[X][COUNCIL] Plan Safeguard

For once Nix and I aren't butting heads. I'll go with it! I think the two species being pushed are the ones most vulnerable to Cardassian influence and an excellent choice.
I think we actually agree about half of the time or more, it's just that there is a lot less to discuss about agreements than about disagreements.
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I have updated my shipbuilding spreadsheet to allow manually entering a guess at what the yearly income will be for every year. (It's on the stats worksheet.) This allows more finely tuned assumptions about what resources will be available. Feel free to save a copy and play with it. Stuff that is greyed out are builds we are now committed to and cannot be changed.
Okay, Seyek are added.

No, you cannot aim a diplomacy push at the Sydraxians, they are not picking up the phone at the moment.

Yes, it is okay to put a Starbase in the RBZ, because the Romulans are still worried about the Inflictor and wouldn't mind the extra cover. Better do it before they forget about the Inflictor, though.

No, I'm not going to tell you how long it will take to go from whoa-to-go with a research project because there are variables to it. I will say that cruiser research is a 10pt research topic, and you have to finish each tier before moving on. If you go for the strict canon offer, then I'd set it up as requiring at least one bit of tier 3 research.

Yes if you make better cruisers than explorers the Council will look at you side-eyed. Straight forward reason - only explorers and specific ships like Intrepids have the endurance built in for FYMs, so when your finest ship is a cruiser with a distinct combat flavour, they will start to doubt you.
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  • Request new Starbase I [Write in Sector] 20pp for home sectors, CBZ or RBZ, 30pp for KBZ
  • Request expansion of Outposts in the Amarkia Sector, 10pp (4 turns, +5 Defence in Amarkia, more colonies with outposts if state of emergency ensues)
I want them both, but we can probably only have one, so I think the second should be a priority.
Request new Skill 2 ONA Research Team, Shipyard Construction Spec, Tech Team to be added to your Ship Design Bureau, 10pp

We need a team on hull techs. Especially now that advanced weapons will occasionally bypass shields.
  • Add a Member World Coordination Office under Shipyard Ops, 30pp (allow cooperation with member worlds on ship-building priorities as part of Shipyard Ops turn phase)
  • Request expanded assets for Starfleet Intelligence Command, 40pp (allow greater numbers of intelligence assets, including deployed on ships, increasing DC for Cardassian actions)

Expensive but worth it. We can only afford one.
Request focused Diplomacy on a potential member species, 10pp (One affiliate or prospective race will undergo accelerate diplomacy) [Can be taken multiple times]

This is capped at 4 diplo pushes, right?

hmm, if we managed to get hard numbers on the Cardassians bigger ships (the one larger than our explorer i mean) maybe the council would let us remake the old Federation class but with much heavier science facilities so it can do more than just fight, we'd probably only be able to get away with having one or 2 but it could be pretty pivotal in forcing the Cardassians to back down if we use it right.

Also the idea of potentially using Dreadnought class ships as explorer vessels near the Cardassian area amuses me greatly.

You know, considering how QM-admittedly overpowered the Constitution is for its 1mt weight class (for a 2270 design!), my head canon is that the Constitution and Federation class were kinda combined in this AU.

Having a joint embassy/neutral ground will then pave the way for further treaties and diplomatic action. It might also serve to reduce friction in the future. Providing a forum where the powers can declaim about the underhanded behavior of the others hopefully without shooting. A place where government sanctioned trade can occur with official oversight.

With the tensions between the Romulans and Klingons, there's no way they're going to go for that.

It also adds some faux legitimacy to the Federation, Klingons and Romulans as the de facto great powers of the quadrant. A not so subtle reminder to the Cardassians that they don't get a seat at the adults table.

I will admit part of the appeal I see in the idea is kicking over canon even more so than this quest already has. The other part was a mental image I had of an Andorian, a Klingon and a Romulan news anchors hosting the Alpha Quadrant News Service. Each of them trying to stick to the approved script while taking subtle digs at each other.

