Hmm, interesting. I think we should wait a bit before pushing the Honiani though. Potential religious extremists would be.... not good.
I honestly think that sending the Admiral and giving her an Excelsior may be the best option. Is it the most practical? Hell no. But it is, by far, the most Starfleet.
Hmm, interesting. I think we should wait a bit before pushing the Honiani though. Potential religious extremists would be.... not good.

If they're coreward of Rigel and on technological parity with us, they're out of the way of the Cardassians and not a good target for the Sydraxians. The only worry would be Cardassia trying to diplomatically extend their reach in that area, but I have a feeling they will be busy enough managing their current affiliates. So yeah, letting them have a few years to observe our culture and decide how they are going to treat a non-materialistic but non-theist society sounds good to me.
Fun fact - you guys got stupidly lucky. Both of your first contact rolls were double 6s, and originally the event that ate Lion was going to eat both Endurance and Fidelity until I realised both ships were already assigned to another event and had to re-roll responders.
The Great Bird of the Galaxy protects fools, children and ships named Enterprise.
In this case, the first clause came to our rescue again.
If they're coreward of Rigel and on technological parity with us, they're out of the way of the Cardassians and not a good target for the Sydraxians. The only worry would be Cardassia trying to diplomatically extend their reach in that area, but I have a feeling they will be busy enough managing their current affiliates. So yeah, letting them have a few years to observe our culture and decide how they are going to treat a non-materialistic but non-theist society sounds good to me.

Given the Cardassians are very utilitarian, the Honiani are not likely to get along with them.
We just need to show them some Vulcan minimalist art, the Human modernist movement, Andor's wind inspired ice ship designs, and Tellar's historic spinning flower station, so they can understand the aesthetics of Federation ship designs.
After meeting with representatives of the Honian government, I am pleased to report we have a solid rapport. The government is comprised of a democratically elected lower house, and an oligarchical upper house formed of the "most spiritual" among them. The head of state is selected by the lower house from among the upper house. I have met with their fleet commander and their head of state and they are very interested in the Federation. I would caution that while the moderates apparently have control of the government currently, the Honiani have many different political parties and points of view, and their concept of 'Lakhept', or the purge of uncleanliness, has in the past taken on dangerously geopolitical interpretations.

democratic lower house presents useful avenue of subversion, upper house likely to be problomatic, but manageable. Love of beauty and lack of counter-productive cultural values indicates a likely easy progression to stage 1, troublingly strong religious beliefs and attended xenophobia against nonbelievers likely to make progression to stage 2 assimilation difficult. Progression to full assimilation after that point likely trivial.

uhh, I mean what a fascinating people, I'm sure our mutual respect for the will of the people will allow us to quickly become friends, and through time we will allow them to grow past their hatred of those who don't share their faith as we move forward together.
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Captain's Log, USS Courageous, Stardate 24484.2 - Captain Rosalee McAdams

It is my regretful duty to report that I believe the USS Lion fell victim to a tremendous spacetime shear. This shear was invoked when a passing quantum filament impacted the young star. The Lion's orbit put it in the path of the resulting distortion in the local frame, which tore the ship into component particles. We have detected this phenomenon still travelling outward in a cone travelling rimward. Thankfully, it is dissipating quickly, though it will no doubt provide fascinating data in gravitational wave research for any nascent spacefarers in its path.

[USS Lion has been lost with all hands]

Damn it. We can't take too many turns like that one.

Screw the Kadeshi and their trip. We can't afford to give them free ships.

Captain's Log, USS Miracht, Stardate 24488.5

After meeting with representatives of the Honian government, I am pleased to report we have a solid rapport. The government is comprised of a democratically elected lower house, and an oligarchical upper house formed of the "most spiritual" among them. The head of state is selected by the lower house from among the upper house. I have met with their fleet commander and their head of state and they are very interested in the Federation. I would caution that while the moderates apparently have control of the government currently, the Honiani have many different political parties and points of view, and their concept of 'Lakhept', or the purge of uncleanliness, has in the past taken on dangerously geopolitical interpretations.

Despite this, the Honiani make for a good set of potential partners.

