But wouldn't it be a waste to give them three of our most storied and experienced ships?
Its precisely because they're more storied and experienced that they are a bigger sacrifice to us.

That is the entire point of a sacrifice on this scale.

While problematic Witch Hunters do serve a purpose, one of the darker parts of WHF or 40K is they are net benefits to the Empire/Imperium. That is how problematic Chaos cults are in the world.
Thing is the general implication I've found is that they're a net detriment, since for every cult they might root out they burn down an entire village that was just trying to exist, for every potential chaos user they kill they may well create another 2 as a result of their actions and their methods are at best imprecise and brute force where if they were even the least bit more flexible they could be significantly more effective and not need to engage in even half of their abhorrent stuff.

The rest of the Old World, even Kislev which by all logic should be far more at risk of chaos cults, operates fine without needing witch hunters and all the cults of the gods have their own mechanisms for dealing with cultists of all soughts. The sigmarites seem to just be the only ones arrogant/paranoid enough to feel the need to force their noses into everyone's business and then light everything on fire for not being their holy daddy sigmar.
Someone give me an argument as to why we shouldn't go to the extreme in all options to appease Mannan?
Death for one. Unlikely with the jade wizard and the amulet but still very much possible. Releasing all of our great ships would greatly defang the third fleet while empowering the already dominating first fleet, and it would mean all the turns and resources put into those ships would be for very little gain. Theres atoning for your sins and then theres being a scared fool
@torroar Mind if I ask you, how you turned Kneehauling, a marine punishment so horrible that IRL was usually regarded as a sentence of death by extreme torture, into something that Mahgda would propose Frederick as a harsh (but surviable) penitence for Maanan?

I mean, I think that I understand the Doyist explanation, the penintence needed to be an iconic a punishment related to the sea, and the kneehauling has the unique advantage that we can balance risk and reward on a very natural manner (by deciding the length of the ship)... But I would be interested on the Watsonian explanation, because since the average human in Mallus is physically similar to the average human on Earth, and I am assuming that the barnacles, sea, and hull of the ships are also similar... I find difficult to believe that a punishment with such a high mortality rate IRL (Some sources say more than 95% due to how easily that poor sailor could either drown, being torn to shreds by the barnacles, or crushed by the hull of the ship) can be something else than a death sentence for mutineers, and even more difficult that something like that can be offered to an Elector Count whose dead can brings very bad things to both the Cult of Mannan and Marinemburg (so bad that a war with the Trident could be triggered)

I mean I know that it is an artistic license, but when you described the trials, to me a fight with a shark armed only with a knife seemed significantly more surviable than kneehauling.

I'd say that it relates to the language used, and the entries themselves.

At the 'very least', there is the ripping of skin and clothes. At the 'worst', there is drowning, being ripped to absolute shreds, or sharks getting you.

The absolute zealots of the Cult rely instead on the tidal post method, as described in the text. This, to me, suggests that Keelhauling is incredibly severe, yet somehow is not as outright potentially fatal as the tidal post thing.

Furthermore, it depends entirely on the ship. And, unlike IRL, people who are truly penitent could just as easily get pulled underneath, tugged, and then pop out the other end free of wounds. Or be grievously wounded, but manage to heal afterwards. You know, like how Magnus and Frederick were to be burnt at the stake, but the fire just would. not. catch? Perhaps the barnacles leave the hull right before the penitent goes through. Perhaps the pullers of the rope do so swiftly enough - or slowly enough - that injury is more avoidable. If you held your breath really, really well, and the rope pulling was slow, there's even potential that a Manannite - often with the ability to breath longer underwater or whatever - could manuever their way across the hull.

Or maybe you have a dwarf runed gauntlet that you can use to punch the barnacles off or use as a shield while being pulled across, as a gauntlet is not a sword or knife that could be used to cut the rope away as a coward might do. Or a Matriarch who beseeches Manann to spare the sinner because they really are genuinely going to do it, and they're making other sacrifices and efforts elsewhere, and thus preserve them on their passage - at least enough for them to receive healing on the other end from someone used to stitching a badly wounded Frederick von Hohenzollern together.

In the end, the thing is, is that in Warhammer, things that could be mundane can very much become...not that. It's a ritual act performed many times over since the beginning of the Empire, and in Warhammer, that sort of thing carries weight. The metaphysical kind. Not always enough to do anything, but sometimes it is. I'm not saying its not dangerous. I am saying that it's not really exactly like real life, either. The rope could have been used in hundred of keelhaulings, and yet never frays, and always tugs the penitent onwards even with a light grip through the path of least pain or injury, or could be brand new, and do nothing at all. Am I making any sense?

EDIT: Also, it's not 'a' shark.

