You seem to have missed what this was about?
My point for the last few pages has been that if you need to keep defending anyway the difference between evacuating all civilians and most civilians isn't all that important, i. e. that a voluntary evacuation should be fine. The counter argument was that we wouldn't need to keep defending anyway. Your middle ground would be a case were we do need to defend anyway, so the mentioned counter argument would not apply.

Quite correct, I didn't, and won't follow this thread over several pages. If removing the civilians while still protecting the resources isn't something that is beneficial, then so be it. I'm not interested in arguing over it.
Map of Known Space - Nix
These maps are based on in-quest events and QM statements, with some interpretation to make the routes of our explorers look as neat as possible.

General notes:
  • This post is generally updated twice a year. Sometimes extra updates are posted somewhere in the thread to get feedback, but due to the 20 image limit it's a bit too much of a pain to add them here. If extra updates are sufficiently important they will be posted here regardless.
  • Absence from the map does not imply non-existence, just insufficiently definite knowledge. Changes are done conservatively, so things will not be removed due to mere uncertainty about their continued existence in the state depicted.
  • Maps are not updated retroactively, neither when previous in character knowledge is revealed to the players, nor to fix errors.
Spatial relations and topography:
  • Conventions involved in the depiction evolved in a constant conflict between usability, realism and consistency with previous quest canon.
  • Grid lines were originally supposed to be 10 light years apart. This is consistent with the few distances explicitly mentioned in the quest as well as real distances from Sol to Alpha Centauri, Vega and various stars with Eridani in their name and also with the TOS warp scale, but inconsistent with stellar density and the width of the galactic disc. No depiction that would be compatible with both of the latter is possible, stellar density would call for something on the order of 20-40 light years, width of the galactic disc for several hundred light years. It is recommended to avoid the topic, but if necessary the 10 light years scale can be used and is preferable to the alternatives.
  • Grid squares are also called "subsectors". Grid coordinates treat Sol as the origin point with everything spinward considered part of the alpha and everything tailward considered part of the beta quadrant. Note the case sensitivity. Examples: The subsector Indoria is located in is -3f, while Adad Bande is located in subsector 3F.
  • A position inside a subsector can optionally be specified by a second set of coordinates, with the top left (coreward-spinward) corner as origin, using (positive) numbers for the rimward offset and lower case letters for the tailward offset from the origin point, and so implicitly dividing the subsector into a 10x10 grid. For example 2B.9j would be a location near the rimward-tailward corner of subsector 2B (this is the location given for the Clover outpost).
  • The plane Sol lies on is referred to as the galactic plane (Sol is actually about 60 light years above the real galactic plane, but unfortunately we found out about that a bit too late). A light grey vertical line from an object to the center of a light grey ellipse indicates distance to the galactic plane (z-axis). The center of the ellipse corresponds to the vertical projection of the object onto the galactic plane. Assumed viewing angle is 75°, from rimward above. Except for Sol and Alpha Centauri lack of such an indication indicates that the z-axis location is unknown, though objects are treated as being very close to the galactic plane unless indicated otherwise.
Meaning of symbols:
  • For the purposes of this map there is no hard line between major and minor colony. Generally major colony means that the colony is already important due to its size, not just incidentally due to its location. Inside the federation there is a strong correlation between that and qualifying for a council seat, but in principle a colony that does not qualify for a council seat could still be classed as a major colony. Council seats are by default assumed to be (at least) major colonies, though how representation of the population of minor colonies is handled is still an open question and in principle minor colonies as aggregate seats for an entire region without any other special importance are conceivable.
  • There exist many more minor colonies than depicted, the ones that are are strategically important or have been plot relevant. In general minor colonies do not even have a defined location previous to becoming plot relevant to maintain flexibility when coming up with events.
  • Outposts at the same location as a Starbase are excluded unless they have different owners, the same for multiple outposts and for shipyards (only the largest depicted).
  • Diagonally striped symbols and names means that the object in question is currently under foreign occupation, the parties involved being specified by the colors.
Things we know the name of, and know the location of IC, but not OOC:
  • The major Cardassian world of Todamak, probably somewhere in -3k:-6j.
Things we know the location of IC:
  • A major Interstellar Commonwealth world, probably in 5d or 6d.
  • The Gaeni minor colony at 1C.10h is called either Agat or Idaran.

maps 2309
maps 2308
maps 2306

The first set of complete 5 Year Missions, 2301.Q1 - 2305.Q4.

