That might be one of the only armors that could survive Freddy's typical Freddiness. Though admittedly I hope this dream fails as I'd prefer not to fight any of the horrible monstrosities you listed hahaha
You want leathers from beasts with Regeneration for that, with enchantment or runework to provide the raw physical durability.
As I was re-reading the lore of the ogre, those newborn without a paunch is often sacrificed to the great maw.
How did Ostland ogres deal with their paunchless descendents?

So, not quite right. Those that are born especially gangly, or without the signature paunch of an ogre, are runts by ogre rights. The ogre gut is far more than just a gut is for humans, there's a lot of muscle and strength tied up there, beyond just the cultural stuff. And what happens with the paunch-less in Maw Ogre society is that they are 'sacrificed' to the Great Maw by being tossed into the earth below the Mountains of Mourn. 'Many offerings are cast into the darkness'.

It's not quite the same as hauling them to the Great Maw to be tossed in, or thrown into a cooking pot. Anyway, those ones that survive more than a few days are mutated by the tunnels that run across the Mountains of Mourn, because they're super laced with warpstone, and they eat lots of mutated stuff as well, so that makes Gorgers, which are sorta like Ogre Ghouls.

It is also noted that such 'stunted births' became a lot more common after they moved west from the plains of the birth of the ogre race - i.e. after Mawfall, and ended up in the crazy environment of the Mountains of Mourne.

The instances of such occurring in Ostland are sharply less than those in the Mountains of Mourne, for some reason none know for certain. Those few that are, are raised nonetheless, and it turns out that with enough food pumped in them, they gain the paunch anyway. Even if they are a bit thinner than usual, they're still able to do things. In fact, if you go looking, you may find an omake written about an ogre hunter that might well have been a gorger in another life? IIRC? It's a big list.

1. Is Boss Blacktusk dead? Also, at this time the Karak Eight Peaks was under skaven control, or was it greenskin control, cause multiple times later it is said skaven have been in control of Karak eight Peaks for a long time? The statement of complete and total control reads weirdly to me if the dawi knew the skaven had possession of K8P and the greenskins in the badlands were building up the numbers at Ekrund.
2. I so want the rumor mill calling Draken the Matriarch of the Amethyst College to be a running gag. The phrasing is indeed a rumor mill fault, but still I thought it was worth a mention in this list.
3. Inaccurate information reported. The year of "Skaven Fleet Destroyed At Open Sea" occurs the year prior to "Five New Ironclads Complete". Yeah, the problem is the skaven had just that last year shown themselves to be a threat. While the rumor reports Skaven haven't been a threat to the fleet of the dawi for a decade! This is problematic as it's dawi delivering misinformation on skaven. Feels out of character for dawi to leave out the trouble from the last year, that was acknowledged to have cost the fleet casualties.
4. The grey college's Patriarch does good work. It is a rumor mill, yet considering how the Grey College Matriarch shared that they have been approached by people for things, the chance of the rumor mill getting the gender of the Grey College Matriarch/Patriarch wrong at this point in time is possible, but I have doubts. Not a big deal really, just something to note.
5. Whatever happened to Sigvald since 2329 IC (2344-2329 is 15 years of silence)?
6. Remembrance is not specified in "Alcohols Available In Ostland" informational tab.
7. The Sartosa question. Sartosa sounds like it was destroyed here. Only for sartosans to play a role years later in the Holders of the Shore stuff, around 6ish years later, they were also healthy enough to put up a fight against 'The Vengeful Vineyard' the next year. I am confused at Sartosa's recovery speed.
8. Whatever happened to 'The Vengeful Vineyard' guys?
9. Whatever hapened to Prince Thunderclap, and his five hundred brethren from Karak Grom?
10. Whatever happened to Cyrston von Danling?
Note - Dreadnought named Rinrizkulha made by Yilna Cragbrow with 18 years of work, exists among the Barak Varr fleet.
Note2 - Since I am listing stuff that lost focus in the rumor mils. Whatever hapened to the Gold Magister debates with the Guilde of Alchemie? (Turn 30 Rumor Mill - Altdorf Alchemical Angers)

