Great Eagles that can carry multiple people on their backs, and the smaller but also person-carrying-on-back-capable warhawks. Rhinoxen, mixtures of rhinos and oxen that are super big tough stubborn powerful, Stonehorns, that literally are so aggressive and angry that they ram and scrape all the skin and flesh off their faces as they bash apart mountains and eat them, Giant Wolves that are literally notably more actively cruel than regular wolves, Fell Bats, Giant Bats, Vampire Bats, Boars of Mallus that are literally used as cavalry for heavily armored and armed orcs, all the dinosaurs, the actively cruel/bloodthirsty/intelligent Hagranyms of Bretonnia, Terrorgheists, Manticores, Chimerae, wild Hydras, Dread Maws, regular Bears, Great Bears, Ice Bears, and so on and so on...yeah.
Mallus is a tough place.
Mallus is a tough place.