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Okay, I'm closing the vote now, can I get a final tally?
I'm also thinking of scrapping the sector commander bonus system as a bit too unwieldy in practice, and instead sticking with something similar to what the bios that went into picking the Syndicate task force commanders was. Chief benefit is that you get a clearer picture of how commanders will react, and avoid things like everyone being surprised when TLorel opted for fleet preservation. Second benefit is I stop drowning in trying to remember everyone's bonuses.
I think we should have trackable bonuses but only for border zones. That reduces the total number of bonuses you need to track, and border zone commodores matter in a way most interior sector commanders don't. For instance, Uhura's knack for communications and coordination made a very real difference on the Cardassian border in the early years. Not having that would have made the game a bit poorer.
Linderley at Intel wants to put together a special Office to send with them.
[LCdr T'Toia - Science] Captain, the Monsad has just arrived and is coming alongside us. The Sydraxian ships have halted their advance.
Chekov please.A distress call call was received from a wess... excuse me, from a vessel under Gretarian flag.
Bridge Transcript, USS Endurance, Stardate 24669.3
[Ens Cerglok - Helm] Slowing to quarter impulse, aye.
[Capt Chekov] Report, sensors.
[LCdr T'Toia - Science] Captain, I am picking up one Greterian freighter, undamaged, along with two Kalindrax-type Sydraxian cruisers and two Hasques. The freighter has gone to warp. Captain, I believe this is a trap.
[Lt th'Varyk - Comms] Captain, we are being hailed.
[Capt Chekov] On screen.
[Unk Sydrax.] You see the fleet I have brought here. Do you wish to discuss terms of surrender?
[Capt Chekov] Very well, I accept your surrender. Lower your shields and-
[Unk Sydrax.] *untranslatable* [Hail ceases]
So the Apiata prepared a trap for the Cardassians and only damaged one Jaldun while completly loosing a stinger?
Is that a good rate?
EDIT: also, get the fucking Gretarans on the line and ask them if they'd like to have their spacefaring privileges revoked along with the Sydraxians' once our cruiser fleet is ready.
I don't think we're revoking anyone's spacefaring privileges. That's an idea that will get Sousa very fired. And then courtmartialed.
Look. If Chekhov hadn't happened to have Rigellian backup there, we'd have lost another Explorer.
The Sydraxians are at war with us. We've done an impressively good job of not being at war with them in return, but at this rate of escalation I don't think we can keep it up. Not unless we're willing to let them pick off our ships. We'll either need to convince the Sydraxians to stand down, or fight and win the war they've been seeking. I'm not sure how to go about doing the former.
Look. If Chekhov hadn't happened to have Rigellian backup there, we'd have lost another Explorer.
We'd have gotten into a fight. Not certain if the loss of the vessel would be guaranteed.
A Wild Councillor Stesk appears.Personally, I think we should have invaded the Sydraxians a couple years ago.