...I just saw this post of mine from like 2022.

I can't help but wonder. Curious about people's opinions. Does this count as me having called it? :D
Hm, no you didn't call it. While the idea that Freddy had enough time to board the current black ark and could be fighitng right now, that's not quite how it would go when the army would have no magical protection of substance against the rest of the Black Ark. Urgdug would be caught and tossed into the arena if magic didn't kill him, had the whole army boarded.

The druchii could also leave, and weren't stuck completely on Salkalten. Only got one thanks to Nordland.
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Found another pearl of a goof. and man is it a funny one
Unless Lea's Husband is on reciving end of something he rather not speak of, That would make her his wife...
And man, do I wish I knew of this quest back then.

Fixed, thank you :)

...I just saw this post of mine from like 2022.

I can't help but wonder. Curious about people's opinions. Does this count as me having called it? :D

Well, maybe not exactly precise given what ended up happening, but certainly closer than I would have thought all things considered!
In truth, there is likely less than ten thousand citizens of Ostland in the Middle Mountains at all, if you include every human, halfling, Imperial dwarf, and ogre. But only the bravest of your people went up at all, along with a healthy helping of alcohol to get through the fear and uncertainty.
so, um, I know that this is technically correct buuuut... there is ZERO imperial dwarfs in the cursed mountains....
Or are they so detached that they acctually go there? I mean sure Karaz Ankor thinks they are weirdos but if it's the case, ...

"They're getting you getting out of the Moot," you point out. "But…"
Found a sentece that really messes with my eyes...

Also , are the only knightly orders in Middle Mountains Hohalnders and White Wolfs? would expect one to be formed by now...
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so, um, I know that this is technically correct buuuut... there is ZERO imperial dwarfs in the cursed mountains....
Or are they so detached that they acctually go there? I mean sure Karaz Ankor thinks they are weirdos but if it's the case, ...
In one of the Ix Middle Mountain scenes there were dwarfs, freshly procured too, by the Ix. The imperial dwarfs are slightly just a smidge mind you willing to shove aside traditions (these are the dwarfs that 'gave up the idea of reclaiming mountain holds and adopted Empire of Man mannerisms'). Such that after a decade or two of nothing truly dangerous being found by the humans may go on a walk through the MM.

The final battles against the fungal monstrosity that had tried to swarm out of the eastern Middle Mountains had been grueling, there was no mistake about that. A fourth of the Army of the Range was dead, not just in getting to the unearthed cave system that had been broken open but then holding the line so that it could be burned out properly. Every single time that Magnus had watched as pitch and spirits were poured in and set alight, and every single time that the depths of Hohlraum had let out earsplitting shrieks from too many mouths made of fungal flesh, he had thought it the end. Then yet more nightmares had begun shaking the earth as they attempted to repel those who were slowly killing it. As they had pushed west across the mountains and valleys, the subsumed creatures of the so-called Ixfernicth had begun to change. The most recent ones, those greenskins and beastmen and unfortunate humans with the occasional dwarf mixed in were long gone by now.
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God I love the skaven one of my favorite things about them is that they mine precocious minerals, not because they need it but because it piss's people off, especially dwarfs, easily my favorite race in fantasy.

Oh yes. Gold means nothing to them, and everything to other races. Dwarfs literally have problems with gold-fever. The Under-Empire has, thanks to their rampant population growth and utter disregard for safety standards and worries about collapses, warpstone contamination, or monsters, mined as much gold as the Karaz Ankor or Zharr Naggrund has from the world.

And they literally just throw it into even deeper holes, break it into smaller fragments and lace their midden heaps, shit on it literally, surround it with enough warpstone to near permanently irradiate it with the taint of warpstone and make it unclean, throw it into the ocean, or throw it into the Realm of Chaos itself because the Horned Rat just fuckin' loves screwing around with other people's stuff and absolutely ruining it. The Realm of Ruin has a mountain of endlessly decaying and dissolving gold in it that is being replenished by Grey Seers and Plague Priests and so on in their dedication to their god.
Oh yes. Gold means nothing to them, and everything to other races. Dwarfs literally have problems with gold-fever. The Under-Empire has, thanks to their rampant population growth and utter disregard for safety standards and worries about collapses, warpstone contamination, or monsters, mined as much gold as the Karaz Ankor or Zharr Naggrund has from the world.