1. Blacktusk was suborned under Mag, Uruk, and Thraka. He was a Big Boss, nearly a full Warboss, but not nearly as big a Warboss as those three. Conflicting reports from different rangers, disagreeing about who was in total control. Much grumbling over who of the interlopers was dominant between longbeards looking at the exact same information.
3. Clarification made, over a decade while admitting that last year was a big problem as well as the Bonelands stuff.
4. No, they deliberately sabotaged that one. A lot of people don't know that Bruna is a woman, and they idly manipulate the rumors/info as they wish.
5. He's gone from Estalia.
6. It's a good wine, not an earth-shatteringly good one. It's not like gaining greater access to Indan Bloodwine, or Cathayan Rice Wine, or Nipponese Sake. It's just some Imperial Wine.
7. Sacked and plundered is not razed to bedrock, salted and burned. It explicitly notes it was sacked, even. The plunder-hungry worshippers of the Vulture know very well that if you do that to a plunder target, they'll never recover enough to have new riches for you to steal later. As Undead, they are very well aware of the benefits of letting the living build themselves back up again for culling later. Sartosa is not a province, and not every single pirate group in all the Old World is somehow black hole sucked onto it whenever there are troubles. A lot of people died, not every pirate crew ever. Sartosa is regularly used to a shit ton of people dying, from internal conflicts as pirate crews bombard each other, the island, etc. trying to make new Pirate Kings, and so on.
8. They still exist. For instance, they are a regular group at Sartosa, the place that's been set on fire and sacked before multiple times and not somehow ceased to exist because that's not how that works. Should have been an obvious conclusion, I would have thought?
9. Still part of the Great Throng. Thought this one should be obvious?

Small side note here, I'm not going to automatically fill in the gaps for every single group or entity ever mentioned in the rumor mills. Yeah, Sigvald went somewhere. Yeah, the pirate ship went somewhere. Yeah, Prince Thunderclap went somewhere. I do not have the time, energy, or care to spare to individually give itemized sequential tracking notes on each and every one of them.

10. See above.
Note2: Ongoing, dry boring scholarly debates, not worth going individually itemized tight in close scrutiny for.
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Can we not get into tangential historical analysis here? thanks. I don't want to derail further by getting into this but I hope we can agree that it's at least counter-productive to start debates about whether colonialism and the "spread of western civilization" connected the world or w/e lol

edit: edited to be less rude, my bad.
Let's not get back into it. torroar has asked we stop.... Unless you would like to continue this in the DM's?
Disclaimer: Urzen is not in Ostland in DoDA. No I'm telling you where he ended up instead.]
.... So where is he?
Cause that ghoul army would have been excellent to release on a black ark.

We could even agree to let him keep it so that Nagash targets him instead.:lol:
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The instances of such occurring in Ostland are sharply less than those in the Mountains of Mourne, for some reason none know cor certain. Those few that are, are raised nonetheless, and it turns out that with enough food pumped in them, they gain the paunch anyway. Even if they are a bit thinner than usual, they're still able to do things. In fact, if you go looking, you may find an omake written about an ogre hunter that might well have been a gorger in another life? IIRC? It's a big list.

That was me!

A Huntress's Rise

I love Ostland's Imperial Ogre community. I'm likely to write more about them in the future.
The instances of such occurring in Ostland are sharply less than those in the Mountains of Mourne, for some reason none know cor certain. Those few that are, are raised nonetheless, and it turns out that with enough food pumped in them, they gain the paunch anyway. Even if they are a bit thinner than usual, they're still able to do things. In fact, if you go looking, you may find an omake written about an ogre hunter that might well have been a gorger in another life? IIRC? It's a big list.
Yet another positive change we have instilled in ogre minds by turning them away from Great Maw and its crazy eat or be eaten mentality.

