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- Patriarchova
Rhira Tharr has been having a series of highly productive exchanges with one Commander Usha, and now has a catologue of revolutionary starship modules she plans to spend our 50 pp on.
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I'm still holding off on the lock-out for now. Just don't go crazy on me.@OneirosTheWriter could you confirm that taking a generic team off a project and taking teams off open ended projects (like foreign analysis) will still be possible without penalty to restrictions when lock-in goes into effect, or otherwise explain how those are going to work?
Draft of the two plans I intend to present for the research vote, suggestions for making them more readable welcome.
Common Elements:
- Daystorm Institute [Skill 4 Computing/Shields]: 2320s Mainframe Systems [unchanged]
- Generic Team 4 : 2310s Long -Range Sensors [replaced] -> Primitive Isolinear Computers
Warp Tech:
- Starfleet Science Academy [Skill 3 Computing/Communciation]: 2310s Message Security [unchanged]
- Federation Broadcast Service [Skill 2 Communication/Xenopsychology]: 2310s Communications [unchanged]
Escort Design:
- Yoyodyne [Skill 4 Warp Tech/Starship Construction] : 2310s Warp Core Safety [unchanged]
- 40 Eridani A [Skill 3 Escort Design/Warp Tech]: 2310s WarpCores [unchanged]
- Generic Team 3: 2310s Escort - Engineering [unchanged]
- Spock [Skill 5 Xenopsychology/Sensors]: 2310s Diplomacy [unchanged]
- University of Betazed [Skill 3 Xenopsychology/Personal]: 2310s Affiliates Research [unchanged]
- Vulcan Science Academy [Skill 4 Xenopsychology/Sensors] : 2310s Short-Range Sensors [unchanged]
- Generic Team 1: 2310s Shipboard Computing [complete] -> 2310s Long -Range Sensors [replacing]
- Weapons Fabrication Division [Skill 2 Weapons/Starship Design]: Early ToC Weapons [unchanged]
- Andorian Academy [Skill 3 Shields/Communication]: 2310s Deflector Shields [unchanged]
- Tellar Prime Academy of Mineral Science [Skill 3 Minerals/Personal]: 2310s Special Resources [unchanged]
Starbase Design:
- Starfleet Medical [Skill 4 Medical/Personal]: Basic ToC Equipment [complete] -> 2310s Intensive Care[new]
- Taves Nar Orbital Engineering [Skill 2 Starbase Design/Starship Construction] : ToC Starship Frames [complete] -> ToC Starbase Design [new]
Foreign Analysis:
- Lt-Cdr Kuznetsova's Tiger Team [Skill 4 Fleet Design/Foreign Analysis]: Lone Ranger Way of the Elephant [unchanged]
- Admiral Lathriss [Skill 3 Fleet Design/Defensive]: Lone Ranger Way of the Giant [unchanged]
Plan Ambassador Project 2317:
- Games & Theory Division [Skill 2 Foreign Analysis/Offensive] : Cardassian Research [unchanged]
Plan Ambassador Project 2313:
- Utopia Planitia [Skill 5 Cruiser/Explorer Design]: Renaissance [complete] -> 2310s Explorer Combat
- San Francisco Fleetyards [Skill 3 Explorer Design/Starship Construction]: 2310s Explorer - Engineering [unchanged]
- Generic Team 2: 2310s Explorer - Science [unchanged]
- Office of Naval Architecture [Skill 2 Fleet Design/Starship Construction]: Lone Ranger Way of the Anchor [unchanged]
- Generic Team 5: Klingon Research [unchanged]
I have kept in mind that the delay of lock-ins should not be unduly taken advantage of, not a single swap in either variant was done for progress point efficiency, the common swap between the generic teams is to allow both to gain a second specialization, and the swaps in the 2313 plan are done to have the relevant techs finish in time for the Utopia Planitia team being free, if the Utopia Planitia team could just work on another project while waiting for the relevant projects to complete the swapping wouldn't be necessary, and planning ahead like this was precisely the reason why we asked for lock-in to be delayed.