[New Species Encountered: the Honiani, 80/100]


We're meeting a lot of new species, and they're all scary in their own way.
So here's a proposed fleet distribution taking the loss of the Lion into account. And if anyone wants to throw ships at the Kadeshi, please, go ahead and tell me specially which sector, border zone, or mission you would like to leave weaker in order to do that.

Late 2311/ Early 2312 fleet Distribution Plan
Q3 2311 done with current fleet.
Q2 2312 adds 3 Constitution-B + 1 Oberth, but some number of Mirandas may go into refit (for purpose of this plan I assume 2 go into refit – the Fidelity and the Shield.)
*I am not planning for Q4 2312 as it will be too far in the future and many things may change by then.

Sol Sector – Requires D18
  • Current Q3 2311 - 1 Excelsior [Endurance] (6), 2 Miranda [Bon Vivant, Fidelity] (4), 1 Constellation [Selaya] (3), Starbase 1 (5) = 18D
  • New Q4 2311 - 1 Centaur-A (3) [Bull], 3 Miranda [Dryad, Bon Vivant, Fidelity] (6), 1 Constellation [Selaya] (3), 1 Oberth [Suvek] (1), Starbase 1 (5) = 18D
  • New Q2 2312 – 1 Constitution-B (5) [Hood - New], 2 Miranda [Dryad, Bon Vivant] (4), 1 Constellation [Selaya] (3), 1 Oberth [Suvek] (1), Starbase 1 (5) = 18D
  • Notes: Sending the Endurance to man the new SBZ; reinforcing with Centaur from Amarkia and Oberth from Andor and Dryad from the Syndicate Taskforce. Then in 2312 reinforcing with Connie-B and sending Bull to further strengthen Rigel Sector and the Fidelity to refit (if we choose to do that).
Vulcan Sector – Requires D12
  • Current Q3 2311 - 1 Constellation [Sappho] (3), 2 Mirandas (4) [T'Kumbra, Thunderhead], Starbase I (5) = 12D
  • New Q4 2311 – No change
  • New Q2 2312 – No change.
  • Notes: No reason to change.

Andor Sector – Requires D9
  • Current Q3 2311 - 1 Constellation (3) [Docana], 1 Centaur-A (3) [Lightning], 1 Miranda (2) [Eketha], 1 Oberth [Suvek] (1), Starbase I (5) = 14D
  • New Q4 2311 - 1 Constellation (3) [Docana], 1 Centaur-A (3) [Lightning], Starbase I (5) = 11D
  • New Q2 2312 – No change.
  • Notes: Fleet dropped to two ships to reinforce SBZ and Sol.

Tellar Sector – Requires D9
  • Current Q3 2311 - 1 Constellation (3) [Stalwart], 1 Centaur-A (3) [Gale], 2 Miranda (4) [Calypso, Shield], Starbase I (5), Extra Outposts (5) = 20D
  • New Q4 2311 - 1 Constellation (3) [Stalwart], 1 Centaur-A (3) [Gale], Starbase I (5), Extra Outposts (5) = 16D
  • New Q2 2312 – No change
  • Notes: With Starbase and extra outposts only two ships required now that Klivvar Proxima covered by the SBZ.

Amarkia Sector – Requires D15
  • Current Q3 2311 - 1 Excelsior (6) [Salnas], 2 Centaur-A (6) [Bull, Blizzard], Starbase I (5), Extra Outposts (5) = 22D
  • New Q4 2311 - 1 Excelsior (6) [Salnas], 1 Centaur-A (3) [Blizzard], Starbase I (5), Extra Outposts (5) = 19D
  • New Q2 2312 – No change.
  • Notes: Extra outposts mean that two Centaur-As are not required for "flooding the sector" defense requirement. Send Bull to reinforce Sol sector.

Ferasa Sector – Requires D15
  • Current Q3 2311 - 1 Excelsior (6) [Avandar], 1 Constitution-A (5) [Cheron], Starbase I (5)
  • New Q4 2311 – No change.
  • New Q2 2312 – No change.
  • Notes: High requirement for anti-syndicate 'flooding the sector'.