I am morbidly curious how well imperial ogres who follow Esmeralda/Taal would do in Mountains of Mourn, but at the same time I really don't want to test the Maw's influence on their minds if they got that physically close to it. I am sure that gods would offer some defense against that through worship since they help drown out the constant noise Urgdug mentioned years ago, but still worried just how deeply that Maw's influence runs in ogres even when raised far away from it and never spent a day worshipping it.

Like, I am worried that ever since the Maw first fell to Mallus that it gained a connection with ogre race in general no matter what based on Urgdug's experiences.
So it seems like The Maw is to blame, as usual, for this occasional deviation in Ogre physiology. Probably a result of the typical hunger in the mind, body and soul hitting them while gestating in the womb.

.... So where is he?
Cause that ghoul army would have been excellent to release on a black ark.
It says right in what you're quoting he's not gonna tell where he is.

Edit: Druuchi assassin'd
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My guy. Torroar just said he wouldn't tell us where he ended up.
It says right in what you're quoting he's not gonna tell where he is.

Edit: Druuchi assassin'd

I know. But the quoted section does lack the "not" part of "not telling you". So I figured I would ask despite the non existent chance of him humouring my little jab at the typo.

And I'm only half kidding about letting the ghouls keep a black ark. That alone will drive Malekith up a wall. Might even make them the preferred target because they'll be a softer one. And he'll end up chasing them all over the seven seas while we laugh and rebuild.
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If I may ask a somewhat personal question @torroar , are there any events, however broadly you define them (up to and including whole arcs) that you didn't expect to happen but looking back are glad happened?
Anyway, hope this answered most ghoul questions, now that I'm finally back home.
Oh my word, deep ghoul posting!
: )

*thinks carefully about how JC came back from the dead after three days and commanded his flock to drink of his blood and eat of his flesh*
*thinks very carefully about how angels always need to tell humans to not be afraid*
Mate… that's both *quite* rude, and doesn't really make sense.
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I think they're equating Jesus to a Strigoi. Which I guess some people would be annoyed by.

Not sure about the second half though
Our lord and saviour should not and should never be compared to a flesh eating, certainly only mildly benevolent at best, walking totem of dark magic that outright lies through its teeth about its divinity to better manipulate its servants. The Strigoi of once actually seemed quite nice, but their comparisons to the heavens is somewhat obscene.
Our lord and saviour should not and should never be compared to a flesh eating, certainly only mildly benevolent at best, walking totem of dark magic that outright lies through its teeth about its divinity to better manipulate its servants. The Strigoi of once actually seemed quite nice, but their comparisons to the heavens is somewhat obscene.
The entire concept of the modern Vampire draws its origins from the corruption of Christian mythology. Why do you think they're scared of churches, crosses but not pagan symbolism?

Body and blood, rising from the grave, pacts with Satan, forsaken by God.
Sure there are older equivalents, but WH draws from what is essentially the Nosferatu/Dracula era.

Tldr: modern vampires are Catholic/christian inspired.
Urgdug was just supposed to be a notable ogre member of the army, nothing more. So that's sort of expanded vastly beyond the initial scope of that, but I think it's neat stuff nevertheless.
That's delightful. Urgdug embodies so many of the most heartening themes in a hard world and likable elements of this quest, to hear he was completely unexpected but also likable to you is lovely.
The entire concept of the modern Vampire draws its origins from the corruption of Christian mythology. Why do you think they're scared of churches, crosses but not pagan symbolism?
A. Huh. I thought that was just because the first modern vampire writers were Christian. TIL.
B. I'm not sure how that's related to what I said. Jesus =//// a Strigoi vampire lying about divine right, and that's the end of it.
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Urgdug was just supposed to be a notable ogre member of the army, nothing more. So that's sort of expanded vastly beyond the initial scope of that, but I think it's neat stuff nevertheless.
I'm very glad Urgdug became Freddy's brogre very much too.:D

He has been a delightful character and I can't imagine quest without him.
Zombie man and his cannibal followers.
(meant as a joke plz do not kill me)

Uhm could be a thing in Warhammer. Not likely but could be.
A big thing we've seen in this quest is exceptions to the rule.