And they literally just throw it into even deeper holes, break it into smaller fragments and lace their midden heaps, shit on it literally, surround it with enough warpstone to near permanently irradiate it with the taint of warpstone and make it unclean, throw it into the ocean, or throw it into the Realm of Chaos itself because the Horned Rat just fuckin' loves screwing around with other people's stuff and absolutely ruining it. The Realm of Ruin has a mountain of endlessly decaying and dissolving gold in it that is being replenished by Grey Seers and Plague Priests and so on in their dedication to their god.
That is just so Skaven, I love it.
Oh yes. Gold means nothing to them, and everything to other races. Dwarfs literally have problems with gold-fever. The Under-Empire has, thanks to their rampant population growth and utter disregard for safety standards and worries about collapses, warpstone contamination, or monsters, mined as much gold as the Karaz Ankor or Zharr Naggrund has from the world.

And they literally just throw it into even deeper holes, break it into smaller fragments and lace their midden heaps, shit on it literally, surround it with enough warpstone to near permanently irradiate it with the taint of warpstone and make it unclean, throw it into the ocean, or throw it into the Realm of Chaos itself because the Horned Rat just fuckin' loves screwing around with other people's stuff and absolutely ruining it. The Realm of Ruin has a mountain of endlessly decaying and dissolving gold in it that is being replenished by Grey Seers and Plague Priests and so on in their dedication to their god.
Very in character for skaven, and I'm sure the dwarfs have a long-standing eternal grudge against them for every bit of gold and other treasure of the earth they defile.

At least the greenskins use gold as decoration sometimes.
Oh yes. Gold means nothing to them, and everything to other races. Dwarfs literally have problems with gold-fever. The Under-Empire has, thanks to their rampant population growth and utter disregard for safety standards and worries about collapses, warpstone contamination, or monsters, mined as much gold as the Karaz Ankor or Zharr Naggrund has from the world.

And they literally just throw it into even deeper holes, break it into smaller fragments and lace their midden heaps, shit on it literally, surround it with enough warpstone to near permanently irradiate it with the taint of warpstone and make it unclean, throw it into the ocean, or throw it into the Realm of Chaos itself because the Horned Rat just fuckin' loves screwing around with other people's stuff and absolutely ruining it. The Realm of Ruin has a mountain of endlessly decaying and dissolving gold in it that is being replenished by Grey Seers and Plague Priests and so on in their dedication to their god.
this feels like a missed opportunity , like they could have used that gold to buy a never-ending supply of slaves or hell just released it to the global market to crash the price of gold to cause as much chaos and economic ruin as possible and then capitalized on the resulting instability
this feels like a missed opportunity , like they could have used that gold to buy a never-ending supply of slaves or hell just released it to the global market to crash the price of gold to cause as much chaos and economic ruin as possible and then capitalized on the resulting instability
but then people might actually be able to make use of that gold.
so..... How are the Nassau doing in regard to 'reclaiming' aka purchasing the noble status they once held? they sure are on their way with dislodging and likely replacing the tri-compact and speak often about past gloriess... some merchants can pay they way up into noblehood after all?
That is before beasttide began...
so..... How are the Nassau doing in regard to 'reclaiming' aka purchasing the noble status they once held? they sure are on their way with dislodging and likely replacing the tri-compact and speak often about past gloriess... some merchants can pay they way up into noblehood after all?
That is before beasttide began...
To my understanding, while the Nassau lost their Stirland holdings they never actually lost their status as members of the nobility.
Well like a mockingbird once said chaos is a ladder so the nassau may use this chance where the tri compact lose much assets in the beasttide as well the mess in marienburg to win major
Oh yes. Gold means nothing to them, and everything to other races. Dwarfs literally have problems with gold-fever. The Under-Empire has, thanks to their rampant population growth and utter disregard for safety standards and worries about collapses, warpstone contamination, or monsters, mined as much gold as the Karaz Ankor or Zharr Naggrund has from the world.

