Regarding the Syndraxians:
...To that end, I propose we request from the Council permission to conduct a show-of-force operation. The Syndraxi have shown they will not fight if they do not believe there is glory to be gained. We need to show them that if they do commit to a full-scale war then the descending cloud of Excelsiors will contain very little glory indeed.
Assemble a fleet, centering on say two EC Excelsiors (any would do but the EC are the only ones that are really free most of the time) and including three or four other Starfleet ships, request member assistance from those whose colonies are at risk since free ships don't hurt, and park it in front of a Syndraxi colony for a day. Do nothing overtly threatening. Fire only if fired upon, and if they actually ask us to withdraw, do so. If they demand, well, tell them we'll leave in twenty-four hours. Vulcan officers preferable.
Demonstrate that while our patience is wearing thin, we are not going to start burning their faces off. But we are fully capable of doing so.
Uh... problem.
You're proposing to send... let's translate the force you're describing as two Explorer Corps ships, three
Constitution-Bs, and a scattering of escort-weight vessels from ourselves and the member worlds. Call it about Combat 40 or so.
Have you thought about what happens if the Sydraxians go "AT LAST, A WORTHY OPPONENT" and choose to treat that as an invasion fleet and respond by mobilizing their full forces in response?
Based on Starfleet Intelligence's best estimates as of 2310, by the time your armada shows up in Sydraxian space, they will probably have three or four (hopefully not five) heavy cruisers comparable to a
Constitution-B, and anywhere from eight to twelve
Hasques, which are probably 'balanced 3' escorts in the same vein as the
Centaur-A or the
It's bad enough that if the Sydraxians react to our fleet as an invasion, or as an invitation to ritual combat, there would be a battle.
The really alarming prospect is that if we commit force on 'only' the scale you propose, there would be a battle, and the Sydraxians might win. What would we do then?
Of course if we were doing such a thing I'd recommend making sure it's sufficiently awesome by sending something more like 60C worth of ships. That would probably be enough to make the point clear. Although I'm not sure we could actually spare that much firepower in the near future; it depends upon how much the waves of ConnieBees coming up helps reduce our Defense woes.
Mustering a Combat 60 fleet under present conditions would basically require the Council to explicitly give us permission to go to "High Alert" levels of readiness, reducing our Defense requirements so that we could draw extra ships away from various parts of Federation space. Moreover, you'd be gambling the entire Explorer Corps on the outcome of the battle. That made sense in the context of the biophage war, but it seems extremely drastic here.
I proposed something similar when dealing with the Dawiar, but in that scenario we were a LOT more confident that the Dawiar had no military technology capable of coping with our explorers, due to the fact that their overall tech base was pretty much stuck in the 22nd century. Even given Cardassian torpedoes as an equalizer, we had more cause to be confident that the Dawiar couldn't beat a massed line of explorers.
The Sydraxians... can actually do that. A big cage match between all our ships and all of theirs would be end quickly in our favor. But all of their ships versus the ships we can pry loose conveniently for an optional operation... that is not a certain proposition.
Fair enough, but they aren't the only ones with such a mindset. The Amarki also believe in eye-for-an-eye and fuck the consequences. It's election year. I don't want to give the Hawks any fuel and there's a lot of resentment for failing to address the raids during the last few years, even though it's mostly out of our hand. I also don't want to alienate the Apiata any more than necessary.
The thing is, you're proposing to limit Hawk power in the Council by pursuing Hawk actions in Starfleet. As far as I can tell, your criticism of McAdams is that:
1) She didn't spontaneously attack the Cardassians when she saw that the Apiata were doing the same, and
2) She criticized an Apiata queen (one of many) for keeping her in the dark about an aggressive action that arguably endangered McAdams' command.
This isn't you moving to reassure voters that the Hawks aren't their only option. No, you're proposing to behave as if the Hawks already won the election, and to do what they'd ask you to do anyway.
Where are you reading this? Read again what you just quoted, I literally say that I'm perfectly okay with letting the Jaldun flee. It's the standing by that irks me.
My apologies; I misread your post and we appear to be in agreement on that specific point.
I don't want for Starfleet, or any member fleet for that matter, to stage any actions like these, assuming that the Apiata truly provoked or forced the Cardassian's hands in some way as it appears to be. I'd much prefer it to be dealt in some other way.
Now would be a poor time to alienate those who wish for a stronger, more aggressive stance against Cardassian or Sydraxian raids. Elections are coming up and we are still in the middle of fighting the Syndicate. I don't want the pacifists to bleed seats to the Hawks any more than necessary. We need Stesk and his idealists to quite literally hold the other cheek and keep Cost in check.
The Amarki are up in arms due to the recent slave run and the frontier worlds in Sol aren't quite happy how we've been dealing with the Sydraxians. The Apiata are also soon going to join, provided nothing goes wrong. I don't want their councilors to go full Hawk because they feel estranged or neglected from Starfleet.
Okay, but exactly how do we make you happy here?
You criticize our captains for being restrained. Or for publicly dissenting from the Apiata 'loose cannon' faction that is currently headed in the direction of unilaterally drawing us into a war with Cardassia. It's honestly not clear what you want our policy to be regarding the Sydraxians. And on the one hand you seem to be pro-Pacifist, but on the other hand you want to push harder and act more aggressively on our borders so that the Hawks "don't win," even though that is exactly the kind of policy the Hawks have been arguing for.
Could you please outline exactly:
1) What you think we should do,
2) How you think we should do it,
3) WHY you think we should do it, and
4) What you think the likely consequences of the actions you advocate would be?
If you want, you can even backdate and answer those questions in the context of the encounter between the Apiata and
Courageous. It would be nice to know what you really think McAdams should have done.