Ok, side note: I've just discovered the hard way Sailfin Catfish are very, very slimy and disgusting to clean. Onn the bright side they make nice fillets, and I caught both of them :D

On topic: I can handle the research change, seems actually straightforward
I mean, I can easily understand the direct mechanical consequence.

The problem is that it's going to result in elaborate schemes of "switch tech team A to research Thing 1, B to Thing 2," and so on, because every turn will see us with a number of projects nearing completion.

At the moment, the mechanically optimal strategy is almost always to have your best teams researching your most important subjects, and to keep them sticking on topic, because even if they overfill a tech their superior skill will make itself felt somehow- in time saved for the next research project, if nothing else.

Now, that is no longer the case, and the minmaxing takes on another dimension.

But I expect to hear a LOT from people who are telling me that Spock should hop over to this, freeing up that team to finish off a computer project so that the Daystrom Institute can do that, and the next thing I know the poor confused tiger team is curled up in the corner crying amid the wreckage of other people's lunch because they've lost track of what's going on, and Reggie's diagrams of who asks whom to do what have turned into a cat's cradle.

And all of this is purely mechanical, it makes no sense in terms of what a real Starfleet admiral would actually tell people to do. Maybe it results in our techs getting finished 0.2% faster and maybe it doesn't, but it's going to hurt to engage with from a gamist perspective.

Having research be transferable within a field (so that overflow on a 20-point subtech goes to one of the other, pricier techs in the same field) will help mitigate that some. It's better than nothing.

But honestly, I'd be willing to volunteer as Deputy Assistant Research Keeper-Tracker-Of specifically to lessen the burden on Oneiros so that he wouldn't have to deal with it, and could keep the old overflow mechanism in place despite the branching tech tree.

Actually, I am willing to do that.
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Now, that is no longer the case, and the minmaxing takes on another dimension.
Well, this should only kick in when a tech is totally completed though, yes? There are multiple levels inside any given tech, so not every team will be shuffled every turn. In fact, wouldn't we want to be shifting research teams around every once in a while anyway? Just to make sure we had better basic tech coverage. This more incentivizes us to do the shift about a turn sooner than we normally would, and lore-wise could represent a team essentially finishing the project their working on, and leaving the small amount of fine tuning to another team, while they sink their teeth into something more engaging.
2308.Q4 - Well, They Try
[X] Romulan Diplomatic Posture Report
[X] Cardassian Fleet Strength Report
[X] Caitian-Dawiar War Progress Report (Will include supplementary updates)
[X] Klingon Diplomatic Posture Report
[X] USS Polaris Incident Report
[X] Cardassian Diplomatic Posture Report
[X] Yrillian Diplomatic Posture Report

Continued Diplomatic Push

Caladonians 298/500 + 20 = 318/500

Caldonians will begin the process of closer integration
Starfleet Intelligence Report

Suspected Force on Romulan Border:
1 Heavy Warbird
3 Birds of Prey
0 D7s

A series of Shipyard upgrades and expansions will be completing shortly to provide the infrastructure for the new cruiser project, and to expand Heavy Warbird production. On our direct front, no change in structure has occurred.

Suspected Force on Klingon Border:
2 K'tinga
6 Klingon Bird of Prey

The first prototype of the second generation Bird of Prey has entered production. It is considerably larger than the existing BoP, but still much smaller than the K'tinga.

Forces on our border currently hold steady.

Suspected Force on Cardassian Frontier:

3 Jaldun-class destroyers operating within the frontier unit on a regular basis.
CDF Trager
CDF Ronagot
CDF Karnack [Believed to be shortly returning from repair duty]

1 Science Escort is also operating within the frontier.
CDF Parnok

Cardassian Fleet Strength Report

The operations of the USS T'Mir have given us our greatest insights yet into the size and complexion of the Cardassian Union Fleet. As believed previously, the backbone of the Cardassian fleet is the Jaldun-class destroyer. At a little over one million ton, it is a flexible and powerful combatant, while still maintaining a scientific suite and diplomatic capacity roughly equivalent or superior to the current Constellation-class cruisers. Obviously, this disparity in our normal backbone sector support asset creates difficulties in any forward deployment scenario.