most recent svg file

Older Maps

Getting started:
  • Download and install Inkscape.
  • Start Inkscape, go to File -> Inkscape preferences ... -> Filters and set both display quality options to lowest (this is likely needed for performance reasons when you open the file and may be difficult to do with the file open)
  • Get the current svg file (as of now in the threadmarked map post, or here with various old/unused layers removed, later where whoever last updated it is making it available) and open it with Inkscape.
Exporting a pixel-based image file (e. g. png):
  • Zoom out enough to see the entire map area.
  • Select and unlock background layer.
  • Select background.
  • Go to File -> Export Bitmap -> Selection (can take a while if it defaults to open the first tab instead, such as when there is no valid selection)
  • Set a width or height in pixels.
  • Export.
  • Relock background layer.
Adding a trade route/ supply line:
  • Select and unlock supply lines layer.
  • Select the lines, Object -> Mask -> Release (you should see the light grey mask with holes around various systems, and the actual supply lines through those holes)
  • Cut out holes in the mask for any systems the new supply line is supposed to cover that don't already have a hole:
    • Draw a circle of appropriate size around the system with the circle tool (or copy one from the far right on this layer).
    • Select the circle and the mask (shift-click to add to current selection).
    • Path -> Difference
  • (If the mask is too small: Draw a rectangle that fits inside the mask and covers all of the existing holes, and another one that is as large as you want the mask to be. Cut the smaller rectangle out of the larger one with Path -> Difference, then merge the result with the mask using Path -> Union)
  • Draw new supply line/trade route:
    • Draw line segment sequence with the bezier curve and straight lines tool (shift + F6) (left click each stopping point, right click when done)
    • Make sure a stroke color is set (doesn't matter which one).
    • Set fill color to none.
    • Set stroke width (right click on number next to stroke color) to 8px if minor, 10px if major.
    • Path -> Stroke to Path
    • Set stroke color to 10% grey
    • Set stroke with to 4px if minor, 6px if major.
    • Set fill to none.
  • (Optional: repeat to draw mutltiple new supply lines and group them)
  • Select Both the new supply lines and the old ones (shift-click to add to current selection).
  • Object -> Ungroup (each individual supply line is now part of the selection)
  • Object -> Group (all supply lines are now grouped together)
  • Add mask to selection
  • Object -> Mask -> Set
  • Relock supply lines layer.

  • Unlock occupation layer.
  • Unlock whatever layer the objects to be occupied are on, and select all of them (shift-click to add to current selection).
  • Edit -> Duplicate
  • Object -> Group
  • Move the duplicates to occupation layer (Layer -> Move Selection to Layer Above as often as needed)
  • Make sure the original objects are still where they are supposed to be by temporarily hiding the occupation layer
  • Copy black diagonal lines from the far right of the occupation layer and place appropriately.
  • Replace black with color of the occupier (Extensions -> Color -> Replace color...). Make sure only the color of those lines is being replaced.
  • Select both the object duplicates group and the diagonal lines.
  • Object -> Clip -> Set
  • (If updating an existing occupation release clip, update what objects have duplicates on the occupation layer (ungrouping and grouping as necessary) and set clip again)
  • Relock layers.
  • Select and unlock nebulae etc layer.
  • Draw outline of the new nebula, e. g. with the freehand tool.
  • Set fill to pattern26909.
  • Set stroke to none.
  • Relock nebulae etc layer.
Fuzzy borders:
  • Select and unlock territory uncertain layer.
  • Draw the rough outline, set the appropriate fill color.
  • If at all possible make do with the gradient tool, gradients mean much less slowdown than filters.
  • If not:
    • Filters -> Filter Editor..., tick box for Fuzzy Borders custom filter.
    • Verify result by exporting a bitmap (or increasing quality in File -> Inkscape preferences ... -> Filters if your computer can handle it with the current map)
    • If There is an undesired sharp edge because the area the filter is calculated is too small extend that area by extending the shape with a thin line in that direction (which will become invisible), you will probably want to untick the box for this.
  • Relock territory uncertain layer.
Last edited:
For maps, there was a thread here a couple of years ago that tried to look at it. I kind of like the one in this post, because I shows the Federation going "underneath" the Romulan and Klingon areas, giving a better impression of 3-D space.
Alright, vote closed!

