Okay, Rosalee gets her way the Apiata go back in time, the forager gets attacked whilst doing what it was doing and they don't attack the Jaldun, the Jaldun destroys it and or raids it for what cargo and resources it has.
If McAdams got her way, the Apiata go back in time, the forager gets harassed, screams for help,
Courageous threatens to fire on the
Jaldun if it doesn't go away, and the Cardassians run away screaming.
This exact thing has happened several times,
@SuperSonicSound. It is not just speculation, this is one of the reasons Nash has such a reputation as the boogeyman (or the Queen of the Sleet, if you're an Andorian

) among Cardassians.
Alternatively, it wouldn't actually be a problem if an Apiata squadron showed up and mauled the
Jaldun as such. The problem isn't the Apiata beating up Cardassian commerce raiders. The problem is that Apiata setting traps for Cardassian commerce raiders, traps that will be equally effective at luring in Federation ships, and then closing the trap on a Cardassian raider
without notifying the Federation of what is going on.
If they're willing to gamble on war with Cardassia because they figure we'll back them up, they should trust us with basic information about what they're doing so our ships can respond appropriately.
Why are you okay with the Cardassian military engaging in piracy?
Letting the
Jaldun get away may actually be a more effective way to end the commerce raiding. If the Cardassians send cruisers to raid the Apiata, and those cruisers come back with the snot beaten out of them, the Cardaassians can only conclude that the Apiata are strong, and probably not a good target for harassment. But if the Cardassians send a cruiser to raid, and the cruiser vanishes mysteriously,
maybe it was lost to Apiata strength... but maybe it was lost to a Spatial Whozit or something.
Remember, the Cardassians have dozens of ships capable of beating up an Apiata forager. Destroying one or two of them won't end the raiding. The only way to end the raiding is to persuade the Cardassian high command to stop. The Apiata have decided to do that by defeating Cardassian raiders until the raiding campaign becomes prohibitively difficult for Cardassia.
Remember how the Cardassians used to lay traps for our explorers? And remember how they stopped trying to do that after 33 Fujit when Nash did everything short of carve her initials into the hull of the disabled
Jaldun that survived the battle? Because they concluded that the price of trapping an Explorer Corps
Excelsior was too high to be worth paying.
That is what the Apiata are trying to accomplish here.
And if that was
all they were trying to accomplish, I'd actually support them doing so.
True, but from the looks of it, it didn't help during the fight, and allowed the Jaldun to flee. The latter I'm perfectly okay with, the former not so much.
It's not clear whether the Apiata even asked for our help, so if so, they'd be blaming us for not helping them when
they launch an attack on a warship that was clearly outmatched. If that is their mindset, then integrating them into the Federation is going to be difficult if not impossible anyway, so their displeasure isn't necessarily something we should be too worried about.
Furthermore, are you serious about criticizing McAdams for 'allowing the
Jaldun to flee?' Last time I checked, we were not the Apiata Navy's pursuit cavalry. It's not our job to chase down crippled ships fleeing their forces. And even if it were, it would arguably have been counterproductive to the Apiata's actual goals if we had done so.
The Apiata were very vocal when we didn't rush to help the Caitians in their conflict with the Dawiar, I don't want to see how loud they can get when it's them who we aren't rushing to help. Elections are coming up, this incident might give the Hawks some upwind if it catches on. We've already been getting fire for the Syndraxian and Cardassian raids, this is just another incident down the line.
Thing is, we
didn't "allow" this raid. McAdams was set up to do exactly the sort of thing that Captain Nash would have done back in the days when she was shooting her way into Cardassia's horror stories- chasing away a raiding
Jaldun harassing an Apiata forager.
When the whole thing turned out to be a deliberately planned Apiata ambush, one which as far as we can tell the Apiata didn't even ask us to participate in... McAdams declined to participate in the planned ambush. I don't see the problem.
Alright, considering how the Queen wanted the Courageous gone quickly, I'll accept that they may have done more than simply laid out a trap. I'm not happy however, that McAdams would trash talk an allied Captain in the field. Get an official tribunal to look this over and have the Council make a statement.
Knowing McAdams, I have every reason to think that her actual words were courteous, measured, and civil, because she has
never been anything less in the eleven years of gameplay that we've known her. Yes, an Apiata worker had to be restrained from assaulting her- but we already know that many Apiata workers are overzealous about the privileges and safety of their queens. Remember that Apiata colony ship we had to evacuate? There were workers rioting to get spaces on the evacuation transports, not for themselves, but for their queens- queens who were not even in threatened parts of the vessel!
We can't count on Apiata workers to be neutral or reasonable parties when they perceive a slight to their queens.