Urgdug, Thorgrim, Johanna and Genevieve, Frederick, Natasha, Baragor, Yhanna and Naraiel, that Strigoi guarding a village in Cathay…anything is possible when it comes to individuals defying the norm.
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Urgdug was just supposed to be a notable ogre member of the army, nothing more. So that's sort of expanded vastly beyond the initial scope of that, but I think it's neat stuff nevertheless.
That's delightful. Urgdug embodies so many of the most heartening themes in a hard world and likable elements of this quest, to hear he was completely unexpected but also likable to you is lovely.
At first I had themes of "uplifted savage" so he was rather meh on the origin side. But as he developed into an True Son of Ostland and won his victories and accomplished his deeds, he quickly became a favourite of mine despite the fact that he was essentially fighting so hard for a place that may have accepted him but he would always hate what his home was.

But as it turns out he was always an Ostland Ogre and he was fighting for his homeland... Standing against the horrors of his heritage and completely rejecting them.

Then we get the Part where he takes over a tribe to help them escape the skaven/chaos dwarves. Swinging around Grudge bearers Throne. And then gets gifts from Kragg turning him into a Big Hero character capable of starting his own faction.

And none of this would matter if he wasn't already developing as a family ogre/father /husband. Even if we couldn't see as much as we did Frederick's family.

He's right up there with torrar's best work.
B. I'm not sure how that's related to what I said. Jesus =//// a Strigoi vampire lying about divine right, and that's the end of it.

well its not exactly new. The Romans depicted Christians following the sacrament of the eucharist to be ghouls eating corpses. Or cannibals.

Some Early Christians held mass in catacombs to hide from the roman authorities
You can only imagine what they though of our Immortal Lord and savior who was feeding us aforementioned symbolic bread and wine sounded like in the ears of someone who heard about it without necessary context .:ogles::eek2:

So yes. This trope is OLD.

In a way Strigani are also a depiction of early Christians... But with the rumors kind of accurate this time.
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Not sure about the second half though.

Bible Gateway passage: Ezekiel 1 - New International Version

Ezekiel’s Inaugural Vision - In my thirtieth year, in the fourth month on the fifth day, while I was among the exiles by the Kebar River, the heavens were opened and I saw visions of God. On the fifth of the month—it was the fifth year of the exile of King Jehoiachin— the word of the LORD came...

This should help clue you in on what one order of angels (the Ophanim) are described as looking as in the Old Testament.

Daniel and Isaiah also have segments describing other angels and they are also not easy on the eyes.

Bible Gateway passage: Ezekiel 1 - New International Version

Ezekiel’s Inaugural Vision - In my thirtieth year, in the fourth month on the fifth day, while I was among the exiles by the Kebar River, the heavens were opened and I saw visions of God. On the fifth of the month—it was the fifth year of the exile of King Jehoiachin— the word of the LORD came...

This should help clue you in on what one order of angels (the Ophanim) are described as looking as in the Old Testament.

Daniel and Isaiah also have segments describing other angels and they are also not easy on the eyes.
As out of this world those depictions are, you could probably make some pretty kick ass uniforms/space suits having those wheels, eyes, animal faces integrated into pauldrons, helmets, capes, robes and other sorts of attire.

Especially if the muscaliture of the beings weren't exactly bipedal.

Hmm that would be an interesting depiction for an alien race interacting with pre spaceflight civilizations.

Their accessories are next level, bordering on cosplay. People mistaking them for actual animal heads and completely missing the actual faces of the creatures.