Looks like this is our winner

[X] Plan Double Down and Hold the Line
-[X] [Starfleet Command] Mobilise an Asset (1 turn)
-[X] [Federation Emergency Council] Expand Federation Mobilisation Level [Federation Council Only] (1 turn)
-[X] [Andorian Civil Service] Mobilise an Asset (1 turn)
-[X] [Federation Diplomatic Service] Request Asset from Affiliate - Amarki: Flagship
-[X] [Andorian Ambassadorial Team] Request Asset from Affiliate - Gaeni: inform and ask if they have anything to offer
-[X][North America Productivity Commission] Go Around The Clock On 40 Eridiani berth 1 (USS Sarek)
-[X] [Starfleet Engineering Command] Design and Build a Supply of Tachyon Detection Sensors (1 turn)
-[X] [Starfleet Medical Command] Evacuate Larssen II (15k) to Andor Sector (1 turn)
-[X] [Tellarite Mining Expedition] Evacuate RBZ Science Outposts (2 turns)
-[X] [Starfleet Infectious Disease Institute] Biophage Vaccine Research Rush - (1 turn)
-[X] [Vulcan Science Academy Detachment] Ship Modifications (1 turn)
-[X] [Starfleet Tactical Command - Tiger Team] Biophage Combat Research Rush (1 turn)
-[X] [Commodore T'Faer] Suicide Shuttle Countermeasures (1 turn)
-[X] [Starfleet Tactical Command - Runabout Recon Squadron] Scout Neutral Zone Area 4 (2 turn)
-[X] [Andorian Orbit Guard Runabouts] Scout Neutral Zone Area 4 (2 turn)
-[X] [RBZ Fleet - Commodore T'Faer] Own Initiative
Last edited:
"Our influence stopped the Klingons, but before that, we held the line. Our influence stopped the Romulans, but before that, we held the line. Our influence will stop the Biophage! In the battle today, we will hold the line!"

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Question: do the Romulans or the Klingons have significant population centers or industrial bases outside their home systems?
For that matter, do the federation member species have serious population or industrial centers outside their home systems? I mean, looking at the front page I'm not seeing a single piece of production/research/whatever non military, non-extraction infrastructure outside the home systems.
For that matter, do the federation member species have serious population or industrial centers outside their home systems? I mean, looking at the front page I'm not seeing a single piece of production/research/whatever non military, non-extraction infrastructure outside the home systems.

Presumably we just dont have access to it, we know that the Feds have tons of colonies.
Omake - Enterprise-B & the Romulans - AKuz
This bit, in longer form (Not particularly happy with the very end, but they say art is never finished, merely abandoned.)

Enterprise-B serves with the Romulans, Stardate 21436.2

The flashing lights of Red Alert play across the Caitian officer's face as she springs into action. "Signatures inbound!" Commander Samhaya Mrr'Shan howls from her station next to Commander Ajam at the Enterprise bridge's rear. "Coming directly from the eighth planet." Her hands fly across the console, highlighting targets and broadcasting them to the fleet.

"Getting a read on them…" The science officer leans into his station. "Some sort of crude shuttle, uncloaked." His head bobs back and forth as he scans information. "They were waiting in the upper atmosphere."

Captain Nash Ka'Sharren's antennae waver back and forth in irritation, "Since when have they been able to do that?" the Captain mutters to herself. The Andorian turns to look over her shoulder, addressing the Romulan man standing behind her, looking over her shoulder, "I recommend Mrr'Shan seven."

Admiral Khev nods in agreement, "Understood Captain." he turns slightly, "Let the fleet and Commander Velin know if you would," he says, with an airy gesture to the Human Chief sitting at the communications station. He turns back towards Enterprise's Captain, "I look forward to seeing if your Enterprise lives up to his legends"

"Oh, I would put all of that out of your head, Admiral." Captain Ka'Sharren grins. "As I've said before, we're way better than legends"

The Romulan's reply is cut off by the Tactical officer. "Engaging targets ma'am," the Caitian officer says, focusing on her targetting panel; her world becoming phasers, torpedoes and the targets of such.

The first officer has her own task, "All decks report ready ma'am." Maryam Ajam looks up, locking eyes with her Captain and giving a quick nod.

"Good. We wouldn't want to dance alone." The Andorian taps something on her seat's panel, before wrapping her hands over the armrests, "Brace for rapid maneuvering" she shouts.

The Enterprise crew are veterans, the elite of Starfleet driven by experience and Ka'Sharren's leadership, they've drilled this and countless other scenarios a thousand times. The entire crew compliment react by instinct and muscle memory as much as anything else.

The Vulcan helmsman races Enterprise towards the edge of the Fleet's formation as the Romulan vessels slowly rotate towards the source of the attack. He pulls the Enterprise "up" in a graceful curve around the edge of the formation, the Starfleet vessel's fore and ventral sections pointed towards the Biophage's "missiles", letting her weapons target for maximum accuracy.

The Helmsman's skill is not let down by Enterprise's tactical section, and coruscating orange beams of light streak out from the sleek disk of Enterprise's saucer section, immolating shuttle after shuttle, as they bear in on Enterprise in a thick mass of dozens. Each one explodes in a satisfying puff of purifying fire and shrapnel.