The Shark Dive takes place in a pitch black underwater chamber with only the light of the entrance coming in. With many sharks inside, not just one.
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I'm starting to think that the more interventionist a God is, the more of an asshole they are. :p

Mannan isn't anywhere near as dickish as the Chaos Gods (since while a mercurial asshole also doesn't turn people into fleshy gibberlings and so on) but does seem to be far more interactive than most of the Gods (who are either seen with "trick of the wind" style intervention or through blessings of very important people in almost all circumstances).

We should def keep with what works going forward with throwing money at religious institutions and generally not bothering them, but we should uh, especially be sure to never ever bother Mannan here, ever. That is very much so seared into my brain as now being a Bad Idea (TM)
The rest of the Old World, even Kislev which by all logic should be far more at risk of chaos cults, operates fine without needing witch hunters and all the cults of the gods have their own mechanisms for dealing with cultists of all soughts. The sigmarites seem to just be the only ones arrogant/paranoid enough to feel the need to force their noses into everyone's business and then light everything on fire for not being their holy daddy sigmar.

By all logic you should be right, I just remember from how the empire is portrayed that they are a necessary evil. The Empire just seems to have more problems than any other human group from how things are portrayed. Part of it is the Empire is the base setting for humans, and so it got all the bells and whistles for why they are fighting orcs, chaos, etc. And to make things real this is how bad things are...

There is a lot of ignoring why Chaos is so much less of a problem for any other human group.
Honestly I'm inclined towards greatship giving to also incentive their use outside of Ostland, also I legit do despise Manann but not the cult, I just find the deity to be one of the worst and most cuntish order gods thanks to his "mercurial" mood.
It seems like a theme in the story for freddy to upset some thin-skinned god, and then having to submit himself to torture to appease them. It's extremely frustrating to read how unreasonable all these things are, and yes I say unreasonable. Mannan is an unreasonable god.

I love reading this, but that 11k post was the least enjoyable thing I've read in... years. Can't wait for this babyfit from Mannan to be over.
By all logic you should be right, I just remember from how the empire is portrayed that they are a necessary evil. The Empire just seems to have more problems than any other human group from how things are portrayed. Part of it is the Empire is the base setting for humans, and so it got all the bells and whistles for why they are fighting orcs, chaos, etc. And to make things real this is how bad things are...

There is a lot of ignoring why Chaos is so much less of a problem for any other human group.
Except ya know Kislev the human nation that's sitting right next the ****ing chaos wastes and somehow it has a city where 30% of the population are mutants without everything bursting into flames.

Anyway the empire is the "base" setting for humans, because the empire is objectively the worst human nation in the old world. It has nothing going for it save the majority of humanities worst aspects.

It is a primitive back water compared to pretty much everywhere else, stuck in the past, paranoia and utterly unwilling the change for anything. Just look at the effort required to get it to end the civil war that's been going on for the majority of its existence, while all of its major achievements come from outside of it.

Good horses Bretons, Magic, Elves, Engineering Tilian.

Everywhere else doesn't need nearly as much of this draconian craziness for many reasons, but a very large part of it is because they are functional states and have things ameliorating the innate human awfulness, the empire produces nothing to do that and glorify themselves for it.

Hence the witch hunters.
I for one want to reject sacrifice but accept the most dangerous keelhauling

For me the loss of a Greatship is unacceptable and giving that to those religious nuts is something I don't like to do.
It seems like a theme in the story for freddy to upset some thin-skinned god, and then having to submit himself to torture to appease them. It's extremely frustrating to read how unreasonable all these things are, and yes I say unreasonable. Mannan is an unreasonable god.

I love reading this, but that 11k post was the least enjoyable thing I've read in... years. Can't wait for this babyfit from Mannan to be over.
OMG how is it unreasonable to be upset and angry at the person who ordered hundreds of your friends tortured to death?

Please tell me how?

giving that to those religious nuts is something I don't like to do.

Those religious nuts can crew them as well if not better than we can and we have been told multiple times now that they're not going anywhere, they're staying in the sea of claws defending Saltken.
Let's be honest, only Moor, Rhya and Shallya are reasonable gods who don't fuck around people thanks to their overwhelming pride.

Beginning Freddy was absolutely right, the Gods are cunts but we appease and follow most of them cause Chaos is even more Cuntish.

I mean... Sigmar actually seems to pretty cool for the most part, it's just that his cult is full of pompous fucks who Sigmar the Man probably would have punched in the face back in his day.
Those religious nuts can crew them as well if not better than we can and we have been told multiple times now that they're not going anywhere, they're staying in the sea of claws defending Saltken.
Well I usually vote for less religion because that's what I usually voted for (which I fail to do since Karak Ungor which holy shit has been a long time)
Except ya know Kislev the human nation that's sitting right next the ****ing chaos wastes and somehow it has a city where 30% of the population are mutants without everything bursting into flames.

