Ostland Troll Hunting
Alongside greenskins and beastmen some of the most common enemies of man are the foul, witlessly stupid, bone-crushingly powerful, and gods damned hard to put down trolls. Thankfully most trolls are solitary creatures outside of waaaghs, where they are "bribed" to join them, or rare cases of several of them forming a group thus making them on average easier to deal with if no less deadly due to their physical abilities. These beings while incredibly dim witted are rightfully infamous for their incredible strength, power digestive juices to let them eat practically anything, and their regenerate powers to heal from even grievous wounds in a short amount of time.
While mankind has dealt with them for a long time it is no surprise to most that the dwarfs have dealt with them even longer, what would surprise most however is how the dwarfs have learned to harvest and make use of trolls.
As noted by an Imperial scholar:
A curious example of dwarf resourcefulness is their use of the body parts of one of their most fearsome ancestral enemies, the Troll. When a troll's corpse is dragged into their hold by a band of courageous hunters, nothing goes to waste. The innards form the main ingredients of 'kuri', a traditional dish spiced with wild berries, washed down with 'troll brew', an intoxicating beverage with supposedly regenerative properties, traditionally imbibed from tankards fashioned from troll skulls. Tanned troll hide is used to make tough boots, coats, and cloaks, and even the creature's fat acid is utilized by engravers to etch metal.
Therefore it is not surprising most dwarfs are willing to pay a great deal of coin for even just pieces of a troll, to say nothing of a whole body. And with the establishment of the dwarf quarter in Wulfenburg along with it's large population and great deal of dwarf trade this has lead to many enterprising individuals to the profession of troll hunter.
It should be noted that most trolls are usually dealt with by gatherings of settlement militias, roadwardens, etc when said beasts wander too close to human civilization seeking to satisfy their never-ending hunger. Of course actually transporting the bodies of these trolls is arguably harder than killing the things in the first place since they require heavy labor to move and there is always the risk of it healing back up unless liberal amounts of fire is applied, not to mention most aren't even aware of the value trolls have for dwarf craftsmen. Therefore the usual response after killing trolls is burning the bodies to point there is no risk of it getting back up, though settlements who do successfully sell off a troll corpse, even through a third-party, usually earns enough to count as a hefty nest egg for the community.
Professional troll hunters in comparison rely more on skill than numbers, though that certainly helps, to take down trolls and usually go into the wilds themselves to track trolls down to their lairs. Troll hunters will even sometimes by payed by settlements to seek out trolls that are suspected to live near them without having to risk their own people. These hunters will usually use a good number of tricks in order to lead the dumb and easily distracted trolls into traps that if they don't kill them outright puts them in a position to be more easily killed, then it is a matter of transporting the corpse to Wulfenburg safely to sell. The most effective method discovered by hunters and basically copied from how dwarfs deal with them is to cut off all the limbs of a troll and continuously apply fire to the stumps to prevent any regeneration to take place.
The best troll hunting groups have dwarf rangers leading them with centuries of experience in basically the same job and ogres who's own great strength is a major boon in killing
and transporting the corpse.
Whenever they come across them it isn't surprising that merc or army groups will also see about transporting troll corpses to provincial capital to be sold to profit from them as well.
Once said troll corpses are successfully brought to Wulfenburg the dwarf buyers are usually quite quick about the harvesting process, born of thousands of years of experience in the matter, and nothing goes to waste. Hide, bone, organs, muscle, fat, acidity juices, blood, etc is taken, properly stored, and then sold or used at a later date for any number of projects. Considering the profit these dwarfs stand to make from selling the products of the harvesting the pay off for the hunters is usually quite good, usually the larger the troll the better the pay in general.
While common trolls have a normally fixed rate, only varying depending on size of said troll, other types are sometimes even more profitable due to unique qualities. River trolls ability to vomit up their digestive acid and more water proof hide usually makes those parts of their body worth much more in general, not to mention the hazard pay of trying to hunt said trolls in their shallow river environments. Stone trolls, seen most often within Middle Mountains or at their foothills, stone-like hide from constantly eating large amounts of rocks makes the creatures much harder to take down on average but said hide is always in high demand due to the toughness of clothes one could make out of it.
Despite the riches one could gain from this line of work it should be noted that troll hunting is a
very dangerous profession and has killed countless since it's rise in Ostland as a business. Trolls themselves are bad enough however many a party has been lost by underestimating the creatures or stumbling on a large band of them at once, or groups of greenskins, beastmen, or other monsters that make up the wilds trolls usually live in.
However those brave and skilled enough to hunt trolls for a living not only lead successful lives but serve as another form of protector of man against it's various enemies.