And they literally just throw it into even deeper holes, break it into smaller fragments and lace their midden heaps, shit on it literally, surround it with enough warpstone to near permanently irradiate it with the taint of warpstone and make it unclean, throw it into the ocean, or throw it into the Realm of Chaos itself because the Horned Rat just fuckin' loves screwing around with other people's stuff and absolutely ruining it. The Realm of Ruin has a mountain of endlessly decaying and dissolving gold in it that is being replenished by Grey Seers and Plague Priests and so on in their dedication to their god.
Oh God I just came up with a skaven plot, what if they grab all those Pieces of gold from the chaos realms?( how doesn't matter just throw slaves at it until it works) then discreetly add it to other races raw gold that they plan to smelt into coins or ingots, so when they put the corrupted gold in, it explodes, most likely causing a chaos rifts to open up.
Oh God I just came up with a skaven plot, what if they grab all those Pieces of gold from the chaos realms?( how doesn't matter just throw slaves at it until it works) then discreetly add it to other races raw gold that they plan to smelt into coins or ingots, so when they put the corrupted gold in, it explodes, most likely causing a chaos rifts to open up.
Sounds insane inough so this would be likely thing for them to do
Or at least, Malekith would be a Skink Champion instead of being as afflicted as he is with Morathi's appalling single-motherhoodness.
Kink champion. Hehe. Morathi's lessons take an unexpected turn.
To my understanding, while the Nassau lost their Stirland holdings they never actually lost their status as members of the nobility.
The Nassau are.... Magnus' Inlaws? Or are they some other people I don't remember?
this feels like a missed opportunity , like they could have used that gold to buy a never-ending supply of slaves or hell just released it to the global market to crash the price of gold to cause as much chaos and economic ruin as possible and then capitalized on the resulting instability

This is a 'But I don't WANT to cure cancer moment', my man.

A: Horned Rat, with all your incredible powers as a God, powered by the faith and acts of devotion from a populace of billions, you could do so much! You have the numbers, the powers, the strength, the advanced technologies, the mutants, and the resources beneath the realms of men across the Old World! You could kill them all with great speed and efficiency! You could ruin them even with devaluing gold massively by pushing your vast riches into their coffers and ruin their economies!
HR: But I don't WANT to do it with great speed and efficiency or that stupid economy thing! I want my people to be nasty little treacherous monstrous cannibalizing fearful smug murderous exploitative treacherous gribbly monsters that deface, defile, destroy, denigrate everything around them, including each other! That is what a skaven is meant to be, because I'M the one that made them!

A skaven leader might try and futz around with gold and stuff like that, but...that would mean putting gold in the hands of no-furs, and that's no fun. Besides, what if they get too strong and powerful by doing it, and their rivals get in danger? No, no, much safer to kill the skaven talking about all that business, it's only right, what if they conquered and won accolades and warp-tokens by doing it?

^and so it goes.
HR: But I don't WANT to do it with great speed and efficiency or that stupid economy thing! I want my people to be nasty little treacherous monstrous cannibalizing fearful smug murderous exploitative treacherous gribbly monsters that deface, defile, destroy, denigrate everything around them, including each other! That is what a skaven is meant to be, because I'M the one that made them!
Which is exactly why skaven are potentially the most dangerous force on the planet, and exactly why they haven't won yet since they spend so much time fighting each other along with everyone else that even greenskins are like 'wow, slow down buddy.'

Then again, that is basically the weakness of all evil factions in WHF.
That's it. The status Quo only exists because the Horned Rat doesn't want to stop playing.

Hell, even GW agrees. The Skaven getting their act together was 80% of the reason the End Times occured.