I frankly don't care about the mechanical effects, I just want to have Eaton get out there and do things instead of waste her life on a desk job >_>
Syzi ch'Zelil is basically Nash kaSharren during crises, just without the political cost. Outside of crises increased event rolls are probably about as good as +1 to response rolls, and could be a good bit better if we move an Excelsior there, which will already respond to any science or diplomatic events it doesn't roll snake eyes for (so the +1 won't help at all for those), and 78% of all other events. If we put the next Excelsior (2311.Q1) there Syzi ch'Zelil is the better choice even if we don't account for the lost bonus to sensor research.
We could get a new person for her current position. With a new bonus.
Explorer-captains belong out there, not in manager-positions.
No we couldn't, it's not a position we are normally voting for. We lost T'Lorels previous bonus without any replacement as well. Former EC Captains give us bonuses in positions that normally wouldn't give a bonus at all.
Thraan th'Marlaas bonus is inferior to the others.

Syzi ch'Zelil is really tempting: I didn't particularly like her EC captain bonus, and the increased event rate is promising, albeit a double-edged sword. Negative consequences are partially compensated by effectively +1 stats for a single ship (though excluding defense stat).

Victoria Eaton also has a somewhat similar problem: although more events are responded to, some can also result in negative consequences. Then again, I think failed event responses also can lead to problems (like that hospital ship that got exploded recently). She's also currently providing a bonus that's not guaranteed to be replaced.

I would like Eaton to get out into space again though...

It's close, and I wouldn't mind either winning, but I think I'll go with ch'Zelil.

[X][KBZ] Captain Syzi ch'Zelil

I may not like this Revak guy that much on principle, but Vulcan is a pretty quiet sector, and I feel the likes of T'Faer and T'Lam would be kinda wasted here. T'Faer's bonus would be great if there was a higher event rate.

[X][VULCAN] Commodore Revak

Talan th'Zahliss has an awesome bonus, but I don't like the idea of a non-Tellarite in command of Tellar sector, especially when we're having a dearth of Tellarites in high positions.

Hurgok Sagek would be my next choice, and there's a chance his combat bonuses would be useful in Tellar sector, since they border Yrillia and are susceptible to Sydraxian raids.

[X][TELLAR] Commodore Hurgok Sagek
Talan th'Zahliss has an awesome bonus, but I don't like the idea of a non-Tellarite in command of Tellar sector, especially when we're having a dearth of Tellarites in high positions.

Hurgok Sagek would be my next choice, and there's a chance his combat bonuses would be useful in Tellar sector, since they border Yrillia and are susceptible to Sydraxian raids.
Also in case of a war we can use the Tellar sector fleet as nucleus to send reinforcements to (like we did recently and like I proposed in a more extreme version in the first plan I posted for W2) and thereby make use of that +5% combat for our main fleet.
-Starbase 1 [Sol] Rear Admiral
-Starbase 2 [Vulcan] Rear Admiral
-Starbase 3 [Andoria] Rear Admiral
-Starbase 4 [Tellar Prime] Rear Admiral Gellond Choss
-Starbase 5 [Amarkia] Rear Admiral Ikitha zh'Bessash
-Starbase 6 [Beta Indi] Rear Admiral
-Starbase 7 [Ferasa] Rear Admiral

-Sol Sector Command, Commodore Jessica Rivers - (Re-roll failed Shield Rolls during events/+5% evasion, all ships)
-Vulcan Sector Command, Commodore
-Andor Sector Command, Commodore Brufraogm Wev - (Extra chance for mapping events/+1 S all ships)
-Tellar Sector Command, Commodore
-Amarkia Sector Command, Commodore
-Ferasa Sector Command, Commodore
-RBZ Sector Command, Commodore John Harriman - (+1 to Distress Call rolls/+2 to Chances of Reinforcing )
-KBZ Sector Command, Commodore
-CBZ Sector Command, Commodore T'Lorel - (+1 to any roll affecting Diplomacy for CBZ and 1st rank outside/Fleet Preservation, improved chance of declining battle)

You know, I find it interesting that our commodores end up being more important than the rear admirals here. In terms of quest relevancy, the primary purpose of the starbase rear admiral slots is that it provides more career progression opportunities.
Vote Tally : Sci-Fi - To Boldly Go... (a Starfleet quest) | Page 659 | Sufficient Velocity
##### NetTally 1.7.4