Actually, it would be in the Beta Quadrant. The Quadrant classification is Federation-centric, and has the split between Alpha and Beta delineated by its capital, Sol system. Though I think canon is still inconsistent here.

Honest if we can afford the extra push I wanna spend it on the Seyek, just... because of how interesting a concept they are in this setting. Have the Feds ever met a xenophilic, democratic multispecies polity other than themselves before? It just seems, such an opportunity, not just in mechanics etc but for the narrative. Would love to see them given spotlight and attention and protection from Cardie predation.

I'm actually really hoping that these guys form another major power like the Cardassians. It would make a far more interesting AU galaxy, more so than the canon-esque singular tension between the Cardassians and the Federation.

Ok onto the vote itself. So many juicy choices...

I agree with Nix and others that delaying the Renaissance by 1 year isn't going to matter as much as delaying the Constitution-B or some other refit by 1 year. Furthermore, we know that Cruiser research isn't going to net us anything in 1 year (remember, those techs suffixed by "II" actually are 30 points, not 15). And in any case, that point is moot because the Renaissance now apparently has a fixed research price, so to speak.

I'll edit in a vote, once I make up my mind.
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Yes if you make better cruisers than explorers the Council will look at you side-eyed. Straight forward reason - only explorers and specific ships like Intrepids have the endurance built in for FYMs, so when your finest ship is a cruiser with a distinct combat flavour, they will start to doubt you.

Can't we rationalize it using the current situation with the cardassians? With the exception of the Excelsior, all our ships underperform against their Jaldun-Destroyer. Better safe than sorry and all that?
Okay, Seyek are added.

No, you cannot aim a diplomacy push at the Sydraxians, they are not picking up the phone at the moment.

Yes, it is okay to put a Starbase in the RBZ, because the Romulans are still worried about the Inflictor and wouldn't mind the extra cover. Better do it before they forget about the Inflictor, though.

No, I'm not going to tell you how long it will take to go from whoa-to-go with a research project because there are variables to it. I will say that cruiser research is a 10pt research topic, and you have to finish each tier before moving on. If you go for the strict canon offer, then I'd set it up as requiring at least one bit of tier 3 research.

Yes if you make better cruisers than explorers the Council will look at you side-eyed. Straight forward reason - only explorers and specific ships like Intrepids have the endurance built in for FYMs, so when your finest ship is a cruiser with a distinct combat flavour, they will start to doubt you.

Presumably, the council would be less upset if started RnD on the Ambassador at the same time even if the Ambassador is not going to be ready for a long while?
@OneirosTheWriter, after taking a look at the revised research megapost, I have two main concerns with how research is working in this quest:

1) With so many research categories, it seems inevitable that many of them will be neglected, possibly even for longer than a decade. There just isn't enough incentive to have research teams be activated for research categories that they're not specialized in. So this leads to a situation where we have unrealistic patterns of research going on (seriously, you'd expect a least a bit of research going on in each category), and it also trivializes research teams to only focus on their preferences.

I can think of a couple ways we can improve this:

1a) Lower the research bonus that research team preferences give. Instead of 2x bonus, maybe 1.5x bonus (rounded) while also raising all current skill levels so that the research costs don't have to be rebalanced. This would give more incentive to research outside preferences, especially toward lower tier tech.

1b) Provide a set of default research teams that don't have any preferences. Perhaps start off with 4 research teams with skill 1 or so. To disincentivize using these default research teams over normal research teams, they won't have any exp to grow skill.

If we want this default skill to grow over time, we could have the skill of all default research teams be incremented once all techs of a tier are researched across all research categories, or alternatively provide a council option costing PP to do this once prereqs are met.

1c) Provide a slow (skill 1) default research for all research categories that don't have any research teams assigned to them. Optionally have skill grow as above. I actually don't like this particular approach, since there isn't player agency in this, and it may scale oddly with more research categories - I would favor (1b) over this.

