Okay, so, some of it got answered, here's a smidge more.

do they realize the potential in terms of sicking Skaven on their enemies?

1. This is some wildly heretical shit here, my guy. Has it happened? Yes, it went badly. In Gotrek and Felix the head of the Wissenland Elector Countess' information service thinks that he can manipulate the skaven for his own purposes, and use them as his agents. The novel's climax is Nuln nearly falling to the skaven, them sending plague, sabotaging the industrial sectors, and nearly taking every major human noble in the province and their guests hostage/killing them. Skaven are inhuman, literally, and think of 'tail-less no-fur man-things' as food and labor sources for their own purposes. They dream of the day that they rule the world, and consume or kill other races. Trying to manipulate skaven is a wildly unpredictable thing to attempt, not least of which, skaven sabotage and treachery themselves in a blistering eyeblink. Once upon a time, a Greater Daemon of the Horned Rat came across a single, single skaven that actually had a few loyal bones in its body. It regarded that skaven as a freak of nature, a weird disturbing little aberration. Because contrary to how we, humans, might regard the skaven as sometimes comical and sometimes horrific guys, everything they do, from the monstrous experiments and the frankensteining people and ripping brains out and enslaving them to work them to death in their mines and warpstone and stabbing each other in the front, back, side, head, ass, genitals, leg, ankle, poison, lying, etc. is skaven doing as intended by their Creator God. They unite in fear and anger against other enemies, and their teeming masses makes them possibly the most numerous species on the planet, contested solely by the greenskins and the humans that can just walk out of the Chaos Wastes with no explanation given.

Has it been contemplated? Sure, in the vein of 'it would be nice if the skaven attacked someone other than me for once', can it actually be done? Not in a way that has or would ever short or long-term benefit any Order Faction that attempted it. The moment you try to manipulate the skaven, you enter a very dangerous game for if/when they realize it, turn it around on you, or send the very much hyper dangerous Eshin assassins after you.

2. Middenheim is under siege, and birds trying to fly this way and that are potentially being eaten by horrible gribblies in the air, or just arrows from the beastmen themselves. A regular dude on a horse is not sneaking past the beastmen horde, no.

3. Already answered satisfactorily enough by Marlin, I think.

4. Answered relatively well by Marlin, but here I can expand a bit. As for suppression of Wizards and Priests, see below:

Then she raised up her hands above her head in a loud clap that echoed far louder and longer than anything mundane should have, momentarily writhing in a way similar to some Arabyan dances that made Logan stare for a bit before he realized that all of the Gold Wizards were standing forward now with some small gaps between them. Though he could only perceive the material realm without colors, the same was not true of the Winds of Magic, of the influence of the Gods themselves. But in this case, he saw an increasingly thick and solid cloud of pure Chamon being gathered from the air. So much of it that he had never seen the like before, swirling and sweeping about as they were bringing forth an invisible sandstorm into being. They drew it from every direction, and Logan couldn't help but notice as Kragg grunted and planted his staff down, and subtly began cutting away and blocking off the other Winds from mixing about. Then he noticed similar efforts of cleansing and channeling going on elsewhere, each sphere of influence upon the Winds marked by the presence of a grim-faced Runelord.
"I THINK NOT! NOW…THE EXPERIMENT SHALL BEGIN!" The Matriarch declared just as loudly back, and then Logan stared as the so very many, many Gold Wizards drew from that vast cloud of Chamon being channeled above them with the aid of the Runelords, and then threw out nuggets of gold upon the ground in front of them. "BEHOLD…THE SPELL GLORIOUS ENOUGH TO BE CREATED BY ME! NAMED BY ME! MOST BEAUTIFUL AND WONDEROUS OF ALL OF THE STUDENTS OF TECLIS!"

Then there was a clap of thunder, a surge of Chamon, a twisting of reality itself, and then where there had been nothing but regular golden nuggets, there was now an array of absolutely enormous cannons seemingly made of pure shining gold upon the field. But around the Matriarch herself, there was all the more. With another dancer's pirouette, she cast her limbs out artistically, with all of the bangles flying off of her wrists and ankles and neck, and those golden rings flew out hung clearly in the air facing towards the greenskins. Bright flashes of light filled the air around her, and suddenly they had seemingly expanded larger and larger until the front halves of multiple gargantuan cannons sprouted forward as if called from some other dimension of pure golden destruction.


And Logan went deaf and blind all over again.

