Great Eagles that can carry multiple people on their backs, and the smaller but also person-carrying-on-back-capable warhawks. Rhinoxen, mixtures of rhinos and oxen that are super big tough stubborn powerful, Stonehorns, that literally are so aggressive and angry that they ram and scrape all the skin and flesh off their faces as they bash apart mountains and eat them, Giant Wolves that are literally notably more actively cruel than regular wolves, Fell Bats, Giant Bats, Vampire Bats, Boars of Mallus that are literally used as cavalry for heavily armored and armed orcs, all the dinosaurs, the actively cruel/bloodthirsty/intelligent Hagranyms of Bretonnia, Terrorgheists, Manticores, Chimerae, wild Hydras, Dread Maws, regular Bears, Great Bears, Ice Bears, and so on and so on...yeah.

Mallus is a tough place.
Spites, the smaller tiny Forest Spirits, enjoy hunting down and eating termites, which many of the specifically tree/wood-based Forest Spirits don't especially like very much at all. At the same time, woodpeckers are not actually as hated as you might immediately imagine. They actually peck and drum to dig out insects in the wood a lot of the time, and are perfectly happy to eat berries and seeds as well, it entirely depends on what food source is most abundant. Of course, some woodpeckers also enjoy tree sap, of which again Laurelorn has the highest grade of the stuff outside of Athel Loren and perhaps a few places particularly blessed by Taal, Rhya, or the Lady (and one or two spots that Ahalt jealously holds), and while a lot of the time most trees are not super necessarily into such things, it's not that much of a bother when given enough time and general natural balance they can restore/heal up from such things. In fact, the IRL European green woodpecker is purely an insectivore/carnivore, while I mostly found the tree sap ones in North America. Overall, drumming is more a method for communication, so its entirely possible that the hardier trees of Laurelorn have specifically grown touch patches that the woodpeckers drum on without causing any actual damage or issues.
what do the forest spirits and the magical trees think about natural forest fires ? , at first glance you'd think they'd absolutely hate it but then I remembered that natural accruing forest fires are a thing some types of trees in fact depend on them as a part of their growth cycles and its an essential part of allowing new seeds and young trees to find areas for them to grow in by clearing out old trees and thus freeing up space , access to sunlight and soil nutrients the former trees had monopolized
.....Now thats an idea.
We should try and convince the wood elves to trade some honey for us so we can jumpstart ostland mead.
it has been a while since we had freddy advance the holy quest for alcohol after all.

Id also consider sharing the idea with Stefan and Nordland. Theres likely to be one or two Norscan-descended family with an awesome mead recipe. It'll be just one more thing to cement human-Eonir ties and help prevent future conflicts.
Great Eagles that can carry multiple people on their backs, and the smaller but also person-carrying-on-back-capable warhawks. Rhinoxen, mixtures of rhinos and oxen that are super big tough stubborn powerful, Stonehorns, that literally are so aggressive and angry that they ram and scrape all the skin and flesh off their faces as they bash apart mountains and eat them, Giant Wolves that are literally notably more actively cruel than regular wolves, Fell Bats, Giant Bats, Vampire Bats, Boars of Mallus that are literally used as cavalry for heavily armored and armed orcs, all the dinosaurs, the actively cruel/bloodthirsty/intelligent Hagranyms of Bretonnia, Terrorgheists, Manticores, Chimerae, wild Hydras, Dread Maws, regular Bears, Great Bears, Ice Bears, and so on and so on...yeah.

Mallus is a tough place.

Man, I want some of that in the army!

I know it's not feasable with our current agricultural state to feed up more monstrous units. But, if we can get a hold of the province who has the most crop surplus, sell em our stuff + seeding drills, wait for a few turns for the drills to really work their wonders, then reap the- then unheard of tonnes of foodstuff coming Ostland's way…

Well, all we need now is an Imperial Ogre Hunter to complete the trifecta of racial beasthandlers: Elf, Human, and Ogre.
Sorry if it's been asked before, but will we ever see demigryphs become part of the armies of the Empire? Have they been mentioned before?
They already are, and have been, yes, they have been mentioned.

Demigryphs are a known quantity in the Empire, yes. Certain small groupings of the wealthier and more powerful Knightly Orders possess a few. Only southern Knightly Orders, mind you. No northern Knightly Order possesses them.

There are other mentions of them in-thread as well, as the Search functions shows.
Yanno, rereading Freddie and Nat's first meeting, I'd like to think that Natasha was the first Nat 100 (Nat, heh, get it? :V) Freddie ever got. :D
what do the forest spirits and the magical trees think about natural forest fires ? , at first glance you'd think they'd absolutely hate it but then I remembered that natural accruing forest fires are a thing some types of trees in fact depend on them as a part of their growth cycles and its an essential part of allowing new seeds and young trees to find areas for them to grow in by clearing out old trees and thus freeing up space , access to sunlight and soil nutrients the former trees had monopolized
I'm guessing there's a lot of internal tree-argument about this question, with positions ranging from "what you just said" to "eh, pollinate it, shit happens" to "I refuse to be happy with grandma dying in a fire no matter what, you crazy deathists."
what do the forest spirits and the magical trees think about natural forest fires ? , at first glance you'd think they'd absolutely hate it but then I remembered that natural accruing forest fires are a thing some types of trees in fact depend on them as a part of their growth cycles and its an essential part of allowing new seeds and young trees to find areas for them to grow in by clearing out old trees and thus freeing up space , access to sunlight and soil nutrients the former trees had monopolized

That'd be one of the small parts of the whole uber-nature-balance vibe thing that the Sentient Forests, of which there are only 2 left - Athel Loren and Laurelorn - diverge away from. It's noted for Laurelorn that: "Although it has a grim reputation amongst humans, Laurelorn actually appears to be a pleasant and verdant woodland. Birds sing from oak trees, while rabbits run through the undergrowth. However, upon closer inspection, these creatures seem to possess a sentience above that of a mere animal. Inside the forest, the sun is blocked by the lush canopy, providing for a dark atmosphere. Any traveller granted safe passage by the inhabitants of Laurelorn may hear crashing and thrashing sounds from deep within the forest. They may see arm-like branches beckon to them, or hear phantom calls. Any traveller not granted safe passage, on the other hand, will never be seen again."