The last year has obviously also seen the encounter and destruction of a battlecruiser, which we believe weighed in at 1.8mt, while possessing greater firepower, equivalent shields, but a slightly weaker hull, than an Excelsior-class explorer. As an aside, Starfleet Intelligence believes this combat-focus in the Cardassian forces represents a weakness when confronted with a peer competitor, as it restricts the flexibility of the Cardassian fleet. They are believed to have no full-scale explorer.

There is another heavy asset that we have discovered during the last year, however. The USS T'Mir has intercepted footage of a modified Jaldun, which has had an additional combat module added to it, and larger nacelles, a heavier-hitting, faster ship known as a Kaldar. We are distributing an advisory to the fleet that the Kaldar is to be avoided by all ships below an Excelsior.

Starfleet Intelligence would like to note that we have also come by progress images of a Kaldar nearing completion which has an additional module attached. This module does not appear to be of Carassian manufacture, and its nature and purpose are currently a matter of speculation. We are in consultation with the Office of Naval Architecture and Tactical Command's Tiger Team to attempt to answer this matter.

For Escorts, the Cardassians maintain a pair of old designs, but the bulk of their escorts are part of a family of vessels known as the Takaaki-class, all very well protected for their size. There is a science variant, a high-speed diplomat variant, and a pure combat variant. The pure combat variant is believed to maintain equivalent firepower to a Jaldun, though with less speed and protection.

For rough fleet numbers we have the following estimates:
10~12 Jaldun destroyer
2~6 Kaldar destroyer
0~1 Lorgot battlecruiser

15~20 Escorts, of which a quarter are believed to be old designs, and a quarter the new heavy combatant.

Independent civilian shipping is effectively unknown, however, the state itself operates a significant merchant marine.

Caitian-Dawiar War Progress Report

As of yet, no major fleet action has been committed to. We believe the Dawiar are hoping to fight a counter-offensive campaign, however the Caitian have been awaiting the return of the Shrr'harr before committing to proper offensive operations. Instead much of the fighting has revolved around inconclusive encounters in an area of space that forms a cube-like shape defined by Oriolis II, the Dawiar colony of Oldan-Tar, and the Caitian worlds of Ollasa IV and Yashrr. The Caitians have lost an old Swarmer in exchange for a Shakakoun, and a number of escorts on either side have sustained damage. Our information suggests that the Caitians are looking to take Oldan-Tar once the Shrr'harr returns, with a view to cutting off Oriolis II from its remaining colonies. As it stands, the outpost protecting Oldan-Tar was destroyed in a sharp raid executed by the Fathership Horfa.

Outside of this area, a number of ships on both sides are attempting to raid shipping to starve their opposition of resources. The Dawiar are doing this most aggressively, perhaps recognising the industrial disparity that exists despite their very productive natures. Ships from other parties have been targeted, even in Federation space, if their course directs them towards Caitian destination.

In combat, it appears the advanced Torpedoes combined with the crude but sturdy designs of the Dawiar are allowing them to hold their own for the time being.

Total War Losses to Date
1 Mishir-class Modern Swarmer
2 N'Kara-class Old Swarmers
4 Cargo Ships
2 Freighters
1 Prospector

4 Shakakoun-class Escorts
1 Small Outpost
3 Cargo Ships
1 Freighter

Klingon Diplomatic Posture Report

There is a peculiar sense of inevitability being observed by our embassy to the Klingons that war with the Romulans will come, if not this decade, then next decade. There seems to be a lull less related to an inclination to war between either side and more related to the Klingons finishing off their new-era Bird of Prey design while the Romulans finish their D7-replacement cruiser project. To the extent that the Federation is being considered, our preoccupation with the Cardassian threat is being seen as reassuring. No one expects an intervention by the Federation, but the possibility is never discounted by warriors.

USS Polaris Incident Report

The action at Oriolis II between the Polaris and the Dryad with the Dawiar defence forces has been pored over intensely since the incident. Publicly this took the form of a board of inquiry that found the captain not to be culpable for the loss of the ship. Starfleet Intelligence's follow-up analysis has led us to concur with this outcome.

