Yeah him taking up the hammer was pretty epic.
Indeed, and sure something that will count him among greatest high kings in history in general just getting it back, let alone all his other deeds and achievements.

And obviously hoping for more during Age of Reclamation, especially if defense against Waaagh goes well and throng/Imperial armies work together to counterattack and reclaim several major dwarf holds they were using.
Sorry, I meant the Dawi Zhar appear in The Wulfrik novel, didn't clarify, my bad.

Though the Destroyer is also mentioned in Tamurkhan. Albeit with no section of their own, just the "biggest" of the K'daai.

Ah, I see. Well, all I know is that the wiki's citation for certain portions say that they're from Wulfrik, so lemme know how that turns out if you ever get around to reading it.

As for the K'daai, fair enough. As they're all supposed to be customized/individualized, there are all sorts. I can say that I'm relatively certain that the one in Karak Ungor was not one of the Dark Colossi variants, the biggest of them that come, the Bonegrinder to their Giants, if you will.
What about honeybees? S-tier bees means S-tier honey means S-tier mead. More valuable than gold! :V

Laurelorn Honey is a fantastic literally minor magical ingredient for healing poultices, soothing medicinal teas, and even some healing potions. It is also used in wine making in various ways. The bees are quite big and fat, though. The largest IRL honey bee is the Himalayan giant honey bee, at around 3.0 cm / 1.2 in, but they would not be the biggest on Mallus. Laurelorn honey bees would be around 4 inches in length, but even they are not the biggest honey making insect, nor would the Athel Loren honey bee make that grade. That belongs to the Mourne Hornets, which are around 6 inches in length. They are essentially primordial giant insect sorta things, fitting with that aspect of the Mountains of Mourne, as well as being unwilling participants in ogre alcohols. I should note that I decided to call them hornets despite producing honey+honeycomb:

Ogre beer, a thick, viscous and foul concoction, with equal quantities of honeycomb and hornet swimming in its murky depths. Ogre beer is intoxicating enough to hospitalise a Dwarf, and is commonly taken from a drinking horn snapped from the skull of a beast the owner has killed himself. <- from the 6thED Ogre Armybook


But yes, Laurelorn has very good honey. They do not, however, have modern bee boxes or anything like that. It is more an exchange with the hives by bringing them food and what not and being allowed to take some honey. Any discussion on trying to, well, industrialize this extremely limited harvesting to boost/increase if overmuch in modern methods would be a non-starter.
Laurelorn Honey is a fantastic literally minor magical ingredient for healing poultices, soothing medicinal teas, and even some healing potions. It is also used in wine making in various ways. The bees are quite big and fat, though. The largest IRL honey bee is the Himalayan giant honey bee, at around 3.0 cm / 1.2 in, but they would not be the biggest on Mallus. Laurelorn honey bees would be around 4 inches in length, but even they are not the biggest honey making insect, nor would the Athel Loren honey bee make that grade. That belongs to the Mourne Hornets, which are around 6 inches in length. They are essentially primordial giant insect sorta things, fitting with that aspect of the Mountains of Mourne, as well as being unwilling participants in ogre alcohols. I should note that I decided to call them hornets despite producing honey+honeycomb:

Ogre beer, a thick, viscous and foul concoction, with equal quantities of honeycomb and hornet swimming in its murky depths. Ogre beer is intoxicating enough to hospitalise a Dwarf, and is commonly taken from a drinking horn snapped from the skull of a beast the owner has killed himself. <- from the 6thED Ogre Armybook


But yes, Laurelorn has very good honey. They do not, however, have modern bee boxes or anything like that. It is more an exchange with the hives by bringing them food and what not and being allowed to take some honey. Any discussion on trying to, well, industrialize this extremely limited harvesting to boost/increase if overmuch in modern methods would be a non-starter.

