.