[X][RD] Admiral Lathriss, Defensive Doctrine, Skill 3

This benefits all of our ships regardless and seems to be the doctrine players are gravitating towards regardless, and it makes it more likely to keep others away from the Core worlds of the Federation allowing them to out tech, out produce, and diplomance their way out of the conflict.
Responding to some older posts:

For me I think Starbase should be the next tech team due to the benefits (repairing ships without needing berths, cheaper repair, increased Defense and other stats, better versions plus a deep space base that can be unlocked). The increased defense and increased repair ability gives us more flexibility so we can repair ships without taking up a berth slot and the increased defense lets us move our ships around to be in a position to safe guard the Federation and Affiliates and not have to tie them down on garrison duty.

According to this post, starbases already have some repair abilities. Probably sufficient to handle the majority of use cases in a non-war situation.

Just a quick reminder for every one making ship designs, having spare power in the design isn't the only thing needed for refit potential, you also need spare weight, my suggestion is to not worry about refit potential and just make a ship that utilises all the free space and power you have with out changing reliability.

Ultimately refits should come from new tech development and not because we've built slack into the design from the get go having unused potential is pretty much just a waste of design potential in my view. There is no benefit to my mind in having a craft with the capability of having 5's across the board for instance and limiting shields and presence to 4 so that it could be included in a future refit. No point making extra work for us.

My worry about requiring warp core refits is that the refit mechanics may work out differently for that case. QM already said it's going to be more expensive, which alone isn't an issue. But the refits might take longer, and the refit project may take longer (or worse, require research).

There's no evidence this is the case, but OneirosTheWriter has shown that he's very willing to revise game mechanics to avoid trivial decision making and ship designing.

Plus, if you look at the bottom of the ship design workbook you'll see there's a table of Previously Used Scale Settings? Those are ship components from older designs that we can re-use in new designs, along with their weight saving tech levels, and not actually have to do that research, so anyone using the Scale 4 Saucer with 3 saving levels doesn't have to do that research since the Excelsior design already did.

Just to clarify: The only benefit of reusing ship components is waiving extra research cost, and that there's still going a reliability penalty, right?

In your example, if we reuse the scale 4 saucer but use a fudge factor of 4 (instead of 3), would that update the "previously used scale setting" to 4 for following ship designs?
Responding to some older posts:

According to this post, starbases already have some repair abilities. Probably sufficient to handle the majority of use cases in a non-war situation.

My worry about requiring warp core refits is that the refit mechanics may work out differently for that case. QM already said it's going to be more expensive, which alone isn't an issue. But the refits might take longer, and the refit project may take longer (or worse, require research).

There's no evidence this is the case, but OneirosTheWriter has shown that he's very willing to revise game mechanics to avoid trivial decision making and ship designing.

Just to clarify: The only benefit of reusing ship components is waiving extra research cost, and that there's still going a reliability penalty, right?

In your example, if we reuse the scale 4 saucer but use a fudge factor of 4 (instead of 3), would that update the "previously used scale setting" to 4 for following ship designs?
From what we've been told I'd say yes, but until we actually design our first new ship the exact way it'll work in unknown.
According to this post, starbases already have some repair abilities. Probably sufficient to handle the majority of use cases in a non-war situation.

It's unclear what threshold of damage tips it over from a Starbase to a Shipyard berth, but I'll point out that we currently have two ships, the USS Vigour and the USS Miracht, out for repair. Both required berths. So did the Cheron when it was sabotaged. (Hey, remember how the Romulans murdered a bunch of our personnel? Funny how no one seems to hold that against them.) On the other hand, the Courageous was repairable at a Starbase when it was damaged during the energy being invasion.
It's unclear what threshold of damage tips it over from a Starbase to a Shipyard berth, but I'll point out that we currently have two ships, the USS Vigour and the USS Miracht, out for repair. Both required berths. So did the Cheron when it was sabotaged. (Hey, remember how the Romulans murdered a bunch of our personnel? Funny how no one seems to hold that against them.) On the other hand, the Courageous was repairable at a Starbase when it was damaged during the energy being invasion.
It has quite consistently been shipyards for > 3 months, starbases for = 3 months, and for combat damage generally 3 months per point of hull damage (except for the Svai which took 9 months despite only having 1 hull point and the Courageous which was left with 5/7 and only took 3 months).
I'm designing a Modular Medium Cruiser right now that's only slightly worse than an Excelsior. It's designed to use a Scale 2 module, so that we can have something for the Nebula later.