The Excelsior class refuses to let up, unleashing a quartet of the distinctive red streaks that are photon torpedoes, her Vulcan helmsman snapping the large ship "down" as he does so, putting distance between his ship and a wedge of a dozen suicide shuttles.

As Enterprise 'dives" she pulls over a half dozen shuttles after her, more than enough to mission kill her if they connect. But this is part of the plan, and Enterprise spirals to the side… as the Heavy Warbird Devoras rises, fore aimed directly at the cloud of shuttles. he Romulan ship has a clear shot at easy targets, her green disruptor bolts lancing out towards the formation, trailed by a large plasma torpedo.

The torpedo detonates in the center of the formation, detonating and scattering the Biophage missiles, as they become easy pickings for the remaining Romulan ships. Ka'Sharren releases her armrests as the weapons trailing her beloved Enterprise are scattered, "Well, that's sixteen for us and eight for Commander Velin." she grins, "I hope they are able to keep up!"

Commander Zaardmani raises his voice again, "I hope so too, Captain, another wave inbound!"

The Andorian's mood slips away, there is plenty of time for smugness later, now is time to fight, "Bring us about, Mr. Stol." she pauses for a moment, gauging how fast the suicide shuttles are inbound, "Execute Ka'Sharren two"

The Starfleet vessel gracefully races back into action, sliding back and forth across her course, keeping her saucer section slightly above the course of the shuttles, landing shot after shot, slowly picking apart the incoming wave; Devoras and the other Romulan ships adding their own fire.

The last line of shuttles bear down on one of the Warbirds, hiding in the shadow of the vessel so that Enterprise cannot fire on them unless her Tactical officer decides to fire through the Romulan vessel. Commander Mrr'Shan wisely decides against it, as the ship is as the edge of her effective targeting range.

The Devoras, soaring past at another angle is able to snap up two more of the shuttles, but this isn't enough as the last two biophage missiles slam into the side of the Romulan vessel.

"Lacipaerih reports she's been hit!" Commander Ajam's head scans her panel and then sighs in relief, "No hits, but her shields have dropped"

"Unacceptable. Devoras should ha-" the Romulan Admiral starts.

The Romulan's mouth snaps shut in annoyance as he is cut off by the Human science officer, "Cloaked ship! It's the Terrh!"

Ka'Sharren's thoughts race, Enterprise is at the other side of the formation, but perhaps she can catch the rogue D7, end her threat, "Catch that vessel!" she orders.

"Aye Ma'am"

The Romulan Admiral allows himself a satisfied smile, "Excellent. Today we correct my predecessor's mistake"

"The Terrh is decloaking…" Zaardmani starts in surprise, "She's… carrying an Infection beam!"

Admiral Khev hides a sudden surge of fear, grabbing the back of Captain Ka'Sharren's chair in a tight grip, "Impossible!"

"Don't be worried Admiral, we still ha-" the Andorian cuts herself off, "CLOSE ON LACIPAERIH! Her shields are down! Move us in the way"

Stol minutely adjusts Enterprise's course, instead of racing past the edge of the fleet after the Infected D7, the Starfleet ship curves around the Warbird… but not even Enterprise is fast enough and a read beam of flickering electricity and impurity leaps from the Inflicted D7 towards the disc of the Lacipaerih.

Seconds later, faced with a headlong charge by the Devoras the Terrh retreats, falling away from the Quarantine Fleet.

"We're being hailed by Lacipaerih," the Communications Chief says.

"Put them on!" Khev snaps.

The screen snaps to a pale-faced Romulan Commander, "Rear sections are being excised, however we request cauterization of the starboard nacelle as we have lost contact with that section," His eyes make contact with Ka'Sharren before sliding towards Admiral Khev.

The Caitian commander speaks up from the Bridge's rear, "Already taking care of it Captain. Firing."

The Romulan's colour slowly starts to return as he grasps a section of railing; Enterprise's fire rocking the vessel and vapourizing the nacelle, "...Thank you Enterprise."

Admiral Khev flares his nostrils as he regards the Romulan Commander cooly, "Abandon your vessel Commander s'Hai." he ignores the other man's look of shock, "Lacipaerih does not warrant repair. We will scuttle her before we leave this system. *Ssuaj*?"

The Warbird's commander looks stricken, he knows that with a bit of luck his vessel can be coaxed back to base. He also knows Admiral Khev's reputation as a hard man unwilling to broke complaints from his officers. "*Daie Rekkhai. Ssuaj-ah. *"

Ka'Sharren feels for the man, she can imagine how much it would hurt to lose Enterprise. Which makes it fortunate that Enterprise is invincible. Or rather her crew makes her the next best thing to invincible.


Captain Ka'Sharren fidgets with her cuffs as she waits in Enterprise's transporter room, "How many again Sam?"