As for the hangar, no, they cannot. The greenskins are pressing from there as well. The hangar was badly damaged, and they lost a lot of experienced pilots when the greenskins broke in. It is technically possible for them to repair something, but actually getting it out there is not going to happen, not with the situation as it stands. The defenders are currently pulled back to much better defensive positions after salvaging/hauling as much machinery and the like they could out of the hangar, and holding the greenskins back as best they can. Launching a gyrocopter through that morass is not likely to happen right now. Same for the wizards. The main thrust of the enemy is coming through the main opening, which means that is where the wizards are fully focused. The act of attacking the Deeps and also the Hangar with forces that are definitively weaker than the main force does not mean that said flanking/diversionary attacks are not major threats, they are definitely so, to the point that it forces the defenders to split their focus and forces slightly even when they need to keep majority attention on the main assault. It's a way of tactically and strategically weakening the enemy's ability to defeat the main force, because of they didn't put anyone on those jobs, then they'd have brand new major problems, but they can't send enough to fully see them off, because the forces required to do that i.e. fully clear the hangar and rebuff all assaults and also break all the Deep attacks would drain the main defending core far too much and would in turn ensure victory for the greenskins.

5. Many months. They were practically hauling some of their ships with chains after they were too damaged to sail themselves, which stressed the dreadnoughts even further with their own damage. The sheer doughty durable nature of their construction meant they survived the battle with the skaven with remarkably few actual ship losses, but they should have turned back to Barak Varr for immediate repairs. Instead, like a man dying in a Bollywood movie from a gut shot, they performed a great lengthy dance sequence over the water all the way over to where they are now, quite simply incapable of sailing or moving away anytime soon.

Torroar, a question if you don't mind: Is the Hierarch of Taal (and his counterpart, the Hierarch of Ryha) still in Talabacland?

Because I can't find any info about him in the tread (might just be a bad searcher) and considering that one of Taal's big sticking points is his anti-Beastmen stance the Hierarch should have the knowledgeable and experienced to be a great boon during the Beasttide.

Or perhaps all this is under the Fog of War?

And lastly, if Magnus had convinced the Hierarchs of Taal and Ryha to act like representavies during elector meets same as Ar-Ulric and the Grand Theogonist, would the ripple effects made any different?

So the thing about that is, yes.

But also, there's a Hierarch of Taal and a Hierarch of Rhya in every province. There's an Ostland pair, a Talabecland pair, etc. So yes, the Talabecland pair are in Talabecland. That's not a Fog of War thing, that's an...everyone IC knows that sort of thing. The only time the pairs all leave their respective provinces is when one pair out from the provinces is voluntold by the majority to go to the Conclave that Magnus holds.

Magnus offered the Cults representation, yes, but they refused. They didn't want to do it, something something civilization something something wildness unrestrained, etc. One of his incredible rare few diplomatic failures. It would probably have made some long-term difference, yes. Short-term, you probably would have seen them repeatedly abdicating their vote during Elector Meets unless something directly impacted the wilds, the landscape, themselves, etc. No major proposals from them either. They disdain politics in general, most of the time, so...yeah. Plus, a lot of them were reactionaries to the way the Cult of Taal and Rhya did involve themselves during the Era of Three Emperors, and perhaps after how the Cult of Ulric and Sigmar came to blows and all that, they likely decided to purposefully take a step back from such things.
The act of attacking the Deeps and also the Hangar with forces that are definitively weaker than the main force does not mean that said flanking/diversionary attacks are not major threats, they are definitely so, to the point that it forces the defenders to split their focus and forces slightly even when they need to keep majority attention on the main assault.
And I'm, for one, covering the attacks on the deeps at least.

Hope I'll be doing them justice, especially with the next chapter, since that'll see a massive push on the citadel of Grungi as oppossed to the raids and rest and refit
But also, there's a Hierarch of Taal and a Hierarch of Rhya in every province.
So how diffrent provinces pairs reacted to seeding drills? was is essentially same as Ostland for eveybody or were there major outliners like Taalities of Wissenland being in favor or Rheans of Middenland against?
Also... Does Rhea has her own Longshanks equivalent?

The Sons of Manaan are the only Knightly Order dedicated to Manaan specifically, and they are more than happy to set up a Chapterhouse in Salkalten.
hold up... how does that compute with Knights Mariners?
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Plus, a lot of them were reactionaries to the way the Cult of Taal and Rhya did involve themselves during the Era of Three Emperors, and perhaps after how the Cult of Ulric and Sigmar came to blows and all that, they likely decided to purposefully take a step back from such things.
Makes sense there at least, seeing the worst aspects of cults and politics intermingling and wanting none of it.
So how diffrent provinces pairs reacted to seeding drills? was is essentially same as Ostland for eveybody or were there major outliners like Taalits of Wissenland being in favor or Rheans of Middenland against?
Also... Does Rhea has her own Longshanks equivalent?

Same all over, really. All of the Taalites were pretty steadfast in their rejection of it, while the Rhyans were more amicable to debate and acceptance.