It is the opinion of our analysts, based on a number of available sources, that we fell afoul of an unexpected cultural norm. This has been confirmed most recently with the surprising release of our Ambassadorial team into the possession of the Qloath as a third-party. Ambassador Sarek met with the freed Ambassador, who was at pains to point out they were well-treated during their time with the Dawiar. Apparently it is customary in Dawiar culture that if negotiations hit an impasse on a particular point, combat should follow between the champions of the two two diplomats; in this case, the Polaris and the flagship of the Dawiar. However, when the Dawiar opened fire after delivering the traditional address, the Dryad joined the engagement and everything from there, if you will pardon the colloquial, went to hell in a hand-basket from there.

Seemingly the lack of a declaration of war from the Dawiar to the Federation had less to do with their appraisal of our relative sizes and more to do with the quick diplomatic work of Ambassador Collins, who explained the matter. However, by that stage, the Caitian declaration of war had left the Dawiar in a position where it was time to take up arms.

The roots of the conflict between the Caitian and the Dawiar lie in the matter of contested prospecting and the very close borders between the two warring powers. The Caitians were more successful in pushing their claims, taking the two systems of Yashrr and Mar'shrr on either side of Ollasa. In addition to being a prize Class M world, Yashrr III also contains rich duranium deposits, and the system contains other valuable minerals. Losing out to Caitian expansion was a dire sore point with the Dawiar, especially as it offered a chance to counter-balance the exposed nature of their homeworld.

Romulan Diplomatic Posture Report

Much like the Klingons, the Romulans are preparing for a war, and simply keeping an eye out for the most advantageous position at which one could be launched. Notoriously isolationist, they have few allies with which to call upon. We have no embassy within Romulan space as of yet, though the Federation is on the verge of accomplishing this, which will be a momentous occasion, so our information is still coming to us by way of signal intercepts and media analysis. A number of border skirmishes have led to damaged ships and stations, but as yet little concrete results. When war comes, however, it may be savage and long-lasting in its scope.

Cardassian Diplomatic Posture Report

The Cardassians seem to be taking a high-pressure, belligerent approach to their diplomacy. Neutral nations are being left with limited options but to take sides in the matter. The Seyek are thus far the most successful that we know of in resisting this measure. This approach combined with attempts to undermine the symbols of security offered by the Federation appear to be directed towards offering a choice between the possibly unpalatable but concrete offer of client statehood to the Cardassians, or a "too good to be true" offer from the Federation. Attempts to undermine the Federation's image push this impression that we are "selling a pipe dream", and that it is better to take the option of a demanding but powerful patron rather than take on the option of a Federation that will not intervene, such as in the Caitian-Dawiar war.

Yrillian Diplomatic Posture Report

The Yrillians are thus far maintaining a neutral line and showing little interest in deepening ties with the Federation. The central government at Ethur II is not strong, and their ability to keep the Yrillian colonies in line is nominal at times. However, there are troubling reports coming our way that suggest that the Cardassians have located the Yrillians and are extending diplomatic overtures towards them.


Starfleet Shipyard Operations Command Report

From: Captain Alejandro Suarez, Superintendent, Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards, Berth B
To: Admiral Vitalia Yukiko Kahurangi, Starfleet Command; Rear Admiral Patricia Chen, Director, Utopia Planitia Shipyards; Vice Admiral Valentina Sousa, Shipyard Operations Command
Subject: Certificate of Completion

To Whom It May Concern,

As per Starfleet Regulations IV-12 (a), as Superintendent of this Shipyard Berth, I herein certify that the project under my command, namely the repair of the CSS Shrr'Harr (Nirfari-class Fathership, Caitian Registry CN-558) is complete, assessed, and ready to be returned to the Caitian Fleet.

Captain Suarez
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Apparently it is customary in Dawiar culture that if negotiations hit an impasse on a particular point, combat should follow between the champions of the two two diplomats; in this case, the Polaris and the flagship of the Dawiar. However, when the Dawiar opened fire after delivering the traditional address, the Dryad joined the engagement and everything from there, if you will pardon the colloquial, went to hell in a hand-basket from there.

HA! I totally called it! This is good for us, if we can get the Caitian to reopen negotiations we might be able to work out a peaceful solution.

also the enterprise would be perfect for this, since they kind are our champion.
Send in the Enterprise, expect things to go wildly out of control, and yet somehow at the end of it the crew of the ship saves the day with everything being better than before by the end of it?
...Pretty much.