Commander Samhaya Mrr'Shan beams in her species catlike manner, "Forty-four. I am quite proud of my department"

"You know," starts Ka'Sharren, adjusting the service ribbons and medals on her uniform, "I don't think the Romulans are all that impressed by our dress uniforms."

Lieutenant Leaniss raises an eyebrow and smiles, "I could change into something else, Remember that dress from when you married me?"

The Caitian woman snorts in amusement as her commanding officer looks thoughtful. "Ahh, yes. Good times. A very nice dress. Quite flattering If I recall correctly." The Captain smiles and then shakes her head in mock sorrow, "Still, better stick to the uniform, I said I wanted to impress the Romulans, not make them jealous."

"The Romulans in general or Commander Velin?" asks her friend, the Caitian woman smiling smugly.

"Goddammit Sam. You know it's not like that!"

"Like what Captain?" the doors whoosh open halfway through the Captain's exclamation to admit Doctor Asurva and Commanders Ajam and Zaardmani.

"...It's not like my three favorite officers to be late," the Andorian answers smoothly.

The first officer takes the explanation in stride, adjusting some of her own ribbons, "Apologies Captain. I was just going over emergency protocols with Engineer Bazeck."

"That makes sense. What about you two?" the Captain says to the other two officers.

Zaardmani blushes and looks away, and the Doctor chuckles. "We were just making sure that our uniforms were presentable."

Ka'Sharren suppreses the urge to wink at the two. "Ah well, as I was saying earlier, I don't think that our uniforms impress our Romulan guests," she says striding up onto the transporter platform.

Her officers settle in around her on the platform, "Why would you say that Nash?" asks Commander Ajam as the blue swirling lights of a Starfleet transporter take hold of the party.

"Well, just look at what they're wearing!" she gestures to a Romulan SubLieutenant, waiting to welcome them to the Devoras, "She's got a cape! A cape Maryam! And that silver braiding, and a ceremonial honour blade! Why don't we have ceremonial weapons?"

Leaniss returns the Romulan junior officer's bow, "Because the Romulans asked us - politely - not to carry weapons into formal events. Or just meetings in general."

The Captain and her party follow the Junior officer into the bowels of Devoras, a three strong Honour Guard Escort falling in behind the officers, the Captain gesturing into the air, "They have them!"

Leaniss shrugs, "I don't think the Romulans consider those to be weapons... as much as part of their ceremonial accoutrements."

Commander Ajam nods in agreement with the Amarki Diplomatic Officer, "They only complained a little when we peace bonded the blades for our last dinner"

The party exits a turbolift, their raptor-eyed and suspicious minders in tow, "I'm certain they could still use those as a club or something. Romulans are pretty strong, and very dangerous when they put their minds to it." Nash Ka'Sharren pauses awkwardly and clears her throat, they've just entered the dining hall and Captain Ka'Sharren is face to face with Commander Velin and Admiral Khev, "No offence Commander," she nods her head in recognition, "Admiral."

The Romulan commander raises an eyebrow in a way that is entirely un-Vulcanlike, "No offence taken Captain. I appreciate the compliment. I for one would never underestimate you or your crew. You are all quite dangerous - in your own ways," she turns to gesture at the triangular table laid out behind her, a number of Romulan commanders resplendent in their dress uniforms scattered around it, "Shall we sit?"

"Oh, why not. That last scrap worked up quite the appetite. After you, Admiral." she nods deferentially to the Romulan Admiral, who isn't certain whether or not he's being mocked.

Nash finds herself and her officers along one side of the table, with the Romulan Commanders along the other side and Admiral Khev between the two sides, sitting alone on the triangle's short base.

The Enterprise Captain finds herself facing the Devoras' Commander, and takes the opportunity for a little needling, "Forty-Four."

The Romulan woman smiles tightly, "As I said, "Dangerous in your own ways," although I would like to clarify that your ship would have fallen to far less than twenty two shuttles if Devoras wasn't with you."

The Andorian continues to grin, "Forty-Four. I can ask Sam to give you some pointers if you want?"

"I would rather not give a Starfleet officer access to our most highly classified military hardware," Commander Velin comments dryly while holding up a clear crystal glass for a server. "I understand that the Federation still considers Kali-fel to be a contraband good?"

Ka'Sharren takes a small whiff of the beverage in her own glass, it is very strong, "You mean Romulan Ale? Yes it is, or at least your people don't trade us enough."

The Admiral raps his knuckles on the table to get the attention of the assembled Starfleet and Romulan officers as he raises his glass, "In honour of our Federation… guests, I would like to open with one of the Human traditions."