Right now, it weighs between 1.6 mt and 1.8 mt for the various variants, with a cost of 180 BR/115 SR including mission pod.
Stats are C4 S4 H4 L5 P3 D6 base, with the Combat, Science, and Presence variants going up to 6. It also has plenty of power for refits, with 7 reserve on the base and Presence variant, and 4 reserve on the Combat and Science variants. It uses only L2 techs, and has a reliability of 99%. Thoughts?

(It's in the main sheet under AD's ModLC)

Also, thoughts on a pocket explorer vs medium cruiser? Which has better techs?
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@anon_user , anyone else who wants to weigh in, any thoughts on what cultural stuff the Cardassians shared in their contacts with the Federation so far?
I'm doing a freighter Captain piece for an outside perspective.
I'm designing a Modular Medium Cruiser right now that's only slightly worse than an Excelsior. It's designed to use a Scale 2 module, so that we can have something for the Nebula later.

Right now, it weighs between 1.6 mt and 1.8 mt for the various variants, with a cost of 180 BR/115 SR including mission pod.
Stats are C4 S4 H4 L5 P3 D6 base, with the Combat, Science, and Presence variants going up to 6. It also has plenty of power for refits, with 7 reserve on the base and Presence variant, and 4 reserve on the Combat and Science variants. It uses only L2 techs, and has a reliability of 99%. Thoughts?

(It's in the main sheet under AD's ModLC)

Also, thoughts on a pocket explorer vs medium cruiser? Which has better techs?
Starship Frames
The practicals of building starships, leading to more capable designs.

0 / 20 Frame Weight Improvements I (-2% to Frame Weight)
0 / 20 Explorer Scaling Bonuses I (Increases threshold for increased power use)
0 / 20 Escort Scaling Bonuses I (Increases threshold for increased power use)
0 / 100 Module II (Allow Scale 1.5 Module)
Depending on what the bolded part means, I'm not sure if we can make scale 2 modules right now.

I really hope that's not what it means.
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Hey, remember how the Romulans murdered a bunch of our personnel? Funny how no one seems to hold that against them.

Having read through this thread over the past week or so, I do believe everyone was commenting at the time on how it simply didn't make sense; once the actual reasoning behind their actions was revealed, the players (as well as the Federation as a whole) were a little too focused on ohgodbiophage to care overly much about a comparative handful of casualties inflicted the previous quarter. If it turns out that the Cardassians have some overriding reason for wanting to blow up everything that happens to be in the same direction as the Federation, such as a hideous bioweapon on the loose, I suspect the players will reevaluate the recent activities of the Cardassian Union as well.

Until such information comes to light, however, the Cardassians are going to be viewed as simply a new set of noisy neighbors who need to be taught the rules.
So. Two random questions:

1: Is anyone from the NG/DS9/Voyager era active and noteworthy at the moment?
2: What happens if the Federation runs into a pre-warp civ that's otherwise advanced? Like, if they ran into a 2400~ tech level civ that was just chilling on their planet because they'd never had a reason or the desire to venture out? Would standard rules apply?
So. Two random questions:

1: Is anyone from the NG/DS9/Voyager era active and noteworthy at the moment?
2: What happens if the Federation runs into a pre-warp civ that's otherwise advanced? Like, if they ran into a 2400~ tech level civ that was just chilling on their planet because they'd never had a reason or the desire to venture out? Would standard rules apply?
1: Guinan, Tuvok, one of the earlier Daxes, but most of the others either haven't been born or haven't yet learned to walk.
2: Presumably they'd dust off the old analyses and protocols from that one time Kirk found out a pre-warp civ were actually energy-being hippies.

[X][RD] Amarkian Arsenal - Riala Team, Ship Design (Explorer), Skill 3
Tuvok won't rejoin Starfleet for awhile though, he's busy having a family on Vulcan at the moment.
[X][RD] Admiral Lathriss, Defensive Doctrine, Skill 3
So. Two random questions:

1: Is anyone from the NG/DS9/Voyager era active and noteworthy at the moment?
2: What happens if the Federation runs into a pre-warp civ that's otherwise advanced? Like, if they ran into a 2400~ tech level civ that was just chilling on their planet because they'd never had a reason or the desire to venture out? Would standard rules apply?
Prime Directive specifies warp or equivalent technology levels. If they somehow have STO level tech but no FTL, then it certainly doesn't apply.
Medium Cruiser:
It's equipped for everything but a diplomatic crisis – the Excelsiors can handle those.