Rigel Sector – Requires D9
  • Current Q3 2311 – Starbase I (5)
  • New Q4 2311 - 2 Mirandas [Shield, Svai] (4), Starbase I (5) = 9D
  • New Q2 2312 – 1 Constitution-B (5) [Republic - New], 1 Centaur-A (3) [Bull], Starbase I (5) = 13D
  • Notes: Initially reinforce with Mirandas from Tellar sector and RBZ, then replace with Constitution-B and Bull, sending Svai back to RBZ and Shield to refit (if we choose to do so).

Romulan Border Zone – Requires D12
  • Current Q3 2311 - 1 Excelsior (6) [Excelsior], 1 Miranda (2) [Svai], Oberth [Hawking] (1), Starbase I (5)
  • New Q4 2311 - 1 Excelsior (6) [Excelsior], Oberth [Hawking] (1), Starbase I (5)
  • New Q2 2312 - 1 Excelsior (6) [Excelsior], 1 Miranda (2) [Svai], Oberth [Hawking] (1), Starbase I (5) = 14D
  • Notes: Send Svai off to Rigel until Connie-Bs are out and then bring it back.

Klingon Border Zone – Requires D6
  • Current Q3 2311 - 1 Excelsior (6) [Thirishar], 1 Miranda (2) [Intrepid], 1 Oberth (1) [Inspire]
  • New Q4 2311 – No change.
  • New Q2 2312 – No change.
  • Notes: Leave manned as is.

Cardassian Border Zone – Requires D10
  • Current Q3 2311 - 1 Excelsior (6) [Kumari), 2 Constellations (6) [Challorn, Vigour], 1 Centaur-A (3) [Winterwind]
  • New Q4 2311 – No change except Starbase I now added at Lapycorias. = 20D
  • New Q2 2312 – 1 Excelsior (6) [Kumari), 2 Constellations (6) [Challorn, Vigour], 1 Centaur-A (3) [Winterwind], Starbase I (5) [Lapycorias] = 20D
  • Notes: No change.

Sydraxian Border Zone – Requires D9
  • Current Q3 2311 – Starbase I (5) [Vega]
  • New Q4 2311 - 1 Excelsior [Endurance] (6), 2 Miranda (4) [Eketha, Calypso], Starbase I (5) [Vega] = 15D
  • New Q2 2312 – 1 Excelsior [Endurance] (6), 1 Centaur-A (3) [Zephyr], 2 Miranda (4) [Eketha, Calypso], Starbase I (5) [Vega] = 18D
  • Notes: Pulling Excelsior from Sol Sector and Calypso from Tellar Sector and Eketha from Andor Sector. Add the Zephyr when it's freed up in 2312Q2 from the anti-Syndicate Task Force.

Anti-Syndicate Task Force – No fixed Requirement
  • Current Q3 2311 - 2 Centaur-A [Yukikaze, Zephyr], 1 Constellation [Kearsage], 1 Miranda [Dryad]
  • New Q4 2311 – 2 Centaur-A [Yukikaze, Zephyr], 1 Constellation [Kearsage]
  • New Q2 2312 – 1 Constitution-B [Lexington - new], 1 Centaur-A [Yukikaze], 1 Constellation [Kearsage], 1 Oberth (1) [New Ship]
  • Notes: With loss of the Lion, send Dryad to reinforce Sol sector when it loses its Excelsior. In 2312 add one of the new Connie-Bs and the Oberth to the task force; send the Zephyr to the SBZ.
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It doesn't matter if we can't afford to. We have to. We're Starfleet!

This. It builds goodwill with the Kadeshi, and it provides an opportunity for lots of science and exploration.

Who the cares about goodwill with the Kadeshi? We may not see them again for hundreds of years. As for science and exploration, we can have ships do it right here at home where we can benefit.

Look at what just happened. We lost a ship. Maybe if the Stargazer were in service it would have been able to rescue the Lion. Who knows what other people it could save, rescues it could perform, if you didn't send it far away from the people it's supposed to be helping.