We could work with this! It'll be rare, high quality mead made from whatever honey the elves are willing to sell! :V
Laurelorn Honey is a fantastic literally minor magical ingredient for healing poultices, soothing medicinal teas, and even some healing potions. It is also used in wine making in various ways. The bees are quite big and fat, though. The largest IRL honey bee is the Himalayan giant honey bee, at around 3.0 cm / 1.2 in, but they would not be the biggest on Mallus. Laurelorn honey bees would be around 4 inches in length...
Honestly a bit surprised by that, if only because I'd expect it to be hard for them to physically gather pollen from many varieties of flowers at that point, due to the size issues.

Maybe there are multiple species that specialize differently and are of different sizes, perhaps?

We could work with this! It'll be rare, high quality mead made from whatever honey the elves are willing to sell! :V
I'm pretty sure the elves already have a lock on that market.

Just because they're not Ostlanders doesn't mean they can't make booze.
Honestly a bit surprised by that, if only because I'd expect it to be hard for them to physically gather pollen from many varieties of flowers at that point, due to the size issues.

Maybe there are multiple species that specialize differently and are of different sizes, perhaps?

I'm pretty sure the elves already have a lock on that market.

Just because they're not Ostlanders doesn't mean they can't make booze.

Not sure it's mead specifically, anyways that still means we need to import some for our booze collection if they actually do have mead!

What i meant was more, it is hard for me to visualize it since most of what I glean from Chorfs are mostly words or images. I also never really seen the TT models before in person.

It is completely different when it is fully animated and moving about with proper visuals like what TW series did.
Ogre beer, a thick, viscous and foul concoction, with equal quantities of honeycomb and hornet swimming in its murky depths. Ogre beer is intoxicating enough to hospitalise a Dwarf, and is commonly taken from a drinking horn snapped from the skull of a beast the owner has killed himself. <- from the 6thED Ogre Armybook
Damn didn't expect the Ogre were capable of making a beer strong enough that a dawi would be affected.
Damn didn't expect the Ogre were capable of making a beer strong enough that a dawi would be affected.
being fair, I think it's less the beer effecting them, and more, in the above example, the hornets still swimming in the beer. Alternatively, the beer is of such technically poor quality that it inherently hurts the dwarven Soul, thus hospitalizing them then causing the creation of at least two different Grudges.
Honestly a bit surprised by that, if only because I'd expect it to be hard for them to physically gather pollen from many varieties of flowers at that point, due to the size issues.

Maybe there are multiple species that specialize differently and are of different sizes, perhaps?

I'm pretty sure the elves already have a lock on that market.

Just because they're not Ostlanders doesn't mean they can't make booze.

Honey bees are long and thin, bumblebees are round and fat, both pollinate, only one makes honey, but the better pollinator is the bumblebee on account of its fat and fuzzy nature with the long tongue. There are different kinds of bees, yes. But specifically the Laurelorn Honey Bee is real big. Other kinds of bees are different sizes as well. But also, there is some pretty extraordinary plant life in general going on in there. Glowing plants what unfurls in moonlight that have nectar that flows and whatever, etc.

And yeah, Laurelorn Honey Wine is one of their trade goods. Always produced in small artisanal batches by individual Kindred bands and the hives they've made relationships with over the years.

being fair, I think it's less the beer effecting them, and more, in the above example, the hornets still swimming in the beer. Alternatively, the beer is of such technically poor quality that it inherently hurts the dwarven Soul, thus hospitalizing them then causing the creation of at least two different Grudges.

Naw it specifically says 'so intoxicating that it hospitalizes dwarfs'. So it's just that potent. But that's just Mourne ingredients, man. That place is crazy and unreplicable anywhere else in the world.
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Yeah, Mountains of Mourn are supposed to be a snapshot of what primal Mallus was like before the Old Ones terraformed the whole thing.

You think world is nuts now? It was basically a frozen deathball before.
What really gets me is that the mountains are alive, and there are stuff like rivers of flowing ice.

