I frankly don't care about the mechanical effects, I just want to have Eaton get out there and do things instead of waste her life on a desk job >_>

You do realize that the only times a Flag rank officer isn't manning a desk is when things have gone FUBAR? (so, unless she Kirks herself into a capitanship...) though I do agree she would be best employed out there.

[X][KBZ] Commodore Victoria Eaton
[X][VULCAN] Commodore Revak
[X][TELLAR] Commodore Hurgok Sagek
You do realize that the only times a Flag rank officer isn't manning a desk is when things have gone FUBAR? (so, unless she Kirks herself into a capitanship...) though I do agree she would be best employed out there.
We've seen plenty of sector fleet commanders operating from Excelsiors.
[X][KBZ] Captain Syzi ch'Zelil

The increased event rate is more risk but it is also more opportunity. Also more events will increase the likelihood of Caledonians joining sooner. If we want that to happen right around the war so that the Klingons are distracted then ch'Zelil is a good choice.

[X][VULCAN] Commodore Revak

I would rather have T'Faer here but with the confusion around her being promoted to Admiral I can settle for Revak.

[X][TELLAR] Commodore Hurgok Sagek

I don't feel all that strongly about this one.
@Briefvoice we have the excelsior in andor for dealing with syndicate events, when we took it there were three sectors listed that would have events pop. we need to keep that in consideration with defense fleets
@Briefvoice we have the excelsior in andor for dealing with syndicate events, when we took it there were three sectors listed that would have events pop. we need to keep that in consideration with defense fleets

And yet the Caitian sector has even more Syndicate activity than Andor and so is an even higher priority for an Excelsior. Are you suggesting not giving the KBZ an Excelsior so as to have one in Andor? Especially if the thread is going to vote for a Commodore who will increase the frequency of events in the KBZ.
Vote Tally : Sci-Fi - To Boldly Go... (a Starfleet quest) | Page 659 | Sufficient Velocity
##### NetTally 1.7.4

Task: KBZ

[X][KBZ] Captain Syzi ch'Zelil
No. of Votes: 27
Interested Party
Leila Hann
Nervos Belli
Random Member
The Laurent
Void Stalker

[X][KBZ] Commodore Victoria Eaton
No. of Votes: 12
Chaos Blade


[X][TELLAR] Commodore Hurgok Sagek
No. of Votes: 21
Chaos Blade
Interested Party
Nervos Belli
Random Member
Void Stalker

[X][TELLAR] Captain Talan th'Zahliss
No. of Votes: 11

[X][TELLAR] Captain Cergun ag Hugac
No. of Votes: 5
Leila Hann


[X][VULCAN] Commodore Revak
No. of Votes: 31
Chaos Blade
Nervos Belli
Random Member
Void Stalker

[X][VULCAN] Commodore T'Faer
No. of Votes: 7
Interested Party
Leila Hann

Total No. of Voters: 39

This leaders are pretty clear atm.
If we're going to reshuffle the fleet for the rest of this year pre-Rigel and pre-Thirishar, then some changes are called for. (But not many.)

EDIT: Per @Simon_Jester 's request have updated to keep a Constellation at Vulcan and send the Centaur-A to Andoria.

  • 1 Constitution (Cheron)
  • 5/10 Excelsiors (5 in Explorer Corps; remaining 5 = Excelsior, Kumari, Endurance, Salnas, Avandar)
  • 7 Constellations (Challorn, Docana, Kearsarge, Sappho, Selaya, Stalwart, Vigour)
  • 3/4 Oberth (T'Mir posted to Intelligence; 3 = Hawking, Inspire, Suvek)
  • 11 Mirandas (Bon Vivant, Calypso, Dryad, Eketha, Fidelity, Intrepid, Lion, Shield, Svai, T'Kumbra, Thunderhead)
  • 5/7 Centaur-A (Yukikaze on Syndicate duty; Zephyr out for refit until 2311 Q2; Blizzard, Bull, Lightning, Gale, Winterwind)

Proposed late-2310 Fleet Distribution

Sol (Current D15)
Currently: 1 Excelsior [Endurance] (6), 1 Centaur-A (3) [Bull], 3 Miranda [Lion, Bon Vivant, Fidelity] (6), Starbase 1* (5)
Proposed: Leave as is.
Rationale: Already demonstrated repeated Sydraxian attacks; Vega starbase will not be in service until Q4

Betazed (Current D3)
Currently: 1 Constellation [Selaya] (3)
Proposed: Leave as is.

