@OneirosTheWriter, after taking a look at the revised
research megapost, I have two main concerns with how research is working in this quest:
1) With so many research categories, it seems inevitable that many of them will be neglected, possibly even for longer than a decade. There just isn't enough incentive to have research teams be activated for research categories that they're not specialized in. So this leads to a situation where we have unrealistic patterns of research going on (seriously, you'd expect a least a bit of research going on in each category), and it also trivializes research teams to only focus on their preferences.
I can think of a couple ways we can improve this:
1a) Lower the research bonus that research team preferences give. Instead of 2x bonus, maybe 1.5x bonus (rounded) while also raising all current skill levels so that the research costs don't have to be rebalanced. This would give more incentive to research outside preferences, especially toward lower tier tech.
1b) Provide a set of default research teams that don't have any preferences. Perhaps start off with 4 research teams with skill 1 or so. To disincentivize using these default research teams over normal research teams, they won't have any exp to grow skill.
If we want this default skill to grow over time, we could have the skill of all default research teams be incremented once all techs of a tier are researched across all research categories, or alternatively provide a council option costing PP to do this once prereqs are met.
1c) Provide a slow (skill 1) default research for all research categories that don't have any research teams assigned to them. Optionally have skill grow as above. I actually don't like this particular approach, since there isn't player agency in this, and it may scale oddly with more research categories - I would favor (1b) over this.
2) Once we do finally get sufficient research teams and sufficient RP to cover all categories, then that pretty much takes decision making out of the research phase. This can be semi-addressed by simply adding more and more research categories, but I think you already have comprehensive coverage of all ST tech categories, so adding more research categories may start feeling very artificial.
Again a couple things can be done here:
2a) Allow assigning multiple research teams to the same research category, with some sort of penalty for over-specialization. Maybe if multiple teams are assigned, only one may apply its bonuses (both preference and the +5).
2b) Introduce an actual tech tree per research category, where further tiers of research split into separate research branches. Research teams should have preferences on the overall research category, so they can research all further tiers with the research bonus - they'll just have to choose a particular branch. Basically, something similar to recent revamp: at the lower tier we were researching the full category, but then the category got "split" into 2 or 3.
The tech tree can be represented like this:
[T1] Basic
20 / 20 SR Anti-Cloaking I - (Improved chance of intercepting cloaked vessels)
20 / 20 Targeting Sensors I - (2% weight savings for combat)
20 / 20 Enhanced Sensors I - (2% weight savings for Science)
20 / 20 Long Range Sensors I - (progress to a +1 to Rolls in Mapping Missions)
[T2] Short-Range
27 / 40 SR Anti-Cloaking II - (Improved chance of intercepting cloaked vessels) [+10 from recent experience]
22 / 40 Targeting Sensors II (2% weight savings for combat)
0 / 40 Geological Survey Sensors (+1 to resource acquisition for non-Explorer Crew)
[T2] Long-Range
27 / 40 Enhanced Sensors II - (2% weight savings for Science)
0 / 20 Light-Weight Sensor Redundancy I (Increases Science Reliability by +1)
27 / 40 Long Range Sensors II - (gain +1 to Rolls in Mapping Missions)
0 / 100 Large-Scale Sensor Array I (Starbases Gain +1 Defence)
[T3] Anti-Cloaking
[T3] Targeting
[T3] Long Range