- Utopia Planitia [Skill 5 Cruiser/Explorer Design]: Renaissance [complete] -> 2310s Explorer Combat
- San Francisco Fleetyards [Skill 3 Explorer Design/Starship Construction]: 2310s Explorer - Engineering [replaced] -> 2310s Explorer - Science [replacing]
- Generic Team 2: 2310s Explorer - Science [replaced] -> 2310s Explorer - Engineering [replacing]
- Office of Naval Architecture [Skill 2 Fleet Design/Starship Construction]: Lone Ranger Way of the Anchor [replaced] -> 2310s Starship Frames [new]
- Generic Team 5: Klingon Research [paused] -> Lone Ranger Way of the Anchor [replacing]
The 2317 plan requires swapping out Generic Team 2 in 2312, but that shouldn't be a problem (clarification that removing generic teams from projects will still be allowed pending).
I originally was also going to present plans for starting the Ambassador Project in 2312 or 2315, but after looking at what techs would actually be available there seems to be no reason to bother with them.
Techs projected to be available in 2313:
Additionally projected to be available in 2317:30 / 40 Light-Weight Coolant Redundancy (Warp Core Operation Safety Design II) (Improved reliability by 2%)
19 / 20 EPS Conduit Mag Failsafes I (Reliability for all stats improved by 0.1)
33 / 40 Chelok-Am Dilithium Treatment (Dilithium Efficency II) (Warp Core Weight:SR ratio reduced by 0.1)
31 / 40 Targeting Sensors II (2% weight savings for combat)
33 / 40 Core Shields II (reduce Shield power requirements by 2%)
10 / 40 Explorer Science Design II (-1% to Explorer stat weights)
10 / 40 Explorer Presence Design II (-1% to Explorer stat weights)
8 / 20 Explorer Design Efficiency I (-2% to SR Cost)
3 / 20 Sensor Power Efficiency I (-1% to Explorer science power use)
3 / 20 Explorer Presence Efficiency I (-1% to Explorer presence power use)
20 / 40 Explorer Hull Design II (-1% to Explorer stat weights)
12 / 20 Type-VII-X SH Duty Deflector Array (Explorer Shield Design II) (-1% to Explorer stat weights)
13 / 20 Explorer Reliability Design I (+1 Hull/Shield Reliability)
8 / 20 Ultra-High Throughput EPS Core Tap I (+2% Explorer Power Generation)
35 / 60 Improved Injector Throttling (Warp Core Scaling II) (Warp Core Min Multiplier reduced by .5/1/2) (50% chance)
4 / 20 Type-IV Heavy EPS Manifold ( Phaser Power Conductors I) (-1% Combat Power/Use)
4 / 40 Ambassador-A Pattern Nacelle (Explorer Nacelle Design Improvements II) (-2% Nacelle Penalty on Explorers)
7 / 40 Explorer Combat Design II (-1% to Explorer stat weights)
7 / 40 Explorer Defence Design II (-1% to Explorer stat weights)
0 / 20 Phaser Bank Power Feeds I (-1% to Explorer Power Use)
0 / 20 Reinforced Voids (Explorer Scaling Bonuses I) (Explorer Scale Exponent reduced to 3.25x)
0 / 40 Microfilament Truss Construction (Frame Weight Improvements II) (-2% to Frame Weight)
0 / 40 EPS Conduit Mag Failsafes II (Reliability for all stats improved by 0.1)
0 / 40 Type-VI Family SIF Generators (Hull Integrity Grids II) (-1% to Hull Power Cost, +1 to Hull Reliability)
0 / 20 Structural-Integrity Integrated Manifold Casing (Phaser EPS Capacitor Durability I) (Improve Combat Reliability of Cruisers/Explorers by 2, Escorts by 1)
19 / 20 Emitter Designs I (-2% to Defence Weight)
13 / 20 Exotic Material Efficiency I (improve Weight:SR ratio of Defence)
4 / 20 Emitter Redundancy I (+1% reliability for Defence)
0 / 60 Explorer Hull Design III (-1% to Explorer stat weights)
0 / 40 Type-VII-X SH Duty Deflector Array (Explorer Shield Design III) (-1% to Explorer stat weights)
0 / 40 Explorer Reliability Design II (+1 Hull/Shield Reliability)
0 / 40 Ultra-High Throughput EPS Core Tap II (+2% Explorer Power Generation)
0 / 20 Warp Coil Design Efficiency I (-2% Nacelle Weight)
0 / 20 Verterium Cortenide Metallurgy I (-5% Nacelle SR Cost)
With Reinforced Voids having far more impact than most other techs the techs available in 2313 already provide the great majority of the potential value.