Or hey, have another diplomatic empasse with an actual Champion.

Do we have a psychological report on the Dewair?
Hopefully we'll be able to locate Cardassia Prime and/or Bajor next year. Cardassia Prime because knowing the location of their homeworld and capital is always a good thing; Bajor for obvious reasons.
...Pretty much.

Or hey, have another diplomatic empasse with an actual Champion.

Do we have a psychological report on the Dewair?

Trial by champion.

Nash is our Kirk, so he should be able to fistfight anyone, yes? :p

IDK, Rosalee's Personal Combat bonus is starting to look pretty good.

See, this is why we should have assigned her to a FYM ship. How does appointing her as an attaché sound?
Report of Rear Admiral Nash zh'Rhashaan

Good morning, Admiral.

As was the case last year, we have spent most of the last year with our focus squarely on the Caradassian frontier. During the last few months we have successfully located a Cardassian major colony at Trangot. Beyond that, we have had some successes, though failing to prevent the attempted assassination of our dignatries at Amarkia, though we will note that the Diplomatic Service's insistence on Enterprise came at our quiet suggestion.

The T'Mir's efforts have proven extremely fruitful, allowing us to ferret out the Trangot colony, a forward base, and generally keep our heads at least somewhat above water with the Cardassian subterfuge.

End Report

Suspected Force on Romulan Border:
1 Heavy Warbird
3 Birds of Prey
0 D7s

Initial rough intelligence leads us to believe the planned crusier will fit within a 1m-ton berth. It will be considerably more durable than a Constellation, while still retaining a cloaking device.

Beyond that, levels held steady on this border. We have intercepted some signals indicating an event incurring damaged ships and casualties ocurred during the year. Both sides are being tight-lipped.

Suspected Force on Klingon Border:
2 K'tinga
6 Klingon Bird of Prey

A new generation of the Bird of Prey is in development. It is expected that the K'tinga will continue to give reliable service into the future, and the next project will be a battleship-type explorer, to be operated centrally.

Er, this is the exact same as the 2307.Q4 intelligence report. While it's conceivable that the Klingon and Romulan border situation hasn't changed at all, that initial report about discovering Cardassian colonies again doesn't make sense.

edit: the Amarkian membership ratification too

There is another heavy asset that we have discovered during the last year, however. The USS T'Mir has intercepted footage of a modified Jaldun, which has had an additional combat module added to it, and larger nacelles, a heavier-hitting, faster ship known as a Kaldar. We are distributing an advisory to the fleet that the Kaldar is to be avoided by all ships below an Excelsior.

Even besting the Constitution-A (or other token explorer)? That doesn't bode well.

Starfleet Intelligence would like to note that we have also come by progress images of a Kaldar nearing completion which has an additional module attached. This module does not appear to be of Carassian manufacture, and its nature and purpose are currently a matter of speculation. We are in consultation with the Office of Naval Architecture and Tactical Command's Tiger Team to attempt to answer this matter.

Now this is truly disturbing. Best care scenario, it's something developed by a client state we haven't recognized yet. Worst case scenario, the Cardassians are fucking around with something they don't understand. Something that's bad for both us and them.
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Continued Diplomatic Push

Caladonians 298/500 + 20 = 318/500

Caldonians will begin the process of closer integration

Whelp, there we go. Between them, the Indorians, and the Apiatans we'll have a lot of closely integrating affiliates coming up. (Assuming the Indorians are up for it.)

As was the case last year, we have spent most of the last year with our focus squarely on the Caradassian frontier. During the last few months we have successfully located a Cardassian major colony at Trangot. Beyond that, we have had some successes, though failing to prevent the attempted assassination of our dignatries at Amarkia, though we will note that the Diplomatic Service's insistence on Enterprise came at our quiet suggestion.

I think that was left over from last year.

Cardassian Fleet Strength Report

For rough fleet numbers we have the following estimates:
10~12 Jaldun destroyer
2~6 Kaldar destroyer
0~1 Lorgot battlecruiser

15~20 Escorts, of which a quarter are believed to be old designs, and a quarter the new heavy combatant.