2) Once we do finally get sufficient research teams and sufficient RP to cover all categories, then that pretty much takes decision making out of the research phase. This can be semi-addressed by simply adding more and more research categories, but I think you already have comprehensive coverage of all ST tech categories, so adding more research categories may start feeling very artificial.

Again a couple things can be done here:

2a) Allow assigning multiple research teams to the same research category, with some sort of penalty for over-specialization. Maybe if multiple teams are assigned, only one may apply its bonuses (both preference and the +5).

2b) Introduce an actual tech tree per research category, where further tiers of research split into separate research branches. Research teams should have preferences on the overall research category, so they can research all further tiers with the research bonus - they'll just have to choose a particular branch. Basically, something similar to recent revamp: at the lower tier we were researching the full category, but then the category got "split" into 2 or 3.

The tech tree can be represented like this:

[T1] Basic

20 / 20 SR Anti-Cloaking I - (Improved chance of intercepting cloaked vessels)
20 / 20 Targeting Sensors I - (2% weight savings for combat)
20 / 20 Enhanced Sensors I - (2% weight savings for Science)

20 / 20 Long Range Sensors I - (progress to a +1 to Rolls in Mapping Missions)
[T2] Short-Range

27 / 40 SR Anti-Cloaking II - (Improved chance of intercepting cloaked vessels) [+10 from recent experience]
22 / 40 Targeting Sensors II (2% weight savings for combat)
0 / 40 Geological Survey Sensors (+1 to resource acquisition for non-Explorer Crew)
[T2] Long-Range

27 / 40 Enhanced Sensors II - (2% weight savings for Science)
0 / 20 Light-Weight Sensor Redundancy I (Increases Science Reliability by +1)
27 / 40 Long Range Sensors II - (gain +1 to Rolls in Mapping Missions)
0 / 100 Large-Scale Sensor Array I (Starbases Gain +1 Defence)
[T3] Anti-Cloaking

[T3] Targeting

[T3] Long Range

Now, I'm definitely thinking this one over.

I do think that the double-progress is over-incentivising staying in your speciality and taking away real decision making. But I also don't want to correct gameplay purely by nerfing people. So I'm in favour of 1a and 1b. Or even allow non-activated teams to work without their preference bonus, or even at half skill. Possibly just some generic teams. I do like the idea of two specs for each teams.

As for the second, well, I do like the look of 2b but I'm not sure how much it would add in practice. Would appreciate some other thoughts.
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The easiest solution to the first problem is to make most team have multiple preferences, e. g. Spock xenopsych and sensors. That would be a slight buff more or less canceling out the nerf splitting categories was.

Its not very realistic to have starfleet medical research warp drives anyway so no reason to set incentives for it. Might even remove the ability to research things outside your competency completely.
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I don't know if we will need that though with new members contributing tech teams. We almost have one for each field now and can start doubling up after that.
here's my last(I promise) appeal about the ConnieBee.

those advocating the Constellation refit on it's own(I advocate it with the support of a 'Brawler' Cruiser) need to see what we're likely doing to the poor thing:

note that two Shermans ate it before the TIger went down, will that necessarily happen every time? no, but it'll likely to happen a good amount of the time...and the US could take those casualties because they were 3-4 person vehicles, and they still had enough production ability to flood Europe with Shermans. Can we do the same with Constellations?
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Our Excelsiors are pretty much Tigers. The Rennies will be our Panthers, while the Ambassador would be our Maus. :V
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Another consideration: I believe we currently have 123 rp. Under the previous 9rp research team activation cost, we could activate all 13 teams we currently have. (Or do we have 14 teams now with that new doctrine team? I don't know if we got that immediately.) Now research team activation costs have decreased, though we don't know how much by. So getting another research team is also tempting at the low price of 10pp.

...on the other hand, Oneiros just ninja'd and the research system might still be in flux, so maybe not a good idea to try making concrete plans yet.

[X][COUNCIL] Plan Safeguard

Now, I'm definitely thinking this one over.