Task: KBZ

[X][KBZ] Captain Syzi ch'Zelil
No. of Votes: 14

[X][KBZ] Commodore Victoria Eaton
No. of Votes: 8


[X][TELLAR] Commodore Hurgok Sagek
No. of Votes: 10

[X][TELLAR] Captain Talan th'Zahliss
No. of Votes: 9

[X][TELLAR] Captain Cergun ag Hugac
No. of Votes: 1


[X][VULCAN] Commodore Revak
No. of Votes: 14

[x][VULCAN] Commodore T'Faer
No. of Votes: 7

Total No. of Voters: 22
The closest vote is the one for Tellar. Consider that we very likely can make Talan th'Zahliss Commodore for the another sector soon enough, there are no ties to Tellar in particular.
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I am ... annoyed that we can't put T'Faer on the RBZ. Her boni are perfect for the RBZ (grouped response and anti-cloaking) and as one of the heroes of the Biophage Crisis she's one of the people they actually LIKE.
Something else we will have to chose someone for Amarkia and also Ferasa and Rigellans sectors. though that is probably next year we chose them
I am ... annoyed that we can't put T'Faer on the RBZ. Her boni are perfect for the RBZ (grouped response and anti-cloaking) and as one of the heroes of the Biophage Crisis she's one of the people they actually LIKE.
Actually she shouldn't be in this vote at all, she was promoted to Rear Admiral at the end of 2308:

T'Faer - Assigned to Director, Starfleet Logistics Command

Everyone: Don't vote for demoting T'Faer back to Commodore if you like her.
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Huh well I do think we need to get the personal Admiral to retire next snakepit, that would let us see who can be promoted so we can get the people we want available for the various slots to fill
Huh well I do think we need to get the personal Admiral to retire next snakepit, that would let us see who can be promoted so we can get the people we want available for the various slots to fill
We should create a Vice Admiral position for Personnel and then pick him (turning him into a non-Old Guard) or someone else and get control either way. It wasn't listed as an option, but Vice Admiral Personnel position makes more sense than Medical at least.
[X][KBZ] Captain Syzi ch'Zelil

+1 Crew rating is Nash's great ability, even though here it's only in combat that we'll see it in action. Plus, I just can't turn down more events in the sector.

[ ][VULCAN] Commodore T'Faer
[X][VULCAN] Commodore Revak

If there's any sector I'd want a +2 vs cloaks, outside the RBZ/KBZ, it's near Vulcan. But, as has been mentioned, combat in this sector is extremely unlikely, unless the Romulan/Klingon war goes horribly wrong. So, political will it is.

[ ][TELLAR] Captain Talan th'Zahliss
[X][TELLAR] Captain Cergun ag Hugac

I almost went with th'Zahliss, for the rp. But, we're doing rather well in that resource. So, the Hull check boost was the best benfit I'm seeing here.
[Still thinking over the sector command choices. Thanks to @lbmaian for that biography list, it'll help me decide]

IF the Klingons are not the aggressor, doesn't the Khitomer treaty call on us to aid them in some fashion?
The Klingons and Romulans fought a war at least once in the early- to mid-2300s, and the Federation never wound up "having to" attack the Romulans over it.

I think we can and should play firmly neutral if war breaks out- but we'll need to move more anti-cloaking assets to the border to make sure neither side tries to ghost through our territory to hit their flank. At the same time, we don't want either side worried we're going to attack them pre-emptively... hm, that makes this a GREAT place to send ships that have decent Science but don't fight too well, like Oberths and Constellation-As* And, perhaps controversially, Centaur-As over Miranda-As. Here's why:

The Centaur-A's advantages are virtually all noncombat- especially the higher Presence. So imagine a Romulan or Klingon analyst asking the question: "If they have Centaur-As, why did they refit the Mirandas? Looking at the ways in which the ships have been upgraded, they will almost certainly decide the answer is "because a Miranda-A is, for combat purposes, a cheaper, stripped-down, leaner but equally mean version of the Centaur-A."

So both by having higher Presence, and by having less of a focus on combat than the Miranda-A, the Centaur-A conveys a more peaceful message.

*(which have high combat but terrible hit points; a D7 could come close to matching one and a K'tinga would wipe the walls with one by sheer punch-drunk survivability)
[X][KBZ] Captain Syzi ch'Zelil

[X][VULCAN] Commodore Revak

[X][TELLAR] Commodore Hurgok Sagek