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Someone tell me there's a way we can get massive dwarf cred for shifting a bunch of power out of Mork and starting an ork civil war in K8P without outing ourselves.
Probably not, we'll have to settle for the satisfaction of a good deed well done. alas, what a shame, how terrible.
But we are the Grey Order. Our work is rarely seen and even rarer appreciated. Temper your expectations accordingly. A job performed well needs to be its own reward, for we so rarely see any other."
^reminder to the whole-ass thread
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I'd pick a few spritzes of rat essence over a potion that made my actual body excrete rat musk, but that's just me.

I mean if you wanna go that route I am all in for writing the body horror of Mathilde learning to control her new glands but it seems rather drastic.
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Have there been any major canon battles between Bretonnia and the Empire?

It feels like a Quest mechanic. Please stop poking at it.
Sorry. That wasn't my intent. I'll just make my own headcanon and imagine it as Mathilde waking up every day with a specific face showing no matter how she turned it before last looking at it, until, one day, it suddenly turns out to be a different face. Regardless of the amulet's physical state though, she simply knows by faith what divine gift she is being bestowed at any given time. And if she were to follow the pattern she would notice that it is vaguely correlated to what she often thought would be useful in the near future, as if Ranald knew what she will want more so than what she will actually need. Does that come close to functional, as far as headcanon goes?
Oh damn that's a really pertinent point. Can we brag about this? I mean, to explain how awesome we just were we have to reveal that we're a Ranald worshipper, and that's a no-no. Someone tell me there's a way we can get massive dwarf cred for shifting a bunch of power out of Mork and starting an ork civil war in K8P without outing ourselves.
No, but Ranald knows, and presumably everybody else in his afterlife gets news somehow, so them knowing is good enough for me. Anybody living knowing about it sounds like it would cause us way too much trouble; most people don't get to do cool god-involved things like us, unless they're the Grand Theogonist or the Arl-Ulric (how do you spell that) or something, and we'd get a lot of scrutiny for being basically that except for that shifty guy who doesn't like corrupt nobles or hurting people.
They use smell more than they do sight. Trying to wear one would just make you a horrible fantasy attempt at a Necron Flayed One for rats.

...which, I mean, that's not necessarily a bad thing, but it does rather defeat the stated purpose.
It's a realm shame Slayers have to go into battle the way they do.

That sounds like the perfect way to mess with them.
Sorry. That wasn't my intent. I'll just make my own headcanon and imagine it as Mathilde waking up every day with a specific face showing no matter how she turned it before last looking at it, until, one day, it suddenly turns out to be a different face. Regardless of the amulet's physical state though, she simply knows by faith what divine gift she is being bestowed at any given time. And if she were to follow the pattern she would notice that it is vaguely correlated to what she often thought would be useful in the near future, as if Ranald knew what she will want more so than what she will actually need. Does that come close to functional, as far as headcanon goes?

It has to be a conscious choice, because there are plans that could be made that don't make sense without reliably controlling the amulet's intervention. She'd spin the coin until it showed the proper face for the coming months and then leave it to do its thing. The effects are large in scope and nebulous in scale and as such take time to establish themselves, so trying to switch between different faces of the coin more than twice a year or so would disrupt the magic.
Probably not, we'll have to settle for the satisfaction of a good deed well done. alas, what a shame, how terrible.
^reminder to the whole-ass thread
yeah, but we can do a better job if we can call in favors. Which makes being able to call in favors an important part of the job. Which means being known is important for us. We aren't doing it to be honored or for pride, but because its of actual benefit to the Empire.
yeah, but we can do a better job if we can call in favors. Which makes being able to call in favors an important part of the job. Which means being known is important for us. We aren't doing it to be honored or for pride, but because its of actual benefit to the Empire.
If only we had a magic artifact that could let people know about how cool Mathilde was, and how she totally helped them out with that important thing nobody saw us do...

Forgoing immediate Divine Intervention for a reputation boost isn't exactly a useless trade-off, considering just what Reputation can get us.
It has to be a conscious choice, because there are plans that could be made that don't make sense without reliably controlling the amulet's intervention. She'd spin the coin until it showed the proper face for the coming months and then leave it to do its thing. The effects are large in scope and nebulous in scale and as such take time to establish themselves, so trying to switch between different faces of the coin more than twice a year or so would disrupt the magic.
It is a bit late to stack the deck when your hand has already been dealt.

A minor curiosity but can someone with Mage Sight tell that Mathilda is wearing three kings ransoms worth of top tier artefacts?
But the real take away from this is that at least one Dwarf unit should adopt flying Skaven alive as a tactic and using their pelts as terror weapons.

Oh wait nevermind dwarves are traditional and that's morally bad too.
It is a bit late to stack the deck when your hand has already been dealt.

A minor curiosity but can someone with Mage Sight tell that Mathilda is wearing three kings ransoms worth of top tier artefacts?

The seed is dormant until activated, the belt is Runic and as such it's stable and inert except when used, and the Coin is Divine. The first two could be caught in the act, but that's it.
This is a aside, but I been thinking of this for a while...

Despite all the cool stuff we have gotten from it... I don't think I actually like the favor mechanic since it made its debut.

Or more to the point, I liked how rewards or punishments were the result of the narrative of our life choices. Choices we made without knowing or even thinking about if we were going to get anything at all.

Instead of this building up and then cashing out of currency.

It's kind of changed the way the thread thinks about choices sometimes , in that people have started talking more and more about "how do we get more favors, dwarf, divine etc", and less and less about "what would our girl pick emotionally, morally, etc, what is interesting, what is dramatic? Etc..