I do think that the double-progress is over-incentivising staying in your speciality and taking away real decision making. But I also don't want to correct gameplay purely by nerfing people. So I'm in favour of 1a and 1b. Or even allow non-activated teams to work without their preference bonus, or even at half skill. Possibly just some generic teams. I do like the idea of two specs for each teams.

As for the second, well, I do like the look of 2b but I'm not sure how much it would add in practice. Would appreciate some other thoughts.

I think allowing multiple preferences per team is be a better option than 1a, because having a 1.5x bonus requires rounding and potentially rebalancing starting skill levels. But I also think that if we have large enough tech tree with enough branching, than the current 1 preference approach may work just fine.

On 1b, to me the largest question is whether generic research teams should have exp or not. To me, the main point of them is just ensuring at least a minimum of research is done in all fields, rather than having subpar teams. On the other hand, generic research teams (with exp) also allow pricing research teams differently. For ex, a generic research team could cost 10pp, a 1-preference research team could cost 15pp, and a 2-preference research team could cost 18pp (more preferences nets diminishing returns), perhaps with discounts if we're really starved for research teams (like we currently are).
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I do think that the double-progress is over-incentivising staying in your speciality and taking away real decision making. But I also don't want to correct gameplay purely by nerfing people. So I'm in favour of 1a and 1b. Or even allow non-activated teams to work without their preference bonus, or even at half skill. Possibly just some generic teams. I do like the idea of two specs for each teams.

If introducing "default research teams" as per 1b, maybe tie their quality to the science power of the fleet or something similar?

The reasons could be scientists getting experience by doing science on ships, thus being better when they settle down at a research institution, or because the ships are poking more interesting phenomena and thus providing more raw data and blue sky science that the research teams can apply to specific projects.

As far as the vote goes, we absolutely need to do the following:

*RBZ starbase (per word of the QM, this is the last chance to build one before the Romulans revert to business as usual)
*The Constellation refit (absolutely vital! particularly since Consties are our most tech-efficient means of filling in the defense gap - there's really no other design we have that can fill in for these guys)
*Expanded assets for Starfleet Intelligence Command (self explanatory)

I'm not sure about what else we need though. We do seem to be running low on crew. That implies we need to expand starfleet academy. Do we also need to make a push for more explorer crew, or can we make do with pushing for increased explorer recruitment from UFP members (i.e., do we need to invest in the short term option here, or can we invest in the long term)? And how are we for resources to afford ships? Do we absolutely need to request an Excelsior worth of resources?

So on another note we will have 13 teams remainder 6 and we have 14 tech teams. So if we get 3 more RP we can activate all of them, more and we have carryover to next year.
Our Excelsiors are pretty much Tigers. The Rennies will be our Panthers, while the Ambassador would be our Maus. :V
A. We don't have the Excelsior numbers for them to be everywhere in a hypothetical war, and we don't have the money for them to be everywhere.
B. it's going to be at least 9 years before we even get the option to build the Reni, so we need something closer to now.

that said, if we could have a 'Tiger', I'd like it to be a hypothetical Medium Cruiser or Older Explorer, so we can have our top-of-the-line Explorers available for weird stuff.
1) With so many research categories, it seems inevitable that many of them will be neglected, possibly even for longer than a decade. There just isn't enough incentive to have research teams be activated for research categories that they're not specialized in.
While the latter is true, at the moment we only lack specialized teams for Construction, Personal Tech, Weapons and Starbase Design. Having a specialized team for everything is certainly achievable.

And there are still some decisions to be made. For one, what teams to we activate this turn. And because the categories are split, there is still the question which of the subcategories the team shall research. For example, will the Shields Team work on Deflector Shields or Navigational Deflectors?

So I don't think the problem is all that bad
Expensive but worth it. We can only afford one.

(In reference to Intelligence versus Member World Coordination Office). I think we add the Member World Coordination Office next turn, because our next big building push will be in 2309 when the UP shipyards all open at once.

If introducing "default research teams" as per 1b, maybe tie their quality to the science power of the fleet or something similar?