I guess UESPA is right... Starfleet acts in service to Starfleet, not the people of the Federation.
Lion got destroyed by a spatial anomaly that struck without warning, didn't even give them time to get out a distress call, and we know canonically WOULD have eaten an Excelsior and another Miranda without, so far as we know, the slightest degree of indigestion. I'm honestly not sure the presence of an Explorer Corps ship would have helped. Because in a timeline where Chekov wasn't busy investigating what the heck the Gaeni idea of a mad scientist is, his explorer would have been there, and it would have killed him.

We're going to lose ships. That's a fact. It's one of the reasons we continue build more.

We have to protect the people of the Federation. That's one of the reasons we keep building more too.

We explore as well as defend. And that's also one of the reasons we keep building more. It's why we skim off the top 10-20% or so of our fleet personnel into a dedicated "explorer corps" of elites. Not commandos, not the "Space Patrol" or "Battle Fleet" or whatever. The Explorer Corps.

It may well be that people will look at the idea of sending a ship off with the Kadeshi and decide that it is, on balance, not worth it as a grand exploratory gesture. That it's impractical. That our ships are too desperately needed close to home for us to 'waste' any of them on an expedition into the unknown.

But if we're going to play Starfleet rather than the Generic Space Military, we do at least need to acknowledge that there is a desire to challenge the deep unknown, which does provide a valid, sympathetic motive for sending a ship with the Kadeshi.
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Oh man, we really need to send a ship with the Kadesh from an ingame perspective. They use a completely different tech base, and Starfleet will be all over that.

OOC, depending on how close Kadeshi are to canon Hiigarans, they'll start hitting those sweet sweet progenitor technologies at some point. I think we want to have the Sajuuk on our side... and galaxy spanning hypergates.

I'm also pretty certain that the high end of the hyperspace tree the Kadeshi use is just more efficient (and probably faster) than warp. The jumps are very long range, and even better, only one ship is needed to drag an entire fleet through the jump.
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I'm okay with sending a ship, but I'm not really willing to sacrifice an Excelsior for ~30 years.

I'd support either:
1) Sending a different ship.
2) If we send an Excelsior, have it accompany the Kadeshi for a year or two before returning.
2311.Q3.M2 - Master of Orion
Alukk Nightly News

Disruptor blasts are still being heard in parts of District 15 in the capital, while ambulances are still in near rush-hour jam conditions ferry casualties from both sides towards nearby hospitals, which are now full to overflowing. Chief Administrator Nopara of District 15 General Hospital had this to say. "We've had no fewer than fifty Disruptor Impact Wounds present within the past twelve hours, and it shows no signs of abating."

Repeated bombings with electronics disabling pulses have made attempting to relieve the beleaguered 4th ISSU Heavy unit. However, the ISSU is fighting hard through the ambush, and though they are taking losses, it is our understanding that the Syndicate has suffered far greater than expected casualties as well.

[ISSU Heavy -2hp, now 2/4hp]
[Syndicate Asset losses unknown but high]

[4 Cost, 2 Impact]


Anti-Slavery Task Force Progress Report

The big action this month for Starfleet was the completion of the move from Bradia to New Rigel to take on new opposition. The convoy was shadowed en route but unmolested. Victoria Eaton was apparently watching the sensor tracks like a hawk and in constant communication with the task forces from Andor and United Earth to screen the convoy at a distance. Following their arrival, Starfleet established another security cordon around New Rigel, though this was protested loudly by the provincial authorities. [Cordon in place, +2 Cost from protests]

In anticipation of our arrival, the local Syndicate forces have begun pressing the Frontier Police. It has been very limited in terms of violent action, but a number of trumped up incidents have been given runs in the press. [+1 Cost]

In terms of action on the Union side, they have been preparing to further exploit their advances on Amepa, and have received aid from one of our Scrutineer teams. However, their political system has been rocked by an attempted ambush that would have destroyed an entire ISSU unit if conducted successfully, but ended up becoming a bloody stalemate. The associated hypercorps are sure to be investigated soon, however.

Better news, however, is that the Aerocommandos are once again combat ready, and ready to be redeployed.