The Admiral clears his throat and stands up, waiting as a ripple of sound travels down the table, the various officers following him to his feet, "To Victory!" he says, clinking his glass with Velin and Ka'Sharren.

Ka'Sharren takes a sip of the blue beverage… It is a strong as it smells and even stronger than she remembers. They must keep the good stuff for themselves, she considers.

The Romulan Admiral continues to stand and gestures for the rest to take their seats, "Today was another Glorious victory for the Romulan Star Empire." He pauses and inclines his head towards the row of Starfleet officers. "With some small assistance from the Earth Federation."

Captain Ka'Sharren coughs on her Romulan Ale, then briefly locks eyes with Commander Velin who gives an almost imperceptible amused twitch of her mouth, and a look of sympathy, "Brace yourself" she says simply, taking another sip of her drink.

Mentally sighing as the Admiral continues to drone on, Nash downs the rest of her glass. This is going to be a long night. At least some of the company is good.
Ulith III Biophage Crisis - 2304.Q1.M2 Result
[X] Plan Double Down and Hold the Line
-[X] [Starfleet Command] Mobilise an Asset (1 turn)
-[X] [Federation Emergency Council] Expand Federation Mobilisation Level [Federation Council Only] (1 turn)
-[X] [Andorian Civil Service] Mobilise an Asset (1 turn)
-[X] [Federation Diplomatic Service] Request Asset from Affiliate - Amarki: Flagship
-[X] [Andorian Ambassadorial Team] Request Asset from Affiliate - Gaeni: inform and ask if they have anything to offer
-[X][North America Productivity Commission] Go Around The Clock On 40 Eridiani berth 1 (USS Sarek)
-[X] [Starfleet Engineering Command] Design and Build a Supply of Tachyon Detection Sensors (1 turn)
-[X] [Starfleet Medical Command] Evacuate Larssen II (15k) to Andor Sector (1 turn)
-[X] [Tellarite Mining Expedition] Evacuate RBZ Science Outposts (2 turns)
-[X] [Starfleet Infectious Disease Institute] Biophage Vaccine Research Rush - (1 turn)
-[X] [Vulcan Science Academy Detachment] Ship Modifications (1 turn)
-[X] [Starfleet Tactical Command - Tiger Team] Biophage Combat Research Rush (1 turn)
-[X] [Commodore T'Faer] Suicide Shuttle Countermeasures (1 turn)
-[X] [Starfleet Tactical Command - Runabout Recon Squadron] Scout Neutral Zone Area 4 (2 turn)
-[X] [Andorian Orbit Guard Runabouts] Scout Neutral Zone Area 4 (2 turn) [Reduce to 1 turn]
-[X] [RBZ Fleet - Commodore T'Faer] Own Initiative

Sector Command's Report, Commodore T'Faer, Stardate 21467.5

This month has been, for the most part, quiet. I am informed by Andorian Sector Command that their ships intercepted a small freighter carrying the Biophage that attempted to evade our quarantine. The new sensors at Machado IV proved satisfactory, and an intercept was made psosible.

The evacuations of remaining settlements outside of Solitude were conducted under Starfleet Medical Command but were adequately escorted by Starfleet ships. I ...

... please excuse me, Admiral, I am receiving an urgent communication from the Enterprise. I will report back again soon.

End Report

Internal Diplomacy Report, Federation Councillor, Emergency Committee Chairman Hayley Singh

Some members of the Federation Council had been starting to feel complacent about the Biophage, and even considered winding back the State of Emergency. However, footage of the hideously reworked Miracht, plus the damage to the USS Sarek, as presented by your head of Intelligence, has shocked a few people back awake. More resources are being gathered, including the sort of industrial assets normally reserved for wartime planning, with the production centers of North America diverting their output to Starfleet.

(Pick two)

[ ][NEW] Andorian Guard Constellation-class Shakalash - Combat (Fleet) team
[ ][NEW] Starfleet Academy Red Squad Runabouts - Combat (Recon) team
[ ][NEW] Vulcan Survey Corps - Combat (Recon) team

[ ][NEW] Shorc Xurth Resource Combine (Tellar Prime) - Industry (Heavy) Team
[ ][NEW] East Asian Productivity Commission (Earth) - Industry (Heavy) Team
[ ][NEW] Cheleb-Kor Industrial Centre (Vulcan) - Industry Team
[ ][NEW] Dhara Heavy Industry Park (Andoria) - Industry (Heavy) Team

[ ][NEW] 40 Eridani A Ship Design Detachment - Research (Ships) Team
[ ][NEW] Commodore McCoy - Research (Medical) Team [May join another Research (Medical) Team for +2 Skill]

