A lot of the more expensive projects we need to spread over multiple years. Also diplomatic pushes are important to keep races in our camp and eventually turn into full members.
No, we don't. We could decide that having a starbase in the RBZ is not all that important. Just because something is time-sensitive doesn't mean it's urgent.

Fair point. I would very much like to have a starbase in every area eventually, which is why I see taking this option now as so worthwhile.

We could instead have two diplomatic pushes though, which I concede may be more appealing to others. (Personally, I am feeling like we've been pushing the diplomatic expansion too hard lately, and should scale back a bit.)

As far as I understand, we have enough Defense points to fulfill the requirements. And the Constellations are so fragile that they they are not much good if they are actually called to fight in the defense of something.

Yeah, though we could fix this by researching more doctrine.

Which tech team did we get from Amarkia again? The explorer team of the defensive doctrine admiral?

I really do think we need a "cheap cruiser" though - if we plan on expanding the Federation fast (which I think long term we want), we'll need a ship that is OK in stats and cheap in sr and crew to cover all the new areas.

Since that forces us to take the Connie B, we the things we absolutely require this turn would look like this:

*Request new Starbase I [RBZ] 20pp for home sectors, CBZ or RBZ, 30pp for KBZ
*Request Refit Program for Constitution class [Constitution-class acquires stat block listed below], 8 turns, 35pp
*Request expanded assets for Starfleet Intelligence Command, 40pp (allow greater numbers of intelligence assets, including deployed on ships, increasing DC for Cardassian actions)
*Request Allocation for an Excelsior's resources, one-off-infusion of an Excelsior's cost, 20pp
*Request Academy Expansion, 35pp (Gain +.5 Officers/Enlisted/Techs throughput)

It doesn't have the Constie refit, but I think the ConnieB can substitute for now.

Are any of the plans like this already? (None of the plans I could find were, but I may have missed one.)

Nix's Plan Safehold comes pretty close. It doesn't build the Starbase, but it does build Outposts in Amarki sector which work as a sort of distributed Starbase that provides Defense but not the repair funciton (and can't be upgraded).

EDIT: We got the Doctrine admrial.
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As for the second, well, I do like the look of 2b but I'm not sure how much it would add in practice. Would appreciate some other thoughts.

Also, the main point of the tech tree is to ensure that as time goes on, we should never get to a situation where we have research teams for everything. It's basically your recent research split cleaned up, expanded upon, and 4X-ified.

If introducing "default research teams" as per 1b, maybe tie their quality to the science power of the fleet or something similar?

The reasons could be scientists getting experience by doing science on ships, thus being better when they settle down at a research institution, or because the ships are poking more interesting phenomena and thus providing more raw data and blue sky science that the research teams can apply to specific projects.

Hmm, I like the idea, but science is apparently already pretty important for events, so this would be a straight buff toward having more science. Would we need some similar buff for presence, or somehow nerf science to compensate?

*RBZ starbase (per word of the QM, this is the last chance to build one before the Romulans revert to business as usual)

He didn't say that this is necessarily the last chance. It's when "they forget about the Inflictor", which we don't know will happen next year or so.

And even if that does happen, RBZ starbase cost will likely just be increased to 30pp, and I'd still prefer a CBZ starbase over a RBZ starbase eventually.

While the latter is true, at the moment we only lack specialized teams for Construction, Personal Tech, Weapons and Starbase Design. Having a specialized team for everything is certainly achievable.

And there are still some decisions to be made. For one, what teams to we activate this turn. And because the categories are split, there is still the question which of the subcategories the team shall research. For example, will the Shields Team work on Deflector Shields or Navigational Deflectors?

So I don't think the problem is all that bad

Sure, the problem of not having any research be done in all categories will be solved over time as we get more research teams, so it's more of a critique of our initial state in 2300. But I would still rather have more options than "should this research time be activated for its preference". Fortunately, the recent research category split now introduces more choice, but if the tech tree doesn't expand again, we'll get into this situation again.
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Nix's Plan Safehold comes pretty close. It doesn't build the Starbase, but it does build Outposts in Amarki sector which work as a sort of distributed Starbase that provides Defense but not the repair funciton (and can't be upgraded).

EDIT: We got the Doctrine admrial.

I can't find any plan that expands Starfleet Academy, and IMO this is really important to prioritize. I'll put out my own plan then...

And thanks! It's good to know we got the doctrine guy.

He didn't say that this is necessarily the last chance. It's when "they forget about the Inflictor", which we don't know will happen next year or so.

Very true. Also, I'm feeling that it may be more important to have at least 1 diplo push and either another diplo push and either the Amarkian outposts or the mining colony.

When do we get increased resources from people? At 300 relations and 500 relations?