Vulcan (Current D12)
Currently: 1 Constellation [Sappho] (3), 1 Centaur-A (3) [Lightning], 1 Miranda (2) [T'Kumbra], Starbase I (5)
Proposed: 1 Constellation [Sappho] (3), 2 Mirandas (4) [T'Kumbra, Thunderhead], Starbase I (5) = Add Thunderhead, remove Lightning for duty in Andoria.
Rationale: Vulcan is in a core sector with no open borders. Minimum fleet is fine.

Andoria (Currently D9)
Currently: 1 Excelsior (6) [Avandar], 1 Constellation (3) [Docana], 1 Miranda (2) [Eketha], 1 Oberth [Suvek] (1), Starbase I (5)
Proposed: 1 Constellation (3) [Docana], 1 Centaur-A (3) [Lightning], 1 Oberth [Suvek] (1), Starbase I (5) = Add Lightning, pull the Avandar and the Eketha off for duties in Caitian Sector.
Rationale: Andoria is now a core sector with no open borders. A constellation, a Centaur-A, plus the sensors of an Oberth and a Starbase ought to be plenty for anti-Syndicate operations as the Avandar is more urgently needed in Caitian sector.

Tellar Prime (Currently D9)
Currently: 1 Constellation (3) [Stalwart], 1 Centaur-A (3) [Gale], 1 Miranda (2) [Calypso], Starbase I (5), Extra Outposts (5)
Proposed: Leave as it.
Rationale: With potential Sydraxian/Yrillian attacks, going below three ships not recommended.

Amarkia (Currently D9)
Currently: 1 Excelsior (6) [Salnas], 1 Constellation (3) [Vigour], 1 Miranda [Dryad] (2), Oberth [Hawking] (1), Starbase I (5), Extra Outposts (5)
Proposed: 1 Excelsior (6) [Salnas], 1 Constellation (3) [Vigour], 1 Miranda [Dryad] (2), Starbase I (5), Extra Outposts (5) = Send off Hawking to help patrol RBZ.
Rationale: Represents open front in ongoing Sydraxian war, as well as key anti-Syndicate operations.

Ferasa (Currently D0; assume D9)
Currently: Ferasa Station [Starbase I]
Proposed: 1 Excelsior (6) [Avandar], 1 Miranda (2) [Eketha], 1 Centaur-A (3) [Blizzard], Starbase I (5)
Rationale: Being a border Sector and highest priority for anti-Syndicate activities needs an Excelsior and back-up ships.

Romulan Border Zone (Currently D12)
Currently: 1 Excelsior (6) [Excelsior], 2 Miranda (4) [Svai, Thunderhead], Starbase I (5)
Proposed: 1 Excelsior (6) [Excelsior], 1 Miranda (2) [Svai], Oberth [Hawking] (1), Starbase I (5) = Pull off 1 Miranda [Thunderhead] for duties in Vulcan; add Hawking for extra monitoring
Rationale: Needs high Science to spot cloaked ships more than high firepower.

Klingon Border Zone (Currently D6)
Currently: 1 Constellation (3) [Kearsage], 2 Miranda (4) [Intrepid, Shield], 1 Oberth (1) [Inspire]
Proposed: Leave as is.
Rationale: Will reshuffle to send an Excelsior their way next year.

Cardassian Border Zone (Currently D10)
Currently: 1 Constitution (5) [Cheron], 1 Excelsior (6) [Kumari), 1 Constellation (3) [Challorn], 1 Centaur-A (3) [Winterwind]
Proposed: Keep as is.
Rationale: Starbase will not be up until 2312. After that we can consider drawing down a ship.
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By the way, I have completely logical reasons for it... but a part of me is chuckling at making Revak the only Commodore with no Cruisers or Explorers in his fleet.

Have fun putting your flag on a Centaur-A, Revak! I didn't do it to mess with you, I swear. Messing with you is merely a nice bonus.
By the way, I have completely logical reasons for it... but a part of me is chuckling at making Revak the only Commodore with no Cruisers or Explorers in his fleet.

Have fun putting your flag on a Centaur-A, Revak! I didn't do it to mess with you, I swear. Messing with you is merely a nice bonus.
On poor Captain Mrr'shan's bridge, no less!
Did Revak ever show up 'onscreen'? I only ever recall him being put forward as a candidate for various promotions.
@Briefvoice, in response to your current lineup proposal, I suggest the following. Please note these are all changes to your FUTURE lineup, not to the status quo.

1) Swap Lightning in Vulcan Sector for Sappho or Docana in Andor Sector. A Constellation is just as good as a Centaur-A for meeting minimum defense needs, but in all other ways the Centaur-A is strictly superior.