Anyway the empire is the "base" setting for humans, because the empire is objectively the worst human nation in the old world. It has nothing going for it save the majority of humanities worst aspects.

It is a primitive back water compared to pretty much everywhere else, stuck in the past, paranoia and utterly unwilling the change for anything. Just look at the effort required to get it to end the civil war that's been going on for the majority of its existence, while all of its major achievements come from outside of it.

Good horses Bretons, Magic, Elves, Engineering Tilian.

Everywhere else doesn't need nearly as much of this draconian craziness for many reasons, but a very large part of it is because they are functional states and have things ameliorating the innate human awfulness, the empire produces nothing to do that and glorify themselves for it.

Hence the witch hunters.
Kislev is interesting especially because they are ruled by wizard-priestesses while bordering the chaos wastes (aka where magic is the most unpredictable and unforgiving iirc), constantly have to fight off open chaos worshipers/integrate "former" chaos worshipers without being constantly infiltrated, and still have a unique portfolio of several, powerful Gods that work in relative harmony.

I guess they have the secular version of the Witch Hunters in their secret police thingy, but even that's better than what the Empire has because they're not a bunch of rabid religious fanatics! I'm starting to think Vlad wanted to conquer the Empire because he was sick of seeing their disfunction continue for hundreds of more years :V
I mean... Sigmar actually seems to pretty cool for the most part, it's just that his cult is full of pompous fucks who Sigmar the Man probably would have punched in the face back in his day.
True, there's also the whole "Sigmar is trapped inside the winds of magic and incapable of doing too much direct intervention" thing they did, I think Sigma is kinda good cause he was actually a mortal man who knows how much they suffer unlike the rest of the deities.
Am I making any sense?
Yeah, but I still find it difficult to accept , I mean to me saying that kneelhauling is surviable in this story is almost as saying "You can totally beat your chest in front of a Silverback Gorilla and touch his babies, and it wont tear you apart limb by limb"... Even if I know that it is true on this story, it is difficult to forget what happens IRL when you do something like that
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Or maybe you have a dwarf runed gauntlet that you can use to punch the barnacles off or use as a shield while being pulled across, as a gauntlet is not a sword or knife that could be used to cut the rope away as a coward might do.
Oh wow, we can get away with that? Awesome! I honestly thought we couldn't.
Or a Matriarch who beseeches Manann to spare the sinner because they really are genuinely going to do it, and they're making other sacrifices and efforts elsewhere, and thus preserve them on their passage - at least enough for them to receive healing on the other end from someone used to stitching a badly wounded Frederick von Hohenzollern together.
More reason to overdo the things we are giving I say.
If nothing else, at least I made a cool aquarium with my brain. So there's that, I guess.
The coolest!
Beginning Freddy was absolutely right, the Gods are cunts but we appease and follow most of them cause Chaos is even more Cuntish.
So if this was a human monarch who was known for mood swings, calling for the justice for the torture and executions of hundreds of their people then your perspective would be entirely different?

The entity can be a dick and be in the right ya know.

Well I usually vote for less religion because that's what I usually voted for (which I fail to do since Karak Ungor which holy shit has been a long time)
...so this is entirely based on your own personal distaste for religion...ok.

I guess they have the secular version of the Witch Hunters in their secret police thingy
Something which as I understand it is a non canon thing unique to this quest.

True, there's also the whole "Sigmar is trapped inside the winds of magic and incapable of doing too much direct intervention" thing they did, I think Sigma is kinda good cause he was actually a mortal man who knows how much they suffer unlike the rest of the deities.
Pity he turns so many of his followers into utter monsters and one of his "gifts" is giving you a mentally scarring amount of unhinged paranoia.
Alright guys let's just agree that while the Empire's Sea God is an absolute asshole...BUT! The CHAOS GODS are worse than him.

Mannan might be fickle and prone to blowing up storms that can fuck over humans, but he is a better alternative so to say.

We just give give him our strongest Ships, punish ourselves naked as act of penance and pray that he doesn't fuck us over later then...Because frankly? I want this fiasco to end quickly and get the fuck out of this City. Capishe?
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So if this was a human monarch who was known for mood swings, calling for the justice for the torture and executions of hundreds of their people then your perspective would be entirely different?
Nah, the Cult is totally right in this, I back them up completely and am not annoyed agaisnt them, I just dislike Mannann himself and most other gods cause they are cunts, sadly they are needed thanks to Chaos.
"It wasn't them," she insists, gesturing to the papers behind her. "Extensive investigations by those with the talents, skills, and experience specifically at investigating the Holders of the Shore, of radicals in the Cult in general, are things I shall trust more than the Witch Hunter's methods," she sucks a bit of air through her ivory teeth, "I know the depravity, cruelness, and duplicitousness of the Druchii. It is entirely possible that they could have been responsible for it. But they were not."

