[The Federation Council is pleased that you have managed to achieve your required Science Stat level in half the allotted time - as a result you have earned 50 Political Will]
It is a peculiar day that find you making your way into the Council Chambers. This is becoming old hat to you, of course, but having Rear Admiral Sulu instead of Chen alongside you is a new development. When you get into the Council room, Councillor Stesk leads a faction of Council members into putting the blowtorch to you for not making more peaceful overtures to Cardassia. You are at pains to remind him that not every species will necessarily be peaceful. Then Councillor Hurgorc of a Tellarite majority colony world leads another faction to put the blowtorch to you for not making a more forceful response to Cardassian provocations. You are at pains to remind him that just because a species is hostile is no reason to spark a war.
Still, all told, things go smoothly. The Council is well pleased by the launch of a fourth Oberth-class ship, the fourth Five Year Mission, and the overall science progress Starfleet is making. The fleet expansion is occurring in line with most expectations, though one retired Starfleet Admiral gives you another bollocking for the perceived shortfall in cruisers and escorts. The growing understanding of the capacity of the Cardassian Jaldun cruiser-weight starship is starting to prompt considerable unease among the Council.
[ ][COUNCIL] Submit a plan to the Council
(You may select any number of options, as long as you can pay the Political Will cost. You currently have
one-hundred and forty (140) Political Will to spend.
Federation Council Options for 2306.Q2
- NEW Request Mining Colony at Galus V, 8pp (4 turns, gain +15 br / year)
- Request Mining Colony at Pygmalion 337 IV-3, 8pp (4 turns, gain +20 br / year)
- Request expansion of San Francisco Fleet Yards, 15pp (4 turns, gain new 1m t berth) [Can take multiple times]
- Request expansion of 40 Eridani A Shipyards, 20pp (4 turns, gain new 1m t berth) [Can take multiple times]
- Request expansion of Ana Font Shipyard, 10pp (4 turns, gain 1 new 1m t berth) [Can take multiple times]
- Request Excelsior berth at a shipyard, 40pp (6 turns, gain new 3m t berth)
- Request new Starbase I [Write in Sector] 20pp for home sectors or RBZ, 30pp for KBZ
- Request expansion of Outposts in the Tellar Sector, 10pp (4 turns, +5 Defence in Tellar, more colonies with outposts if state of emergency ensues)
- Reduce Militarisation Level 75pp [Increased due to low level]
- Increase Threat Level 40pp [Increased due to peaceful outlook]
- Request Ongoing Budget increase 35pp (Roll for success)
- Request Allocation for an Excelsior's resources, one-off-infusion of an Excelsior's cost, 20pp
- Request Academy Expansion, 30pp (Gain +.5 Officers/Enlisted/Techs throughput)
- Request Science Academy Expansion, 20pp (Gain +1 Techs throughput)
- Request Temporary Explorer Corps Recruitment Drive, 20pp, (Gain 2 Officer, 2 Enlisted, 2 Techs, PLUS Convert 2 Officer, 2 Enlisted, 2 Techs from normal service)
- Request Start of Ambassador class project, receiving one-off boost of Research Points and go-ahead for some projects, 50pp
- Request Start of Renaissance class project, receiving one-off boost of Research Points and go-ahead for some projects, 30pp
- Request Start of Custom Explorer project, receiving one-off boost of Research Points and go-ahead for some projects, 60pp
- Request Start of Custom Cruiser project, receiving one-off boost of Research Points and go-ahead for some projects, 35pp
- Request Start of Custom Escort project, receiving one-off boost of Research Points and go-ahead for some projects, 55pp
- Request Refit Program for Miranda class [+1 S,H,L for 20br, 10sr, 1 Year (4 turns)], 6 turns, 45pp (NB: new unit cost for the Miranda will be 60/45)
- Request Refit Program for Constellation class [+1 C,S,D, for 20br, 10sr, 1 Year (4 turns)], 6 turns 40pp (NB: new unit cost for Constellation will be 70/45)
- Request Refit Program for Centaur class [+1 S,L,P,D for 15br, 15sr, 1 Year (4 turns)], 6 turns 45pp (NB: new unit cost for the Centaur will be 80/70)
- NEW Request Refit Program for Constitution class [Constitution-class acquires stat block listed below], 8 turns, 50pp
- Request new Tech Team to be added to your Ship Design Bureau, 30pp
- Request focused Diplomacy on a potential member species, 10pp (One affiliate or prospective race will undergo accelerate diplomacy) [Can be taken multiple times]
- NEW Expand Explorer Corps Recruitment drives to affiliates, 25pp (One affiliate starts generating 0.3 of Explorer Corps crew, arrangement depends on species) [Once per affiliate]
- Arrange to have an Old Guard Admiral convinced it is time to retire, 20pp
- NEW Request approval to make the Ship Design Bureau a Vice Admiral billet, 15pp (Ship Design Bureau will be commanded by a Vice Admiral instead of a Rear Admiral)
- NEW Request approval to formally add a Cardassian Border Zone to the Key Sector list, 15pp (Adds a new Border Zone, Cardassian events will take place there instead of potentially in home sectors)
Ship Design Bureau - Constitution Light Cruiser Redesign proposal
Constitution Refit B [Cruiser] 2240-2300 (2306 Refit) [289m, 1m t]
C5 S3 H3 L4 P3 D5
Cost [100br, 80sr, 3 years], Crew [O-3, E-4, T-4]
It isn't quite as ideal as the planned Renaissance-class cruisers, but we have managed to re-engineer it to require few exotic materials to construct and maintain, automate more systems, and allow it to be built in a faster time frame. In order to accommodate these changes, some of the facilities that made the ship such a useful Explorer had to become limited, and the rapid construction time results in a somewhat weaker hull. Although workable as a stop-gap, it will become obsolete in 2330, and there isn't really anything further that can be done to help it past that point.
Federation Grading:
Current Minimum Science = 50 [Now 87]
Current Maximum Combat = 230 [Now 113]
(Soft cap, will gain +1 Militarisation per 10 pts over - will increase with Threat Level by 10)
Minimum Concurrent 5 Year Missions = 3
Current Militarisation Level = 2
Current Federation Threat Level = 5
Council Objectives:
85 Science by 2311 (Currently 87)
2 New Oberths by 2311
120 Defence by 2312 (Currently 96)
Starfleet Ambitions:
Operate no fewer than 5 concurrent Five Year Missions by 2311.
Current Federation Full Members:
Current Federation Affiliates:
Betazoids 389/500 - 1 = 388/500
Rigellians 223/500 + 16 = 239/500
Caitians 244/500 + 18 = 262/500
Amarki 451/500 + 22 = 473/500
Risa 187/500 + 26 = 213/500
Caldonians 190/500 + 13 = 203/500
Gaeni 171/500 + 21 = 192/500
Orions 161/500 + 13 = 174/500
Indorions 130/500 + 13 = 143/500
Currently Known Others Possible Members:
Sydraxians 60/100
Yrillians 45/100
Dawiar 25/100
Kadeshi 35/100
Sotaw 35/100
Gretarians 25/100
Major Powers
Romulans - Trending Positive
Klingons - At Peace
Cardassians - No Formal Treaty (Starfleet Captains advised combat is a possibility in any encounter)