[X] Vice Admiral Rinias ch'Vohlet
Andorian Chan, 60
Time in Rank, 6 Years

The Federation is not a humans only club.

There might be some optical problems with an Andorian appointing an Andorian but that's very much a President Problem.
[X] Vice Admiral Valentina Sousa

The most politically safe choice at a time when pp is at a premium. Plus she's been a part of the Kahurangi team since practically the beginning.
[x] Vice Admiral Rinias ch'Vohlet

the youngest in age, but also the youngest in time as vice admiral. also the only non-human in the bunch. I'm kinda interested in seeing how the cardasians react to have someone of the same species as Nash at the helm of starfleet.
[X] Vice Admiral Valentina Sousa

Sousa's done alright by us. She also tried to cheer up Nash when Ajam was thought to have been killed.
I like Sousa because we need a steady hand, and a talented political operator. Look at how much PP we just burned in Space 'nam, Sousa has been Kahurangi's smoother over since day one. If anyone can help decrease cost and keep Starfleet operating well it is her.

Plus, I like her poetry-inclined side. She tried to cheer Nash up after we all thought that Ajam had bought the space farm. She deserves props for that in my book.
Final Stockpile with Annual Income
1160 - 575 + 35 + 685 = 1305 Bulk Resources
525 - 395 + 25 + 445 = 525 Special Resources
181 - 181 + 70 + 39 = 109 Political Will
189 - 218 + 70 + 129 = 170 Research Points

New Personnel Pool
Standard Starfleet: 28.2 Officer, 38.1 Enlisted, 25.8 Techs
Explorer Corps: 10.75 Officer, 12.20 Enlisted, 13.2 Techs

Income looks like it may be incorrect.

BR = 635 (last year) + 20 (Gamma Canidae V) + 25 (Lapycorias VII) + 30 (Rigel Membership ) = 710
SR = 445 (last year) + 15 (Rigel membership) = 460

You don't include the math for crew, but the income does not appear to include the new Rigel membership.

Officer income = 9.6 (last year) + 0.65 (Rigel membership above what provided as affiliate) = 10.25
Enlisted income = 10.3 (last year) + 1.7 (Rigel) = 12
Techs Income = 13.1 (last year) + 0.85 (Rigel) = 13.95
Officer Explorer = 2.25 (last year) + .25 (Rigel) = 2.5
Enlisted Explorer = 1.95 + .25 (Rigel) = 2.2
Tech Explorer = 2 + .25 (Rigel) =2.25

So my reckoning 2312 resources should be:
1160 - 575 + 35 + 710 = 1330 Bulk Resources
525 - 395 + 25 + 445 = 600 Special Resources

Standard Starfleet:
Officer = 29.6 (start of year) - 1 (casualties*) - 10 (crewing 4 ships) + 10.25 = 28.85
Enlisted = 41.8 (start of year) -1 casualties) - 13 (crewing 4 ships) + 13.95 = 41.75
Techs = 30.7 (start of year) - 2 (casualties) - 16 (crewing ships) + 13.95 = 26.65

Explorer Corps:
Officer = 8.5 (start of year) - 6 (crewing Excelsior) + 6 (Miracht crew recovered) + 2.5 = 11
Enlisted = 10.25 (start of year) - 5 (crewing Excelsior) + 5 (Miracht crew recovered) + 2.2 = 12.45
Techs = 11.2 (start of year) - 5 (crewing Excelsior) + 5 (Miracht crew recovered) + 2.25 = 13.45

...and I don't track pp or rp, so I'll let someone else do that audit.
[X] Vice Admiral Valentina Sousa

Looks like it's between the two, now.

I'll have to go over Rinias' achievements.
Sousa's our people person, one of our longest-serving people, the poetic one, and she's always seemed to have the right sort of mindset...
ch'Vohlet is the newbie, but also only nonhuman...

I have no idea who the others are, tbh.

[X] Vice Admiral Valentina Sousa
Personality summaries of our candidates. I couldn't find one for Lachlan Ablett, however. From the quote from @Briefvoice below, I assume Ablett was an Old Guard that we convinced to retire. As bonuses change from post to post, the bonuses below are very likely not what we will get, or even related.

I assume that rebalancing fleet deployments will have to await the retirement of Starfleet Tactical Vice Admiral Lachlan Ablett (but he has no fixed retirement date)

Vice Admiral Valentina Sousa
Human Female, 52
Current posting: Returning from sabbatical
Vice Admiral Sousa was one the handful of candidates you beat out to become the commander of Starfleet. She has been politicking heavily to lay claim to Shipyard Ops, as if she doesn't get the assignment, she will most likely be forced into retirement. If selected, gain +20 Political Will and +5/year while she is in the job.

Rear Admiral Rinias ch'Vohlet
Andorian Male, 61
Current Posting: Director, San Francisco Fleet Yards
Rear Admiral ch'Vohlet is an Andorian who despite the march of years is in the peak of fitness, and whose Sol System posting sees him spend his leave time competing in various Earth marathons. But despite his aptitude for distance running, when pushed he can drive his shipyard crews at a sprint. If selected, can pay an extra 10% resource costs to have a ship available 2Q early. (Berth will still not be available until regular time)

Rear Admiral Heidi Eriksson
Human Female, 59
Current Posting: Chief of Staff, Starfleet Tactical Command
The Chief of Staff for Starfleet Tactical, a move into Operations could bring a breath of fresh air. She is an aggressive officer who hides molten steel behind a bright and cheery disposition. If selected, gain +3pts to all Doctrine or Foreign Analysis Research.
oh, and on the cost of the opperation, remember that the thresholds are at 80/200/400/800. we have finally started to slow down their ability to act, and are just 40 impact away from further reducing it. while it's high now, it's very likely to start steadily dropping past this point.