Canonical compact forms:
[] Base Plan Ambassador Project 2313
-[] Generic Team 4 : Primitive Isolinear Computers
-[] Generic Team 1 : 2310s Long -Range Sensors
-[] Starfleet Medical : 2310s Intensive Care
-[] Taves Nar Orbital Engineering : ToC Starbase Design
-[] Utopia Planitia : 2310s Explorer Combat
-[] San Francisco Fleetyards : 2310s Explorer - Science
-[] Generic Team 2: 2310s Explorer - Engineering
-[] Office of Naval Architecture : 2310s Starship Frames
-[] Generic Team 5: Lone Ranger Way of the Anchor
[] Base Plan Ambassador Project 2317
-[] Generic Team 4 : Primitive Isolinear Computers
-[] Generic Team 1 : 2310s Long -Range Sensors
-[] Starfleet Medical : 2310s Intensive Care
-[] Taves Nar Orbital Engineering : ToC Starbase Design
-[] Utopia Planitia : 2310s Explorer Combat
... when did that happen to the DMZ colonists?
Wiki says that they at very least started attacking these colonies using Galor-class disruptors
This is dangerous thinking, The Federation ABANDONED those worlds, to the Cardassians of all bastards....Yeah, frankly? The Maquis were fucking terrorists. 'Freedom fighters' in their own minds, but the treaty the Federation signed with Cardassia ceded colonies to them for good reason and everyone on those colonies was offered a ticket offworld and compensation. That they chose to stay meant they chose their world and the Cardassian Union over the Federation and leaving. There wasn't much question on any of that.
The Maquis had about as much in common with 'freedom fighters' as the Israeli settlers who edge out into territory that their government has designated as belonging to Palestinians and kill anyone who tries to stop them from illegally occupying the land. They were self-entitled jackasses who refused to recognize reality.
That the Cardassians grew increasingly vicious in dealing with the Maquis is only to be expected. That so many in Starfleet chose to support them is pathetic.
Spending a bit of time behind the scenes nailing down some extra stuff for the trade/shipping/logistics war underpinnings, plus the remaining frames of the research stuff. So... in the interim, I might put up that sector commander vote.
Well, yes. I've been hinting that the Klingons and Romulans want to bloweach other up for a while now
Well, yes. I've been hinting that the Klingons and Romulans want to bloweach other up for a while now
Yep, that's the reason we asked for the reasons why this time around. Hopefully we get a chance to read the reports before the shooting starts.Well, yes. I've been hinting that the Klingons and Romulans want to bloweach other up for a while now
Well, yes. I've been hinting that the Klingons and Romulans want to bloweach other up for a while now
Be available as mediator if desired, offer sophontarian support where both sides allow it, make sure neither side tries to sneak through our territory to attack the other behind their lines, and otherwise stay out.So, what's our plan for this Klingon-Romulan war?
I do not want to participate on one side or another. Peacekeeping with our fleet? That's how they both team up against us.
Well, I suggest making sure they would not get too much hot under collar. Ask both sides to insert observers. To put some ships that won't engage either side, but will work search and rescue. We can even intern POWs! (On Riza, in special luxury hotels). We can go and check occupied planets so neither side would do anything too extreme with civilians of opposing force.
The Romulans know about the Khitomer accords and won't be stupid enough to allow themselves to be clearly seen as the aggressor, even if they are ultimately responsible. It's either going to be the Klingons starting it or it will be unclear who did.IF the Klingons are not the aggressor, doesn't the Khitomer treaty call on us to aid them in some fashion?
I'm sure we could duck out of it, and the pacifists faction would no doubt press us hard to do so, but I imagine the Klingons would take that... poorly.
When people complain about season one TNG, it isn't so much actions (though I can think of one or two examples of those as well) as rhetoric. It seemed like the Enterprise was constantly finding some poor alien race to condescend at about the Federation's nonviolence for half the episode.
EDIT: hey @AKuz, do you have plans for an omake about Nash and Miran?