Ooooh, I really like that idea. It gives us a concrete reason to worry about the total Science score beyond "make the Federation Council happy".

AI'm not sure about what else we need though. We do seem to be running low on crew. That implies we need to expand starfleet academy. Do we also need to make a push for more explorer crew, or can we make do with pushing for increased explorer recruitment from UFP members (i.e., do we need to invest in the short term option here, or can we invest in the long term)? And how are we for resources to afford ships? Do we absolutely need to request an Excelsior worth of resources?


Have you tried playing with my ship spreadsheet? You can experiment for yourself! I allow you to request an Excelsior's worth of resources, do a recruitment drive, and adjust for yourself what you think the yearly income will be in out years being as optimistic or pessimistic as you feel like being. Go there, save a copy of your own, and try it out. You can decide for yourself when and if we ned resources by how hard you want to push construction. I even have some hidden columns for "new yards" if you decide to expand our shipyards.

But yes, we have to request an Excelsior's worth of resources this turn to compensate for the Q4 shipbuilding we already voted on. That's not negotiable.
Also next snake pit I'd like us to activate two starship construction teams, both sets of the starship construction tech tree are going to be critical to making decent ship designs in the future which don't have paper thin hulls.
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Have you tried playing with my ship spreadsheet? You can experiment for yourself! I allow you to request an Excelsior's worth of resources, do a recruitment drive, and adjust for yourself what you think the yearly income will be in out years being as optimistic or pessimistic as you feel like being. Go there, save a copy of your own, and try it out. You can decide for yourself when and if we ned resources by how hard you want to push construction. I even have some hidden columns for "new yards" if you decide to expand our shipyards.

But yes, we have to request an Excelsior's worth of resources this turn to compensate for the Q4 shipbuilding we already voted on. That's not negotiable.

OK. So if I am understanding that right, we are good for resources if we do the one-off excelsior infusion and we will need to expand Starfleet Academy to avoid running short on officers and enlisted manpower for non-explorer ships.

Since that forces us to take the Connie B, we the things we absolutely require this turn would look like this:

*Request new Starbase I [RBZ] 20pp for home sectors, CBZ or RBZ, 30pp for KBZ
*Request Refit Program for Constitution class [Constitution-class acquires stat block listed below], 8 turns, 35pp
*Request expanded assets for Starfleet Intelligence Command, 40pp (allow greater numbers of intelligence assets, including deployed on ships, increasing DC for Cardassian actions)
*Request Allocation for an Excelsior's resources, one-off-infusion of an Excelsior's cost, 20pp
*Request Academy Expansion, 35pp (Gain +.5 Officers/Enlisted/Techs throughput)

It doesn't have the Constie refit, but I think the ConnieB can substitute for now.

Are any of the plans like this already? (None of the plans I could find were, but I may have missed one.)

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As far as the vote goes, we absolutely need to do the following:

*RBZ starbase (per word of the QM, this is the last chance to build one before the Romulans revert to business as usual)

No, we don't. We could decide that having a starbase in the RBZ is not all that important. Just because something is time-sensitive doesn't mean it's urgent.

*The Constellation refit (absolutely vital! particularly since Consties are our most tech-efficient means of filling in the defense gap - there's really no other design we have that can fill in for these guys)
As far as I understand, we have enough Defense points to fulfill the requirements. And the Constellations are so fragile that they they are not much good if they are actually called to fight in the defense of something.

I am not altogether opposed to refitting the Constellations, but I don't think it is vital.
here's my last(I promise) appeal about the ConnieBee.

those advocating the Constellation refit on it's own(I advocate it with the support of a 'Brawler' Cruiser) need to see what we're likely doing to the poor thing:

note that two Shermans ate it before the TIger went down, will that necessarily happen every time? no, but it'll likely to happen a good amount of the time...and the US could take those casualties because they were 3-4 person vehicles, and they still had enough production ability to flood Europe with Shermans. Can we do the same with Constellations?

But that's not how it would actually go down in WWII