Considering the sheer size of the population we are recruiting from I have to say that it is quite surprising to see how many family members end up following their parents footsteps...
[Leaniss attempts to demonstrate her ability to 'spike' a volleyball]

[cut to a volleyball deflated and impaled on a sword]

"...We seem to have a translation problem, Ms. Holena."
When we decide we finally want a reenactment of Kirk stealing the Enterprise.

Wait, didn't that needed with Kirk getting degraded back to captain? (and he only got that slap in the wrist because, well, the saved Earth, again, thing)

On any case, the skills of a Captain and that of an admiral are different, so even if she did something awesome and cool, it might not be an indicator of the things we want in a flag rank officer of that level
Eddie Leslie:

"Yeah, and look at the side effect. None of his trusty crew made rear admiral before sixty-five. If it weren't for that damn song I might have gotten promoted ahead of some of those poor bastards, and I'm such a crazy old wreck that when I turn up with my "Enterprise '66" five year mission patch, people look at me like I must have won it in a poker game."
Not everyone wants to be a flag officer?
Exactly. There is nothing wrong with not wanting to be promoted away from a job you love and into one you disdain. That's one of the key "utopia" points of the Federation in Star Trek; the only people who work and the ones who want to.

Given the up or out nature of Starfleet in TBG I wouldn't be surprised if that was one of the primary motivations behind retirements. There are plenty of people who just want to fly starships, save the dying, or study new and exciting space rocks. When your career advances to the point you are no longer allowed to do such things why wouldn't you retire?

I'm not saying up or out is a bad policy, it's absolutely needed given how few positions there are relative to the demand, but it does have consequences.
I'm not saying up or out is a bad policy, it's absolutely needed given how few positions there are relative to the demand, but it does have consequences.
Considering in Canon trek there are very likely hundreds of ships zipping about the galaxy it's probably a lot easier to leave people in charge of certain ships. Picard had the Enterprise-D for 7ish years and went on to command the Enterprise-E after that. Sadly we are incapable of doing that with our current fleet.
Not necessarily - it probably helps recruitment when people are already inured to the time away from planetside inherent to space travel.

Oh it wasn't intended as a critic and it is not like stuff like that doesn't happen in RL I just found it to be an interesting bit of worldbuilding. (And it has admittedly a lot of narrative value)

Didn't we already vote for Seruk's successor or something?

Pretty sure that's why he expected a vote here - in most cases a new admiral unlocked new options.

Though I personally am not that disappointed by the lack of the optionsituation here - the quest has in my opinion already more than enough votes in regards to placements of officers and often it is very hard to see any impact of our choices, especially when it comes to lower ranks or less important positions.
EOY - 2314
End of Year Report Card - 2314

Starting Resources
1323 Bulk Resources
603 Special Resources
193 Political Will
200 Research Points

Starting Personnel Pool
Standard Starfleet: 26.35 Officer, 35.45 Enlisted, 24.05 Techs
Explorer Corps: 9.5 Officer, 11.65 Enlisted, 12.6 Techs

Spent During the Year

1005 Bulk Industrial Resources
710 Special Industrial Resources
291 Political Will
232 Research Points

Standard: - 2 Officer, 3 Enlisted, 4 Technician
Explorer: -

Career Casualties
Standard: 19 Officer, 28 Enlisted, 25 Technician
Explorer: 6 Officer, 8 Enlisted, 7 Technician

1 Excelsior, 1 Constellation, 1 Centaur, 3 Miranda

Gained During the Year

Political Rewards


USS Enterprise


Gain +75 Relations with Seyek

New Race Encountered: the Ashidi, 50/100 starting

USS Courageous

Heavily damaged by Mentat experiment in Agamedes system

McAdams to have High Politics Trait post-Captaincy

USS Sarek


Straak will have Medium Politics instead of Low Politics

USS S'harien


+15 relations with Qloath
+15 relations with Seyek

Avoid rise in tension with RSE

USS Stargazer

-1yr from travel time

USS Odyssey


New Colony Option: Ulen Gao VII - 20 br/yr (base)
New Colony Option: Cronulla VI - 5rp/yr (base)

+25 Relations with Laio

USS Atuin


-25 relations with Licori

+1 Crew Rating

Other Ships

USS Avandar -
USS Blizzard - +15br
USS Bull -
USS Calypso -
USS Challorn -
USS Cheron - +10pp, +5rp
USS Cloudburst - Klingon incident averted
USS Defiant - +10pp, +10 relations with Honiani
USS Docana -
USS Dryad - +10pp, +25 Relations with Honiani
USS Eketha - +15sr
USS Endurance -
USS Excelsior -
USS Gale - +5pp, +25 Relations with Yan-Ros
USS Hawking -
USS Hood - new colony option: Piara V, 25br/yr base
USS Inspire -
USS Lightning - -20sr
USS Renaissance - +10rp
USS Salnas - +10pp, avert flashpoint, +25 Relations with Seyek
USS Sappho -
USS Stalwart - +5rp, -10pp
USS Thirishar - +10pp, +30br, gain +25 Relations with Caldonia
USS Thunderhead - +5pp
USS T'Mir - +5rp, +5pp, +10 relations with Seyek
USS Torbriel - +5pp
USS Valiant -
USS Vigour - +5pp, +5rp
USS Winterwind -
USS Yukikaze - new SR mining colony: Peco Sigma +10 SR/yr base
USS Zephyr - +5pp