The Cult of Rhya does not have a Longshanks equivalent, no, but they are expected to essentially know how to protect the herd and hearth and fields. So bows, pitchfork/trident fighting, spears, etc. A very strong core of quarterstaff/broom skill.

hold up... how does that compute with Knights Mariners?

An ancient error, now corrected:

The Sons of Manaan are not the only Knightly Order dedicated to Manaan specifically, but certainly one of the closest,
Same all over, really. All of the Taalites were pretty steadfast in their rejection of it, while the Rhyans were more amicable to debate and acceptance.
Makes sense since it comes to an ideological difference in the end between the two, with Taalities believing everything should be wild and uncontrolled while the Rhyans are big believers in agriculture, and so long as the practice doesn't damage land or anything is open to most anything that increases Rhya's bounty.

Taalities would be totally happy if everyone abandoned cities and settlements and started living in tents and hunts again, hunting on their own with stone weapons and fighting only in furs. Great conservationists, but set in their ways.

Rhyans meanwhile are a bit more hesitantly accepting of at least some 'stewardship' of nature, using knowledge to make life easier rather than struggling for every moment of it so long as its in balance with nature. Things like crop rotation for example, something they may have thought up in history of Old World even, is a good example since it helps refresh land and prevent overfarming that would cause it to go bad.

Seed drilling just makes it much easier to sow fields in the end, rather than anything truly radical or out there.
The Cult of Rhya does not have a Longshanks equivalent, no, but they are expected to essentially know how to protect the herd and hearth and fields. So bows, pitchfork/trident fighting, spears, etc. A very strong core of quarterstaff/broom skill.
huh, so more like Black Guard of Morr crossed with bunch of pissed off grandmas...
I think I will drop the topic now.

An ancient error, now corrected
...? He's already got Trofurt mentioned on the front page. I can edit something in the informational post though, yeah.

Lord Sir Captain Headmaster Urgdug Greatbellow Thunderbringer Daemonthumper Dragonrippa Giantbreaker Deathcheater Castleshatterer Maelstrombringer Beastcrush Overfather Monstertosser Ratsmasher Thronewielder Wormbreak Heartswallower Dragoneater Dal Bolg Tyrant Breaker Maw-Stomp Dawongr Treebreaker the Tremendously Sizable the Knight of Trofurt- Alive
  • First Thunderbringer Ever. First Ogre To Ever Be Knighted.
  • Overall Ogre Commander For Ostland Army
  • Personal Friend of Hohenzollern family. Considered family after years of close friendship
  • Knighted for valor and heroism during the Vampire War of 2315
  • Personally honored by the Grand Theogonist and Ar-Ulric for actions in the Purge of Sylvania (2323)
  • Founded the Greatbellow Academy for Ogres in Ostland, the first ogre-centered education facility in the world
  • Father of three hundred children as of 2326 IC.
  • Betrothed To Cherag Flourbelly Steakripper In 2329 IC.
  • Married To Cherag Flourbelly Steakripper Cakebuilder In 2330 IC.
  • Named the Knight and thus Lord of Trofurt, a small manor and market town of around 3,000 or so inhabitants just fifteen miles southwest of Wulfenburg
Makes sense since it comes to an ideological difference in the end between the two, with Taalities believing everything should be wild and uncontrolled while the Rhyans are big believers in agriculture, and so long as the practice doesn't damage land or anything is open to most anything that increases Rhya's bounty.

Taalities would be totally happy if everyone abandoned cities and settlements and started living in tents and hunts again, hunting on their own with stone weapons and fighting only in furs. Great conservationists, but set in their ways.

Rhyans meanwhile are a bit more hesitantly accepting of at least some 'stewardship' of nature, using knowledge to make life easier rather than struggling for every moment of it so long as its in balance with nature. Things like crop rotation for example, something they may have thought up in history of Old World even, is a good example since it helps refresh land and prevent overfarming that would cause it to go bad.

Seed drilling just makes it much easier to sow fields in the end, rather than anything truly radical or out there.
Seed drill actually protects the soil in the north because you can practice no-till farming, so you don't expose the soil to the cold air.
Imagine if they learned about bio-char...
Farmers and hunters at market were abruptly surrounded by teams of templars of Sigmar, while the cult's leaders were personally either slain or captured by a stunning twenty Grey Wizards, including the College's Patriarch, a wizard personally taught by Teclis himself.
... Am I to understand that Good Gray Matriarch is some sort of reverse cross-dresser pretending to be a guy on public record?
I can totally belive that.
Bruna is a Matriarch on the front page. Though I'd say you could look back to Frederick's actual encounter with Bruna to see what that was like for better reference.
... Am I to understand that Good Gray Matriarch is some sort of reverse cross-dresser pretending to be a guy on public record?
I can totally belive that.
No, yes?
4. The grey college's Patriarch does good work. It is a rumor mill, yet considering how the Grey College Matriarch shared that they have been approached by people for things, the chance of the rumor mill getting the gender of the Grey College Matriarch/Patriarch wrong at this point in time is possible, but I have doubts. Not a big deal really, just something to note.
4. No, they deliberately sabotaged that one. A lot of people don't know that Bruna is a woman, and they idly manipulate the rumors/info as they wish.

