I mean, it's an interesting point. On the one hand, it'd be nice to save the fate point, but on the other, Frederick is 55. At some point, given the life he lives, his number is going to come up and it won't be that far in the future.
Might not be a bad idea to wring some truly enormous favour out of ol' spiky McBadtempered.
We regenerate that FP in a day, so I don't really see the problem.
...Clearly I need to familiarize myself more with the quest mechanics.
We don't.Fate Points do not replenish. Fortune Points do, at my GM discretion as to when they do. This means that once the Fate Point is used, it is gone forever. Fortune Points might replenish within a single post, or not, depending on what I judge as 'too soon' or not. Like, obviously, you aren't going to replenish your Fortune Points every other roll in a turn, but, you also will certainly have access to them more than once while on campaign. Over the course of one big 'battle', it depends. For instance, during the length of the Battle of the Bone Gate or the Battle of Three Armies, Frederick would have been able to re-roll one thing, once. Karak Ungor, Nordland Campaign, Vampire War? Multiple uses, across multiple posts, do the lengths of time involved.
Fate Points generate Fortune Points.
Burning a Fortune Points is a +10 to a roll. Burning a Fate Point is a "I survive this scene" card.