Well, that could be worse but it could also be better. By comparison Starfleet has:
17 Escorts (Mirandas and Centaurs and Oberths)
7 Constellations
1 Constitution-A
8 Excelsiors

Pretty comparable once you consider the strength differences between the classes, with maybe a slight overall advantage to the Cardassians. However that doesn't count the Federation's Home Fleets, which are a whole second fleet lurking below the surface.

But yes, we spit out some cruisers that can handle those Jalduns, and we'll be in a much better position. Just one thing worries me....

Starfleet Intelligence would like to note that we have also come by progress images of a Kaldar nearing completion which has an additional module attached. This module does not appear to be of Carassian manufacture, and its nature and purpose are currently a matter of speculation. We are in consultation with the Office of Naval Architecture and Tactical Command's Tiger Team to attempt to answer this matter.

Who gave them that module and what does it do?!

Klingon Diplomatic Posture Report

There is a peculiar sense of inevitability being observed by our embassy to the Klingons that war with the Romulans will come, if not this decade, then next decade. There seems to be a lull less related to an inclination to war between either side and more related to the Klingons finishing off their new-era Bird of Prey design while the Romulans finish their D7-replacement cruiser project. To the extent that the Federation is being considered, our preoccupation with the Cardassian threat is being seen as reassuring. No one expects an intervention by the Federation, but the possibility is never discounted by warriors.

Glad no one is expecting our intervention, exactly. What a poor reason for war, though. "We finished some new ship designs! So, uh, a war I guess."

Seemingly the lack of a declaration of war from the Dawiar to the Federation had less to do with their appraisal of our relative sizes and more to do with the quick diplomatic work of Ambassador Collins, who explained the matter. However, by that stage, the Caitian declaration of war had left the Dawiar in a position where it was time to take up arms.

The roots of the conflict between the Caitian and the Dawiar lie in the matter of contested prospecting and the very close borders between the two warring powers. The Caitians were more successful in pushing their claims, taking the two systems of Yashrr and Mar'shrr on either side of Ollasa. In addition to being a prize Class M world, Yashrr III also contains rich duranium deposits, and the system contains other valuable minerals. Losing out to Caitian expansion was a dire sore point with the Dawiar, especially as it offered a chance to counter-balance the exposed nature of their homeworld.

So it's not just a cultural screw-up. Ultimately the war comes down to real tensions over resources. But hey, if the Dawiar are really concerned about duranium didn't we find another deposit they might be interested in?

We have identified a very rich seam of duranium near the Dawiar border, in a system designated Fenris, in a Class D planet. I'm not sure that it will be a viable spot politically, however. We have quickly moved away from the system, in fact, to avoid drawing too much attention to it, as it is near enough to the Dawiar that if they were tracking us, they would find it quickly.

Why yes, yes we did. The pieces are definitely coming together for a diplomatic solution. While we as players may not be asked for an explicit plan on this, it's satisfying to see if come together from the narrative.

Romulan Diplomatic Posture Report

Much like the Klingons, the Romulans are preparing for a war, and simply keeping an eye out for the most advantageous position at which one could be launched. Notoriously isolationist, they have few allies with which to call upon. We have no embassy within Romulan space as of yet, though the Federation is on the verge of accomplishing this, which will be a momentous occasion, so our information is still coming to us by way of signal intercepts and media analysis. A number of border skirmishes have led to damaged ships and stations, but as yet little concrete results. When war comes, however, it may be savage and long-lasting in its scope.

On the one hand, you hate to see the loss of life. On the other hand, at least it'll keep both sides occupied. On the gripping hand, a war that is savage and long-lasting has a way of dragging the neighbors in no matter what anyone else wants. This is not a good thing, but we really have no ability to stop it.

Yrillian Diplomatic Posture Report

The Yrillians are thus far maintaining a neutral line and showing little interest in deepening ties with the Federation. The central government at Ethur II is not strong, and their ability to keep the Yrillian colonies in line is nominal at times. However, there are troubling reports coming our way that suggest that the Cardassians have located the Yrillians and are extending diplomatic overtures towards them.

