Some background on the choices:
Candidates for Klingon Border Zone:
[ ][KBZ] Commodore Victoria Eaton
Human Female, 55
Current Posting: Director, Starfleet Data Modelling, Ship Design Bureau
An experienced Explorer Corps commander, with an expertise with sensors.
Peacetime Bonus: +1 to all response rolls
Fleet Bonus: Large bonus to setting or avoiding ambushes.
A previous FYM captain in 2301-2306, currently providing +1 to Sensor Research, but she's been stuck there since 2306.
[ ][KBZ] Captain Syzi ch'Zelil
Andorian Shen, 59
Current Posting: Deputy Director, Operations, Explorer Corps
An avowed fan of both training drills and exploration.
Peacetime Bonus: Increased event rate in her sector
Fleet Bonus: The ship Syzi is on counts as +1 Crew Rating while she is there
Currently on EC panel of captains: "A Captain with a clear emphasis on personal safety and self-defence, gain re-roll for events involving away teams" (also apparently just changed jobs from USS
Docana captain to listed posting)
edit: Actually she changed job postings in
2306. And her age is inconsistent - listed as 44 in EC panel of captains and 59 here.
[ ][KBZ] Commodore Thraan th'Marlaas
Andorian Thaan, 52
Current Posting: Chief of Staff, Shipyard Operations
Though he didn't get the promotion to the CBZ posting, Thraan still managed to move up the ladder with his wide-ranging experience and talent.
Peacetime Bonus: Wide ranging patrols (+2 to highest response roll, -2 to all others)
Fleet Bonus: Improved chance to declining battle.
Lost out on CBZ posting back in 2306.
Candidates for Vulcan Sector Command:
[ ][VULCAN] Commodore Revak
Vulcan Male, 60
Current Posting: Director, Training Bureau, Starfleet Personnel Command
A popular choice on Vulcan, Revak views this as the last stepping stone to securing a Rear Admiral Promotion.
Peacetime Bonus: +4pp while in this role.
Fleet Bonus: Losses to this fleet incur no Political Will loss.
This guy used to be on the EC panel of captains with a very similar bonus: "A competent if unspectacular Vulcan with ambitions and strong patrons, gain +5 Political Will per year."
[ ][VULCAN] Commodore T'Faer
Vulcan Female, 68
Current Posting: Chief of Staff, Ship Design Bureau
An experienced commander who has bounced back from scars inside and out after the Biophage crisis.
Peacetime Bonus: Increased chance of backup ships arriving (ships within 2 of the required response roll arrive and give half-stat)
Fleet Bonus: +2 to all checks against Cloaking Tech.
Lost out on Explorer Corps directorship back in 2309.
edit: As pointed out by Nix a bit later, T'Faer was promoted to Rear Admiral (Director, Starfleet Logistics Command) in
2308, so she shouldn't be eligible for this anyway, or if she is, it would be a demotion.
[ ][VULCAN] Commodore T'Lam
Vulcan Female, 59
Current Posting: Chief of Staff, Starfleet Intelligence
With a head full of secrets, T'Lam is often able to put the right word in the right ear.
Peacetime Bonus: Gain +1 to Presence Rolls in Vulcan space.
Fleet Bonus: Increased chance of forcing or declining battle.
Lost out on both Intelligence and Explorer Corps directorships back in 2309.
Candidates for Tellar Sector Command
[ ][TELLAR] Commodore Hurgok Sagek
Tellarite Male, 61
Current Posting: Operations Officer, Starfleet Tactical Command
A talented commander, looking to get some time back in space.
Peacetime Bonus: +1 to Combat checks.
Fleet Bonus: +5% Fleet Combat
Lost out on Explorer Corps directorship back in 2306 and CBZ posting back in 2309, with same +5% fleet combat bonus each time.
[ ][TELLAR] Captain Cergun ag Hugac
Tellarite Male, 47
Current Posting: Superintendent, Ana Font Shipyard, Berth 1
More accustomed to fitting out ships than running them, he knows where every last plasma manifold and self-sealing stembolt goes.
Peacetime Bonus: +2 to Hull Checks from failed events
Fleet Bonus: +1 to amount of HP damage that can be repaired underway
New guy (in terms of choices throughout the quest)
[ ][TELLAR] Captain Talan th'Zahliss
Andorian Male, 46
Current Posting: Assistant Director, Advanced Subspace Theory Office, Yoyodyne Propulsion Division
A lab rat by nature, Talan always looks for the science lesson in everything.
Peacetime Bonus: +5rp in any successful event generated in Tellar
Fleet Bonus: Any battle fought by this fleet adds +5 to all doctrine research against that foe.
Currently on EC panel of captains: "A keen scientist who who wants to turn to more practical pursuits. Gain +5rp/year."