[Still thinking over the sector command choices. Thanks to
@lbmaian for that biography list, it'll help me decide]
IF the Klingons are not the aggressor, doesn't the Khitomer treaty call on us to aid them in some fashion?
The Klingons and Romulans fought a war
at least once in the early- to mid-2300s, and the Federation never wound up "having to" attack the Romulans over it.
I think we can and should play firmly neutral if war breaks out- but we'll need to move more anti-cloaking assets to the border to make sure neither side tries to ghost through our territory to hit their flank. At the same time, we don't want either side worried we're going to attack them pre-emptively... hm, that makes this a
GREAT place to send ships that have decent Science but don't fight too well, like
Oberths and
Constellation-As* And, perhaps controversially,
Centaur-As over
Miranda-As. Here's why:
Centaur-A's advantages are virtually all noncombat- especially the higher Presence. So imagine a Romulan or Klingon analyst asking the question: "If they have
Centaur-As, why did they refit the
Mirandas? Looking at the ways in which the ships have been upgraded, they will almost certainly decide the answer is "because a
Miranda-A is, for combat purposes, a cheaper, stripped-down, leaner but equally mean version of the
So both by having higher Presence, and by having less of a focus on combat than the
Miranda-A, the
Centaur-A conveys a more peaceful message.
*(which have high combat but terrible hit points; a D7 could come close to matching one and a
K'tinga would wipe the walls with one by sheer punch-drunk survivability)