On one hand, that.
But on the other, this...
Adorable but you'll make poor Enterprise jealous.
Hm. Really need to finish Chapter Four.
I'm not sure we do get it back. A larger, stronger ship... would still be at an unacceptable level of risk for a trip of "many thousands of light years" left alone and unsupported.
Eh, maybe this whole thing isn't such a great idea. It all sounds very exciting, and then the more you think it through the worse an idea it sounds like. I'll have to see what options are actually presented for us to vote on.
One possibility is that we could send a ship out to escort the Kadeshi
only part way, so that our ship is only away for a reduced span of time. Say, for the duration of a five-year mission. During those years, the Federation personnel will train up the Kadeshi in deep space surveying and tactics and all the stuff they would otherwise not know. Then they turn around before getting so hopelessly far from home that it would be particularly unlikely that they'd return.
I mean, if our ships can move one map square a week, then if we accompany the Kadeshi fleet for even a single year that is fifty or so squares off into the depths of the galaxy. Quite a feat of long range exploration even if we don't accompany them all the way.
We shouldn't think of it in terms of what ship can we spare. We need to think of it as what ship could do this mission the best. It will be a symbol of our commitment to science and diplomacy to the Council, our friendship to the Kadeshi, our commitment to our affiliates to all our other affiliates and finally it will be the ship that makes first contact for us to all the new species it meets along the way. I think we want that to be a Excelsior.
Conveniently enough we have the new EC Stargazer finishing in 2312Q1 that we could send with them. It means we'll have 1 less explorer for the K-R war, Sydraxian and Cardassian shenanigans and captain's log events but I'd expect sending an explorer on a big publicity event like this to have a big pp, rp and possibly affiliate points payoff.
This is the boldliest going, new species and civilization seekingest, no-one gone beforingist mission we've ever seen. This deserves an EC explorer.
I like this, but I
do want to point out that we really don't want to strand our heroic explorers far from home with no viable means of return. With good planning that won't be a problem, I hope, so I'm not actually disagreeing with you here.
+1 to civvie ship, though I think it should be a colony ship with volunteers or a decommissioned ConnieB.
Uh... every
Constitution-B was laboriously assembled by our yards within the past few years. Hopefully
none of them are being decommissioned any time soon. And as for the
Constitution-As, with the exception of
Cheron, only a lunatic would take one on a long space voyage. Plus most of the ones in the least-terrible shape have been taken apart for spare pieces to build ConnieBees.
Okay, it's a decision that in the harsh light of day doesn't stand up to scrutiny as being in the best interests of Starfleet or the Federation. Is that better?
Put this way.
Depending on how we plan the expedition, it could be contrary to our interests (by effectively destroying one of our ships). Or it could promote our interests (by giving us a wealth of scientific and cultural information on a great swath of galactic space). The latter is very much a thing that
Starfleet, as opposed to a Generic National Military, would stand for.
We spend a lot of time getting thwacked with the reality that by playing Starfleet, we are not playing a Generic National Military. Our ability to build weapons is limited, we have to be very restrained in the use of force even against people who are begging to have force used against them, and so on.
So maybe, for once, we should set things up so that it is to our advantage to be Starfleet, rather than just being a generic navy that's trying to optimize its spreadsheets of iron to have the maximum number of space dreadnoughts with which to oppose the inexplicably persistent depredations of the Generican Space Empire of Evil.