Hm, could be fun to write a omake about a grey wizard that got dragged into the past from the year 2415 IC: The Night of a Thousand Arcane duels, when rivalries between the colleges get violent, and six of the eight Matriarchs/patriarchs die in violent and gruesome ways.
Bruna is a Matriarch on the front page. Though I'd say you could look back to Frederick's actual encounter with Bruna to see what that was like for better reference.
Oh, I know that. Still find it funny that she wants everyone to think she's a guy. Nothing like another layer of missdirection.
I'd imagine she does go 'mask off' with people she actually respects but the fact that the PUBLIC belives that Gray college is lead my a patriarch is something I can picture her giggling about. Especially if she manovers someone into pretending to be her.

Soft wheat colored light practically explodes out of Lea's hands when she makes some sort of gesture over two individual slices of meat pie on a golden plate, making Sabine jump slightly from where she kneels. The High Priestess, for her part, practically leaps out of her skin, waggling her hands excessively as if they were suddenly too hot for some reason. And in that instant, the façade of ornate priestly behavior disappears and the mother of ten and husband of a charcoal burner spits a wild string of curses. One that makes father's eyebrows reach the top of his head, while causing a good number of the halflings in the audience to howl with laughter. Others, dignitaries, knights, and nobility, seem split on how to react at all.
Found another pearl of a goof. and man is it a funny one
Unless Lea's Husband is on reciving end of something he rather not speak of, That would make her his wife...
And man, do I wish I knew of this quest back then.
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"You would put a chance in on audacity alone?" One of the Whitewings finds the courage to speak.


Ok so this gonna sound like insane ramblings from a crackhead behind 711, but you know how people lick toads to get high? What if licking a slan would do the same, and the older the generation the greater the effect. I can just imagine a skink caretaker accidentally licking a slan and his mind ascending beyond dimensions that motherfucker probably saw the old ones. Shit so powerful slanesh couldn't handle it.

Now if only the attendant skinks had licked whatever it was that made Lord Hua-Hua, Lord Hua-Hua, the Old Ones might've finally taken notice and Chaos would've been the least of our worries.

Or at least, Malekith would be a Skink Champion instead of being as afflicted as he is with Morathi's appalling single-motherhoodness.
Did the vote close or is it still open?

And this ark arc is going fantabulously, torroar. I just gotta ask. Alyssa doesn't have the juice to suddenly pull out a greater demon of the THOT, right? Or is that what the writhing ball of flesh gonna be for?
Did the vote close or is it still open?

And this ark arc is going fantabulously, torroar. I just gotta ask. Alyssa doesn't have the juice to suddenly pull out a greater demon of the THOT, right? Or is that what the writhing ball of flesh gonna be for?

My bet is that big ball of flesh is one spell/ritual invocation away from becoming a greater Chaos Spawn.
Given the leaning of the vote, and the amount of time it's been, I think it would be fair to close the vote right around now.

I can't...really just spoil the full powers and expression of Alyssa atm, unfortunately. There's all sorts of horrible, horrible gribbly things you can do when you delve into Dhar like the Druchii have. Not even needing to be Chaos-related, sometimes.
I can't...really just spoil the full powers and expression of Alyssa atm, unfortunately. There's all sorts of horrible, horrible gribbly things you can do when you delve into Dhar like the Druchii have. Not even needing to be Chaos-related, sometimes.

That's gonna be fun to deal with if Blowhard fails, lol.
Or is that what the writhing ball of flesh gonna be for?
My bet is that big ball of flesh is one spell/ritual invocation away from becoming a greater Chaos Spawn.
... Unless she fails and we'll end up with pissed of Ephrael Stern equivalent of whoever is in there... Which I'm on board with. More chaos to Chaos uprising! More likely however she is desecrating or usurping the power of faith/belive/eathyr to move it away from Khain 'protection' and have easier time claiming souls of the Druchii. That would be followed by 'recruting' norscans...
or mayby just a discount modern art project...
Obviously our land armies cannot meaningfully challenge the druuchi Black Arks or any location within range of their gun-equivalents, except in some kind of bizarre good-luck scenario like "they manage to run a Black Ark aground so hard they can't immediately get it back off, and we have time to roll up our whole artillery train and begin siege operations like it was Divided Loyalties and we were trying to take down Castle Drakenhof."
...I just saw this post of mine from like 2022.

I can't help but wonder. Curious about people's opinions. Does this count as me having called it? :D