Well now. I'd like to remind everyone that while we only have the limited tool of the diplomatic push, just by asking for and getting this information we have affected events. Sulu is probably a lot more likely to send an Explorer or two up that way to poke around, and the Federation Diplomatic service may take up the challenge. We'll see what pops out of the next round of Captain's Logs and if this information is acted upon.
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So it's not just a cultural screw-up. Ultimately the war comes down to real tensions over resources. But hey, if the Dawiar are really concerned about duranium didn't we find another deposit they might be interested in?
Yup, Nash and the Enterprise found one in the Captain's Log before this most recent one.
Captain's Log, USS Enterprise, Stardate 22999.8

We have identified a very rich seam of duranium near the Dawiar border, in a system designated Fenris, in a Class D planet. I'm not sure that it will be a viable spot politically, however. We have quickly moved away from the system, in fact, to avoid drawing too much attention to it, as it is near enough to the Dawiar that if they were tracking us, they would find it quickly.

[Gain +30br, get +20br/year colony option at Fenris IV]
I'd have no problem letting the Dawiar have it if it helps resolve things peacefully.
2308.Q4 - The Rat Race
Starfleet Personnel - Promotions Board

Highlighted Officer's Summary

Promoted to Lieutenant

Promoted to Lieutenant-Commander

Promoted to Commander
Alexandria Kuznetsova - Assigned to Starfleet Tactical Analysis Group
Anne Usha - Assigned to Chief, Future Design Trends, Office of Naval Architecture, Ship Design Bureau

Promoted to Captain
Saavik - Pending reassignment

Promoted to Commodore

Promoted to Rear Admiral
Trinnarv Xursh - Assigned to Director, Shipyard Support Command
Leonard McCoy - Assigned to Starfleet Surgeon-General
T'Faer - Assigned to Director, Starfleet Logistics Command

Promoted to Vice Admiral


Key Reassignments

Commodore Rachel Ainsworth - Director, Battle Review Division, Starfleet Tactical Command

Changes to Explorer Panel of Captains
Out: None
In: Saavik (Promotion)

Placed on Sabbatical/Convalescent Leave

Apinae Sector
- Provides: 20br, 15sr, 5rp, 5pp, 0.0 Officer, 0.8 Enlisted, 0.2 Tech
- Requires: D0
- Installations: High Comb Station [Starbase I], Grand Hive of the Apiata@Apinae(1 x 2.5mt berth, 4 x 600kt berth)
- Local Currently: 1 Queenship, 4 Little Queenships, 19 Escorts (Stingers/Foragers)

- Provides: 10br, 5sr, 2rp, 2pp, 0.1 Officer, 0.2 Enlisted, 0.1 Tech
- Requires: D0
- Installations: Indoria Station [Outpost I], Indoria Drive Yard@Indoria(1 x 2.5mt berth, 1 x 1500kt berth)
- Local Currently: 3 Cruisers, 6 Escorts

Klingon Border Zone
- Provides: 10br, 5sr, 5rp, 2pp, 0.1 Officer, 0.1 Enlisted, 0.2 Tech
- Requires: D0
- Installations: Caldonia Station [Outpost I], Caldonian Government Shipyard@Caldonia(1 x 1.5mt berth, 1 x 1000kt berth)
- Local Currently: 3 Science Cruisers, 5 Caldonian Escorts


Starfleet Shipyard Operations Construction Update


As per the construction plan approved at the beginning of 2307, the following ships are deducting their crews:

Centaur-A (Build Order NCC-2104) @ San Francisco Fleet Yards Berth 1 - ETC 2309.Q4
Centaur-A (Build Order NCC-2105) @ San Francisco Fleet Yards Berth 2 - ETC 2309.Q4

Centaur-A (Build Order NCC-2106) @ 40 Eridani A Berth 1 - ETC 2309.Q4
Centaur-A (Build Order NCC-2107) @ 40 Eridani A Berth 2 - ETC 2309.Q4

This has required 4 units of Officers, 8 Units of Enlisted personnel, and 8 units of Technicians.

Vice Admiral Sousa
Director, Starfleet Shipyard Operations
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Yowza, those Apiata resources are nice.

Also, the Caledonian's Outpost is called Ferasa Station?
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Er, this is the exact same as the 2307.Q4 intelligence report. While it's conceivable that the Klingon and Romulan border situation hasn't changed at all, that initial report about discovering Cardassian colonies again doesn't make sense.

edit: the Amarkian membership ratification too
Sorry, that was actually meant to be deleted outright because of the expansion of the other parts.