Andor Sector needs the highest-quality light ships to deal with Syndicate-related events, so we should send Centaur-As there, while leaving the Constellations in quieter sectors where possible.

I'm not sure there are any other Centaur-As we can afford to peel loose from quieter sectors to send to louder ones in exchange for a Constellation, but if there are, I'd approve those swaps too.

Also, that way, Captain Mrr'shan isn't the one who has to put up with Revak. :)

We could always convince the Kadeshi that their ancestors were dropped in the neutral zone by an ancient exile, and that they need to reclaim their original homeworld of Cardassia Prime.
The only reason this might be a problem is that it might work entirely too well...

[Watches in shock and awe as the Kadeshi fleet expands exponentially with each passing victory, zipping across the Alpha Quadrant like the dead-calm nation of ragtag von-Neumann-esque salvager-builders they are]

Can we pull two Oberths free though?

If we can only get one, I'd put her in the KBZ. Then we use the RBZ starbase to help bolster long range scans.
If we can't spare enough, I'd like to build more, or make the Keplers a higher priority. Having only one mobile platform reliably capable of searching for cloaked ships is not a happy state of affairs in my opinion, among other things because it means that having one random accident could leave us with NO mobile platforms capable of doing so.

I agree that the KBZ is the priority for Oberths, though. That goes double given that people are passing over Eaton for the commodore who increases event frequency. The Excelsior flagship in that sector (once there is one) is going to be getting into a lot of events, and could be disabled on short notice.[/I]
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@Briefvoice, in response to your current lineup proposal, I suggest the following. Please note these are all changes to your FUTURE lineup, not to the status quo.

1) Swap Lightning in Vulcan Sector for Sappho or Docana in Andor Sector. A Constellation is just as good as a Centaur-A for meeting minimum defense needs, but in all other ways the Centaur-A is strictly superior.

Andor Sector needs the highest-quality light ships to deal with Syndicate-related events, so we should send Centaur-As there, while leaving the Constellations in quieter sectors where possible.

I'm not sure there are any other Centaur-As we can afford to peel loose from quieter sectors to send to louder ones in exchange for a Constellation, but if there are, I'd approve those swaps too.

There actually is one difference. As a Cruiser, a Constellation gets +1 to Response from Way of the Anchor (which we will complete this next Research phase) where a Centaur does not. Which I suppose you could use as an argument that Vulcan should have a Constellation.

Also, that way, Captain Mrr'shan isn't the one who has to put up with Revak. :)

I suppose we could leave the Sappho at Vulcan (in which case Revak's flag will be on the bro-ship) and sending the Lightning to Andor instead.

If we can't spare enough, I'd like to build more, or make the Keplers a higher priority. Having only one mobile platform reliably capable of searching for cloaked ships is not a happy state of affairs in my opinion, among other things because it means that having one random accident could leave us with NO mobile platforms capable of doing so.

We actually have an Oberth in production right now, but it won't be ready for a couple of years.
There actually is one difference. As a Cruiser, a Constellation gets +1 to Response from Way of the Anchor (which we will complete this next Research phase) where a Centaur does not. Which I suppose you could use as an argument that Vulcan should have a Constellation.
Yes! Yes! That's the reason... yeah.

We actually have an Oberth in production right now, but it won't be ready for a couple of years.
True, although our fleet deployment schemes are going to be a work in progress for a while what with all the new sectors we're adding or soon will be adding. I mean, I'm not going to act spoiled if we can't get two good anticloak ships in each of the two border zones next year, but I think it should be a high priority for us to do so. We do want reliable, efficient capabilities in that department.

Oh boy, he can have the Sappho as his flagship instead!

[puts on his Gaeni hat for maximum mad scientist evil laughter]

[X][KBZ] Captain Syzi ch'Zelil
[X][VULCAN] Commodore Revak
[X][TELLAR] Captain Talan th'Zahliss
Holy s***, +5 RP to every successful event.

Even non RP events.
I think we're at the point where rp isn't a huge bottleneck anymore. We have more research spots open than we have research teams, and we haven't had the spare pp to activate another team in awhile.
How often will events occur though?
Enough to justify picking him, IMO.

Unless it's a typo, and it's supposed to be for RP events only.


Can you confirm?
I think we're at the point where rp isn't a huge bottleneck anymore. We have more research spots open than we have research teams, and we haven't had the spare pp to activate another team in awhile.
Still worth it to activate Generic teams, who do have that +5 Random rolling.