While Athel Loren sources note: "Most of the forest is a strange almost twilight world bathed only in the muted sunlight or moonlight able to penetrate the canopy of leaves. Dotted around the forest there are natural clearings where one can look up and actually glimpse the blue sky or the stars at night. The Wood Elves call these clearings 'glades'. As well as being areas open to the sun, they are often places where magical currents flow close to the surface."

I would say that, based on what we know about the literal sentience of the forests and the trees, that they can move and beckon and strain and be furious and giving at times, I propose that along the edges of the forests and the large glade clearings are the youngest trees. In time, as they grow older, they shift back into the deeper portions of the forests, becoming one with the overall tree network there, ensuring an ever-flush canopy while other trees are seeded by acorns and the like where the sunlight is most easily grasped by them. We know that time and space literally warp in these two forests, Athel Loren more so but in Laurelorn as well nevertheless, so it is not impossible, I think, for tree nurseys to exist in a fashion similar yet different from the kinds we have IRL. Also, we're not really going with the 4E interpretation that the magic is slipping out/faded/fading for Laurelorn, so that's not a part of anything either.

All that to say that I don't think either of the two forests like forest fires overmuch. It might happen, if lightning strikes or something, but contrary to IRL, its entirely possible that when a fire starts, suddenly it is suffocated by a lot of dirt and what not, while any observer might see a bundle of thick and heavy roots slowly slither back into the soil towards a nearby tree after the fire's death. The Asrai and Eonir are allowed their mage-lights, their candles, and so on, but their fires are careful things, even the bonfires set during particular religious ceremonies and the like, and those often are kept in the glades, where they could be smothered by any number of things before reaching the deep wood and the like.
"I refuse to be happy with grandma dying in a fire no matter what, you crazy deathists."
I don't think trees or plants in general have the same family values as normal mammals , think about it all trees are in essence competing with each other , their branches always growing reaching as high and wide as they can to secure the most sun light even if the resulting shade deprives that same needed light from the younger smaller trees around it or their roots ranging deep and far to secure water and nutrients while chocking out the roots any other tree securing their food source at the cost of denying it to the other tree's roots
I don't think trees or plants in general have the same family values as normal mammals , think about it all trees are in essence competing with each other , their branches always growing reaching as high and wide as they can to secure the most sun light even if the resulting shade deprives that same needed light from the younger smaller trees around it or their roots ranging deep and far to secure water and nutrients while chocking out the roots any other tree securing their food source at the cost of denying it to the other tree's roots
I mean, if you get that bio-essentialist about it, all animals are also in essence competing with each other, and yet animals are capable of forming emotional attachments and of cooperation. The very existence of an enchanted and aware forest such as Laurelorn or Athel Loren strongly suggests that the trees have more complexity than this.

Hence my suggestion that there would be actual diversity of opinion and sentiment.
There's a lot to take from that, but at the moment I'm focusing on how amusing it is that the embodiments of the natural balance to the point of violent reaction are hypocrites.
I mean, if you get that bio-essentialist about it, all animals are also in essence competing with each other, and yet animals are capable of forming emotional attachments and of cooperation. The very existence of an enchanted and aware forest such as Laurelorn or Athel Loren strongly suggests that the trees have more complexity than this.
but here is the thing though to animals family values matter since they have limited life spans and thus must have families and positive social structures to support the children that will out live them and succeed them but trees are unless killed more or less immortal life span wise so to a tree every other tree including its seedlings are life long rivals and competitors for resources they themselves could use for a long time to come
Spites, the smaller tiny Forest Spirits, enjoy hunting down and eating termites, which many of the specifically tree/wood-based Forest Spirits don't especially like very much at all.
Uhh, torroar, (most) termites eat only deadwood. For them to be infesting living trees would indicate that part of it is already dead.
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if you wana go all naturalist, pardon my french but it means the prupose of the life is to fuck.
Or in less crass terms to make more of you before you die making sure your lineage goes on.

Wich plants this is even more brutalist, they would not give a crap that the tree that produced the seed of the tree that process the seed that becomes you burned down. Because trees don't need herd behevior or social structure to survive and thrive on their own.

What Laureon make it diferent os that all trees are bound by magic and the tree spirits are not tree themselves. The healthier the forest as a whole is the more green wind they are the more powerfull the collective is. Having their "grandma" burned down is as upsetting on the measure that their collective power was diminished.
Forest spirit are kinda like a fish school but some hierachy to the older and more powerfull ones ruling over the lesser ones.
Maybe they could eat Chaos infected trees instead? 🤔
Forcibly cleansing the woods from the taimt spread by the Beastmen and other servamts of Chaos.

On the other hand, this is how you get Chaos Termites, which can and will be ridden by Beastmen and then end up eating down all your houses, cause what is a house but a collection of dead wood?