That said, I do have one concern: once this ship reaches its destination, how do we get it back? An Oberth flying back from the new Kadeshi homeworld is very likely to suffer some kind of fatal mishap along the way, I would think. A larger, stronger ship would be better able to take care of itself.

I'm not sure we do get it back. A larger, stronger ship... would still be at an unacceptable level of risk for a trip of "many thousands of light years" left alone and unsupported.

Eh, maybe this whole thing isn't such a great idea. It all sounds very exciting, and then the more you think it through the worse an idea it sounds like. I'll have to see what options are actually presented for us to vote on.
On one hand, that.

But on the other, this:

If we don't send her then we miss out on the opportunity to one day come into contact with Immortal God Empress Nash of the infinite space mongol horde.
A series of unfortunate events having led to her becoming unbound and subsequently lost in space, eventually being seen as the long awaited space-messiah to a whole species of nomadic techno-barbarians. Who then launch an eternal star-crusade across the dark reaches of space to safeguard the galaxy against the impending prophesised threat.
This leads to a thrilling action packed adventure to save all life as we know it from immient doom, but is neatly wrapped up in a season finale two parter.
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That said, I do have one concern: once this ship reaches its destination, how do we get it back? An Oberth flying back from the new Kadeshi homeworld is very likely to suffer some kind of fatal mishap along the way, I would think. A larger, stronger ship would be better able to take care of itself.
If we send Michel, maybe Q could be convinced to toss him back to us?
Let's send the Endurance with the Kadesh, after replacing Chekhov with a cool-under-fire vaguely southern test pilot Captain.


later he can fight a star fleet captain named Balthamann who was stranded on a one way mission from the earliest days of Starfleet
We shouldn't think of it in terms of what ship can we spare. We need to think of it as what ship could do this mission the best. It will be a symbol of our commitment to science and diplomacy to the Council, our friendship to the Kadeshi, our commitment to our affiliates to all our other affiliates and finally it will be the ship that makes first contact for us to all the new species it meets along the way. I think we want that to be a Excelsior.

Conveniently enough we have the new EC Stargazer finishing in 2312Q1 that we could send with them. It means we'll have 1 less explorer for the K-R war, Sydraxian and Cardassian shenanigans and captain's log events but I'd expect sending an explorer on a big publicity event like this to have a big pp, rp and possibly affiliate points payoff.

This is the boldliest going, new species and civilization seekingest, no-one gone beforingist mission we've ever seen. This deserves an EC explorer.
I take on board all the things people are saying about difficulty, but on the other hand, this is just such a gosh darn Federation thing to do.

We shouldn't think of it in terms of what ship can we spare. We need to think of it as what ship could do this mission the best. It will be a symbol of our commitment to science and diplomacy to the Council, our friendship to the Kadeshi, our commitment to our affiliates to all our other affiliates and finally it will be the ship that makes first contact for us to all the new species it meets along the way. I think we want that to be a Excelsior.

100% agree here.

Now that's just playing with fire.
"Commodore's Log Stardate 44450.3, Michel Thuir recording
The Saggittarius Dwarf Sperical Galaxy is... nice? A little short on humanoid body plans compared to what we're used to back home so far, but nice.
I am overseeing the construction of a new shipyard to build the best long endurance Colony ship and Explorer combination possible with the last database update from Starfleet command.
After that is in place, we will build all the larger ships and finally cannibalize the yards for raw materials to craft smaller ships using the built in construction bays our largest craft will sport.
We are also scouting for short term mining sites.

We have twenty kilo-parsecs between us and friendly territory. It would be a shame to have to turn around because we forgot something.
Computer, end log."
I think we should 2 or three ships with them considering the amount of stuff they find. One Excelsior, one large civilian cargo ship that can laid outposts along the way, to mark the way. Reaching the end the Kadeshi would become part of the Federation on the other side of the galaxy so yeah more resources and ships would be better. They would represent us over there.
IDK if we should send the Stargazer.

Think about Picard!

No, I think we should send the SF A ship to catch up. Until it finishes construction, we can divert nearby ships as escorts.

A Vulcan former EC captain would be perfect.

A certain geologist strikes me as perfect. Well, if he wants to go.

Plus, with the leadup, we should be able to begin plans for a colony ship to go with.

E: Section 31'd

+1 to civvie ship, though I think it should be a colony ship with volunteers or a decommissioned ConnieB.
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About to board a flight so haven't read everything and apologies if already discussed:

I don't think so. The system works by connecting to the brain. You can't upgrade those.