Not completely, thank god, but I would like everyone to remember that we all fell in love with this narrative quest. And maybe stay away from this DandD loot circling thinking?
The limit of what we can claim is "We caught the warboss and a bunch of other high ranking Black Orcs doing a ritual in that weird temple, I killed them all and then managed to disarm the wild energy before it could blow half the mountain up. I am very tired and would like a bit of a lie down before we get started again but at least the warboss and his staff are dead now"
Can't we inform him of all kinds of relevant info regarding the consequences of our actions while leaving out the gritty details and the how we know what we know?
Like the following for instance:
"The black orcs, creations of some unnamed chaos cabal to the east, were channeling a ritual to separate the greenskin gods and channel only the more violent of the two. We disrupted it in time and dispersed the magical energies involved. As a consequence many traditionally faithful greenskin shamans probably received visions and premonitions regarding said heretical ritual and the black orc faction's involvement. Other potential consequences might include more animosity between orcs and goblins due to the ritual having advanced as far as it did. Also, one of the now dead orcs bragged about the death of some goblin boss in the Karak opposite of this one."
If asked how we know so much about black orc ritualism, just vaguely mention Grey Order research and education including reports of accomplished magisters. Also, interrogation methods and info that can't be shared outside of our "guild". Dwarves will understand that.
A riot quest, from my limited understanding, is where you do something like taking the last bajillion pages of people arguing over the Liber Mortis and applying that directly into the Mathilde's brain meats to decide how she feels on the prospect of using the book.
Are there any quests on this site that are officially run that way? Are there any that are also good, or at least fun to read?
We already had our little dedication vote remember? I'm personally more interested in doing some short Grey missions as a "vacation" and meeting some new Grey Order characters (we've barely met two). The only thing I want to see from Stirland is Anton, bless his soul.

On a tangent about favourite characters, I'm disappointed with Ulthar's. We spend so much time with him yet on the expedition's character scale I rank him down there with the Dwarf engineer and the two Amber Journeymanlings.

To the best of your knowledge, assess Journeywoman Mathilde Weber's level of dedication to a) the Grey College; b) the Empire; and c) humanity, factoring in her beliefs and motivations as well as any ties that bind her to the well-being of the above.
[*] Plan Collegiate Loyalties
-[*] Grey College - High
--[*] Debt of gratitude for retaining sanity and health through being born with magic.
--[*] Familial loyalty to Master
--[*] Academic interest in the preservation and perpetuation of discoveries
--[*] Self preservation in maintaining Wizard status within Empire for safety reasons.
--[*] Ambition in maintaining access to College resources and knowledge for the purpose of self improvement in the field of magic. It is very unlikely to obtain knowledge of similar depth in any one area, and impossible to do so for broader areas.
-[*] Empire - High
--[*] Belief in the ideal of Mankind United under the Empire for the betterment of all.
--[*] Obedience to the Laws of the Empire as the premier force for Order in the world.
--[*] Oath to the Articles of Magic, to act in the interests of the Empire.
--[*] Duty as a Wizard of the Grey College to obey the Grey College, transferred from duty of the Grey College to follow the lead of the collective Colleges, transfered from the collective Colleges loyalty to the Empire.
--[*] Duty as a Knight of Stirland to the Elector Count of Stirland, transferred from the duty of the duty of the Elector Count to the Empire
--[*] Self preservation from the Enemies of Man, Undead, Orc and Chaos would be free to wreak havoc without the intact Empire to protect its people from those.
--[*] Practical utility in acquiring assets, equipment and common services requires the continuance of civilization.
-[*] Humanity - Modest
--[*] Religious beliefs mandate the protection and furtherance of humanity.
--[*] Personal ethics seeks to minimize unnecessary harm to humanity in general.
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Despite all the cool stuff we have gotten from it... I don't think I actually like the favor mechanic since it made its debut.

I don't think it actually encourages that behaviour, it just codifies it. I've seen the same thing happen in many other quests, where each new contact is measured by the type of shinies they can be befriended in the hopes of receiving. The main difference in the favour system is that it culminates not in the QM having to decide whether to give the shiny the thread has been talking about throughout that entire plotline or not, instead the decision is placed in the hands of the thread and they have to decide exactly how much that shiny is worth to them when measured against everything else that could be acquired for those favours.

(I might be misremembering completely, but I seem to remember reading many years ago an update in either the Wissenland Quest or the Ostland Quest where a spooky arrow arrived and said 'stop messing with trees' or something and within the page people were discussing the healing items available to Wood Elves)
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Then make a Ring of Doppelsmell in addition to the Ring of Doppelganger.
Perfume is literally a mist. As are many scents including animal musks, actually, so influencing perception of scents should fall squarely within Ulgu's gambit on two counts, both the physical and the thematic. This is a problem that it seems likely that the Grey Wizards have addressed before, and may have a solution to. AN appropriately cyphered message may get us access to a relevant spell.
This. I like this idea. I'd probably err on the side of an object for reliability's sake. Considering the Conspiracy and the nature of the Grey, it's likely there's some institutional knowledge on anti-Skaven intrigue measures. And as also mentioned, the Dawi certainly have their own techniques.

I have been considering the merits of getting an Ulgu/concealment based magic item just so we don't have to worry about it and can concentrate on other things. It'd also serve as a fallback.

What's a riot quest?
As far as I understand, it's a type of quest whereby all the votes all happen in some capacity. It's really only useful when the players are controlling an anarchic/decentralized conglomeration. So in the example, the Quest would be controlling an Ork tribe collectively, and so when most players vote to do something and a few vote to go do the other thing, those votes are instantiated as individuals in the tribe making those decisions, so most of the tribe would do the first thing, while some would go do the other.
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