(Which also explain the valley that tamurkhan trying to cross was suddenly filled up and blocked out of now where.)
So, Chorfs have magitec exoskeletons? Or at least powered prosthetic legs? @torroar I know you don't want to break the setting with tech advancement, but between that and clockwork prosthetics and other creations from canon, is steampowered, optionally magitech, power armor possible within the quest? Obviously as hero/most elite unit gear only? And equally obviously after an in-universe encounter/ breakthrough followed by a lot of research and investment?
So, Chorfs have magitec exoskeletons? Or at least powered prosthetic legs? @torroar I know you don't want to break the setting with tech advancement, but between that and clockwork prosthetics and other creations from canon, is steampowered, optionally magitech, power armor possible within the quest? Obviously as hero/most elite unit gear only? And equally obviously after an in-universe encounter/ breakthrough followed by a lot of research and investment?
If, if it were possible, I think its something that would happen far in the future., Like, Magnus' children's time
Note that this is a custom project by the formerly most powerful and still the eldest Sorcerer Prophet of Hashut, so it's not going to be very sophisticated.
So, Chorfs have magitec exoskeletons? Or at least powered prosthetic legs? @torroar I know you don't want to break the setting with tech advancement, but between that and clockwork prosthetics and other creations from canon, is steampowered, optionally magitech, power armor possible within the quest? Obviously as hero/most elite unit gear only? And equally obviously after an in-universe encounter/ breakthrough followed by a lot of research and investment?
Chorfs achieve their seeming technical superiority not by mechanical ingenuity (thought they certainly are no slouches) but by blood sacrifice and daemon binding. So i doubt it.
So, Chorfs have magitec exoskeletons? Or at least powered prosthetic legs? @torroar I know you don't want to break the setting with tech advancement, but between that and clockwork prosthetics and other creations from canon, is steampowered, optionally magitech, power armor possible within the quest? Obviously as hero/most elite unit gear only? And equally obviously after an in-universe encounter/ breakthrough followed by a lot of research and investment?
This is torroar's answer to the magi-tech question.
3. Technically possible, but not for a while yet. The Colleges still need a good bit of time to get on their feet.

In general, tech is unlikely to get to power armor for the players and the Empire of Man (QM wants to keep the tech at the barrier of 1700/1800's in terms of most tech, with some advancements that can jump forwards beyond that due to solid logic), but the dwarfs of the Karaz Ankor might get there in the next century.

Edit: Ledstali objects, those kinda count as that tech advancement for hero units you seek. So, yeah, it is possible to get high tier stuff for our Player Character.
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If, if it were possible, I think its something that would happen far in the future., Like, Magnus' children's time
Note that this is a custom project by the formerly most powerful and still the eldest Sorcerer Prophet of Hashut, so it's not going to be very sophisticated.
I don't see a problem with it taking a lot of time to develop and being expensive and rare
QM wants to keep the tech at the earliest 1700/1800's in terms of most tech, with some advancements that can jump forwards beyond that due to solid logic
I mean. Canon have fully automatic mechanical horse as a mount for imperial engineers. Compared to that a mechanized suit of armor is arguably a step down in complexity. And it was done without magic either, just steampunk tech.
I mean. Canon have fully automatic mechanical horse as a mount for imperial engineers. Compared to that a mechanized suit of armor is arguably a step down in complexity. And it was done without magic either, just steampunk tech.
Its not, because there is a person that gets mulched if it moves a hair out of place at the wrong moment and there is nowhere to put the power unit.

Its an issue for the exactly same reason why steam tanks are an issue, except orders of magnitude more severe.
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Apparently, the Chaos Dwarfs in TW:WH3 are trying to get at Hashut's blood with their gigantic drill, which sounds based. Not sure yet if its like, consensual or Student Surpasses The Master kinda deal but. On brand.
Apparently, the Chaos Dwarfs in TW:WH3 are trying to get at Hashut's blood with their gigantic drill, which sounds based. Not sure yet if its like, consensual or Student Surpasses The Master kinda deal but. On brand.
Are they implying that Hashut is buried beneath the Dark Lands?

...That would be amazing, in all honestly