[Total 7 Cost, 2 Impact]
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I don't think we'd want to take any ships from the fleet distribution anyways as this kind of mission really is for EC crew which aren't assigned to sectors and don't count towards garrison requirements.

Looking at the shipyard spreadsheet I can see a few options that we should consider for what to do:
  1. Don't send a ship. We are steadily working to get as many ships into our space as possible because we have to many fires to put out. Sending one away right now does not help.
  2. Send USS Stargazer all the way. She finishes in 2312Q1 and can easily catch up. Problems might come as she is halfway through her crewing phase now and this really should be a volunteer mission from the beginning.
  3. Send USS Stargazer for only 5 years (3.5 leaving, 1.5 return). Wouldn't be as good but would let us accompany them for a portion of the way and help them however we can.
  4. Send the next EC explorer. That should be the one in SF-A and will finish in 2314Q1. Problem is that'll be a few years from now. On the plus side we would have more time to crew and supply it. We can also name it Voyager.
  5. Send USS Stargazer for the 5 years and have the new explorer catch up and escort the rest of the way. Gives full coverage of the trip, only makes USS Stargazer run for 1 FYM before coming back to Federation space and let's us plan and supply the new explorer for a much longer trip. Problem is this will take 2 ships and all the other ideas only take one.
I'm okay with sending a ship, but I'm not really willing to sacrifice an Excelsior for ~30 years.

I'd support either:
1) Sending a different ship.
2) If we send an Excelsior, have it accompany the Kadeshi for a year or two before returning.

That makes me feel a lot better. i was beginning to think I was completely alone in this one.

We explore as well as defend. And that's also one of the reasons we keep building more. It's why we skim off the top 10-20% or so of our fleet personnel into a dedicated "explorer corps" of elites. Not commandos, not the "Space Patrol" or "Battle Fleet" or whatever. The Explorer Corps.

And that Explorer Corps regularly does things that directly benefit the people of the Federation. They ferry diplomats around, they make contact with news species who will be our neighbors, they find new sites for resources, and they answer distress calls. It's not some airy pursuit of the abstract ideal of Exploration; what they do has real, concrete benefits for the people of the Federation.

The Explorer Corps isn't some gesture of idealism; it's a very practical thing.

It may well be that people will look at the idea of sending a ship off with the Kadeshi and decide that it is, on balance, not worth it as a grand exploratory gesture. That it's impractical. That our ships are too desperately needed close to home for us to 'waste' any of them on an expedition into the unknown.

But if we're going to play Starfleet rather than the Generic Space Military, we do at least need to acknowledge that there is a desire to challenge the deep unknown, which does provide a valid, sympathetic motive for sending a ship with the Kadeshi.

Sure there's a desire to do that, but Starfleet has responsibilities. I was being a little snarky with the UESPA comment, but this does put Captain Sokolov's criticism in pretty sharp relief, doesn't it? How does sending ships with the Kadeshi benefit the people of the Federation for whose sake Starfleet is supposed to exist? Maybe an Oberth would pay for itself in knowledge, but would an Excelsior really? Does Starfleet exist to do things to serve its ideals or to serve the Federation? What happens when the first stops supporting the latter?
[Total 6 Cost, 2 Impact]

ouch, on the other hand,

[ISSU Heavy -2hp, now 2/4hp]
[Syndicate Asset losses unknown but high]

given this was a faild action I suspect the syndicate has one hell of a butcher's bill right now. we took it in the teeth in terms of cost, but I think the syndicate took it in the teeth in terms of lost assets and actions. A lot of the syndicate's assets are hidden, but I suspect they are digging uncomfortably deep into their reserves of men and material. Ultimately we can afford to bleed more than they can, especially when we are slowly strangling there revenue streams.
@JesseJ I think option 5, despite taking "two" ships, might be the best compromise. It gives us time to plan and crew, and also serves as a five year mission. Win win.

As for were to cut our forces... I'd have to look at it closer later, but probably the Syndicate force or one of its neighbouring sectors.
In terms of material (resources, manpower, funding, assets, etc.), we hold the advantage. We could starve the Syndicate via attrition.

In terms of morale and political will, however, that's what they're trying to break via the Cost stat.