[ ][NEW] Councillor Stesk - External Diplomacy

[ ][NEW] Gorc Belth Colonial Engineers (Tellarite) - Civil Engineering Team
[ ][NEW] United Earth Station Service - Civil Engineering Team
[ ][NEW] Andorian Blue Hand - Civil Engineering (Medical) Team

End Report

Federation Diplomatic Service Report

The CAS Riala has been detached from the Confederacy of Amarki fleet and dispatched across the Federation at Warp 8 to join the fleet in the Romulan Border Zone. Far from having to cajole or bargain, the response we got seemed to be closer akin to, "What took you so long?" Admiral Aelin is personally commanding the vessel, but despite the disparity in rank has pledged to submit to Commodore T'Faer. They appear to be itching to show off what they can do. Also this month, the Andorians have returned from the Illuminated Technocracy of Gaen to see the Gaeni about what might be provided in these dangerous times. Many science institutes immediately offered to assist in researching the Biophage, however, this encountered a slight snag when Rear Admiral Park Seong-Ho of Infectious Diseases bluntly threatened the life of the lead Andorian Ambassador in an official communique if any Gaeni were given access to the Biophage. The Rear Admiral has been reprimanded, but with the possible fate of the Federation resting in that man's hands, it went no further.

What was able to be ironed out in the end is that the Gaeni are willing to use their advanced replicative technology to generate the vaccine in the required bulk when it is complete, in exchange for details on a few colony-oriented technologies.

End Report

Starfleet Engineering Command Report

We expected 40 Eridani A to be angry at having to bump their one-year-old Excelsior build out of their main berth to handle battle damage repair. However, the Vulcans were just this side of emotional with their urgency to repair the Sarek. Must be the name. Not the Spock Sarek, she's apparently named for a Sarek that traipsed around Vulcan seven hundred years ago. Was apparently quite the logical guy. In any case, 40 Eridani A is repairing, with reinforcements in the form of engineers and a flood of material from some of Earth's biggest industrial centers. Vulcan is not a very heavily industrialised place, so the sheet weight of resources coming in is raising some pointy eyebrows. But whatever the More is More approach lacks in efficiency, they do admit it makes up for it in effectiveness. We should have the Sarek re-launched in two more months. Meanwhile, the crew is taking well-earned leave on Vulcan.

Starfleet Engineering Command is making use of an orbital production yard around the Andorian Colony world of Sobani IV to create a series of Tachyon Detection devices that will be able to be cheaply and easily seeded across the Neutral Zone. It will make an impenetrable web; you won't be able to move a cloaked mouse through that zone without setting off Red Alerts from Sol to Tellar Prime.

End Report

Starfleet Medical Command Report

Admiral, evacuations of a number of at-risk Science Outposts, plus the Larssen II colony world, took place over the month. Task Force Challorn took on the Science Outpost evacuations themselves, shuttling their small crews from lab to Indi Beta Outpost. Starfleet Medical had control of the Larssen II evacuation, which was again smoothly handled, a feather in the cap for Medical Command. The Biophage made opportunistic little attacks, a flight of shuttles at each location, the Kumari and T'Mir detected them respectively, and the suicide shuttles were intercepted.

Research has further continued, with the Infectious Diseases Institute claiming to be closing in on a vaccine that will prevent the Biophage from coopting sapients, and one that will allow ships structural integrity fields to completely resist attempts to spread the Biophage.

Biophage Vaccine Research Rush

10 / 10 Perform full analysis of the properties of the Biophage.
20 / 20 Sample Bio-laboratory Containment Procedures
20 / 20 Sterilisation Procedures
30 / 30 Vaccine Development I

24 / ?? Vaccine Development II
20 / 20 Structural Integrity Field Modifications I
11 / 30 Structural Integrity Field Modifications II

Ship Modifications

20 / 20 Structural Integrity Field Modifications [+1 to Hull vs Biophage, Slow down infection rates]
11 / 30 Structural Integrity Field Modifications II
14 / 20 Freon-Trilithium Plasma Coolant Hull Adhesive (Slow down infection rates from Infection Beams if hull undamaged)
10 / 10 "The Big Red Button" Accelerated Warp Core Breach Process (+1 to attempts to self-destruct after infection)

Tactical Command Report

20 / 20 Develop EPS Venting Protocols [+5 for Actions at Birkeed III]
20 / 20 Romulan Combat Footage Analysis
20 / 20 Phaser Firebreaks (to slow spread of biophage on a planet)
20 / 20 Rapid Beam-out (Save crews while minimising the risk of conveying the infection)

9 / 30 Specific Phaser Remodulation [+10% to Combat Pool in fleet battles vs Biophage]
4 / 20 Anti-Biophage Torpedo Payload Jacketing [Escorts gain +1 Combat vs Biophage large ships]
4 / 20 Navigation Deflector Disruption Pulse [-1 to Biophage Combat stat, to a minimum of 2]