C6 S5 H4 L4 P4 D6

For 4 more techs, I can cut cost by 10 BR 15 SR to 170/90. Reliability takes a hit though to 98%.
Just as a heads up for the next Research turn - I am planning to start dividing a few of the research areas up into smaller chunks.

For one thing, I think it will add a bit more strategy in terms of assigning teams, rather than simply mapping category with team and calling it quits. Will also provide a reason to have more than one of a research type.

This also let's you start fine tuning what you want from your ships and kit out.

So Shields might become Nav Deflectors and Deflector Shields, Warp Tech can split between Cores and Propulsion, Ship Design can start focusing on Offensive/Defensive/Support areas.

@OneirosTheWriter, after taking a look at the revised research megapost, I have two main concerns with how research is working in this quest:

1) With so many research categories, it seems inevitable that many of them will be neglected, possibly even for longer than a decade. There just isn't enough incentive to have research teams be activated for research categories that they're not specialized in. So this leads to a situation where we have unrealistic patterns of research going on (seriously, you'd expect a least a bit of research going on in each category), and it also trivializes research teams to only focus on their preferences.

I can think of a couple ways we can improve this:

1a) Lower the research bonus that research team preferences give. Instead of 2x bonus, maybe 1.5x bonus (rounded) while also raising all current skill levels so that the research costs don't have to be rebalanced. This would give more incentive to research outside preferences, especially toward lower tier tech.

1b) Provide a set of default research teams that don't have any preferences. Perhaps start off with 4 research teams with skill 1 or so. To disincentivize using these default research teams over normal research teams, they won't have any exp to grow skill.

If we want this default skill to grow over time, we could have the skill of all default research teams be incremented once all techs of a tier are researched across all research categories, or alternatively provide a council option costing PP to do this once prereqs are met.

1c) Provide a slow (skill 1) default research for all research categories that don't have any research teams assigned to them. Optionally have skill grow as above. I actually don't like this particular approach, since there isn't player agency in this, and it may scale oddly with more research categories - I would favor (1b) over this.

2) Once we do finally get sufficient research teams and sufficient RP to cover all categories, then that pretty much takes decision making out of the research phase. This can be semi-addressed by simply adding more and more research categories, but I think you already have comprehensive coverage of all ST tech categories, so adding more research categories may start feeling very artificial.

Again a couple things can be done here:

2a) Allow assigning multiple research teams to the same research category, with some sort of penalty for over-specialization. Maybe if multiple teams are assigned, only one may apply its bonuses (both preference and the +5).

2b) Introduce an actual tech tree per research category, where further tiers of research split into separate research branches. Research teams should have preferences on the overall research category, so they can research all further tiers with the research bonus - they'll just have to choose a particular branch. Basically, something similar to recent revamp: at the lower tier we were researching the full category, but then the category got "split" into 2 or 3.

The tech tree can be represented like this:

[T1] Basic

20 / 20 SR Anti-Cloaking I - (Improved chance of intercepting cloaked vessels)
20 / 20 Targeting Sensors I - (2% weight savings for combat)
20 / 20 Enhanced Sensors I - (2% weight savings for Science)

20 / 20 Long Range Sensors I - (progress to a +1 to Rolls in Mapping Missions)
[T2] Short-Range

27 / 40 SR Anti-Cloaking II - (Improved chance of intercepting cloaked vessels) [+10 from recent experience]
22 / 40 Targeting Sensors II (2% weight savings for combat)
0 / 40 Geological Survey Sensors (+1 to resource acquisition for non-Explorer Crew)
[T2] Long-Range

27 / 40 Enhanced Sensors II - (2% weight savings for Science)
0 / 20 Light-Weight Sensor Redundancy I (Increases Science Reliability by +1)
27 / 40 Long Range Sensors II - (gain +1 to Rolls in Mapping Missions)
0 / 100 Large-Scale Sensor Array I (Starbases Gain +1 Defence)
[T3] Anti-Cloaking

[T3] Targeting

[T3] Long Range

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I'm starting to get the feeling that going for a max-sized medium cruiser would be better than trying to get the Rennie-hell, we can even call it the Rennie! The main thing the canon rennie has over a medium cruiser would be the ability to stuff it into 1mt berths, but since I doubt we want to-or are able to-build more than a couple Excelsiors a year, AND we're about to add a fuckton of new 3mt berths, having a 1.8mt cruiser doesn't sound that bad. Plus, it's actually easier to design than trying to cram everything into something only slightly larger than an escort