[X][Council]Plan Fleet Upgrades

Switching to this since it starts the Renaissance this turn.
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I really do think we need a "cheap cruiser" though - if we plan on expanding the Federation fast (which I think long term we want), we'll need a ship that is OK in stats and cheap in sr and crew to cover all the new areas.
That is what the Renaissance is for. As I understand it it's suppose to be a quality cruiser we can pump out by the dozen. The problem is it's about a decade away and we need cruisers now. That's where the Constitution-B comes in; it's a stopgap measure to strengthen the fleet until we can switch over to Renaissances.
[X][Council]Plan Fleet Upgrades
  • Request Start of Renaissance class project, receiving one-off boost of Research Points and go-ahead for some projects, 20pp
  • Request Refit Program for Constitution class [Constitution-class acquires stat block listed below], 8 turns, 35pp
  • Request Temporary Explorer Corps Recruitment Drive, 20pp, (Gain 2 Officer, 2 Enlisted, 2 Techs, PLUS Convert 2 Officer, 2 Enlisted, 2 Techs from normal service)
  • Request Allocation for an Excelsior's resources, one-off-infusion of an Excelsior's cost, 20pp
  • Request expanded assets for Starfleet Intelligence Command, 40pp (allow greater numbers of intelligence assets, including deployed on ships, increasing DC for Cardassian actions)
  • Request focused Diplomacy on a potential member species, 10pp (One affiliate or prospective race will undergo accelerate diplomacy):Apatia

[X][Council]Plan Fleet Upgrades

Switching to this since it starts the Ambassador this turn.

Did you mean the Renaissance?
We could instead have two diplomatic pushes though, which I concede may be more appealing to others. (Personally, I am feeling like we've been pushing the diplomatic expansion too hard lately, and should scale back a bit.)
While pushing the same people all the time starts to fell a bit awkward, I don't see the problem with the pushes as long as we spread them out. And if we don't get the various races as associates, then the Cardassians might.

I really do think we need a "cheap cruiser" though - if we plan on expanding the Federation fast (which I think long term we want), we'll need a ship that is OK in stats and cheap in sr and crew to cover all the new areas.
Which is why I want to start the Renaissance Project. (Yes, the Renaissance is somewhat more expensive than the refit Constellation, but it is still rather cheap and more efficient.)
The QM told us that he'll put at least one Level 3 Tech in the Renaissance. So 3 years to research, followed by five years to build prototype, means if you order it today you're not getting the first wave of non-prototypes until 2317. Is the difference between 2317 and 2318 really that big a deal?
The QM told us that he'll put at least one Level 3 Tech in the Renaissance. So 3 years to research, followed by five years to build prototype, means if you order it today you're not getting the first wave of non-prototypes until 2317. Is the difference between 2317 and 2318 really that big a deal?
Yes, because I'd rather wait a year on the mining colony and the outpost expansion than the Renaissance.
I'm not convinced something else totally urgent won't come up next year, and people will be like "what's another year, we gotta wait already, let's do this other thing that is not Rennies"
Yes, because I'd rather wait a year on the mining colony and the outpost expansion than the Renaissance.

If we don't claim the mining colony there is every chance that the Cardassians will claim it, more importantly the Rennie wont see active service for more than ten years. Any war between us and Cardassia will be over by then.
I didn't think about that, how valuable would that colony be, like realisticly?

It's dual purpose giving both br and sr, SR we have problems with for bottlenecks. It's also something that benefits very strongly from the nature of our mineral tech. So I'd say it's reasonably valuable but more importantly denying it to the Cardassians also means they have less resources to feed to their war machine.
Neither of them is really cheap except in comparison to a Excelsior, but they are able to stand up to a Jaldun one on one.
I didn't think about that, how valuable would that colony be, like realisticly?
With the techs we get in the next 2 years about as valuabe as an average homeworld resource wise. And the Cardassians getting it instead makes it twice as important
[Still trying to catch up]

EDIT: I wouldn't assume that a hypothetical Federation-Cardassian War will be over in ten years. Either of the following two scenarios could easily happen:

1) There is an extended period of this kind of skirmishing that doesn't flare up into a hot war for ten years, OR

2) There is an all-out war in a year or two... but then in ten years' time the Cardassians feel ready for Round Two.

Basically, the Cardassians at this time have the power to decide on peace or war with the Federation. Because the Federation will not attack them first, and nobody short of the Organians could make the Cardies choose "peace." This means we cannot make ANY assumptions about the timing of the war or the lack thereof.

And with the Council we have, we certainly can't make any assumptions about being able to declare war in response to Cardassian provocations in an attempt to knock them back a bit.

I'm not convinced something else totally urgent won't come up next year, and people will be like "what's another year, we gotta wait already, let's do this other thing that is not Rennies"
If we have a realistic choice that is not Rennies to do the Rennies' job, that really wouldn't be a problem.

The Renaissance-class is so desirable because it does a great many things adequately or well. Once put into mass production (which will take 10-15 years to finish, realistically) it removes our fear of being caught out by superior enemy "light" ships, at least until we start edging up into the TNG era in another 30-40 years, and our opponents start coming out with their TNG-era "light" ships.

Since we already have a good "heavy" ship, made even better by the fact that many of our Excelsiors have Explorer Corps crews, that's an extremely desirable state of affairs.

However, if we had another ship that did all or most of the things the Rennie does, it would greatly reduce our need for the Rennie. Similarly, if we suddenly acquire a need the Rennie cannot fulfill, it greatly reduces the urgency of our need for the Rennie.
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If we don't claim the mining colony there is every chance that the Cardassians will claim it, more importantly the Rennie wont see active service for more than ten years. Any war between us and Cardassia will be over by then.
I'm willing to risk waiting a year, and I never expected the Renaissance to be ready in time for a war with Cardassia. If we can delay a full war that long, even better.