Suicide Shuttle Countermeasures

15 / 15 Shuttle Cloak Sensor Pattern Analysis (+1 to Science when attempting to spot inbound shuttles)
15 / 15 Mutual Support Formation (+1 to Combat when attempting to intercept inbound shuttles)

21 / 30 Tachyon Burst Sweep (+1 to Science when attempting to spot inbound cloaked vessels)
17 / 20 Shield Harmonics Modifications (+1 to Shield when attempting to withstand a hit)

We have also flooded Area 4 of the Neutral Zone with recon ships. There didn't seem to be much out there, however, we have encountered an intact colony world present at Firax III. USS Courageous is heading out that way to make contact with these new people. Our runabouts do not appear to have been detected yet. These people seem relatively advanced, if still behind both the Federation and Romulans.

End Report

Report of Captain Victoria Eaton, USS Courageous

Admiral, the inhabitants of Firax III apparently call themselves the Sotaw. They have not told us where their homeworld is but it was not difficult to take a few clues they left and assess it against a map to the Sajan System in Area 5. They have skirmished with the Biophage before, and taken some ship losses, but as of yet no colony losses. We have explained the situation to them, and they are going on their highest alert now that the true nature of the danger is known to them.

They are ... not amused by the idea that they are positioned quite in the middle of a 'neutral zone' between two powers they have never met. Some follow-up by the Diplomatic Service would be my advice. Their final disposition after this crisis will be interesting. But I don't know how long these Sotaw will hold if the Biophage attacks directly.

End Report

Report of Captain Nash ka'Sharren, USS Enterprise


...there is one more world in this Area to explore. Yet we already know what we will find there. Earlier this month we have encountered a colony world, Galaar III. They are a people relatively new to warp travel, who I suspect are responsible for many of the warp signatures that we have previously blamed on Romulan Neutral Zone violations. They are a colony of twenty thousand souls, of the same species as the destroyed colony we discovered in Area 3. They ... told us of their homeworld, Kadesh, the last system yet to be explored. They have heard nothing from Kadesh in over a month ... after warnings went out of an invasion by horrible biomechanical warships.

A half a billion sapients lived on Kadesh.

It is a reminder that we cannot win this war by strength of arms, but by the sweet lights of earnest science. Without a vaccine, every last fight is simply a delaying action.

We now stare down the barrel of a truly brutal delaying action. The garden world of Kadesh awaits us.

Space is full of wonder, but she can be cruel as well. Today, space, my oldest friend, is at her very cruelest.

[ ][KADESH] Encourage the Romulans to Attack
[ ][KADESH] Join the attack with all available assets immediately
[ ][KADESH] Ask the Romulans to wait one more Month before attacking.

[ ] Yorktown the Sarek
[ ] Don't Yorktown the Sarek
(Sends the Sarek into battle -1 C, H, L)

End Report
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[X] Plan Finish the Research!
-[X][NEW] Commodore McCoy - Research (Medical) Team [Join Starfleet Infectious Disease Institute to add +2 Skill]
-[X][NEW] 40 Eridani A Ship Design Detachment - Research (Ships) Team
-[X][KADESH] Ask the Romulans to wait one more Month before attacking.

I know the urge is to attack immediately, but consider. With one more month we might be able to finish some of that ship combat research, especially "14 / 20 Freon-Trilithium Plasma Coolant Hull Adhesive (Slow down infection rates from Infection Beams if hull undamaged)". That could save many of our ships.

I am taking McCoy because of course I am, adding +2 to Vaccine research is a no-brainer. Also with a specialty design time on the ship modifications they will go faster than just with the Vulcan Science Academy on it. Structural Integrity Field Modifications II seems to be researched in parallel by both design teams. With +12 (Skill level with McCoy = 6, doubled for specialty) from the Vaccine Team side and +4 (+2 doubled for specialty) from the 40 Eriandi A Team, with could get +16 on it this turn. Enough to take it from 11/30 to 27/30. And if it gets the +5 bonus inspriation from either team, it'll be finished by next month!

I think the potential to do that is well worth waiting a month.

EDIT2: We would also be guaranteed to finish the Suicide Shuttle counter-measures, both of the remaining ones.

EDIT: In fact, by my reading we would be guaranteed to finish either the Freon-Trilithium Plasma Coolant Hull Adhesive or the Structural Integrity Field Modifications II depending on where the ship design team's +5 inspiration bonus goes. (It only has those two options.)

@OneirosTheWriter am I incorrect in any of my math assumptions here or misunderstanding how the rolls work?
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