Ships Lost

Ships Damaged

USS Courageous, Excelsior
USS Kumari, Excelsior
USS Repulbic, Constitution-B
USS Exeter, Constitution-B
USS Valiant, Constitution-B
USS Challorn, Constellation
USS Bon Vivant, Miranda-A
USS Fidelity, Miranda-A
USS Shield, Miranda-A

Ships Scrapped

Ships Laid Down

4 Renaissance
3 Miranda-A

2 Miranda-A Refits

Ships Crewed
4 Excelsior
1 Constitution-B

Ship Commissioned
USS Atuin - Excelsior, NCC-2014

USS Agile, Miranda-A, NCC-1662
USS Bantam, Miranda-A, NCC-1663
USS Clarion, Miranda-A, NCC-1664
USS Typhoon, Centaur-A, NCC-2124
USS Cloudburst, Centaur-A, NCC-2125

Refit - USS Bon Vivant - Miranda-A, NCC-1621
Refit - USS T'Kumbra - Miranda-A, NCC-1659

Final Stockpile with Annual Income
1323 - 1005 + 75 + 830 = 1223 Bulk Resources
603 - 710 + 145 + 610 = 648 Special Resources
193 - 291 + 145 + 136 = 183 Political Will
200 - 232 + 95 + 190 = 253 Research Points

New Personnel Pool
Standard Starfleet:
21.05 - 23 + 0 + 14.2 = 12.25 Officer
27.6 - 20 + 0 + 17.65 = 25.25 Enlisted
20.1 - 20 + 0 + 18.55 = 18.65 Techs
Explorer Corps:
6.75 - 6 + 0 + 3.5 = 4.25 Officer
8.6 - 5 + 0 + 2.95 = 6.55 Enlisted
9.55 - 5 + 0 + 2.7 = 7.25 Techs

Standard Starfleet: 12.25 Officer, 25.25 Enlisted, 18.65 Techs
Explorer Corps: 4.25 Officer, 6.55 Enlisted, 7.25 Techs
Oh hey, the EOY matches my preliminary audit thing :D

A pity we didn't get any extra SR from the 2314.Q2.M2 GBZ woznium deposit discovery in 8 Baker that didn't have a corresponding reward entry, which I noted in that post :(

edit: also frantically double-checking my audit...

Standard: - 2 Officer, 3 Enlisted, 4 Technician
Explorer: -

Confirmation that non-Starfleet casualties in the service of Starfleet missions or commands are counted toward the total. In 2304, this included the Andorian casualties (E-2 T-1). This year, it includes Amarki casualties (E-1 T-2) and Apiata casualties (E-1 T-1).


I expected some kind of vote to come with the Rat Race post, now that Personnel is no longer Old Guard.

So was I, but maybe it's not actually a Q4 Rat Race thing and is actually some other scheduled update. Like how we get Q4 intel report, but vote on those intel reports in Q2.
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Oh shit, another Sappho crewer in the LBZ. The Reunion tour gets better and better.

Also: Wolfe's going to be so jealous that Holena gets to be on T'Lorel's flagship. As I'm sure anyone would be!
I'm pretty sure T'Lorel will command from one of the explorers? Though I don't doubt Renaissance has a decent set of flag accomodations.
Task Force 3 CO - Rear Admiral T'Lorel
-Flag: USS Renaissance
-- Task Group 3.1 CO - Commodore Brufraogm Wev
---Flag: RDS Yagad-Tich
-- Task Group 3.2 CO - Commodore Erzath zh'Darlyth
---Flag: USS Endurance
I know, I thought it was odd too.

EDIT: I can kind of see the logic [heh] though. T'Lorel keeps the sub-commanders on the heaviest flags so they can coordinate from the thick of it; meanwhile if T'Lorel has to coordinate from one place or another or hang back it's not as big of a drop in combat power. Also, I suspect the facilities on the Renaissance are brand new, state-of-the-art, and perfectly suited to large-scale coordination.

Less logically, maybe she likes that new ship smell.
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Oh fuck


The BR should be +15 - my audit spreadsheet wasn't adding a 15 because it's a hyperlink (https://forums.sufficientvelocity.c...-starfleet-quest.32005/page-1545#post-8119715), which Google Sheets isn't summing for some reason.

So BR should be:
1323 - 1005 + 90 + 830 = 1238 Bulk Resources

Sorry about that :(

edit: After accounting for other errors, this explains the 15br difference from Briefvoice's spreadsheet (those BV spreadsheet errors being: missing Valiant T-1 casualty, still having default speculative EC casualties)
edit2: Fixed in my spreadsheet
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Final Stockpile with Annual Income
200 - 232 + 95 + 190 = 253 Research Points

Hey, nice to see we are already 21 over on research points from what we spent this year! Must be the new Colony Core tech in action :)

So, are we getting another science team (or two) next year, and if so, what do we need? There seems to be a slew of options open all over the place.
Hey, nice to see we are already 21 over on research points from what we spent this year! Must be the new Colony Core tech in action :)

So, are we getting another science team (or two) next year, and if so, what do we need? There seems to be a slew of options open all over the place.

My current wish list:
  • Weapons/Offensive Doctrine (working on weapons for the next while, switching to offensive doctrine when the first project there is completed)
  • Starbase Design/Defensive Doctrine (working on defensive doctrine for quite a while, switching to starbase design when the forward defense tree is complete or mostly complete)
Somewhat lower priority:
  • Shields/Whatever (working on shields for the forseeable future)
  • Starbase Design/Whatever (in addition to the team listed above and unlike that one working on starbase design immediately and for the forseeable future)