"So…what," you sputter, "It's was just all insane maniacs, who decided to work together for once, in defiance of all normal operating procedures for their kind?"

Maghda raises an eyebrow.

"Is that genuinely surprising? Honestly. Answer me, in all your time, have you never dealt with a foe who avoided traditional tactics and methods, and in doing so proved a different magnitude of threat than you were accustomed to dealing with?"
It's true that foes can change tactics but I would also like to point out that literally all of these changes came adapting to outside pressures or as part of someone else's plot. Going through each:

Like daemon-infused greenskins acting with far more tactical cunning than usual while utilizing weaponry that none of their kind had been noted to wield up until then. Or perhaps centigors clad from head to hoof in armor in direct defiance to the usual ramshackle manner of their kind. Or a dryad utilizing the tendency of warfare in Mallus to focus on giant monstrous threats in a complete sacrificial play of effort and magic of absurd cost. Or, going in the other direction, gaining the aid of a Sigmar-blessed vampiress while fighting other vampires. The Empire not merely accepting the use of magic but making an institution out of it to absolutely vital effect during the Great War Against Chaos. Asrai willingly journeying to Ulthuan to help protect the Everqueen rather than remaining wholly within their forests.
-A black orc (which was why he had armor on to begin with) and a servant of the Chaos Dwarfs as part of a larger plot to destroy the throne of power.
—This guy didn't come up with daemon smithing on his own, he was just given it. He is a tool of a plot.

-We got statements of Malagor planning something. Nuff said.

-For all she exploited our understanding of fighting, we don't actually know how dryads or forest creatures in general fight. They're too alien and/or unknown for Freddy to make judgements on their style of warfare.

-Yeah fair point. Genevieve is weird, but I would argue that this was always in the gods' power, they just didn't have reason to give it before. It's a revealing of unknown capabilities.

-Yeah, this is bullshit. The Colleges came from the second-best emperor in history who was blessed by every god. If it wasn't for his visible holiness he'd have died from religious uprising (and he got more shit for this one decision than anything else he's done) And wouldn't have thought to do it at all if a traveling high elf lore master and co didn't come and open up the possibility. Basically a Magnus the Pious tier character would a character to restructure the cult itself, or at least make make waves in the cult itself for their ideology. This is not an internal matter.

-Those guys got their worldview Molotov'd in the balls and divine intervention. See: adapting to circumstances.

So, like, I buy that she's sincere and that she did search, but her belief that this was random chance is just squigshit. The scale of the actions are too large and require too much prep. The examples listed are battles on a racial scale. It affects gods and if the leader wasn't notable than it was outside influence. This is not the time to ask, but I really hope we can get a cross examination.

The issue is not their design, it is the materials that they are made with, and the elves that crew them.
Darn. Well if we can't use em, sink em.

Someone will have to explain to me why a god would care about a shiny babble, no matter how magical it is.
Because it's a target that could cause personal anguish if lost to us.

Saying they are apolitical over and over isn't going to solve the problem, they control the equivalent of an independent national guard AND own most of the highways equivalents of your country, they NEED to be given political power just to coordinate effectively for the country to run smoothly.
And they do have power. It's called being given unilateral mastery of oceans and (usually) being untouchable by other cults. If you mean why don't they have a vote in meets then it's because for a large part of its history the empire wasn't. Not worth the capital to push when they get what they want anyways. Pre 3 emps the empire wasn't connected enough for them to leverage their trade control. And now the only reason that they haven't pushed is because the leader is more focused on humanitarianism and worship over political power. I feel like I'm pissing in the wind considering how you've acted but cheers! Hope this clarifies!
I'm fine with burning Druchii ships and giving the Fist and Omen to cult, because the Fist is emblematic of Fredrick and the Omen for Oskar's early interest. Nothing else has that connection and emotional value. To that end: No burning, I'd go for it if we had to but this is just a loss for everybody. We loose our heaviest ships and the cult looses out on heavy hitting ships that will be used to protect somebody. That's the most important thing here.

I'm ok with the Kneelhauling in moderation. Second or third worst. Helping her helps us in but I'm not willing to get a burial at sea here.

@torroar You've done a greatjob honestly, with how you've presented things. Be aware that it's basically three people who have consistently failed at empathizing with people or viewing things from another's perspective. After a certain point you should just be aware that they aren't changing. You can only do so much, yeah?

man this is getting long lol
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