You don't need to upgrade the brain to get some benefits for direct brain interfaces. It bypasses slower vocal communications and our relatively slow nerves. Honestly, the whole verbal commands in FTL combat thing in Star Trek is a bit unbelievable, but it's a staple of sci-fi so I can handle it.

Doesn't address the ethics issue though.

True enough. But whatever ships we send could move back and forth between the Federation and the Kadeshi fleet. (At least until they've moved beyond a certain point, at which time we really would have to tie a ship to the Kadeshi fleet.)

If we can maintain communications and the fleet travels slow enough so that we could send replacement ships in within say 4 years, then the ship we initially assign on this mission can be "underpowered" (like an Oberth), while a couple years later, when we're covering our garrison requirements more readily, we could spare a better science ship like an Excelsior.

My personal question on diplo pushes is why is the Diplomatic Service so weak that they don't go talk to potential affiliates on their own? Is this a jurisdictional thing? Our ships get plenty of "transport the Ambassador" requests, but they are almost always to either an existing member or affiliate, or to someone we've spent political capital to get the Council to support pushing.

Yeah, that's been one of my complaints about how diplomacy works in this quest. That the FDS seems at worst incompetent or lazy at their jobs, when our pp-spent diplo pushes can do so much.
Why do I get the feeling this is how the Borg got started?

To quote a certain UN commissioner:

"I think, and my thoughts cross the barrier into the synapses of the machine - just as the good doctor intended. But what I cannot shake, and what hints at things to come, is that thoughts cross back. In my dreams the sensibility of the machine invades the periphery of my consciousness. Dark. Rigid. Cold. Alien. Evolution is at work here, but just what is evolving remains to be seen."

I'm not trying to be willfully alarmist here, but we're playing with matches in a type of house we

Pravin Lal's weird liberal conservatism aside, this is dangerous, but we also have an actual working foundation to build from.

I'm saying that surely we can learn something from those rare successes, while being careful to not do something stupid. Those cases where the technologies work teach us a lot, and at this point we've got a friendly species that uses it regularly, federation members who have used it with no visible ill effects, and quite a large amount of potential.

It is worth looking at greater depth, so that we better understand the actual trade-offs. It might turn out to be dangerous, but given that it's augmentation of intelligent minds rather than straight AI it's fundamentally limited.

We can be smart about exploiting advantages that are dropped in our laps.
About to board a flight so haven't read everything and apologies if already discussed:

You don't need to upgrade the brain to get some benefits for direct brain interfaces. It bypasses slower vocal communications and our relatively slow nerves. Honestly, the whole verbal commands in FTL combat thing in Star Trek is a bit unbelievable, but it's a staple of sci-fi so I can handle it.

Doesn't address the ethics issue though.

If we can maintain communications and the fleet travels slow enough so that we could send replacement ships in within say 4 years, then the ship we initially assign on this mission can be "underpowered" (like an Oberth), while a couple years later, when we're covering our garrison requirements more readily, we could spare a better science ship like an Excelsior.

Yeah, that's been one of my complaints about how diplomacy works in this quest. That the FDS seems at worst incompetent or lazy at their jobs, when our pp-spent diplo pushes can do so much.
You can ignore a guy in a runabout.

You can't ignore an Excelsior.
We shouldn't think of it in terms of what ship can we spare. We need to think of it as what ship could do this mission the best. It will be a symbol of our commitment to science and diplomacy to the Council, our friendship to the Kadeshi, our commitment to our affiliates to all our other affiliates and finally it will be the ship that makes first contact for us to all the new species it meets along the way. I think we want that to be a Excelsior.

I really don't want to do that. This feels like enthusiasm causing us to make stupid decisions.
Distress Call, USS Thirishar, Stardate 24451.3

"...say again, this is the Federation Starship Thirishar, requesting immediate assistance. We are caught in gravitational eddies from a black hole that have caused damage while attempting to rescue a Caldonian ship. We are both in an unstable orbital path and require urgent assistance! Located at..."

In space nobody can hear you scream....


Captain's Log, USS Inspire, Stardate 24453.1

We have rescued the Thirishar by deploying a powerful anti-graviton beam along with the Thirishar's own to counteract the space-time curvature of the singularity and create a specific "escape" trajectory for the ship to follow in sublight. Our Caldonian allies have then arrived to help ferry the Thirishar to Tipperary for urgent repairs.

Unless your these guy's. Then you hear everything.

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This is literally what Starfleet is about. I could not name a more Starfleet activity if I tried, seriously.
We can't send Chekov; TI has need of him. Saavik is out; how can she woo Spock when she's so far away from him? Nash is too important as a Commodore to send.